Fox News Reports on Collapse of Building 7 Before It Happens

Can it be? Even more expert opinions!

"... a preliminary examination shows it was the fire with heat exceeding 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit that caused the steel to fail and the floors to drop, pancaking into mounds of debris, he said.
Astaneh-Asl came across another piece of steel with a slice through part of it, "like a knife on butter."
He suspects that the mark was left by the plane's wing. "Steel doesn't fracture like this unless it's hit by something sharp and fast," he said.
And he found a chunk of solder that had been in a toilet...
Much of his work, though, is mundane: Collecting pieces of glass and weighing them, so that a computer model of the building that he is creating to simulate what happened will be as accurate as possible. "
Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl -Engineering professor from Berkeley University
His credentials MORE than speak for themselves:
CEE Faculty Page - Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl

"...he and others point to the lack of adequate fireproofing as the reason the structural steel became so hot, causing it to give way. Once the floors around the impact area were destroyed, the top of each building fell, collapsing the floors underneath it like a deck of cards.

But before undertaking further exploration of the lack of fireproofing, the basic design of the twin towers is itself of interest. Media reports often describe it as "innovative," "unusual," or a "technological breakthrough." They point out that far from being a solid steel structure, the towers more resembled 110 stories of spider webs surrounding a tree branch."
The Militant - January 7, 2002 -- World Trade Center builders' greed responsible for massive death toll

Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer -Engineering Professor at the university of Maryland
Another expert with EXCELLENT credentials:
Frederick W. Mowrer, Faculty, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland

You might have to read the full article to understand the following quote:
""When that part is wiped out, the structure comes down," Irfanoglu said. "We design structures with some extra capacity to cover some uncertainties, but we never anticipate such heavy demand coming from an aircraft impact. If the columns were distributed, maybe, the fire could not take them out so easily."
Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings -

Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu- Engineering professor at Purdue
Amazing credentials: Ayhan Irfanoglu - Purdue University

Purdue simulation of the World Trade center collapse:
[ame=]YouTube - Scientists simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center[/ame]
-Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu
His credentials are already mentioned.

"The 110-story twin towers of the World Trade Center, which stood at a height of 1,353 feet, were designed to withstand earthquakes as well as impacts like that of a plane. This was evidenced by the fact that the buildings did not fall over on impact., says Brian Markham, a structural engineer with the Ove Arup & Partners engineering firm."
Why Did the World Trade Center Towers Collapse? - Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine
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Can it be? Even more expert opinions!

someone should tell your expert to read NIST

"... a preliminary examination shows it was the fire with heat exceeding 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit that caused the steel to fail and the floors to drop, pancaking into mounds of debris, he said.
Astaneh-Asl came across another piece of steel with a slice through part of it, "like a knife on butter."
He suspects that the mark was left by the plane's wing. "Steel doesn't fracture like this unless it's hit by something sharp and fast," he said.
And he found a chunk of solder that had been in a toilet...
Much of his work, though, is mundane: Collecting pieces of glass and weighing them, so that a computer model of the building that he is creating to simulate what happened will be as accurate as possible. "
Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl -Engineering professor from Berkeley University
His credentials MORE than speak for themselves:
CEE Faculty Page - Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl

"...he and others point to the lack of adequate fireproofing as the reason the structural steel became so hot, causing it to give way. Once the floors around the impact area were destroyed, the top of each building fell, collapsing the floors underneath it like a deck of cards.

NIST’s findings do not support the “pancake theory” of collapse, which is premised on a progressive failure of the floor systems in the WTC towers (the composite floor system—that connected the core columns and the perimeter columns—consisted of a grid of steel “trusses” integrated with a concrete slab; see diagram below). Instead, the NIST investigation showed conclusively that the failure of the inwardly bowed perimeter columns initiated collapse and that the occurrence of this inward bowing required the sagging floors to remain connected to the columns and pull the columns inwards. Thus, the floors did not fail progressively to cause a pancaking phenomenon.

But before undertaking further exploration of the lack of fireproofing, the basic design of the twin towers is itself of interest. Media reports often describe it as "innovative," "unusual," or a "technological breakthrough." They point out that far from being a solid steel structure, the towers more resembled 110 stories of spider webs surrounding a tree branch."
The Militant - January 7, 2002 -- World Trade Center builders' greed responsible for massive death toll

Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer -Engineering Professor at the university of Maryland
Another expert with EXCELLENT credentials:
Frederick W. Mowrer, Faculty, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland

You might have to read the full article to understand the following quote:
""When that part is wiped out, the structure comes down," Irfanoglu said. "We design structures with some extra capacity to cover some uncertainties, but we never anticipate such heavy demand coming from an aircraft impact. If the columns were distributed, maybe, the fire could not take them out so easily."
Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings -

Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu- Engineering professor at Purdue
Amazing credentials: Ayhan Irfanoglu - Purdue University

Purdue simulation of the World Trade center collapse:
[ame=]YouTube - Scientists simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center[/ame]
-Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu
His credentials are already mentioned.

"The 110-story twin towers of the World Trade Center, which stood at a height of 1,353 feet, were designed to withstand earthquakes as well as impacts like that of a plane. This was evidenced by the fact that the buildings did not fall over on impact., says Brian Markham, a structural engineer with the Ove Arup & Partners engineering firm."
Why Did the World Trade Center Towers Collapse? - Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

A new Standard for Deception by NIST Part 1 of 6

[ame=]YouTube - A new Standard for Deception by NIST Part 1 of 6[/ame]

Steel Facts and WTC Collapse (Part One)

[ame=]YouTube - Steel Facts and WTC Collapse (Part One)[/ame]
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Originally Posted by Big_D

Purdue simulation of the World Trade center collapse:
YouTube - Scientists simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center
-Dr. Ayhan Irfanoglu
His credentials are already mentioned.

"The 110-story twin towers of the World Trade Center, which stood at a height of 1,353 feet, were designed to withstand earthquakes as well as impacts like that of a plane. This was evidenced by the fact that the buildings did not fall over on impact., says Brian Markham, a structural engineer with the Ove Arup & Partners engineering firm."
Why Did the World Trade Center Towers Collapse? - Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

When a fire ignites in a large building, its steel core does not melt, but over time it weakens. As the steel supporting the floors collapses, a "pancaking" effect will result, with each of the upper floors collapsing onto the floor below. This is why the disintegration of the towers was not limited to the top floors. With the accumulated weight of each collapsed floor, the stacked floors continued to fall. This explains why the building collapsed vertically, rather than tipping over.

ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR EXPERTS THAT NEVER READ... nist report rejecting the pancake theory
ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR EXPERTS THAT NEVER READ... nist report rejecting the pancake theory

First of all, for another one of my experts to have "never read" would imply that you have made this point in the past-which of course you have not. You are simply dismissing them all because you cannot argue that they are very qualified people that disagree with you.
Next, this individual is not saying that the pancaking theory, just like NIST, didnt cause the collapse. It was the result of it.
Towers Collapse - Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and controlled demolition

Even though I doubt you will, but answer this question: Do you really believe that all these physics and engineering professors I have used over and over again do not know what they are talking about?

Here are my lists again:
On these occasions I listed countless process from amazingly high institutions.
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First of all, for another one of my experts to have "never read" would imply that you have made this point in the past-which of course you have not. You are simply dismissing them all because you cannot argue that they are very qualified people that disagree with you.
Next, this individual is not saying that the pancaking theory, just like NIST, didnt cause the collapse. It was the result of it.
Towers Collapse - Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and controlled demolition

lm sorry nist wholly rejects pancaking period

even though I doubt you will, but answer this question: Do you really believe that all these physics and engineering professors I have used over and over again do not know what they are talking about?

Here are my lists again:
On these occasions I listed countless process from amazingly high institutions.

no it is a very small group repeated In different studies again and again
AND REPEATING CLAIMS SINCE REJECTED BY nist ..there is no peer review of the work and no subpoena powers for witnesses or evidence

there are many comparable phds on the patriots site but there is also the very best of the best that have been directly involved in some of the most sensitivecatreas of government ,,research and patriotic simply can not compare the two
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no it is a very small group repeated In different studies again and again
AND REPEATING CLAIMS SINCE REJECTED BY nist ..there is no peer review of the work and no subpoena powers for witnesses or evidence

listen to what NIST is stating:
NOVA | Building on Ground Zero | Impact to Collapse | PBS

there are many comparable phds on the patriots site but there is also the very best of the best that have been directly involved in some of the most sensitivecatreas of government ,,research and patriotic simply can not compare the two

Can not compare the two? As you can see from my last post there are countless professors from the best engineering schools in the country that support the true story. Plus, MANY others from different fields as well. It should also be noted that we cannot even locate some of you vendors on the web meanwhile just about every one of mine have their credentials attached.

My own personal favoriteL
Here is one paper on why the WTC building collapsed:
-Zdeněk P. Bažant- Professor at Northwestern

his credentials:
"Engineer Zdeněk P. Bažant is best known as a world leader in scaling research in solid mechanics (1–6). His research focuses on the effect of structure size on structural strength as it relates to the failure behavior of the structure. He also has made outstanding advances in structural stability (7), fracture mechanics (8), the micromechanics of material damage (8–10), concrete creep (11–13), and probabilistic mechanics (6, 8, 14). He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996 and to the National Academy of Sciences in 2002, 1 of only 153 members with such a dual appointment. In his Inaugural Article (1), published in this issue of PNAS, Bažant presents a simple justification of the scaling laws for the fracture of quasibrittle materials such as concrete, rock, fiber composites, and sea ice."

You avoided the question: Do you really believe that all these physics and engineering professors I have used over and over again do not know what they are talking about?
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Havent had the chance to come on here since my last post cause of my busy work schedule-been REALLY busy heading up into christmas,but I have a bunch of stuff I will be posting when I get back here after christmas.not that it will do any good since you 9/11 apologists will ignore it like you always do,but till then,here are some videos to chew on and watch till then.
look at those 47 videos where it says 47 videos exposing the 9/11 coverup.If you come back and say your not convinced or whatever,thats just proof that you DONT want to be convinced and are in complete denial.the evidence in those videos is overwhelming.after watching those and you say theres no evidence,well your either in denial or a complete idiot.I know Editic for one is in complete denial cause I posted this on my welcome thread when I first got here and he proved he is denial by not even looking at the videos.are all you going to do the same?
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btw the people STILL defending the official version are in complete denial. as i said before,the 9/11 commission portrayed the FAA as being incompetent,well if THAT was the case,there should have been MULTIPLE firings,there were none.Like I said before,General Myers of NORAD -"who blamed the failures on the FAA" in fact was promoted by Bush.Only a fool would STILL believe the official version since NOBODY was fired when there should have been MANY firings.duh.give it up know it,i know it.
listen to what NIST is stating:
NOVA | Building on Ground Zero | Impact to Collapse | PBS

Can not compare the two? As you can see from my last post there are countless professors from the best engineering schools in the country that support the true story. Plus, MANY others from different fields as well. It should also be noted that we cannot even locate some of you vendors on the web meanwhile just about every one of mine have their credentials attached.

My own personal favoriteL
Here is one paper on why the WTC building collapsed:
-Zdeněk P. Bažant- Professor at Northwestern

his credentials:
"Engineer Zdeněk P. Bažant is best known as a world leader in scaling research in solid mechanics (1–6). His research focuses on the effect of structure size on structural strength as it relates to the failure behavior of the structure. He also has made outstanding advances in structural stability (7), fracture mechanics (8), the micromechanics of material damage (8–10), concrete creep (11–13), and probabilistic mechanics (6, 8, 14). He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996 and to the National Academy of Sciences in 2002, 1 of only 153 members with such a dual appointment. In his Inaugural Article (1), published in this issue of PNAS, Bažant presents a simple justification of the scaling laws for the fracture of quasibrittle materials such as concrete, rock, fiber composites, and sea ice."
Inaugural Article: Biography of Zdeněk P. Bažant

You avoided the question: Do you really believe that all these physics and engineering professors I have used over and over again do not know what they are talking about?

No they arent people that know what their talking about their just lying because they all have government contracts so if they go and say what they REALLY believe,they'll lose their jobs.the TRUE physics and professors who have spoken out against the official version are patriots ,many of them have lost their jobs like judy wood,and steven jones so of course those people you mention are going to defend the official version otherwise they'll lose their jobs like so many have that spoke out like kevin Ryan for mentioned Thomas Edgar as a source earlier,what they never tell you is that Edgar has contract jobs with the government as I will point out later after christmas when i read through an article that talks about that.someone earlier this year was touting on another thread that the experts have debunked the so called sonspiracy theorists people such as david ray griffith stating professors like gene corley have debunked griffith.what that poster didnt know is that gene corley has government contracts as does thomas edgar so these guys are just participating in the coverup since they have government contracts. also NIST is a government institution,the fact you keep swallowing their lies that Griffith and others have disproved, just shows that you dont want to look at the other side of the coin.Griffith has challenged the government to debate him in the open in public but they wont,they never get back to him cause they know they cant counter Griffith.
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No they arent people that know what their talking about their just lying because they all have government contracts so if they go and say what they REALLY believe,they'll lose their jobs.the TRUE physics and professors who have spoken out against the official version are patriots ,many of them have lost their jobs like judy wood,and steven jones so of course those people you mention are going to defend the official version otherwise they'll lose their jobs like so many have that spoke out like kevin Ryan for mentioned Thomas Edgar as a source earlier,what they never tell you is that Edgar has contract jobs with the government as I will point out later after christmas when i read through an article that talks about that.someone earlier this year was touting on another thread that the experts have debunked the so called sonspiracy theorists people such as david ray griffith stating professors like gene corley have debunked griffith.what that poster didnt know is that gene corley has government contracts as does thomas edgar so these guys are just participating in the coverup since they have government contracts. also NIST is a government institution,the fatc you keep swallowing their lies just shows that you dont want to look at the other side of the coin.
ok, so ALL the debunkers are in on the conspiracy
just how many are in on it?
and can you name some of the top level people?
one other thing I want to say before christmas of something that you clearly dont understand Big D or DONT want to understand is that here is another example of how if you are a patriot like Judy wood or steven jones and speak out against the official version you WILL get fired like they did and many others have such as Kevin Ryan.aftter the movie JFK came out,I was outraged for YEARS over how the government and the school system had brainwashed me with their lies and propaganda that oswald killed kennedy when it was really the years later I approached my american history teacher and said to him-Mr Evans why did you lie to me in american history class? you told me and everybody in my class that Lee Harvey Oswald killed kennedy and was the lone gunman.How come you lied to me back then when it was the CIA that killed him? He then said-Oh I never did believe that.and i said-what,that oswald did it or the CIA was behind it? and he said-That oswald did it and was the lone gunman,no I never did believe that.I always knew the CIA was behind it and Lyndon Johnson had a hand in it.I then said-well if THAT was the case,then how come you never told us that in history class? Guess what his response was? He replied and said-Just between you and me if I ever spoke out what I REALLY thought,I would have gotten fired by the school board and would not have my job that I have now.
So do you see a pattern here BIG D? Do you REALLY believe that all these other college professors after seeing how people like jones and wood have been fired by the school boards for speaking out the truth,do you REALLY think THEY are actually going to speak out the truth that it was an inside job and risk their careers? No and i really cant blame them.Nor do I blame my history teacher or have any grudge towards him for not telling me and my classmates back then what he REALLY thought that the CIA killed kennedy.Its the same way today,if american history teachers at many schools say they think the CIA killed kennedy,they'll lose their jobs and if I were them,I would probably do the same thing.I mean were talking about them losing thier careers over something they have worked at for YEARS to attain and dreamed of doing since they were chidren.were not talking about just some rinky dink 7-11 job or working at mcdonalds where if your fired you can get another job immediately with no problem.a career job like THAT,their not going to be able to get another one so easily if they lose that ANY of this registering with you?
No they arent people that know what their talking about their just lying because they all have government contracts so if they go and say what they REALLY believe,they'll lose their jobs. the TRUE physics and professors who have spoken out against the official version are patriots ,many of them have lost their jobs like judy wood,and steven jones so of course those people you mention are going to defend the official version otherwise they'll lose their jobs like so many have that spoke out like kevin Ryan for mentioned Thomas Edgar as a source earlier,what they never tell you is that Edgar has contract jobs with the government as I will point out later after christmas when i read through an article that talks about that. someone earlier this year was touting on another thread that the experts have debunked the so called sonspiracy theorists people such as david ray griffith stating professors like gene corley have debunked griffith.what that poster didnt know is that gene corley has government contracts as does thomas edgar so these guys are just participating in the coverup since they have government contracts. also NIST is a government institution,

First of all you seem to be changing your positions. Initially, you say that my experts are laughable and now you are saying they are not speaking the truth b/c they will lose their jobs. Here is your quote from post number 144 in this thread, "Oh by the way Bid D,dont worry I'll read your link on professor Bazent and what he says but im sure its as laughable as your OTHER sources such as POPULAR MECHANICS" So which is it? Are these people afraid of losing their jobs or are they "laughable"?
By the way you never did say how Professor Bazent was laughable. Why don't you do that in your next post? I am still waiting for your response how Bazent, who is from the Czech Republic is not a credible expert. As I have showed you in the past, he has won numerous engineering awards and is clearly one of the best engineers in the world.

It is interesting that ALL my professors according to you have govt jobs when some of them are not even Americans! You criticize me for not reading your posts when it appears as if you don't read mine. I have show a number of different professors from around the world that agree with the official stance of 9/11. Here is another one:
Masayuki Nakao Engineering professor at the University of Tokyo.
Here is his paper on why the WTC buildings collapsed:JST Failure Knowledge Database > Case Details > The World Trade Center Collapse
His are his credentials: Masayuki Nakao

He is an engineering professor from one of the top engineering schools in the world and he also agrees with me.

the fact you keep swallowing their lies that Griffith and others have disproved, just shows that you dont want to look at the other side of the coin.
As i have said time and time again, I have read your posts and other information containing your belief. Just because you have not been convincing doesn't mean that I am ignoring you side. I have made points and asked questions that have gone unresponded to. For example, you made the claim that the past two president have collibrated on 9/11. You also say that Barrack Obama knows that 9/11 is a hoax and he could have even had a hand it it. I ask for proof and you show is a link for Sorry, but I need more than that.

Griffith has challenged the government to debate him in the open in public but they wont,they never get back to him cause they know they cant counter Griffith.

Because you say Griffith has disproved them doesn't make it true. As I have shown, I have many different professors from psychics and engineering around the world who disagree with you. I will take their word over a former philosophy teacher (Griffith) any day of the week.
How do you know that they were not behind? How do you know that the connection was to the video wasnt simply behind from what the newscasters are getting word?
If you believe that the newscasters were aware of the attacks beforehand then why dont you just simply supply me information proving it.

There are also other reports that came out early. This is not the first time in history this has happened. For example, Dewey defeating Truman. People have been report to be dead beforehand. This would include Gerald Ford, Dick Cheney, Bill Henry (baseball player), Pope John Paul II, and MANY others. I've made this point beforehand to no response.

I have asked this question now numerous times and NEVER got a response but will ask it again: If the American Govt was behind the attacks why would they inform two large news media?

want proof? how 'bout the fact that the first emergency phone call to NYPD emergency for the first 911 attack occurred 1 hr after the initial BBC broadcast - from no less a source than former NY Mayor Ralph giauliani who later questioned Britain's P.M. about the very brroadcast and was later debriefed by MI-6? You can find the info. in the oct 4 edition of the London Times!!!
one other thing I want to say before christmas of something that you clearly dont understand Big D or DONT want to understand is that here is another example of how if you are a patriot like Judy wood or steven jones and speak out against the official version you WILL get fired like they did and many others have such as Kevin Ryan.aftter the movie JFK came out,I was outraged for YEARS over how the government and the school system had brainwashed me with their lies and propaganda that oswald killed kennedy when it was really the years later I approached my american history teacher and said to him-Mr Evans why did you lie to me in american history class? you told me and everybody in my class that Lee Harvey Oswald killed kennedy and was the lone gunman.How come you lied to me back then when it was the CIA that killed him? He then said-Oh I never did believe that.and i said-what,that oswald did it or the CIA was behind it? and he said-That oswald did it and was the lone gunman,no I never did believe that.I always knew the CIA was behind it and Lyndon Johnson had a hand in it.I then said-well if THAT was the case,then how come you never told us that in history class? Guess what his response was? He replied and said-Just between you and me if I ever spoke out what I REALLY thought,I would have gotten fired by the school board and would not have my job that I have now.
So do you see a pattern here BIG D? Do you REALLY believe that all these other college professors after seeing how people like jones and wood have been fired by the school boards for speaking out the truth,do you REALLY think THEY are actually going to speak out the truth that it was an inside job and risk their careers? No and i really cant blame them.Nor do I blame my history teacher or have any grudge towards him for not telling me and my classmates back then what he REALLY thought that the CIA killed kennedy.Its the same way today,if american history teachers at many schools say they think the CIA killed kennedy,they'll lose their jobs and if I were them,I would probably do the same thing.I mean were talking about them losing thier careers over something they have worked at for YEARS to attain and dreamed of doing since they were chidren.were not talking about just some rinky dink 7-11 job or working at mcdonalds where if your fired you can get another job immediately with no problem.a career job like THAT,their not going to be able to get another one so easily if they lose that ANY of this registering with you?

So why would all these professors I have shown have written papers on their views on 9/11 when they know that it is a lie? It is one thing to not speak up while it is another to state the opposite viewpoint.

Didn't you say in the past that Senator Mark Dayton agreed with you, even though I proved you wrong? It seems to me that he has a good job.

I have provided a link where Dr. Asif Usmani believed that the fall of the WTC buildings were done by terrorists and he is in fact from India. According to this link only 2 out of five citizens of India believe 9/11 was done by Al Qaeda. It would appear as if he could get away with saying that 9/11 was an inside job, but he believes it was done by terrorists.

Also, there are a number of other people who believe in the conspiracy that still have a job. Charlie Sheen is still on Two and a Half Men isnt he?
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Stop using popular mechanics as a source? Did you not read anything in that post you quoted from me? As I have said a good number of times there are countless number of people that I have used to back up my opinion.

So what was it that was ridiculous from the collection on from the list I gave? Were the people with PHD's unqualified? How about the people with P.E., S.E., S.B., S.M., or the other degrees listed? How about a professors of engineering? Would those people know anything about a building collapse? Would you think that the director of aviation for the VF Corp would know anything about a plane crash? Why don't you read Dr. Mlakars paper that I posted about the Pentagon? Would you think that the the winner of the 2003 Forensic Engineer of the Year know anything about this?

Also, I have seen Griffins book before I even went on this website. It is nothing special. Some of his points can be easily disputed. For example, he says that the steel on the wtc building couldn't have soften enough to collapse because the temp of the gasoline on a plane in flight will be just slightly lower than what is needed to do so. He completely ignores the fact that the temp would OBVIOUSLY increase from the friction caused when the plane hit the tower. Do you know that Griffin was a professor in philosophy and theology! He does not have a P.h.D. in psychics and is not and expert on aviation, engineering, construction, and construction UNLIKE my sources I used. I don't know why you would take his word, but not he individual who won the Forensic Engineer Award! It is interesting that you state I do not read your post throughout when it seems conspicuous that your hardly reading any of mine!

No they are not unqualified but like i said, they know if they speak the truth they will lose their jobs as I have proved happens when they do that.
want proof? how 'bout the fact that the first emergency phone call to NYPD emergency for the first 911 attack occurred 1 hr after the initial BBC broadcast - from no less a source than former NY Mayor Ralph giauliani who later questioned Britain's P.M. about the very brroadcast and was later debriefed by MI-6? You can find the info. in the oct 4 edition of the London Times!!!

Do you care you care to be more specific of what you are talking about and back up your statement? I went to the london times website and searched for Mayor Rudy and there was no article from October 4th of any year. What you are saying is not making sense. "he first emergency phone call to NYPD emergency for the first 911 attack occurred 1 hr after the initial BBC broadcast" so the first emergency phone call didnt happen till an hour after the report? I find that hard to believe.

Also, this thread started on how a couple news anchors stated that the WTC 7 building fell seconds before the video showed it collapse raises a red flag in your book. I was watching my local news and they had a story where a number of zoo animals were given presents for Christmas. The news anchor said that one lion even poked his head in the box to see what was inside. The reason why I bring this up is the video showing the lion was shown after the anchor said this! Does this mean that this is cause for a conspiracy as well?
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First of all you seem to be changing your positions. Initially, you say that my experts are laughable and now you are saying they are not speaking the truth b/c they will lose their jobs. Here is your quote from post number 144 in this thread, "Oh by the way Bid D,dont worry I'll read your link on professor Bazent and what he says but im sure its as laughable as your OTHER sources such as POPULAR MECHANICS" So which is it? Are these people afraid of losing their jobs or are they "laughable"?
By the way you never did say how Professor Bazent was laughable. Why don't you do that in your next post? I am still waiting for your response how Bazent, who is from the Czech Republic is not a credible expert. As I have showed you in the past, he has won numerous engineering awards and is clearly one of the best engineers in the world.

It is interesting that ALL my professors according to you have govt jobs when some of them are not even Americans! You criticize me for not reading your posts when it appears as if you don't read mine. I have show a number of different professors from around the world that agree with the official stance of 9/11. Here is another one:
Masayuki Nakao Engineering professor at the University of Tokyo.
Here is his paper on why the WTC buildings collapsed:JST Failure Knowledge Database > Case Details > The World Trade Center Collapse
His are his credentials: Masayuki Nakao

He is an engineering professor from one of the top engineering schools in the world and he also agrees with me.

As i have said time and time again, I have read your posts and other information containing your belief. Just because you have not been convincing doesn't mean that I am ignoring you side. I have made points and asked questions that have gone unresponded to. For example, you made the claim that the past two president have collibrated on 9/11. You also say that Barrack Obama knows that 9/11 is a hoax and he could have even had a hand it it. I ask for proof and you show is a link for Sorry, but I need more than that.

Because you say Griffith has disproved them doesn't make it true. As I have shown, I have many different professors from psychics and engineering around the world who disagree with you. I will take their word over a former philosophy teacher (Griffith) any day of the week.

thank you for the info. obviously it will take a great deal of time to thoroughly research all of these experts. however, since you previously did the research you know that every single one of the experts cited received literally thousands of dollars in government grant and research dollars thus making them somewhat sympathetic to the official government' position.
Do you care you care to be more specific of what you are talking about and back up your statement? I went to the london times website and searched for Mayor Rudy and there was no article from October 4th of any year. What you are saying is not making sense. "he first emergency phone call to NYPD emergency for the first 911 attack occurred 1 hr after the initial BBC broadcast" so the first emergency phone call didnt happen till an hour after the report? I find that hard to believe.

the website has since been edited but your library should have the hard copy of the article from the London Times.
thank you for the info. obviously it will take a great deal of time to thoroughly research all of these experts. however, since you previously did the research you know that every single one of the experts cited received literally thousands of dollars in government grant and research dollars thus making them somewhat sympathetic to the official government' position.
so, all these people are in on it
i assmue you include those ar Purdue University as well
the media(all of them)
of course everyone in government, elected or not

the Government of the UK also

who else?

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