Fox News Median viewer age: 68

I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

Seeing Fox's headlines and understanding what a proper news headline is, and to address the context of your OP, I am inspired to wonder just what is indicated by Fox's insistence on using headlines to tell folks how/what to think about soemthing that occurred rather than simply using them to tell folks what occurred:
  • Fox's awareness of the limited cognitive analysis abilities of its target or primary audience?
  • Fox's awareness of it's target or primary audience's unwillingness to think critically and soundly?
  • Fox and its editorial board members' hubris?
  • Fox's not being able or not wanting to make the transition from "novelty mouthpiece," sensationalist "news," and bias confirmer to serious and objective news organization?
  • Fox's awareness that younger conservatives aren't as "oblivious" (or worse) as are older ones?
  • Something else?
Whatever be the reason and however intriguing it is to discover it, there can be no denying Fox's liberal use of biased headlines. The phenomenon isn't limited within the conservative news empire to Fox. For example:
  • Headline 1:
    • Legit news version:

    • "Fox" version:
  • Headline 2:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 3:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 4:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 5:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:


Fox cited/quoted each of the headlines above, regardless of whether Fox personnel wrote the headline and the related story that accompanied it. That in my mind is even worse than writing those headlines while purporting to be a new organization. Why? Because it indicates that Fox either doesn't realize that "fair and balanced" necessarily means unbiased from start to finish or they do and just don't care and are thereby willing to contribute to the problem of Americans making poor choices due to their being fed slanted information, the slant of which they believe, rather than being a part of the solution that unrelentingly allows viewers to think for themselves.
The problem is actually that you think the Associated Press is somehow a media demigod that can do no wrong, not what Fox does.

Jon Stewart had a hell of a good time stringing you idiots along thinking Comedy Central was a news station.
Another FOX is losing its grip as America's number one cable news station. They are doomed!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
Dog whistle?

I'd question the release of an enemy combatant and it is not "fear!"

Another Progressive Marxist who finds it acceptable to release terrorists and criminals to continuously prey on the weak. As we bury those they kill as well as the soldiers who protect them.

Don't make me laugh. U.S. soldiers aren't protecting shit in any modern wars except corporate interests. Thanks for being cannon fodder, though.
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I smell bullshite...

There must be a ton of old people out there because Fox is kickin' CNN's and others' asses in the ratings....

A ton of mouth-breathers, maybe:

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
Dog whistle?

I'd question the release of an enemy combatant and it is not "fear!"

Another Progressive Marxist who finds it acceptable to release terrorists and criminals to continuously prey on the weak. As we bury those they kill as well as the soldiers who protect them.

Don't make me laugh. U.S. soldiers aren't protecting shit in any modern wars except corporate interests. Thanks for being cannon fodder, though.
So no US troops are fighting ISIS? You've painted yourself into a corner, few will join you there. But it's to be expected from someone that fucks up his own thread right out of the gate.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

Seeing Fox's headlines and understanding what a proper news headline is, and to address the context of your OP, I am inspired to wonder just what is indicated by Fox's insistence on using headlines to tell folks how/what to think about soemthing that occurred rather than simply using them to tell folks what occurred:
  • Fox's awareness of the limited cognitive analysis abilities of its target or primary audience?
  • Fox's awareness of it's target or primary audience's unwillingness to think critically and soundly?
  • Fox and its editorial board members' hubris?
  • Fox's not being able or not wanting to make the transition from "novelty mouthpiece," sensationalist "news," and bias confirmer to serious and objective news organization?
  • Fox's awareness that younger conservatives aren't as "oblivious" (or worse) as are older ones?
  • Something else?
Whatever be the reason and however intriguing it is to discover it, there can be no denying Fox's liberal use of biased headlines. The phenomenon isn't limited within the conservative news empire to Fox. For example:
  • Headline 1:
    • Legit news version:

    • "Fox" version:
  • Headline 2:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 3:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 4:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 5:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:


Fox cited/quoted each of the headlines above, regardless of whether Fox personnel wrote the headline and the related story that accompanied it. That in my mind is even worse than writing those headlines while purporting to be a new organization. Why? Because it indicates that Fox either doesn't realize that "fair and balanced" necessarily means unbiased from start to finish or they do and just don't care and are thereby willing to contribute to the problem of Americans making poor choices due to their being fed slanted information, the slant of which they believe, rather than being a part of the solution that unrelentingly allows viewers to think for themselves.
The problem is actually that you think the Associated Press is somehow a media demigod that can do no wrong, not what Fox does.

Jon Stewart had a hell of a good time stringing you idiots along thinking Comedy Central was a news station.

Funny that you say this considering Daily Show viewers were revealed to have a better handle on the facts and headlines than Fox Viewers:

If the Daily Show was pure comedy, what was Fox? A cartoon network?
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I figured that from their commercials--medications and medical supplies. I don't think young people watch tv news, is all. They get it on their phones.

I'm in my 50's and I get my news from the internet. I use sites like flipboard to scroll through for news stories and also Bing...

Can't stand Fox, CNN or MSNBC because of their political spin...
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

You can go ahead and include abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, and msnbc.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
15 terrorists that might end up killing more Americans like some have is what you call a dog whistle?

As far as the poll, who's going to answer that except older lonely people?


None of those 15 detainees threaten anyone watching TV. What is threatening is our own government flouting the constitution by keeping them locked up in some purgatory between criminal imprisonment and POW camp. You can't make up reasons to hold people.
Foreign nationals don't have Constitutional rights, especially if they are not on US soil, which is why it's in Gitmo. How do you know what the released terrorists will do?

Have you never heard of the Geneva Convention?

How much peril ransom do you want to put captured U.S. soldiers in?
There, fixed it.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

You can go ahead and include abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, and msnbc.

To some degree, sure. But Fox does it at a rate that makes the others pale in comparison. Hence, ratings.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

Seeing Fox's headlines and understanding what a proper news headline is, and to address the context of your OP, I am inspired to wonder just what is indicated by Fox's insistence on using headlines to tell folks how/what to think about soemthing that occurred rather than simply using them to tell folks what occurred:
  • Fox's awareness of the limited cognitive analysis abilities of its target or primary audience?
  • Fox's awareness of it's target or primary audience's unwillingness to think critically and soundly?
  • Fox and its editorial board members' hubris?
  • Fox's not being able or not wanting to make the transition from "novelty mouthpiece," sensationalist "news," and bias confirmer to serious and objective news organization?
  • Fox's awareness that younger conservatives aren't as "oblivious" (or worse) as are older ones?
  • Something else?
Whatever be the reason and however intriguing it is to discover it, there can be no denying Fox's liberal use of biased headlines. The phenomenon isn't limited within the conservative news empire to Fox. For example:
  • Headline 1:
    • Legit news version:

    • "Fox" version:
  • Headline 2:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 3:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 4:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 5:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:


Fox cited/quoted each of the headlines above, regardless of whether Fox personnel wrote the headline and the related story that accompanied it. That in my mind is even worse than writing those headlines while purporting to be a new organization. Why? Because it indicates that Fox either doesn't realize that "fair and balanced" necessarily means unbiased from start to finish or they do and just don't care and are thereby willing to contribute to the problem of Americans making poor choices due to their being fed slanted information, the slant of which they believe, rather than being a part of the solution that unrelentingly allows viewers to think for themselves.

Spot on post. I'd love to read a rebuttal from a Fox News fan, do you think one who can write one actually exists?
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

Seeing Fox's headlines and understanding what a proper news headline is, and to address the context of your OP, I am inspired to wonder just what is indicated by Fox's insistence on using headlines to tell folks how/what to think about soemthing that occurred rather than simply using them to tell folks what occurred:
  • Fox's awareness of the limited cognitive analysis abilities of its target or primary audience?
  • Fox's awareness of it's target or primary audience's unwillingness to think critically and soundly?
  • Fox and its editorial board members' hubris?
  • Fox's not being able or not wanting to make the transition from "novelty mouthpiece," sensationalist "news," and bias confirmer to serious and objective news organization?
  • Fox's awareness that younger conservatives aren't as "oblivious" (or worse) as are older ones?
  • Something else?
Whatever be the reason and however intriguing it is to discover it, there can be no denying Fox's liberal use of biased headlines. The phenomenon isn't limited within the conservative news empire to Fox. For example:
  • Headline 1:
    • Legit news version:

    • "Fox" version:
  • Headline 2:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 3:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 4:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 5:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:


Fox cited/quoted each of the headlines above, regardless of whether Fox personnel wrote the headline and the related story that accompanied it. That in my mind is even worse than writing those headlines while purporting to be a new organization. Why? Because it indicates that Fox either doesn't realize that "fair and balanced" necessarily means unbiased from start to finish or they do and just don't care and are thereby willing to contribute to the problem of Americans making poor choices due to their being fed slanted information, the slant of which they believe, rather than being a part of the solution that unrelentingly allows viewers to think for themselves.
The problem is actually that you think the Associated Press is somehow a media demigod that can do no wrong, not what Fox does.

Jon Stewart had a hell of a good time stringing you idiots along thinking Comedy Central was a news station.

Boy, you've missed the point by miles. Stewart and Colbert exposed the news for what it has become, and didn't claim BREAKING NEWS in reporting it. Their reporting was honest, funny, factual satire in the mold of Will Rogers and Mark Twain. Too sophisticated for you, apparently.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

You can go ahead and include abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, and msnbc.

To some degree, sure. But Fox does it at a rate that makes the others pale in comparison. Hence, ratings.

Thats assigning a degree of relevance. All of them are biased. Theyre all pale in comparison.
What do you think I/ we was born conservative?

I /we grew up.

More than likely.

Studies show people adopt the political and social views of their parents.

But the point of the thread is that Fox News has been a hugely galvinizing force for right-wing politics since it appeared in 1996. Facts, when put through the prism of Fox News, are biased in favor of Republicans. That's not very controversial. But cable news is falling out of fashion for the upcoming generation.

and the old pasty faced bloated cross wavers aren't the future of America
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I figured that from their commercials--medications and medical supplies. I don't think young people watch tv news, is all. They get it on their phones.

I'm in my 50's and I get my news from the internet. I use sites like flipboard to scroll through for news stories and also Bing...

Can't stand Fox, CNN or MSNBC because of their political spin...
They won't believe you. It doesn't fit their narrative.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
Dog whistle?

I'd question the release of an enemy combatant and it is not "fear!"

Another Progressive Marxist who finds it acceptable to release terrorists and criminals to continuously prey on the weak. As we bury those they kill as well as the soldiers who protect them.

Don't make me laugh. U.S. soldiers aren't protecting shit in any modern wars except corporate interests. Thanks for being cannon fodder, though.
Don't make me laugh.

Please list our corporate interests, in Iraq, that are protected by the current forces deployed.

Afghanistan? Besides Russian, Iranian and China's oil interests.

Cannon fodder. Hilarious.

I'll wait till your off work as a crash test dummy.
What do you think I/ we was born conservative?

I /we grew up.

More than likely.

Studies show people adopt the political and social views of their parents.

But the point of the thread is that Fox News has been a hugely galvinizing force for right-wing politics since it appeared in 1996. Facts, when put through the prism of Fox News, are biased in favor of Republicans. That's not very controversial. But cable news is falling out of fashion for the upcoming generation.

and the old pasty faced bloated cross wavers aren't the future of America
No they are not the future of America.

Their children and grandchildren are.

Let's hope they don't fuck it up any worse than its already becoming.

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