Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

If there were two million Jews confined to an open air prison being told to evacuate north, then south, then north every few days as bombs reign down on them and 40,000 of them had been slaughtered while we watched, I wonder if you'd also disapprove of those taking to the streets and protesting about it?
sherlock and grau would be celebrating just as they continue to dance on the dead bodies of jewish infants and continue to invent stories about TENS OF THOUSANDS of "murdered" Gazans and their mythological OPEN, AIR PRISONm which has a fully opened, scores of miles long border, with Egypt and tunnels from Gaza into Egypt and scores of miles of heavily fortified tunnels packed with food and cold cash
" Grammar Context In Address "

* No Big Deal Just Following Protocol *

who is delighted---WHOM is the object of a preposition Grau is delighted
Who is used in reference to multiple individuals , while whom is used in reference to a single individual .

The response to myself included a reference to grau and second person reference to ' you ' in context of the sentence referred to the one being addressed , while he would have been the correct and consistent reference to grau ; thus , though the likely intended meaning was understood , the context required a challenge for clarification :) .
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sherlock and grau would be celebrating just as they continue to dance on the dead bodies of jewish infants and continue to invent stories about TENS OF THOUSANDS of "murdered" Gazans and their mythological OPEN, AIR PRISONm which has a fully opened, scores of miles long border, with Egypt and tunnels from Gaza into Egypt and scores of miles of heavily fortified tunnels packed with food and cold cash
This is nothing more than denialism, you are the same as the holocaust deniers, they too actually believe there was no genocide attempt on the Jews, that it is all propaganda by the victorious powers of WW2, staged photographs, inaccurate reporting, exaggeration and so on.

Such people are rightfully ridiculed as you should be too, one cannot convince you of the facts and one cannot convince a holocaust denier, it is a state of mind, a belief and seemingly unshakable.

You've convinced yourself that you are morally superior to the Nazis, yet like them, you approve of mass slaughter, approve of the systematic abuse of an entire ethnic group, you are no better than Himmler, you and your ilk, men like Smotrich and Ben-Gvir, evil to the core and to be resisted and exposed at every opportunity.
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got bad news for Grau----the jews that lived
in the lands invaded by the muzzies---were literate and did keep records over the centuries that they endured that filth that so delights you
See how easily you slip into character here, using a term like "the muzzies" yet if a person wrote "the kikes" you'd jump up and down screaming "antisemitism" like the hypocritical entitled Zionist that you are.

Your posts are Islamophobic rants for the most part you are an antisemite its just that Jews are not your target.

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