Fox News Median viewer age: 68

Any "study" that says we are born conservative is straight out of a rubber room.

Good thing the study didn't say that, eh?

If you had read about it, you would have known that, but that would have been too much trouble for you, and it might have interfered with your raging.

So, thanks for providing more evidence of the emotional nature of conservatives.
You see emotion because you view the world through emotional filters. Blaming your shortcomings onto others is a hallmark of the left. All one needs to do is study this board and see how libs get excited when you fail to agree with them.

Anyone that talks to one knows it too. They lie, smear and project their faults onto others hoping it masks the truth.
Foreign nationals don't have Constitutional rights, especially if they are not on US soil, which is why it's in Gitmo. How do you know what the released terrorists will do?

Have you never heard of the Geneva Convention?

How much peril do you want to put captured U.S. soldiers in?
They aren't being tortured in Gitmo, treated pretty good actually. But you shifted from the Constitution to the Geneva Convention pretty quick. Almost as if you didn't know what you were talking about.

You either have to follow the geneva convention, or the Constitution. One or the other. It's clear we're violating the Geneva Convention by holding POWs indefinitely even after hostilities are over. Moreover, we're holding people from countries with whom we're not at war. It's a mess. Read even ONE scholarly piece on Gitmo and you'd know that.

You're an excellent example of why Fox news is poisoning political conversations in the U.S. with lie after lie.
Where does it say you must follow one or the other? What about other countries? Doesn't make sense, a citizen would be under the Constitution, there's no if ands or buts about it.

But go ahead and show us where it says how long we are to hold prisoners. You have failed in supporting your allegations so far. And explain where it says we must release them once "hostilities are over". This should be good.

Geneva Conventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you just suffer from a deficit of information. Start here.
No content. Invalid post. Plus posting wikipedia is as dumb as it gets anyway.

News flash. There is no conservative cable news. There is less liberal, but not conservative. So, we are already getting our news from AM radio, and the internet. But, being the well informed person that you are, I'm sure you already knew that.

LMAO, that would be a newsflash. Look, this sort of debate could rage on forever, but please try and make the case that Fox News is not the conservative/GOP mouthpiece.
The thread YOU STARTED was about the median age and how the median age of 68 is a dinosaur to you. Now you want to shift it to conservativism? You derailed your own thread. LOL

Nope, those were the words of the news article. Not me.

And 68 is, by any objective measure, old. Human life spans in the U.S. are maybe 10 years beyond that.
You didn't post the article but you said

"Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?"

So now the topic is FOX is conservative, NOT the age of the viewers?

Another poster challenged the accepted fact that Fox posts news with a conservative bias.

If you can't keep up with the conversation, again, leave. Or at least have the decency to shut up.
I've responded quite well to it. It's why your panties are getting bunched up. You can't even find the portion on wikilinks that makes your case. How dumb is that?
Thread moved from CDZ because the opener is a political call-out plain and simple.

The CDZ is supposed to be reserved for civil discourse only.
Thread moved from CDZ because the opener is a political call-out plain and simple.

The CDZ is supposed to be reserved for civil discourse only.

Then omit the fucking posts that make it NOT civil. Don't move the whole thread because some troglodytes can't hang.
Thread moved from CDZ because the opener is a political call-out plain and simple.

The CDZ is supposed to be reserved for civil discourse only.

Then omit the fucking posts that make it NOT civil. Don't move the whole thread because some troglodytes can't hang.
I think you missed his point. LOL

Oh I see. The right-wing shitheads here are too emotional and butthurt to have the unquestioned impartiality of Fox News, um....questioned.

What a fucking gay-ass message board forum this is. Just call it the Neo-Con Fun Zone and be done with it.
Seriously you know how ridiculous that sounds and slapped in the face of reality?

The reality is you act like a spoiled toddler, and you're a conservative.

The reality is that far more conservatives than liberals here act like spoiled toddlers. This board is strong evidence of how maturity is associated with being liberal.

I showed an actual study. The conservatives responded with anger and anecdotes. Liberals are reason-based, conservatives are feelings-based.
Really? wow, just wow. Ever actually looked at what people are posting? Inevitably threads devolve into no, you are. No, you are. It's really sad. Often times they start out with reasonable discussion then the idiots, on both sides come in, and the adults leave.
I wonder how long it will take here. Oh, wait, you already started it.

He didn't start it. It was started by a board conservative who made the snarky "we grow up" [and become conservatives] comment. Read the thread. If this devolves into something personal, it certainly didn't start with his post. Two conservative posters have since weighed in to characterize liberals as whiny children. Meanwhile, liberals in this thread have provided links to articles, studies, and have provided reasonable responses.

My My, I answered your question in the OP...

And you don't like the facts that liberals grow up and turn into conservatives?

Don't ask the question then...

The biggest ideology is conservatism and that's after being indoctertated from K~college by liberalism.

"Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?

Honestly, I see the Trump phenomenon in the GOP as little but a dying gasp of that portion of America that yearns for the days when "white = right" and in spite of one's relative ineptitude and ignorance, one could nonetheless sustain a financially reasonable existence. The rest of the GOP and the Democrats, as well, recognize that the U.S. is shifting every closer to being a full on meritocracy. That's especially and unsurprisingly frightening to those folks who would rather not have to work hard enough to compete with their countrymen to get the "good jobs" that are in abundance now, but that require either intellectual acuity, physical adroitness or both.
  • They don't like immigrants because many of them come to the U.S. with either innate business creation ability and motivations or with advanced degrees and technological know how.
  • They don't like minorities who are here because increasingly they are ensured of having the same opportunities to demonstrate their ability to be high performers and when they are given that opportunity, they rise to it.
  • They want the U.S. to have more low skilled labor jobs, but they expect those jobs to pay on par with skilled labor jobs and yet produce goods/services that must compete with those made elsewhere by low skilled and lowly paid workers. (Nevermind that such a combination of factors of production has never existed profitably.)

That is a nice theory but do you realize that what is being proposed isn't anything new at all but something that has existed for a very long time. These laws were created a long time ago so whatever actions that some people want done are nothing more than enforcing 'bigoted' laws NOT created by them. And many democratic presidents have publicly said that immigration is our nation's top problem. Even Obama boast about deporting illegals so I don't understand how any of this can be rooted in racism.
"A man who is not a Liberal in his youth has no heart. A man who is not a Conservative in his grey hairs has no brains."

Winston S. Churchill - apochryphal attribution
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I figured that from their commercials--medications and medical supplies. I don't think young people watch tv news, is all. They get it on their phones.

They used to get their news from Jon Stewart, Ms. Lady. But now Noah Trevor is doing a wonderful job!
Conservative economic policies just work better because they understand that human beings are selfish when it comes to money. The old story in the bible when Jesus said it is easier for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than to go through the eye of a needle (something like that) really shows that human beings will give almost everything they have up until it comes to money and their wealth. It is just human nature to do that and I prefer something that works to something that doesn't.
That is a nice theory but do you realize that what is being proposed isn't anything new at all but something that has existed for a very long time.

I'm sorry, what has the novelty of an idea/proposal to do with its veracity or relevance?

Enforcing pre-existing laws isn't asking people to do something new so you can't say that white people are getting united to stop things that was previously legal. It already existed before.
What I find a appalling about FOXNews is that the only way a woman can get a job there is if she dresses like a Las Vegas cocktail waitress and spends more time in the makeup room than she does on air. Those types are definitely more appealing to old geezers touching themselves in their dirty, plaid BarcaLoungers.
What do you think I/ we was born conservative?

I /we grew up.

"we was" LOL

I was born in 1947, and I can see no advantage to a nation being governed by conservatives. Was Nazi Germany liberal or conservative? Was Stalin's politburo liberal or conservative? Was Tojo's Japan liberal or conservative? Was Pol Pot's, Cambodia liberal or conservative?

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