fox news once again proves its full of lying sacks of shit

Cheap shot

Agreed, it was a cheap shot by Fox.
But that is one of their business principles.

Again, there was no fucking laughter to cut. They didn't cut the tape to make it look like no one laughed.... NO ONE LAUGHED. So, they joked about it.

Jeeeez, the left are a humorless bunch of partisan bitches who'll whine about anything... whether it's accurate or created by Media Matters makes no difference to you brain dead borg.
Except for those who laughed and applauded!!! :cuckoo:

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Mercy chuckles and the golf clap are far from "laughs and applause".
Agreed, it was a cheap shot by Fox.
But that is one of their business principles.

Again, there was no fucking laughter to cut. They didn't cut the tape to make it look like no one laughed.... NO ONE LAUGHED. So, they joked about it.

Jeeeez, the left are a humorless bunch of partisan bitches who'll whine about anything... whether it's accurate or created by Media Matters makes no difference to you brain dead borg.
Except for those who laughed and applauded!!! :cuckoo:

Mercy chuckles and the golf clap are far from "laughs and applause".
So again we see that once the GOP scripted lie that "there was no fucking laughter to cut" is exposed for the lie it is, the goal posts are moved to only "Mercy chuckles and the golf claps" were cut.
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I've got a chicken-or-the-egg question:

Are humorless prigs attracted to leftism, or does leftism turn one into a humorless prig?
Does Fox have any actual just straight news reporting?
Or is all of it done in the commentary mode?

My stomach is no longer strong enough to find out on my own ;)
Again, there was no fucking laughter to cut. They didn't cut the tape to make it look like no one laughed.... NO ONE LAUGHED. So, they joked about it.

Jeeeez, the left are a humorless bunch of partisan bitches who'll whine about anything... whether it's accurate or created by Media Matters makes no difference to you brain dead borg.
Except for those who laughed and applauded!!! :cuckoo:

Mercy chuckles and the golf clap are far from "laughs and applause".
So again we see that once the GOP scripted lie that "there was no fucking laughter to cut" is exposed for the lie it is, the goal posts are moved to only "Mercy chuckles and the golf claps" were cut.

You mean the 'Oh shit, are we supposed to be laughing now?' sympathy chuckles and a polite clapping... from the Dems.

Obama forgot... there are no longer enough suck ups in Congress to carry his speeches to rapturous applause and hysterical laughter.



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how do we know media matters didnt alter that video themselves?

we dont

They didn't alter this one at least.

I heard the segment they are whining about. They were just poking fun a little bit at the president's bad jokes. Nothing more.

Unlike MSNBC and others, Fox News doesn't play down to the dumbest common denominator. Fox thinks that their watchers will actually figure out that they are just joking and the chirping crickets are not real. Apparently the Left wing nutters couldn't figure that out so you now have this thread.......
It went over there heads .
and yes fox as is its right was having fun at the presidents expense .its a channel for intellectuals if you are not one dont strain your brain trying to understand it

each news channel has a right to air its programmes as it wishes ,the viewers will decide which channel they prefer and all the polls have fox news as the MOST WATCHED CHANNEL
What im concerned about it why these left wing nuts cant evaluate news segments for what they are
why do they waste there time watching FOX news when there are other channels like CNBC CNN etc that will air the news in a partisan way in words consisting of no more than 3 letters so even the dumbest amongst them will be able to comprehend .
Sure it is written into the speech. Thing is, he looked around the room and appeared a little miffed.

Article15, try using faux instead of Fox in my prior post. It may help, maybe not.

No, I got it ... you were trying to say that I am faking outrage over this. I ask again ... where is it? Where's my outrage? Was it when I shot down the OP that they were lying and said they were just practicing juvenile douchebaggery? Is that outrage to you?

Perhaps it was when I said that MM was behaving like the partisan organization that they are by distorting and making something out of nothing ... like FOXNews does? Is that my outrage?

Do tell.

Talk shows frequently use comedy in their programming. Who is the jackass that has a whole show revolving around just such skits? Bill Maher? Do you consider him a douche? You seem a little frustrated/upset/defensive about all of this. Maybe it rises to the level of outrage, maybe not.

Bill Maher is one of the bigger douches on the planet, dude.

My frustration is with your misreading that I am even "outraged" in the first place.
how do we know media matters didnt alter that video themselves?

we dont
Actually we do. And I suppose you think they dubbed in Steve Douchbag's comment about the "silence" too! :cuckoo:

The video is right on the Fox and Fiends web site.

Did Rep. Chaffetz Find 'Date' for State of the Union? - Fox News Video -
dipshit, mediamatters LIED about it
Let's see, YOU suggest mediamatters altered the video to make it look like Fox and Fiends altered the video that Fox and Fiends posted on the Fox web site and that makes mediamatters liars. :cuckoo:
Actually we do. And I suppose you think they dubbed in Steve Douchbag's comment about the "silence" too! :cuckoo:

The video is right on the Fox and Fiends web site.

Did Rep. Chaffetz Find 'Date' for State of the Union? - Fox News Video -
dipshit, mediamatters LIED about it
Let's see, YOU suggest mediamatters altered the video to make it look like Fox and Fiends altered the video that Fox and Fiends posted on the Fox web site and that makes mediamatters liars. :cuckoo:
i postulated that they COULD have
not that they did

and mediamatters lied by not including the CONTEXT

you really are a fucking moronic idiot
demonRats play the victim quite nicely donchyathink?

If there were no white people

If there were no Republicans

If there were no black Republicans

If there was no Fox News..

ajjjjjjhhhhh UTOPIA and UNICORNZS and KOOLAID

Then they would complain that it takes an effort to breathe.
dipshit, mediamatters LIED about it
Let's see, YOU suggest mediamatters altered the video to make it look like Fox and Fiends altered the video that Fox and Fiends posted on the Fox web site and that makes mediamatters liars. :cuckoo:
i postulated that they COULD have
not that they did

and mediamatters lied by not including the CONTEXT

you really are a fucking moronic idiot
And what part of the word "suggest" don't you understand?????

And all mediamatters said was "Fox & Friends Segment Replaces SOTU Audience Laughter And Applause With Cricket Sound Effects" which is exactly what Fox and Fiends did, so how is that a lie??????? It was Fox and Fiends who were lying about "silence" and it was Fox and Fiends who altered the video to create the "silence" they were lying about, but to CON$ that makes mediamatters liars and Fox and Fiends truth tellers. :cuckoo:

Fox & Friends Segment Replaces SOTU Audience Laughter And Applause With Cricket Sound Effects | Media Matters for America
Let's see, YOU suggest mediamatters altered the video to make it look like Fox and Fiends altered the video that Fox and Fiends posted on the Fox web site and that makes mediamatters liars. :cuckoo:
i postulated that they COULD have
not that they did

and mediamatters lied by not including the CONTEXT

you really are a fucking moronic idiot
And what part of the word "suggest" don't you understand?????

And all mediamatters said was "Fox & Friends Segment Replaces SOTU Audience Laughter And Applause With Cricket Sound Effects" which is exactly what Fox and Fiends did, so how is that a lie??????? It was Fox and Fiends who were lying about "silence" and it was Fox and Fiends who altered the video to create the "silence" they were lying about, but to CON$ that makes mediamatters liars and Fox and Fiends truth tellers. :cuckoo:

Fox & Friends Segment Replaces SOTU Audience Laughter And Applause With Cricket Sound Effects | Media Matters for America
because they used it as a slam when it was a KNOWN joke on a shown thats KNOWN foir doing so
thats why you are so fucking pathetic

No, I got it ... you were trying to say that I am faking outrage over this. I ask again ... where is it? Where's my outrage? Was it when I shot down the OP that they were lying and said they were just practicing juvenile douchebaggery? Is that outrage to you?

Perhaps it was when I said that MM was behaving like the partisan organization that they are by distorting and making something out of nothing ... like FOXNews does? Is that my outrage?

Do tell.

Talk shows frequently use comedy in their programming. Who is the jackass that has a whole show revolving around just such skits? Bill Maher? Do you consider him a douche? You seem a little frustrated/upset/defensive about all of this. Maybe it rises to the level of outrage, maybe not.

Bill Maher is one of the bigger douches on the planet, dude.

My frustration is with your misreading that I am even "outraged" in the first place.

Jon Stewart is who I meant to say. Frustrated, upset and/or defensive equates to outraged in my mind. If it doesn't for you thats fine with me. No need to feel frustrated.
Talk shows frequently use comedy in their programming. Who is the jackass that has a whole show revolving around just such skits? Bill Maher? Do you consider him a douche? You seem a little frustrated/upset/defensive about all of this. Maybe it rises to the level of outrage, maybe not.

Bill Maher is one of the bigger douches on the planet, dude.

My frustration is with your misreading that I am even "outraged" in the first place.

Jon Stewart is who I meant to say. Frustrated, upset and/or defensive equates to outraged in my mind. If it doesn't for you thats fine with me. No need to feel frustrated.

have you ever told anyone they were a douchebag? on here or otherwise, or a similar word for a jerkoff?
i postulated that they COULD have
not that they did

and mediamatters lied by not including the CONTEXT

you really are a fucking moronic idiot
And what part of the word "suggest" don't you understand?????

And all mediamatters said was "Fox & Friends Segment Replaces SOTU Audience Laughter And Applause With Cricket Sound Effects" which is exactly what Fox and Fiends did, so how is that a lie??????? It was Fox and Fiends who were lying about "silence" and it was Fox and Fiends who altered the video to create the "silence" they were lying about, but to CON$ that makes mediamatters liars and Fox and Fiends truth tellers. :cuckoo:

Fox & Friends Segment Replaces SOTU Audience Laughter And Applause With Cricket Sound Effects | Media Matters for America
because they used it as a slam when it was a KNOWN joke on a shown thats KNOWN foir doing so
thats why you are so fucking pathetic


They joke against Obama specifically because he's not on their "Team," but, that's not obvious or anything.
So with the new PC crowd, the news cannot be dead serious, nor can they make light of a situation.

Got it.

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