Fox News Median viewer age: 68

Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I smell bullshite...

There must be a ton of old people out there because Fox is kickin' CNN's and others' asses in the ratings....

A ton of mouth-breathers, maybe:

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests
Based on the posts of lib CNN viewers on this board, they are 1 or 2 points above PLANT LIFE. How any of them can watch side-by-side views of Hillary and FBI Director Comey, watch/listen to Hillary say something, watch Comey then declare THAT'S NOT TRUE, and STILL claim Hillary did nothing wrong you're a 'special' kind of Stupid.
Spend an hour watching Fox News and you'll be solicited for every kind of geriatric prescription med on the market plus a chair that will take your old fat @ss up your stairs and back down again. I'd say 68 is the lower end of their viewership.
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I smell bullshite...

There must be a ton of old people out there because Fox is kickin' CNN's and others' asses in the ratings....

A ton of mouth-breathers, maybe:

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests

I'm an NPR listener and there's no comparison. NPR doesn't need anchors wearing false eyelashes, SJP hair extensions, low cut cleavage, short skirts and shiny stilettos to broadcast their news.
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I smell bullshite...

There must be a ton of old people out there because Fox is kickin' CNN's and others' asses in the ratings....

A ton of mouth-breathers, maybe:

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests
Based on the posts of lib CNN viewers on this board, they are 1 or 2 points above PLANT LIFE. How any of them can watch side-by-side views of Hillary and FBI Director Comey, watch/listen to Hillary say something, watch Comey then declare THAT'S NOT TRUE, and STILL claim Hillary did nothing wrong you're a 'special' kind of Stupid.

Attack CNN because you can't defend Fox News?
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
Dog whistle?

I'd question the release of an enemy combatant and it is not "fear!"

Another Progressive Marxist who finds it acceptable to release terrorists and criminals to continuously prey on the weak. As we bury those they kill as well as the soldiers who protect them.

Don't make me laugh. U.S. soldiers aren't protecting shit in any modern wars except corporate interests. Thanks for being cannon fodder, though.
Don't make me laugh.

Please list our corporate interests, in Iraq, that are protected by the current forces deployed.

Afghanistan? Besides Russian, Iranian and China's oil interests.

Cannon fodder. Hilarious.

I'll wait till your off work as a crash test dummy.

Halliburton, Blackwater, Exxon-Mobil, etc. Really? You don't know this?'

Check out either Blackwater's or Hallburton's stock prices before 2003, and after. But yeah, war-profiteering is a myth.

One thing's for sure, the ordinary American citizen certainly has not seen their personal interests protected by forces in Afghanistan or Iraq.
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I smell bullshite...

There must be a ton of old people out there because Fox is kickin' CNN's and others' asses in the ratings....

A ton of mouth-breathers, maybe:

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests
Based on the posts of lib CNN viewers on this board, they are 1 or 2 points above PLANT LIFE. How any of them can watch side-by-side views of Hillary and FBI Director Comey, watch/listen to Hillary say something, watch Comey then declare THAT'S NOT TRUE, and STILL claim Hillary did nothing wrong you're a 'special' kind of Stupid.

Attack CNN because you can't defend Fox News?
No need to defend Fox. FOX's ratings kicks CNN's Ass because it is so trustworthy.

CNN is like Hillary - only 1 in 10 Seems to think CNN is trustworthy. :p
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I smell bullshite...

There must be a ton of old people out there because Fox is kickin' CNN's and others' asses in the ratings....

A ton of mouth-breathers, maybe:

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests
Based on the posts of lib CNN viewers on this board, they are 1 or 2 points above PLANT LIFE. How any of them can watch side-by-side views of Hillary and FBI Director Comey, watch/listen to Hillary say something, watch Comey then declare THAT'S NOT TRUE, and STILL claim Hillary did nothing wrong you're a 'special' kind of Stupid.

Attack CNN because you can't defend Fox News?
No need to defend Fox. FOX's ratings kicks CNN's Ass because it is so trustworthy.

CNN is like Hillary - only 1 in 10 Seems to think CNN is trustworthy. :p

Right. And lots of people went to see Titanic because it was a true story.
CNN was just busted for editing and hiding the racist comments of protesting little thugs in their news report - you probably heard of it, it's all over the news...EXCEPT for CNN. :p

CNN recently openly bragged about 'giving Hillary a pass on eveything' and doing everything they can to help her win. Links, videos, etc all on this board in several threads...

...and you're trying to claim CNN is 'trustworthy'...

CNN was just busyed for editing and hiding the racist comments of protesting little thugs in their news report - you probably heard of it , it's all over the news...EXCEPT for CNN. :p

CNN recently openly bragged about 'giving Hillary a pass on eveything' and doing everything they can to jelp her win. Links, videos, etc all on this board in several threads...

...and you're trying to claim CNN is 'trustworthy'...


This thread was in no way started to promote viewership of CNN. I think all the 24 hour networks are harmful.

It's just that Fox News BEGAN the disingenuous reporting and they have the most severe negative impact on the electorate, and how informed it is.
People are surprise that CNN, known for so long as "Conservative News Network", isn't a great network? We've been pointing that out to everyone for years.

Just because a network doesn't kiss Trump's butt with as much gusto as FOX, that doesn't make them liberal.
"A man who is not a Liberal in his youth has no heart. A man who is not a Conservative in his grey hairs has no brains."

Winston S. Churchill - apochryphal attribution

Churchill never said this. And that is not the accurate quote.

Quotes Falsely Attributed to Winston Churchill

Anyway, the guy was a liberal in his later years.
Did you read the fine print? "apocryphal attribution" - look it up...

No, I saw "apochryphal" attribution.
"A man who is not a Liberal in his youth has no heart. A man who is not a Conservative in his grey hairs has no brains."

Winston S. Churchill - apochryphal attribution

Churchill never said this. And that is not the accurate quote.

Quotes Falsely Attributed to Winston Churchill

Anyway, the guy was a liberal in his later years.
Did you read the fine print? "apocryphal attribution" - look it up...

No, I saw "apochryphal" attribution.
Then our business is done here.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

Obama releasing high-risk detainees is news. Do you think it should be kept a secret?
15 terrorists that might end up killing more Americans like some have is what you call a dog whistle?

As far as the poll, who's going to answer that except older lonely people?


None of those 15 detainees threaten anyone watching TV. What is threatening is our own government flouting the constitution by keeping them locked up in some purgatory between criminal imprisonment and POW camp. You can't make up reasons to hold people.
Foreign nationals don't have Constitutional rights, especially if they are not on US soil, which is why it's in Gitmo. How do you know what the released terrorists will do?

Have you never heard of the Geneva Convention?

How much peril do you want to put captured U.S. soldiers in?
They aren't being tortured in Gitmo, treated pretty good actually. But you shifted from the Constitution to the Geneva Convention pretty quick. Almost as if you didn't know what you were talking about.

You either have to follow the geneva convention, or the Constitution. One or the other. It's clear we're violating the Geneva Convention by holding POWs indefinitely even after hostilities are over. Moreover, we're holding people from countries with whom we're not at war. It's a mess. Read even ONE scholarly piece on Gitmo and you'd know that.

You're an excellent example of why Fox news is poisoning political conversations in the U.S. with lie after lie.

You stepped on your own dick when you said "even when hostilities are over."
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
Dog whistle?

I'd question the release of an enemy combatant and it is not "fear!"

Another Progressive Marxist who finds it acceptable to release terrorists and criminals to continuously prey on the weak. As we bury those they kill as well as the soldiers who protect them.

Don't make me laugh. U.S. soldiers aren't protecting shit in any modern wars except corporate interests. Thanks for being cannon fodder, though.
Don't make me laugh.

Please list our corporate interests, in Iraq, that are protected by the current forces deployed.

Afghanistan? Besides Russian, Iranian and China's oil interests.

Cannon fodder. Hilarious.

I'll wait till your off work as a crash test dummy.

Halliburton, Blackwater, Exxon-Mobil, etc. Really? You don't know this?'

Check out either Blackwater's or Hallburton's stock prices before 2003, and after. But yeah, war-profiteering is a myth.

One thing's for sure, the ordinary American citizen certainly has not seen their personal interests protected by forces in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Osama bin Laden masterminded the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon from Afghanistan where he was under the protection of the Taliban. I suggest it was in the ordinary American citizens interest to attack and destroy both to prevent a repeat attack. It got pretty personal to the survivors of the 3,000+ that were killed on 911.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
Dog whistle?

I'd question the release of an enemy combatant and it is not "fear!"

Another Progressive Marxist who finds it acceptable to release terrorists and criminals to continuously prey on the weak. As we bury those they kill as well as the soldiers who protect them.

Don't make me laugh. U.S. soldiers aren't protecting shit in any modern wars except corporate interests. Thanks for being cannon fodder, though.
Don't make me laugh
Please list our corporate interests, in Iraq, that are protected by the current forces deployed.

Afghanistan? Besides Russian, Iranian and China's oil interests.

Cannon fodder. Hilarious.

I'll wait till your off work as a crash test dummy.

Halliburton, Blackwater, Exxon-Mobil, etc. Really? You don't know this?'

Check out either Blackwater's or Hallburton's stock prices before 2003, and after. But yeah, war-profiteering is a myth.

One thing's for sure, the ordinary American citizen certainly has not seen their personal interests protected by forces in Afghanistan or Iraq.
These companies have been using private security forces, mercenaries, not the US Military forces.

Are these Corporations residing on our Military Reservations?

I'm aware of Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil, etc.


I thought we were on the subject of 15 high risk detainees, being released by this administration.

I still question the notion. They will he back on the battlefield. Soldiers are still at risk as well as innocents. Not just our soldiers. My post did not specifically state US soldiers.

As far as the rest of your post, I do agree, these Corporations should not be profiteering from war.

And it is unfortunate that we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. And troops are returning, as boots on the ground.

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