Fox News Reports on Collapse of Building 7 Before It Happens

QUOTE=Bern80;920244]in most cases that would be true. This will fly over your head since you are void of objectivity, but the FACT is no explanation would satisfy you short of one that proved not only a conspiracy, but a Bush conspiracy. Your objectivityy void heart of hearts could you honestly say that you would be such a fruit cake about this issue had happened under Gore?

absolutely gores no better than bush...fruitcake

I'm essentially calling you out on your bullshit conpsiracy crap for what it really is. Because if we really want to get into remotely plausible conspiracies it is far more likely that the whole thing was orchestrated by Clinton

there is no separation between.. Bush.. Clinton .Obama..AND ITS ALWAYS THE SAME... CIA.. and the same Fed you know those organizations this man spoke of eliminating

[ame=]YouTube - The speech that got John F. Kennedy Killed[/ame]
Conspiracy theories exist because some of us cannot believe our leaders cannot possibly be as incompetent as they appear to be.

People become conspiracy theorists because they have faith that those in charge are NOT IDIOTS.

When we see how badly they fuck up, it simply stretches our imaginations that they can possible have been so dumb as apparently, they have been.

So, in a desperate attempt to make our presumption(that our leaders are not dumber than a box of rocks) people try to connect the dots to explain why things are going so badly.

So conspiracy theories are a leap of faith.

The leap of faith to believe that our leaders are evil bastards, rather than complete morons.
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Conspiracy theories exist because some of us cannot believe our leaders cannot possibly be as incompetent as they appear to be.

People become conspiracy theorists because they have faith that those in charge are NOT IDIOTS...
So conspiracy theories are a leap of faith.

You make an excellent point. I'm sure there are also other reasons why people believe in these, though.
Going back over the years it seems that for every major event that has happened in or about this country that there is at least one conspiracy to it.
1) Saddam Hussein captured- people believe that we have taken the wrong person or this was solely a publicity stunt the real Saddam is out there.
2) 9/11 attacks- Our govt did it for different reasons.
3) Moon Landing - America faked it to scare the Russians.
4) JFK Assisgnation - Either the American govt or the Russians did it for one reason or another.
5) Mystery on the Monongahela- This is a local conspiracy from the Pittsburgh area. In the 50's there was a B-25 bomber left Nevada and was headed somewhere in the northeast when it suddenly crashed in the Monongahela River outside of Pittsburgh. People believe that it was to be carrying an escaped Anastasia Romanov, that the Russians themselves brought it down, or it was taken over by Aliens.
6) Other countless plane crashes have been planned out for numerous reasons.
7) Oklahoma City bombing - There was supposedly more than Timothy McVeigh who did it or it was done by another group entirely.
8) Pearl Harbor attacks- FDR either knew of the planned attack beforehand or it was planned by him.
9) Celebrity deaths of countless people
10) Indian Ocean tsunami- The American govt caused it w/ nuclear experiments.
Please correct me if I am missing any.
If someone can believe in the 9/11 attacks are a hoax then what is stopping them from believing any other ones are fake? Seriously, where do we stop?
Conspiracy theories exist because some of us cannot believe our leaders cannot possibly be as incompetent as they appear to be.

People become conspiracy theorists because they have faith that those in charge are NOT IDIOTS.

When we see how badly they fuck up, it simply stretches our imaginations that they can possible have been so dumb as apparently, they have been.

So, in a desperate attempt to make our presumption(that our leaders are not dumber than a box of rocks) people try to connect the dots to explain why things are going so badly.

So conspiracy theories are a leap of faith.

The leap of faith to believe that our leaders are evil bastards, rather than complete morons.

....or your just plain nuts. Eots theories aren't isolated to 9/11.

Eots, your rants speak far more to the state of your mind then they do about any possible conspiracy. if you want to prove any type of theory it must be done from a state of objectivity. You don't have that. This is evidenced by your dismissal of any and all non-conspiracy based evidence.
Right, similar to how no news agency would make the mistake of calling a state won in an election before it was actually won.

Thats such a lame comparison its not even funny.The difference in those two is like night and day.
of course i would deny you conspiracy kooks
you're all nutz

the conspiracy kooks that are nutz are the people like you 9/11 apologists guys who are in conspiracy kooks grasp at straws all the time with your lame ass explanations.thats the thing that so funny when you call us conpiracy kooks is THIS time unlike in the kennedy assassination,9/11 WAS a conspiracy by a group of people.the only conspiracy kooks are the ones who defend the official version.steerpikes post is the only who who has posted who had a reasonable explanation that was wrong.everybody else's has been hysterical.especially the one after steerpikes.LOL
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the conspiracy kooks that are nutz are the people like you 9/11 apologists guys who are in conspiracy kooks grasp at straws all the time with your lame ass explanations.thats the thing that so funny when you call us conpiracy kooks is THIS time unlike in the kennedy assassination,9/11 WAS a conspiracy by a group of people.the only conspiracy kooks are the ones who defend the official version.steerpikes post is the only who who has posted who had a reasonable explanation that was wrong.everybody else's has been hysterical.especially the one after steerpikes.LOL
yeah, thats why you morons believe every fucking conspiracy on the books
still claiming things that are not true

you are a fucking moron if you believe this bullshit

you need to look in the mirror when calling someone a fucking moron for allowing them to brainwash you with their bullshit.
yes, asshole, you are a moron
if they also believe this bullshit, then THEY are morons as well

thanks for proving your afraid of the truth and YOU are the moron the fact that your so afraid of the truth you call these people in high positions in government morons as well.Nuff said frady cat.
you need to look in the mirror when calling someone a fucking moron for allowing them to brainwash you with their bullshit.

thanks for proving your afraid of the truth and YOU are the moron the fact that your so afraid of the truth you call these people in high positions in government morons as well.Nuff said frady cat.
except you are the moron for believeing the bullshit you do
you are the brainwashed one
i'm not afraid of the truth, i KNOW the truth
unlike morons like you that are filled with bullshit
DiveCons basic argument......blah... blah... moron for .blah ...blah...... bullshit you you are..... morons like you ....blah ..blah... bullshit
DiveCons basic argument......blah... blah... moron for .blah ...blah...... bullshit you you are..... morons like you ....blah ..blah... bullshit
naw, thats just what happens to morons like you
you have NO FACTS
sure I do ....FACT...the bbc reported the collapse of wtc 7 22mins before it occurred and fox news reported it several minutes before it occurred...THEN THEY BOTH ..denied it ever happened until independent individuals found video recordings to back what they remember seeing on the news...and they where forced to admit it occurred and offered no other explanation for the report or denial but..the confusion of that day
these are the facts... not in dispute.....
sure I do ....FACT...the bbc reported the collapse of wtc 7 22mins before it occurred and fox news reported it several minutes before it occurred...THEN THEY BOTH ..denied it ever happened until independent individuals found video recordings to back what they remember seeing on the news...and they where forced to admit it occurred and offered no other explanation for the report or denial but..the confusion of that day
these are the facts... not in dispute.....
that is NOT a fact, that is conjecture
you assume something because someone else TOLD you it was
and they never admitted it was wrong
wtf are you talking about ?? are you even speaking English...the only conjecture is the belief I form from these facts..confirmed and not disputed by fox or the bbc
wtf are you talking about ?? are you even speaking English...the only conjecture is the belief I form from these facts..confirmed and not disputed by fox or the bbc

Again, why would our govt inform every news anchor in the country that they are attack us? I never heard of an instance in the history of the world where an enemy informed their opponents of when, where, and how they would attack them.
wtf are you talking about ?? are you even speaking English...the only conjecture is the belief I form from these facts..confirmed and not disputed by fox or the bbc
first off, the OP link was not fox news, but fox 5 news, there IS a difference, and for what you are saying to be true, it adds more people into your conspiracy, and again, no one has talked
you like to bring up these people that to most people are completely unknown, and claim they are this or that without anything to prove what they are
then you refuse to believe that someone could make up shit(like your patriots BS link) and that somehow, its not possible for a fake site to get away with it

that makes you a fucking moron
QUOTE=DiveCon;921928]first off, the OP link was not fox news, but fox 5 news, there IS a difference, and for what you are saying to be true, it adds more people into your conspiracy

no it doesn't one person opened their mouth 22mins early and that person may not even know any more than that,,and all it takes is one phone call with a excuse like we don't want to feed conspiracy theory's and endanger the troops or support terror lose the tape of the little blooper and its done...

and again, no one has talked

sure people talked ..people that saw it recounted the story,,,others tried to locate a copy..they talked to the news agency they talked back and called it urban legend ..eventually diligent patriots located copy's..then they talked about them...then the news groups admitted the occurrence and attributed it to confusion..

you like to bring up these people that to most people are completely unknown, and claim they are this or that without anything to prove what they are

there are some extremely well known individuals..and several of the also appear in 911 lectures and film as well as the a site and many have appeared on national syndicated radio for example

Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career.

.......was a recent guest on Alex Jones

then you refuse to believe that someone could make up shit(like your patriots BS link) and that somehow its not possible for a fake site to get away with it

that makes you a fucking moron

no a grassroot conspiracy of the type you describe and magnitude is mot assume the identities verifiable nasa employees..norad directors ..etc.. and appear on national radio..portraying this person..appearing in documentary film and at lectures and your site remains up for over 5 years unabated...none of them have ever got word of this deception because its a conspiracy and its secret and no one is saying anything .....not even divecon...or they just don't care their names and reputations are being used or slandered in this way...because.....nobody but a moron would belive the troofer bullshit anyway.....right ?
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