Fox News Reports on Collapse of Building 7 Before It Happens

here is what it says on the inside cover of the book.Backward deals,behind the scenes.As a former chicago prosecutor,David Schippers thought he had seen everything -treachery,double crosses,sellouts.But what he saw behind the scenes at the clinton impeachment shocked him to his core.This is his story-the story from a man who knows more than anyone else about what enet on behind closed doors leading up to the impeachment of president clinton.David Schippers,the former chief investigative counsel of the house judiciary committe and a loyal democrat,went against his party,the press,and public opinion to build a powerful case against the most corrupt president in american history and bring him to justice.Till Bush jr came alone,clinton WAS the most corrupt president in history.But in this starting book,schippers shows how the entire impeachment process was what chicago politicians call a "FIRST WARD election"-a rigged ball game,a sellout.and he tells you who tooks the dives.
Or at least provide a link to the book on Amazon or somewhere.
likely this one

[ame=] Sellout: The Inside Story of President Clinton's Impeachment: David P. Schippers: Books[/ame]
In SELLOUT YOU'LL LEARN- which GOP senator told schippers and the thirteen house impeachment managers -your not going to dump this garbage on us.
which democrats never bothered to examine the evidence-because they simply didnt want to know.
which GOP senator shouted-I dont care if you prove that clinton raped a woman and then stood up and shot her dead-you are not going to get sixty seven votes.
why Democrats and Republicans conspired to conceal the most damning evidence of impeachable,even criminal offences.
How a note handwritten by the president himself offers evidence of perjury.
How clinton tried to keep his women quiet.
how schippers unraveled a criminals for clinton conspiracy involving immigrants hurriedly
naturalized for Democratic votes-a program run from the office of Al Gore.
how republicans cooperated with janet reno's justice department to keep secret the Labella report on possibly impeachable clinton gore fund raising offences.
SELLOUT is a stunning indictment of president clintons corruption-and of the congressional leaders who let him get away.

that right there is an example of how corrupt CLINTON is and I brought that up cause Schippers is an honest man who fights for truth and justice.Despite being a loyal democrat,he tried to get clinton impeached and got constant fire for it.Now he is seeking justice in the 9/11 case.a true patriot.
here is what it says on the inside cover of the book.Backward deals,behind the scenes.As a former chicago prosecutor,David Schippers thought he had seen everything -treachery,double crosses,sellouts.But what he saw behind the scenes at the clinton impeachment shocked him to his core.This is his story-the story from a man who knows more than anyone else about what enet on behind closed doors leading up to the impeachment of president clinton.David Schippers,the former chief investigative counsel of the house judiciary committe and a loyal democrat,went against his party,the press,and public opinion to build a powerful case against the most corrupt president in american history and bring him to justice.Till Bush jr came alone,clinton WAS the most corrupt president in history.But in this starting book,schippers shows how the entire impeachment process was what chicago politicians call a "FIRST WARD election"-a rigged ball game,a sellout.and he tells you who tooks the dives.

In SELLOUT YOU'LL LEARN- which GOP senator told schippers and the thirteen house impeachment managers -your not going to dump this garbage on us.
which democrats never bothered to examine the evidence-because they simply didnt want to know.
which GOP senator shouted-I dont care if you prove that clinton raped a woman and then stood up and shot her dead-you are not going to get sixty seven votes.
why Democrats and Republicans conspired to conceal the most damning evidence of impeachable,even criminal offences.
How a note handwritten by the president himself offers evidence of perjury.
How clinton tried to keep his women quiet.
how schippers unraveled a criminals for clinton conspiracy involving immigrants hurriedly
naturalized for Democratic votes-a program run from the office of Al Gore.
how republicans cooperated with janet reno's justice department to keep secret the Labella report on possibly impeachable clinton gore fund raising offences.
SELLOUT is a stunning indictment of president clintons corruption-and of the congressional leaders who let him get away.

What does this have to do with 9/11
getting back to your post on page 10 the 13th post.Am I saying the government is making them say this? remember what I posted on how I approached my american history teacher a few years later over my anger how I had been lied to in american history that oswald killed kennedy how I realised that after I saw the movie JFK?a movie you havent seen obviously cause if you had,you woundn't be asking all these questions.
remember what I posted how he told me if he had REALLY said what he believed about the kennedy assassination,that he would get fired from the school board for that? you got to ask yourself the question why do others who speak out the truth such as kevin ryan,judy wood and steven jones get fired IMMEDIATELY at universities when they speak out the truth? connect the dots.well I left your thread at that point when you asked if its true why they dont kill alex jones because i figured my response that he has too many people behind him and that would just reinforce everything he has been saying about them to be true sufficient enough.NOW your asking whey they dont threaten his famliy to shut him up or kill them off? same thing,that will just reinforce everything he has been saying about them and that will REALLY wake people up if his family dies mysteriously or they threaten his family.matter of fact the guy HAS had death threats against him but their not going to carry them out cause he has gone public.alex jones hasnt made the same mistake that that one trooper in arkansas did which was trusting his superiours to take action against Clinton.If he had gone public like Terry Reed and L.D Brown did,he wouldnt have been arkansawed by clintons answer spoke for itself.lie and defend the official version and keep your job,or be a patriot and lose your job and speak out like kevin ryan, judy wood and steven jones have for example.
See you make the mistake of relying on authority and blindly accepting what they say.If pete rose-probably the best hitter in the history of baseball goes and tells you the best way to hit a baseball is to swing at it like your chopping wood are you going to automatically rely on his word that he is telling the truth when the evidence is overwhelming that thats not the way you do it,that you swing at a level way? I posted that canadawantsthe truth link that has over 47 videos that prove it,why do you ignore it and dont watch those videos,why do you not bother to read the evidence at 911truth? why do you ignore what the designers who built the buildings say that griffith quotes in his book? sorry but I will listen to what the people who actually BUILT THE TOWERS had to say before the towers went uo than the experts you like to think are god.LOL and THEY said as i said earlierm,that the towers were designed to take MULTIPLE hits form airliners,that if it DID take a hit,there would be a great loss of human lives and but the structures themselves would remain standing.its all there in Griffiths book.
See you make the mistake of relying on authority and blindly accepting what they say.If pete rose-probably the best hitter in the history of baseball goes and tells you the best way to hit a baseball is to swing at it like your chopping wood are you going to automatically rely on his word that he is telling the truth when the evidence is overwhelming that thats not the way you do it,that you swing at a level way? I posted that canadawantsthe truth link that has over 47 videos that prove it,why do you ignore it and dont watch those videos,why do you not bother to read the evidence at 911truth? why do you ignore what the designers who built the buildings say that griffith quotes in his book? sorry but I will listen to what the people who actually BUILT THE TOWERS had to say before the towers went uo than the experts you like to think are god.LOL and THEY said as i said earlierm,that the towers were designed to take MULTIPLE hits form airliners,that if it DID take a hit,there would be a great loss of human lives and but the structures themselves would remain standing.its all there in Griffiths book.
no, they didnt
they were not designed to take "multiple hits"
and they were only designed to take a hit from a 707, and not fully fueled

this is the type of lies that are widespread in the troofer nonsense
I mean come on George Bush and bill clinton are authority figures,but do you believe and trust in everything they say? LOL.btw,I looked at that on what you supplied and those are just internet links.that proves nothing,they can type in anything at those propagation sites.they can type in anything they want on the net at wikepedia or those other sites you listed.those links prove nothing.Well of course you dont believe it because you are clueless about how the CFR group works or operates.Bush Sr used to be the former director of the CIA,the last person you should believe in is someone who served in the CIA.LOL.Boy you are really ignorant if you actually believe this that nobody can tell the president what to do and that they are not puppets.Your hilarious.if you try to run the country by yourself like kennedy did then well you end up being offed by the CIA.kennedy made the mistake of believeing that the president runs the country.thats the way it SHOULD be and thats how it was drawn up,but thats not the way it is anymore.I already addressed that to you before why those experts from popular mechanics of professors here in the states and around the world cant be trusted.I have said this before like 3 times and I'll say it again,READ griffiths book,dont just look at a page in the middle of it and be done with it.He explains in there why you cant believe those experts in popular mechanics.
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I mean come on George Bush and bill clinton are authority figures,but do you believe and trust in everything they say? LOL.btw,I looked at that on what you supplied and those are just internet links.that proves nothing,they can type in anything at those propagation sites.they can type in anything they want on the net at wikepedia or those other sites you listed.those links prove nothing.Well of course you dont believe it because you are clueless about how the CFR group works or operates.Bush Sr used to be the former director of the CIA,the last person you should believe in is someone who served in the CIA.LOL.Boy you are really ignorant if you actually believe this that nobody can tell the president what to do and that they are not puppets.Your hilarious.if you try to run the country by yourself like kennedy did then well you end up being offed by the CIA.kennedy made the mistake of believeing that the president runs the country.thats the way it SHOULD be and thats how it was drawn up,but thats not the way it is anymore.I already addressed that to you before why those experts from popular mechanics of professors here in the states and around the wold can be trusted.I have said this before like 3 times and I'll say it again,READ griffiths book,dont just look at a page in the middle of it and be done with it.he explains in there why you cant believe those experts in popular mechanics.
just as the moronic sites you guys post can say ANYTHING they want, even if its totally lies
no, they didnt
they were not designed to take "multiple hits"
and they were only designed to take a hit from a 707, and not fully fueled

this is the type of lies that are widespread in the troofer nonsense

there is a video that is out there called MODERN MARVELS made about 11 months before the trade towers destruction,where one of the designers says it could take hits from MULTIPLE airliners,im sure you'll find it if you go to you tube.I've seen it,he says that.Griffith also points out and proves in his book that a 707 would cause more damage to the towers than the 757 I have said to BIG D multiple times,READ THE BOOK,not just one page in the middle or something like that.
just as the moronic sites you guys post can say ANYTHING they want, even if its totally lies is devoted to the truth and is backed up with facts,ones like wikipedia and those other laughable links are devoted to propaganda.
NOW to address your last post on page 10.Do I take the opinion of a former philosophy professor over physics and engineering experts? like i said before,I dont soley rely on Griiffith.dont know WHERE you got that idea.He interviewed those kinds of experts in those fields is how he came to his conclusions and like eots said,griffith isnt the only one who has this opinion.why dooes EOTS link of over 500 engineers and over 150 pilots he has posted to you multiple times mean nothing to you? you always ignore that link he provides. Egar is corrupt.You have way too much faith in him.Ryan debated him once and ititially Egar replied back to him,but then when Ryan countered him,he never heard back from him in MULTIPLE attempts to get a hold of him on his have way too much faith in popular mechanics and these internet links.
oh and like EOTS said before,dont pretend that its just Griffith thats out there and there are no experts in those fields you mentioned who dont accept the official version BIG D.well thats all I have time for now at the moment I only scratched the surface of some of the things griffith says in his book thats overwhelming proof it was an inside job
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getting back to your post on page 10 the 13th post.Am I saying the government is making them say this? remember what I posted on how I approached my american history teacher a few years later over my anger how I had been lied to in american history that oswald killed kennedy how I realised that after I saw the movie JFK?a movie you havent seen obviously cause if you had,you woundn't be asking all these questions.

It is funny how you seem to know these things about my life. How do you know what movies I have seen? You also never answered the question. I asked if you thought the govt is making my experts create papers they know to be false. Obliviously, this is hogwash b/c of the following reasons:
1) There has been no records of this.
2) They would not put their reputation on the line and take such pride in their work and wouldnt let this happen.
3) A good number of my experts are not even Americans and therefore our govt cannot control what they say.
4) The experts I have shown could simply flee to another nation and speak the truth.
5) There are a number of people (such as Alex Jones) who says over and over that the govt is responsible and he has not been shot down by our govt. Meanwhile, the US govt can easily kill him or threaten him to change his opinion when he first started speaking this on the airwaves.

remember what I posted how he told me if he had REALLY said what he believed about the kennedy assassination,that he would get fired from the school board for that? you got to ask yourself the question why do others who speak out the truth such as kevin ryan,judy wood and steven jones get fired IMMEDIATELY at universities when they speak out the truth? connect the dots.well I left your thread at that point when you asked if its true why they dont kill alex jones because i figured my response that he has too many people behind him and that would just reinforce everything he has been saying about them to be true sufficient enough.NOW your asking whey they dont threaten his famliy to shut him up or kill them off? same thing,that will just reinforce everything he has been saying about them and that will REALLY wake people up if his family dies mysteriously or they threaten his family.matter of fact the guy HAS had death threats against him but their not going to carry them out cause he has gone public. alex jones hasnt made the same mistake that that one trooper in arkansas did which was trusting his superiours to take action against Clinton.If he had gone public like Terry Reed and L.D Brown did,he wouldnt have been arkansawed by clintons answer spoke for itself.lie and defend the official version and keep your job,or be a patriot and lose your job and speak out like kevin ryan, judy wood and steven jones have for example.

Again, that makes no sense. First of all, they wouldn't tell the world that they are threatening him or his family. They would obviously tell them to keep it secret and to stop exposing them. It is interesting how the govt can pull off the biggest hoax in the history of mankind, but can't keep these people quiet. Why didn't they shut him up when he first started saying this. It could have been swept under the rug easily at that point. If they pulled off the hoax then they could have quietly put his company out of business and therefore he would at least be off the airwaves.

My point is that SOMETHING would have been done by now to Jones if the govt was really responsible for the attacks, but nothing has.
My point is that SOMETHING would have been done by now to Jones if the govt was really responsible for the attacks, but nothing has.
this is the thing they dont make sense on

this "group" is willing to kill THOUSANDS to accomplish it's goals, even went so far as to kill JFK because he was going to "expose them"
yet these morons think that a "group" with such a mindset wouldnt think twice about offing ANYONE that was alledgedly "exposing them"

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