Fox News Reports on Collapse of Building 7 Before It Happens

just admit the facts bin laden is not on the the fbi most wanted for 911..reason no conclusive...if you wish to phone them and ask the reason yourself feel free..I DID
FBI - Most Wanted - The FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives

I told you in the past that I knew this to be correct. However, as I have shown you in post number 158 he has admitted to the attacks on a few different occasions. Again, if 9/11 was an inside job then why is osama bin laden not even exposing the govt? The biggest enemy this nation agrees that our govt is not responsible for the attacks! Bin laden is still a powerful man in the middle east. If he would say that our govt did it to ourselves then it would convince many more middle easterners. As a result, more of them would be turned against us.
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and pleases share with me on your insights on the bioweapon experiments in NY

What is the relevance of this? Another post goes by without you informing me how my experts were laughable. Why don't you tell me how my experts were so unqualified?
I told you in the past that I knew this to be correct. However, as I have shown you in post number 158 he has admitted to the attacks on a few different occasions. Again, if 9/11 was an inside job then why is osama bin laden not even exposing the govt? The biggest enemy this nation agrees that our govt is not responsible for the attacks! Bin laden is still a powerful man in the middle east. If he would say that our govt did it to ourselves then it would convince many more middle easterners. As a result, more of them would be turned against us.

the predominate view in the middle east and much of the rest of the world
already is that there was American involvement
What is the relevance of this? Another post goes by without you informing me how my experts were laughable. Why don't you tell me how my experts were so unqualified?

Air Crash Analysis

cleveland Center regional air traffic control

Bill Crowley special agent, FBI

Ron Dokell president, Demolition Consultants

Richard Gazarik staff writer, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Yates Gladwell pilot, VF Corp.

Michael K. Hynes, Ed.D.,
ATP, CFI, A&P/IA president, Hynes Aviation Services; expert, aviation crashes

Ed Jacoby Jr. director,
New York State Emergency Management Office (Ret.); chairman, New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission (Ret.)

Johnstown-Cambria County Airport Authority

Cindi Lash staff writer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Matthew McCormick manager, survival factors division, National Transportation Safety Board (Ret.)

Wallace Miller coroner, Somerset County, PA

Robert Nagan meteorological technician, Climate Services Branch, National Climatic Data Center

Dave Newell director, aviation and travel, VF Corp.

James O’Toole politics editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pennsylvania State Police Public Information Office

Jeff Pillets senior writer,
The Record, Hackensack, NJ

Jeff Rienbold director, Flight 93 National Memorial, National Park Service

Dennis Roddy staff writer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Master Sgt. David Somdahl public affairs officer,
119th Wing, North Dakota
Air National Guard

Mark Stahl photographer; eyewitness, United Airlines Flight 93 crash scene

Air Defense
Lt. Col. Skip Aldous (Ret.) squadron commander,
U.S. Air Force

Tech. Sgt. Laura Bosco public affairs officer,
Tyndall Air Force Base

Boston Center regional air traffic control

Laura Brown spokeswoman,
Federal Aviation Administration

Todd Curtis, Ph.D. founder,; president, Foundation

Keith Halloway public affairs officer, National Transportation Safety Board

Ted Lopatkiewicz director, public affairs, National Transportation Safety Board

Maj. Douglas Martin public affairs officer,
North American Aerospace Defense Command

Lt. Herbert McConnell public affairs officer,
Andrews AFB

Michael Perini public affairs officer, North American Aerospace Defense Command

John Pike director,

Hank Price spokesman, Federal
Aviation Administration

Warren Robak RAND Corp.

Bill Shumann spokesman,
Federal Aviation Administration

Louis Walsh public affairs officer, Eglin AFB

Chris Yates aviation security editor, analyst, Jane’s Transport

Fred E.C. Culick, Ph.D., S.B., S.M. professor of aeronautics, California Institute of Technology

Robert Everdeen public affairs, Northrop Grumman

Clint Oster professor of public and environmental affairs, Indiana University; aviation safety expert

Capt. Bill Scott (Ret. USAF) Rocky Mountain bureau chief, Aviation Week

Bill Uher News Media Office, NASA Langley Research Center

Col. Ed Walby (Ret. USAF)
director, business development, HALE Systems Enterprise, Unmanned Systems, Northrop Grumman
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the predominate view in the middle east and much of the rest of the world
already is that there was American involvement

So if bin laden would say he had more no part in it then the number would be much higher.

I am not sure about the entire middle east, but according to only 12 % of the people of egypt believe it was done by our govt. Also, according to the same website only 15% of the world believe it was an inside job. Here are the polls that were posted on wikipedia from 9/11 opinion polls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Air Crash Analysis

cleveland Center regional air traffic control

Bill Crowley special agent, FBI

Ron Dokell president, Demolition Consultants

Richard Gazarik staff writer, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Yates Gladwell pilot, VF Corp.

Michael K. Hynes, Ed.D.,
ATP, CFI, A&P/IA president, Hynes Aviation Services; expert, aviation crashes

Ed Jacoby Jr. director,
New York State Emergency Management Office (Ret.); chairman, New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission (Ret.)

Johnstown-Cambria County Airport Authority

Cindi Lash staff writer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Matthew McCormick manager, survival factors division, National Transportation Safety Board (Ret.)

Wallace Miller coroner, Somerset County, PA

Robert Nagan meteorological technician, Climate Services Branch, National Climatic Data Center

Dave Newell director, aviation and travel, VF Corp.

James O’Toole politics editor, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pennsylvania State Police Public Information Office

Jeff Pillets senior writer,
The Record, Hackensack, NJ

Jeff Rienbold director, Flight 93 National Memorial, National Park Service

Dennis Roddy staff writer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Master Sgt. David Somdahl public affairs officer,
119th Wing, North Dakota
Air National Guard

Mark Stahl photographer; eyewitness, United Airlines Flight 93 crash scene

Air Defense
Lt. Col. Skip Aldous (Ret.) squadron commander,
U.S. Air Force

Tech. Sgt. Laura Bosco public affairs officer,
Tyndall Air Force Base

Boston Center regional air traffic control

Laura Brown spokeswoman,
Federal Aviation Administration

Todd Curtis, Ph.D. founder,; president, Foundation

Keith Halloway public affairs officer, National Transportation Safety Board

Ted Lopatkiewicz director, public affairs, National Transportation Safety Board

Maj. Douglas Martin public affairs officer,
North American Aerospace Defense Command

Lt. Herbert McConnell public affairs officer,
Andrews AFB

Michael Perini public affairs officer, North American Aerospace Defense Command

John Pike director,

Hank Price spokesman, Federal
Aviation Administration

Warren Robak RAND Corp.

Bill Shumann spokesman,
Federal Aviation Administration

Louis Walsh public affairs officer, Eglin AFB

Chris Yates aviation security editor, analyst, Jane’s Transport

Fred E.C. Culick, Ph.D., S.B., S.M. professor of aeronautics, California Institute of Technology

Robert Everdeen public affairs, Northrop Grumman

Clint Oster professor of public and environmental affairs, Indiana University; aviation safety expert

Capt. Bill Scott (Ret. USAF) Rocky Mountain bureau chief, Aviation Week

Bill Uher News Media Office, NASA Langley Research Center

Col. Ed Walby (Ret. USAF)
director, business development, HALE Systems Enterprise, Unmanned Systems, Northrop Grumman

Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics

I have made this point to you on countless occasions and there really seems to be no need to make it again because you are too ignorant to understand it. Anyways here we go again. When I first posted that link for the popular mechanics page it was to show you that there are a number of experts on my side. However, there are no "experts" page so the only way to show you was to use their sources used for the article. Obviously on the page there are a number of physics, aviation experts, engineers, etc. Also on the page are articles written by people that are used in this feature. Popular Mechanics obviously has to give these people credit so they place it on this page. They never said that all these people are experts on the topics. Popular Mechanics simply used part of their previous work for this article and have to give them credit. That is why there are writers, editors, etc on the sources page. When I posted this I assumed you knew this and when I was talking about experts I of course meant the numerous professors, engineer, and so forth. Plus, you still have answered me how the list of 13 experts I posted earlier today were laughable. Yet again you avoided the question.
the Japanese congress and Italy and Germany say the holocaust never happened ?

Italy Main Japanese Opposition Party Questions 9/11 in Parliament

Broadcast on Japanese public TV
Main Japanese Opposition Party Questions 9/11 in Parliament

Andreas von Buelow, PhD – Former State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Defense of West Germany. Former Minister of Research and Technology. Member of Bundestag (Parliament) 1969 - 1994.
Video 5/6/06: "The official story is so inadequate and far-fetched that there must be another one." Google Video

Article/Interview 1/13/02: "The planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers! This is unthinkable, without years-long support from secret apparatuses of the state and industry."

Documentary Shadowplay 2008: "This whole behavior of government after 9/11 shows me that there must be these people which brought it about. It must be very, very high up. ... I think so. It's a covert operation, a typical covert operation where you have patsies, false flag, where you prepare everything to blame different people from the people which really did the things. But they are able to influence the public opinion in order to say, 'Well, the Muslims are our real foes, which we have to fight.'" YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Horst Ehmke, PhD – Former Minister of Justice (West Germany). Former Minister for Research and Technology. Cabinet Member under Chancellors Kurt Kiesinger and Willy Brandt 1966 - 1974. Professor of Law, University of Freiburg

Article 7/22/04: "Terrorists could not have carried out such an operation with four hijacked planes without the support of a secret service."

Bio: Google Translate

Eckart Werthebach, JD – Former President, Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), Germany’s domestic intelligence service 1991 - 1995. Mayor of Berlin 2000 - 2001. Berlin's Minister of the Interior 1998 - 2001.
Article Euro Intel Experts Dismiss ‘War on Terrorism’ as Deception 12/4/01: "Eckehardt [sic] Werthebach, former president of Germany's domestic intelligence service, Verfassungsschutz, told AFP that "the deathly precision" and "the magnitude of planning" behind the attacks of September 11 would have needed "years of planning."

Such a sophisticated operation, Werthebach said, would require the "fixed frame" of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a "loose group" of terrorists like the one allegedly led by Mohammed Atta while he studied in Hamburg.

Many people would have been involved in the planning of such an operation and Werthebach pointed to the absence of leaks as further indication that the attacks were "state organized actions." Jeff Rense Program

Bio: Google Translate

Francesco Cossiga – President of Italy (1985 - 1992) and Former Prime Minister. Also served as Undersecretary for Defence. Former President of the Italian Senate. Former Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Foreign Affairs Committee. Former Professor of Constitutional Law, Sassari University. Named "Doctor of Civil Law" from Oxford University. Honorary Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Member of the Council of the Foundation of the Academy of Philosophy Studies of Liechtenstein. Honorary Senator of the Senate of the University of Bonn. Holds honorary degrees from major universities around the world. Author of Il Torto e il Diritto: Quasi un Antologia Personale (The Wrong and the Right: A Personal Anthology) (1993).
Article Corriere della Sera 11/30/07: Mr. Cossiga commenting on a purported new video from Osama bin Laden: "From areas around the Palazzo Chigi, nerve centre of direction of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is supported by the fact that Osama bin Laden in it 'confessed' that Al Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York. However, all of the democratic areas of America and of Europe, with the Italian center-left in the forefront, now know full well that the disastrous attack was planned and executed by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to falsely incriminate Arabic countries and to persuade the Western Powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan." Original article in Italian Corriere della Sera

Fernando Rossi – Former Senator, Italy. Secretary of the Senate's Committee on Constitutional Affairs. Member of the Parliamentary Commission for Regional Issues. Member of the Committee on Finance and the Treasury.

Signatory: 9/11: Breaking the Wall of Silence Petition 12/07, which states:

"September 11, 2001 has changed the course of history and changed the entire global framework. Following the tragic and spectacular attack, which killed three thousand innocent people, most of the truisms of western culture have been shattered. 9/11 was followed by a U.S. offensive that has already produced two wars and changed not only the geopolitics of entire areas of the planet, but also the balance of power that had evolved over the previous decades.

Although the attack has been responsible for changing the world with remarkable speed, a comprehensive explanation of the events of September 11, and their planning, took over three years to be drafted by a commission of inquiry authorized by the Congress of the United States. And a single entity has been judged to be entirely responsible and condemned to life imprisonment.

However a careful analysis reveals that the official version of 9/11 is not only deficient in dozens of essential points, but in dozens of other points it is demonstrably false.
Book 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA: "Cossiga indicated his suspicion that the attacks presupposed some form of complicity within the US security system. The mastermind of the attack, Cossiga observed must have been a "sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel." As for Bin Laden, Cossiga added that "it is not thinkable that he did everything by himself." (La Stampa 9/14/01, EIR 9/15/01) (p. 36)
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Even more expert opinions!

"* It was the simultaneous fires, on multiple floors, rather than burning jet fuel (much of which was consumed in the initial fireballs), that weakened the structural steel elements enough to precipitate the collapse.
* Robust and redundant steel framing, adequate and well-lighted stairways, and emergency training contributed to the towers' resilience and the safe egress of occupants.
* Lightweight fireproofing, probably blown off of the structural steel, sprinkler supply pipes severed by flying debris, gypsum wallboard around the stairwells, which collapsed and blocked access, and the grouping of stairwells in the buildings' core, which increased their vulnerability to a single impact, may have contributed to the collapse or hindered the escape of occupants above the impact zones."
WPI - Transformations: Why the World Trade Center Towers Fell
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

"In the simulation shown here, there are two mechanisms by which a collapse is retarded. First, as the fastening of each floor is overcome, that fastening provides a force opposite to that of the falling mass. Second, the presence alone of stationary mass in lower floors opposes the momentum of the falling mass. The user may examine these effects by controlling the strength of the fastening and by controlling the extent of mass pulverization. These effects may be controlled by selecting fastening and pulverization which seem natural as well as by raising supplemental factors which weaken fastening and enhance pulverization. It remains for the user to decide whether the pancake collapse theory agrees with the recorded free fall times."
An Interactive Simulation Comparing Models of the Fall of the World Trade Center Towers
-Dr. Stephen Keeling
His credentials more than speak for themselves.
Stephen Keeling's homepage

"It was the fire that killed the buildings - nothing on Earth could survive those temperatures with that amount of fuel burning "
-Structural engineer Chris Wise
BBC News | AMERICAS | How the World Trade Center fell

""I think they should not have gone in at all," he said. "If they did decide to take the risk, they should have been pulled out after an hour." "

"But the eventual collapse of the twin towers was so predictable that the order should have been given to withdraw emergency services within an hour... He watched in horror, knowing the building would fall within two hours."
BBC News | AMERICAS | How the World Trade Center fell
-Dr. John Knapton
his credentials:
"John Knapton, Professor of Structural Engineering in Newcastle University’s Department of Civil Engineering, has been asked by St Paul Syndicate Services, a group of Lloyds insurance syndicates, to study the chain of events that led up to the collapse of the towers."
Newcastle University Professor to spearhead World Trade Center insurance investigation - Press Release - Press and Communications - Newcastle University

This is in addition to the following list of individuals who I have noted in the past that agree with me and PLENTY of others I do not have listed below.
Dr. Zdeněk P. Bažant:
Dr. Asif Usmani: Fire Safety Engineering
Dr. Jose Torero: Fire Safety Engineering
Dr. Tim Wilkinson: Tim Wilkinson - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
Dr. Hassan Astaneh: Engineering News, Date (his credentials are under his photo)
Dr. Ronald Greeley :
Dr. W. Gene Corley: W. Gene Corley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dr. Robert L. Parker: Robert L. Parker
Dr. Thomas R. Edwards: Thomas R. Edwards, Jr. Memorial Service
Dr. James G. Quintiere:James G. Quintiere, Faculty, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland
Dr. Mete Sozen:
Dr. Fred Culick: GALCIT :: Fred Culick
Dr. Ching S. Chang: The College of Engineering University of Massachusetts | C.S. Chang
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I told you in the past that I knew this to be correct. However, as I have shown you in post number 158 he has admitted to the attacks on a few different occasions. Again, if 9/11 was an inside job then why is osama bin laden not even exposing the govt? The biggest enemy this nation agrees that our govt is not responsible for the attacks! Bin laden is still a powerful man in the middle east. If he would say that our govt did it to ourselves then it would convince many more middle easterners. As a result, more of them would be turned against us.

Yeah, in fact al-Qaeda is pissed off that others are stealing their thunder!

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Al-Qaeda accuses Iran of 9/11 lie

Near as I can tell, most of the academics who support the conspiracists' line of reasoning are from the Arts not the Sciences.
Even more expert opinions!

"* It was the simultaneous fires, on multiple floors, rather than burning jet fuel (much of which was consumed in the initial fireballs), that weakened the structural steel elements enough to precipitate the collapse.
* Robust and redundant steel framing, adequate and well-lighted stairways, and emergency training contributed to the towers' resilience and the safe egress of occupants.
* Lightweight fireproofing, probably blown off of the structural steel, sprinkler supply pipes severed by flying debris, gypsum wallboard around the stairwells, which collapsed and blocked access, and the grouping of stairwells in the buildings' core, which increased their vulnerability to a single impact, may have contributed to the collapse or hindered the escape of occupants above the impact zones."
WPI - Transformations: Why the World Trade Center Towers Fell
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

"In the simulation shown here, there are two mechanisms by which a collapse is retarded. First, as the fastening of each floor is overcome, that fastening provides a force opposite to that of the falling mass. Second, the presence alone of stationary mass in lower floors opposes the momentum of the falling mass. The user may examine these effects by controlling the strength of the fastening and by controlling the extent of mass pulverization. These effects may be controlled by selecting fastening and pulverization which seem natural as well as by raising supplemental factors which weaken fastening and enhance pulverization. It remains for the user to decide whether the pancake collapse theory agrees with the recorded free fall times."
An Interactive Simulation Comparing Models of the Fall of the World Trade Center Towers
-Dr. Stephen Keeling
His credentials more than speak for themselves.
Stephen Keeling's homepage

"It was the fire that killed the buildings - nothing on Earth could survive those temperatures with that amount of fuel burning "
-Structural engineer Chris Wise
BBC News | AMERICAS | How the World Trade Center fell

""I think they should not have gone in at all," he said. "If they did decide to take the risk, they should have been pulled out after an hour." "

"But the eventual collapse of the twin towers was so predictable that the order should have been given to withdraw emergency services within an hour... He watched in horror, knowing the building would fall within two hours."
BBC News | AMERICAS | How the World Trade Center fell
-Dr. John Knapton
his credentials:
"John Knapton, Professor of Structural Engineering in Newcastle University’s Department of Civil Engineering, has been asked by St Paul Syndicate Services, a group of Lloyds insurance syndicates, to study the chain of events that led up to the collapse of the towers."
Newcastle University Professor to spearhead World Trade Center insurance investigation - Press Release - Press and Communications - Newcastle University

This is in addition to the following list of individuals who I have noted in the past that agree with me and PLENTY of others I do not have listed below.
Dr. Zdeněk P. Bažant: Inaugural Article: Biography of Zdeněk P. Bažant
Dr. Asif Usmani: Fire Safety Engineering
Dr. Jose Torero: Fire Safety Engineering
Dr. Tim Wilkinson: Tim Wilkinson - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
Dr. Hassan Astaneh: Engineering News, Date (his credentials are under his photo)
Dr. Ronald Greeley :
Dr. W. Gene Corley: W. Gene Corley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dr. Robert L. Parker: Robert L. Parker
Dr. Thomas R. Edwards: Thomas R. Edwards, Jr. Memorial Service
Dr. James G. Quintiere:James G. Quintiere, Faculty, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland
Dr. Mete Sozen:
Dr. Fred Culick: GALCIT :: Fred Culick
Dr. Ching S. Chang: The College of Engineering University of Massachusetts | C.S. Chang

these links are meaningless there is no information of any kind attached to most of them that is at all relevant
these links are meaningless there is no information of any kind attached to most of them that is at all relevant

What about it is meaningless? The list of professors are ones that you described as "laughable" when I showed that they believe the true story of 9/11. Next to each of their names is their credentials that show how respectable they are. Anyone can see from the links that they are professors at colleges that many young people are very lucky to get into and these professors have many other EXCELLENT qualifications as well. Do you think that these professors of engineering and physics at high universities do not know what they are talking about?
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link 1
Why the World Trade Center Towers Fell

W. Gene Corley, left, of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and Jonathan Barnett present the findings of the World Trade Center building performance study to the House Committee on Science on May 1.
Highlights of the building performance study:
It was the simultaneous fires, on multiple floors, rather than burning jet fuel (much of which was consumed in the initial fireballs), that weakened the structural steel elements enough to precipitate the collapse.
Robust and redundant steel framing, adequate and well-lighted stairways, and emergency training contributed to the towers' resilience and the safe egress of occupants.
Lightweight fireproofing, probably blown off of the structural steel, sprinkler supply pipes severed by flying debris, gypsum wallboard around the stairwells, which collapsed and blocked access, and the grouping of stairwells in the buildings' core, which increased their vulnerability to a single impact, may have contributed to the collapse or hindered the escape of occupants above the impact zones.

so who are the experts ??

link 2
user may examine these effects by controlling the strength of the fastening and by controlling the extent of mass pulverization. These effects may be controlled by selecting fastening and pulverization which seem natural as well as by raising supplemental factors which weaken fastening and enhance pulverization. It remains for the user to decide whether the pancake collapse theory agrees with the recorded free fall times.

no other statement or opinion is offered..

a bbc piece ??

and it just goes on and on like this
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link 1
so who are the experts ??

As you can see from the first line in the article you quoted, they are W. Gene Corley and Jonathan Bennett.

"Dr. W. Gene Corley, P.E. is a structural engineer and "preeminent expert on building collapse investigations and building codes."[1] Corley has been the Vice President of CTLGroup since 1987, where he leads structural engineering projects, including numerous evaluations of buildings and structures damaged by earthquake, explosions, and from terrorist attacks."
W. Gene Corley: W. Gene Corley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Jonathan Barnett is a professor of practice in city and regional planning, and director of the Urban Design Program, at the University of Pennsylvania. He is an architect and planner as well as an educator, and is the author of numerous books and articles on the theory and practice of city design."
Jonathan Bennett: PennDesign :: City & Regional Planning

Two more experts who know what they are talking about.

link 2
user may examine these effects by controlling the strength of the fastening and by controlling the extent of mass pulverization. These effects may be controlled by selecting fastening and pulverization which seem natural as well as by raising supplemental factors which weaken fastening and enhance pulverization. It remains for the user to decide whether the pancake collapse theory agrees with the recorded free fall times.
no other statement or opinion is offered..
a bbc piece ??

Did you even read that article or my post about it? I was able to find two experts in the post you are quoting. Here are the two experts quotes from the article:

"It was the fire that killed the buildings - nothing on Earth could survive those temperatures with that amount of fuel burning "
-Structural engineer Chris Wise
BBC News | AMERICAS | How the World Trade Center fell

""I think they should not have gone in at all," he said. "If they did decide to take the risk, they should have been pulled out after an hour." "

"But the eventual collapse of the twin towers was so predictable that the order should have been given to withdraw emergency services within an hour... He watched in horror, knowing the building would fall within two hours."
BBC News | AMERICAS | How the World Trade Center fell
-Dr. John Knapton
his credentials:
"John Knapton, Professor of Structural Engineering in Newcastle University’s Department of Civil Engineering, has been asked by St Paul Syndicate Services, a group of Lloyds insurance syndicates, to study the chain of events that led up to the collapse of the towers."
Newcastle University Professor to spearhead World Trade Center insurance investigation - Press Release - Press and Communications - Newcastle University

and it just goes on and on like this

If "it goes on like this" then you your opinion is only going to look worse as I have clearly shown in this post that these were two very credible articles with great experts.
As you can see from the first line in the article you quoted, they are W. Gene Corley and Jonathan Bennett.

"Dr. W. Gene Corley, P.E. is a structural engineer and "preeminent expert on building collapse investigations and building codes."[1] Corley has been the Vice President of CTLGroup since 1987, where he leads structural engineering projects, including numerous evaluations of buildings and structures damaged by earthquake, explosions, and from terrorist attacks."
W. Gene Corley: W. Gene Corley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Jonathan Barnett is a professor of practice in city and regional planning, and director of the Urban Design Program, at the University of Pennsylvania. He is an architect and planner as well as an educator, and is the author of numerous books and articles on the theory and practice of city design."
Jonathan Bennett: PennDesign :: City & Regional Planning

Two more experts who know what they are talking about.

Did you even read that article or my post about it? I was able to find two experts in the post you are quoting. Here are the two experts quotes from the article:

"It was the fire that killed the buildings - nothing on Earth could survive those temperatures with that amount of fuel burning "
-Structural engineer Chris Wise
BBC News | AMERICAS | How the World Trade Center fell


The destruction of WTC 1 and 2
The official story goes like this:

American Airlines flight 11 hit the north tower (WTC1) at 08.46 AM. United Airlines flight 175 hit the south tower (WTC2) at 09.03 AM. The structural damage done to the buildings by the impacts and the following raging infernos fed by the kerosene from the planes caused the steel trusses to melt what ultimately let to a progressing pancake collapse. Floors would cave in and fall on the floors beneath it and so on, starting at the top and going all the way down. At 09.59 AM, WTC2 collapses, followed by WTC1 at 10.28 AM.

That's a good story but I don't believe it. Structural steel doesn't melt at the temperatures that can be reached by an hydrocarbon fueled fire. Under perfect conditions the maximum temperature that can be reached by hydrocarbons such as jet fuel burning in air is 825 - 1100 C (Depends on what source you believe). But it would take a constant and even feed of air and fuel for a long period of time to reach such temperatures. There wasn't a constant feed of kerosene, a major part of the fuel burned on impact in the big explosions we all saw. And the rest was used by the fire within minutes after impact. Even the National Institute of Standards and Technology agrees on that. After a three year investigation NIST has also said that "there is no proof that any of the core columns experienced temperatures in excess of 250 C". The alleged "blazing infernos" at the impact zones are not supported by photographic evidence. See the Fire section in the photo pages.

NIST says " The melting point of steel is about 1,500 Celsius". Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius. NIST reported "maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius in the WTC towers". They add that structural steel loses it's strength by temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees Celsius.
But even in the unrealistic case that the steel structure reached temperatures exceeding 1500 degrees celsius at the impact zones, do you really think that that would make the steel at, let's say, 30 floors lower where there was no fire at all, any weaker? Give me a break here. The parts of the buildings above the impact zones coming down because of the fires, well ok, I might even believe that. But the break down should have stopped pretty soon after the impact areas collapsed. period.

Two 110 floor towers that collapse into their own basements after 1 hour 13 minutes (WTC2) and 1 hour 25 minutes (WTC1) of smoke. Tower 1 was hit first but collapsed last, it was hit between floors 92 and 98. WTC2 was hit last but fell first. It was hit between floor 78 and 84. They collapse straight down, right through the path of most resistance and they both fell neatly into their own footprint. And they both fell in less than 13 seconds. They came down in free fall speed which is pretty remarkable considering the fact that it was supposed to be pancake collapses. With one floor falling on the other and busting it's way through. If that is what happened, the collapses should have slowed down and come to a stop somewhere. But instead of that, both towers picked up speed during the collapse. The floors didn't slow the fall AT ALL. If these were pancake collapses, where are the piles of floors (see here, here and here) then?? Why did all the concrete turn into a fine dust? And more important, if these were pancake collapses why did the two massive cores, build round 47 steel columns each, come down and disappear from Ground Zero??

NIST stated that they "are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse." As far as I'm concerned the explanation is pretty simple. The use of explosive materials.
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As you can see from the first line in the article you quoted, they are W. Gene Corley and Jonathan Bennett.

"Dr. W. Gene Corley, P.E. is a structural engineer and "preeminent expert on building collapse investigations and building codes."[1] Corley has been the Vice President of CTLGroup since 1987, where he leads structural engineering projects, including numerous evaluations of buildings and structures damaged by earthquake, explosions, and from terrorist attacks."
W. Gene Corley: W. Gene Corley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Jonathan Barnett is a professor of practice in city and regional planning, and director of the Urban Design Program, at the University of Pennsylvania. He is an architect and planner as well as an educator, and is the author of numerous books and articles on the theory and practice of city design."
Jonathan Bennett: PennDesign :: City & Regional Planning

Two more experts who know what they are talking about.

Did you even read that article or my post about it? I was able to find two experts in the post you are quoting. Here are the two experts quotes from the article:

"It was the fire that killed the buildings - nothing on Earth could survive those temperatures with that amount of fuel burning "
-Structural engineer Chris Wise
BBC News | AMERICAS | How the World Trade Center fell

YouTube - A new Standard for Deception by the NIST report part 6 of 6

The destruction of WTC 1 and 2
The official story goes like this:

American Airlines flight 11 hit the north tower (WTC1) at 08.46 AM. United Airlines flight 175 hit the south tower (WTC2) at 09.03 AM. The structural damage done to the buildings by the impacts and the following raging infernos fed by the kerosene from the planes caused the steel trusses to melt what ultimately let to a progressing pancake collapse. Floors would cave in and fall on the floors beneath it and so on, starting at the top and going all the way down. At 09.59 AM, WTC2 collapses, followed by WTC1 at 10.28 AM.

That's a good story but I don't believe it. Structural steel doesn't melt at the temperatures that can be reached by an hydrocarbon fueled fire. Under perfect conditions the maximum temperature that can be reached by hydrocarbons such as jet fuel burning in air is 825 - 1100 C (Depends on what source you believe). But it would take a constant and even feed of air and fuel for a long period of time to reach such temperatures. There wasn't a constant feed of kerosene, a major part of the fuel burned on impact in the big explosions we all saw. And the rest was used by the fire within minutes after impact. Even the National Institute of Standards and Technology agrees on that. After a three year investigation NIST has also said that "there is no proof that any of the core columns experienced temperatures in excess of 250 C". The alleged "blazing infernos" at the impact zones are not supported by photographic evidence. See the Fire section in the photo pages.

NIST says " The melting point of steel is about 1,500 Celsius". Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius. NIST reported "maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius in the WTC towers". They add that structural steel loses it's strength by temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees Celsius.
But even in the unrealistic case that the steel structure reached temperatures exceeding 1500 degrees celsius at the impact zones, do you really think that that would make the steel at, let's say, 30 floors lower where there was no fire at all, any weaker? Give me a break here. The parts of the buildings above the impact zones coming down because of the fires, well ok, I might even believe that. But the break down should have stopped pretty soon after the impact areas collapsed. period.

Two 110 floor towers that collapse into their own basements after 1 hour 13 minutes (WTC2) and 1 hour 25 minutes (WTC1) of smoke. Tower 1 was hit first but collapsed last, it was hit between floors 92 and 98. WTC2 was hit last but fell first. It was hit between floor 78 and 84. They collapse straight down, right through the path of most resistance and they both fell neatly into their own footprint. And they both fell in less than 13 seconds. They came down in free fall speed which is pretty remarkable considering the fact that it was supposed to be pancake collapses. With one floor falling on the other and busting it's way through. If that is what happened, the collapses should have slowed down and come to a stop somewhere. But instead of that, both towers picked up speed during the collapse. The floors didn't slow the fall AT ALL. If these were pancake collapses, where are the piles of floors (see here, here and here) then?? Why did all the concrete turn into a fine dust? And more important, if these were pancake collapses why did the two massive cores, build round 47 steel columns each, come down and disappear from Ground Zero??

NIST stated that they "are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse." As far as I'm concerned the explanation is pretty simple. The use of explosive materials.

"To be honest, I don't like this kind of evidence. It's not something which the scientists of the NIST or anyone else can prove. It's for 'assumptionists', of which I'm not one. Yet, there is enough evidence to point to the glow being aluminum. (Anyone saying they KNOW what the substance is would be lying. I won't pretend to KNOW it's aluminum because I don't. The NIST doesn't say they KNOW either. They only conclude it's aluminum because it's the most likely, given the evidence.)

"NIST concluded that the source of the molten material was aluminum alloys from the aircraft, since these are known to melt between 475 degrees Celsius and 640 degrees Celsius (depending on the particular alloy), well below the expected temperatures (about 1,000 degrees Celsius) in the vicinity of the fires. Aluminum is not expected to ignite at normal fire temperatures and there is no visual indication that the material flowing from the tower was burning.

Pure liquid aluminum would be expected to appear silvery. However, the molten metal was very likely mixed with large amounts of hot, partially burned, solid organic materials (e.g., furniture, carpets, partitions and computers) which can display an orange glow, much like logs burning in a fireplace. The apparent color also would have been affected by slag formation on the surface."

One of the glaringly OBVIOUS pieces of evidence is the place the flow is coming from. It just happens to be where the airliner crashed to a halt. You can tell by the way the perimeter columns look. They're bowed out like a catcher's mitt."

"Metals lose about 50% of their strength at 60% of their melting temperature. This is common knowledge and may be found in any undergraduate text regarding "Fracture and Deformation of Materials."

If the approximate melting temperature of steel is 2750 F the the material would be plastic at 1650 F. Even assuming a safety factor of 3, you would expect the bolts or other structural members to deform and fail near this temperature, especially with the additional weight if a jet air liner. I would assume that the live load calculations did not include the typical office equipment and an airliner plus a factor of 3. THEREFORE I assume that the flow is not steel and that the temperature of the steel members at the time of the photo is less than 1650 F.

Assuming that the flow would be molten aluminum from the airliner and the color of molten aluminum is silver then why is the flow orange?

The color of pure molten aluminum is silver, It has an emissivity of .12. Steel has an emissivity of .4 and appears orange in the temperature range of molten aluminum.

The emissivity of aluminum oxide is .44 and also appears orange in the melting temperature range of molten aluminum.

The emissivity of plate glass is .937 It begins to soften at 1000 F and flows around 1350 F. Silica has an emissivity of .8

Copper oxide also has an emissivity of .8. however I will assume that their effect is negligible.

Aluminum oxidizes readily in the foundry under ideal melting conditions. Large surface area relative to thickness, turbulence, the presence of water or oil greatly increases the oxidation of aluminum. A jet airliner is made of thin aluminum sheet and most probably suffered considerable oxidation especially in contact with an open flame and being in contact with jet fuel. If you don't believe this, try melting a few soda cans over coals or open flame. If you are lucky you will end up with only 50% aluminum oxide. However, the cans may completely burn up.

The specific gravity of aluminum is 2.7. The specific gravity of aluminum oxide (Al2O3-3H2O) is 2.42 the specific gravity of Si = 2.40 and Glass is 2.65 these are all very similar and likely to be entrained in a molten aluminum flow. Don't believe it? lightly stir the dross into molten aluminum. The surface tension is so high is is almost impossible to separate them.

THEREFORE assuming that the flow consist of molten aluminum and considerable oxides, and assuming that the windows in the trade center were plate glass and also in a plastic state and that they were also likely entrained in the molten aluminum. I would expect the flow to appear to be orange in color. Especially since both the entrained materials have emissivities equal to or more than twice that of iron. "

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Molten Steel

Also, if you have a problem with the true story of 9/11 then why dont you discredit the countless list of experts I have posted that you described as laughable?
Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on the American Battle Monuments Commission (1990 - 1994), and on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1994.

Article 7/1/06: "The former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and Colonel has gone on the record to voice his doubts about the official story of 9/11 - calling it ‘the dog that doesn't hunt.’ ‘I'm astounded that the conspiracy theory advanced by the administration could in fact be true and the evidence does not seem to suggest that's accurate,’ he said."

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.

Video 9/11/04: "A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible. … There’s a second group of facts having to do with the cover up. … Taken together these things prove that high levels of our government don’t want us to know what happened and who’s responsible.…

Raymond L. McGovern – Former Chairman, National Intelligence Estimates, CIA, responsible for preparing the President’ Daily Brief (PDB) for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. 27-year CIA veteran. Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer.

Video 7/22/06: "I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 report is a joke.

The question is: What’s being covered up? Is it gross malfeasance, gross negligence, misfeasance? … Now there are a whole bunch of unanswered questions. And the reason they’re unanswered is because this administration will not answer the questions. … I just want to reassert, what Scott [Ritter, former Major in the U.S. Marines Corps, former Chief Weapons Inspector for the United Nations Special Commission in Iraq] said and this is the bottom line for me, just as Hitler in 1933 cynically exploited the burning of the parliament building, the Reichstag, this is exactly what our President did in exploiting 9/11. The cynical way in which he played on our trauma, used it to justify attacking, making a war of aggression on a country that he knew had nothing to do with 9/11. That suffices for me, I think Scott is exactly right, that’s certainly an impeachable offense

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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