Fox News Reports on Collapse of Building 7 Before It Happens

95% of Americans belive a lot of things..according to you 25% belive in big foot

Not according to me, it is according to Zogby. As I said in the other thread: This is one of the most highly regarded of its kind. Evidently, 9/11 inside job regards it as credible as he thought that one poll conducted by this company was in his favor, but I later proved him wrong. That is a fact, that you cannot admit. Next, it wasnt 25 %, but it still was a lot higher than who believe in the 9/11 hoax. That is how little the American people think of this conspiracy. MUCH more people believe there is an ape like creature in our forest than who believe in the 9/11 myths.
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polls are irrelevant in this situation...polling is not how we investigate crime
polls are irrelevant in this situation...polling is not how we investigate crime

This shows that if it were true more people would be on your bandwagon. If it were true people on your side would be able to convince more than 4.7 % of the population.
this is only your stupid flawed logic...polling is irrelevant to a crime investigation
.polling is irrelevant to a crime investigation

that's true. I just have a hard time believing that all high profile 9/11 hoax believers, like alex jones, can only convince 4.7% of the population if they were right and had better points to give.
its one of the few places the message can be heard ...a better question is why don't they interview people featured on patriots question of the generals was on Alex Jones today..but who heard him compared to tonights fox broadcast and how many form there opinions on the complete unqualified ridiculous collection of experts that presented the popular mechanics debunking no its not that surprising
its one of the few places the message can be heard ...a better question is why don't they interview people featured on patriots question of the generals was on Alex Jones today..but who heard him compared to tonights fox broadcast and how many form there opinions on the complete unqualified ridiculous collection of experts that presented the popular mechanics debunking no its not that surprising

I disagree with that first statement. I have heard of it lots of times before I even heard of Alex Jones. So what was it that was ridiculous from the collection on popular mechanics? Were the people with PHD's unqualified? How about the people with P.E., S.E., S.B., S.M., or the other degrees listed? How about a professors of engineering? Would those people know anything about a building collapse? Would you think that the director of aviation for the VF Corp would know anything about a plane crash? Would you think that the squadron commander of the U.S. airforce know anything about air defense?
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4.JFK.are you joking? the evidence is overwhelming that the military industrial complex and the CIA were behind it if you still believe in that fairy tale warren commission report that oswald killed kennedy, then your either in serious denial or have never seen the movie JFK and have never heard a different opposing view on it.
5.dont know anything about it so cant comment on it.
6.countless plane crashs? dont dont about countless ones but flight 93-i think was the number,happened under clintons watch where the news media said it was a malfunction on the airliner that caused the crash but witnesses said they saw a missile shoot it down and independent invesitgaters on the scene said a missile had to do that damage as well.I'll believe them anyday of the year over the corporate controlled media.
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7.OK bombing? till Bush Jr came along,Clinton was the most evil and corrupt president there ever was so I have to believe they are lying about this one as well.Yes tim Mcveigh was involved in it but so were others.The reason we know that is because witnesses reported seeing others with mcveigh prior to the explosion going on and they reported seeing them there driving off to policemen and said they did not go after them.they made no attempt to go after the others so I got to believe the government is involved in this one as well.especially since it happened under clintons watch.
8.Pearl Harbour? you CANT be serious? thats even been talked about on the history channel how FDR knew before hand about it and planned it all.The book that proves it ot be true is you need to read DAY OF DECEIT.It documents and proves it all.Its based off of over 20,000 previously declassified documents that used to be classified.It proves it all.You also need to look at that thread going called Pearl Harbour and the deceptions of war.
9.Celebrity deaths? well obviously not all of them are.LOL.but Marilyn Monroe as anyone knows,was obviously murdered and did not commit suicide like they said she did.The autopsys prove that.Same with George Reeve.They said he committed suicide as well but the autopsys prove otherwise.
10.Indian Ocean? dont know anything about it so cant comment on it.
yeah there is another one you mentioned that is just as important that needs to be talked about as well-which I will get to in the next post and that is the Waco tragedy.
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This is WHY- even thought I dont know too much about it,that I believe Clinton and the government were behind oklahoma city as well is because the evidence is overwhelming in the waco tragedy that Clinton was responsible for it happening.The major news magazines back then in 93 were even reporting it back then quoting Janet Reno that Clinton gave her the okay order to proceed to burn down the complex murdering innocent women and children.If you watch the video WACO.RULES OF will see in that video where Clinton says on there-We did not start the fire,the fire was started accidently by the davidians.we found evidence that they accidently tripped over a gasoline cannister in the complex and that started the explosion.we did not start the fire.Clinton of course was known by everyone that served under him in his administration as a pathalogical liar incapable of telling the truth about anything.The video CLEARLY shows a US army tank seeting fire to the compound.He also says in the video-we never fired on the complex.they fired at us but we never fired on them.alos bullcrap because the video clearly shows snipers firing on the complex as well.and the waco survivors said they answered the door and said-dont shoot,theres women and children here.we surrender.and yet the FBI still opened up fire on them and burned down the complex.I will believe the waco survivors over the FBI and that bastard Clinton anyday of the year.who YOU going to believe? thats why I think he is involved in oklahoma as well since they arent telling the truth about that one either that more than one man was involved.
Finally for today.I want to comment mainly on JFK because that movie is the movie that got me interested in his assassination.I have read over 50 books on his assassination and the evidence is overwhelming that it was the CIA behind it all.many witnesses who interviewed jim garrison said that prior to his assassination in the months leading up to it in new orleans,they saw oswald and jack ruby together.they could place them together.They also saw david ferrie and oswald together as witness-beverly oliver-who was jack rubys girlfriend and I have been fortunate enough to meet,was a stripper at the carousel club that jack ruby owned.she said she saw jack ruby come in there all the time with some really strange characters and on at at least two occassions she saw him with lee harvey oswald.she said ruby introduced him to her and said-beverly this is my friend lee oswald of the CIA and that oswald looked mad that ruby reviewed to her that he worked for the CIA. she said she saw david ferrie come there as well on a few occassions. Madeline Brown was was LBJ's mistress-whom I also have met,said that she was at a party at LBJ'S ranch the night before the assassination and that Johnson,connolly,nixon and j edgar hoover were all there that night.she said that LBJ came out of a room that all those men were in and said that LBJ said-after tomorrow,that bastard kennedy will no longer be a problem anymore.LBJ AND NIXON were involved in it up to their ears.

also marina oswald-whom i have been fortunate to meet once as well,said that back then,she was threatend with having her children depoted to russia if she did not testify to the warren commission that she believed oswald killed kennedy.being a frightend 19 year old kid from russia back then she was afraid of them so she naturally told them what they wanted to hear.NOW she is no longer afraid of them and speaks a different tune and tells that story.can you blame her for doing that back then? come on,she was a frightened 19 year old.I would have done so as well if i had been her probably. years later after people started figuring it out that it was impossible for oswald to have pulled it off by himself,that there had to have been more than one shooter,thats when they came up with these theorys that maybe it was the russians,the cubans,the mob,castro.for a while I thought maybe it was just the mob that did it but thats what the government wanted people toto get their attention from who was REALLY behind it which was the CIA.none of those other groups had the power to set oswald up like they did and control the media like they did so anybody with logic and common sense can see it was the CIA.

dude if you still believe that oswald killed kennedy,then your way too far brainwashed to be reasoned with on 9/11. I dont even try to attempt to reason with people about 9/11 who still believe in that fairy tale that oswald killed kennedy.Now the ones that I have encountered over the years who can accept that the CIA killed kennedy but had nothing to do with 9/11,THOSE people I will at least try to reason with because their much more easier to reason with on this than the people who believe that lone gunman fairy tale are.
Again, my point was that there is no end to these conspiracy theories. It seems that for every major event that happens in this country there is a conspiracy theory attach to it. There is no end to them.
that much is correct the use of false flag terror is a method used repeatedly thought out history..I mean do I really i really have to post the Kennedy speech again where he calls it a conspiracy of massive proportions with its hand in almost aspect of government and industry and military..or all the dead presidents that warned of this..
I guarantee that for the next horrible event that happens in the future, there will be people who believe the govt is behind it.
I guarantee that for the next horrible event that happens in the future, there will be people who believe the govt is behind it.

And I will guarantee you.. there will most likely will be government involvement..

Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, December 8, 2008

General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani ISI, told CNN yesterday that both the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 were “inside jobs,” much to the chagrin of host and CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria, who told viewers that Gul’s opinions were “absolutely wrong and thoroughly discredited”.

“When you look at the full spectrum of possibilities, who could have done it, then one knows that Samjhauta Express was a similar case, in which Pakistan ISI was accused. But it turned out that it was the militant Hindus themselves who had killed 68 passengers in that train, and that it was an inside job,” said Gul.

“Now Colonel Srikant Purohit, who is a serving army officer, he has been caught in this particular case. And the whole thing has turned around.”

“So, obviously, there is an inside job.”

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
And I will guarantee you.. there will most likely will be government involvement..

Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, December 8, 2008

General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani ISI, told CNN yesterday that both the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 were “inside jobs,” much to the chagrin of host and CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria, who told viewers that Gul’s opinions were “absolutely wrong and thoroughly discredited”.

“When you look at the full spectrum of possibilities, who could have done it, then one knows that Samjhauta Express was a similar case, in which Pakistan ISI was accused. But it turned out that it was the militant Hindus themselves who had killed 68 passengers in that train, and that it was an inside job,” said Gul.

“Now Colonel Srikant Purohit, who is a serving army officer, he has been caught in this particular case. And the whole thing has turned around.”

“So, obviously, there is an inside job.”

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
your biggest problem is you trust that liar alex jones too much
hes a known and proven LIAR
it was on CNN..I watched the interview myself.. Alex is just the only journalist that chose to write about it that could be found without a extensive
it was on CNN..I watched the interview myself.. Alex is just the only journalist that chose to write about it that could be found without a extensive
oh geee, the former head of the ISI denies his department had anything to do with it

and you believe him

you're the moron
it was on CNN..I watched the interview myself.. Alex is just the only journalist that chose to write about it that could be found without a extensive

I think that there ARE a whole lot of questions that need to be answered about 9/11 but focusing on shit like building 7 only serves to drive you further into the lunatic category where you are easy to dismiss.
My Quote: "I guarantee that for the next horrible event that happens in the future, there will be people who believe the govt is behind it."
And I will guarantee you.. there will most likely will be government involvement..

It's interesting that you will most likely believe that there will be government involvement for an incident that hasn't even happened yet!

Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, December 8, 2008
General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani ISI, told CNN yesterday that both the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 were “inside jobs,” much to the chagrin of host and CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria, who told viewers that Gul’s opinions were “absolutely wrong and thoroughly discredited”.
“When you look at the full spectrum of possibilities, who could have done it, then one knows that Samjhauta Express was a similar case, in which Pakistan ISI was accused. But it turned out that it was the militant Hindus themselves who had killed 68 passengers in that train, and that it was an inside job,” said Gul.
“Now Colonel Srikant Purohit, who is a serving army officer, he has been caught in this particular case. And the whole thing has turned around.”
“So, obviously, there is an inside job.”
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

You know who doesn't believe it was done by our government? Osama Bin Laden! He has confessed to it numerous times.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Bin Laden video threatens America
Bin Laden says he ordered 9/11 attacks
The Guardian's Timeline of the tapes

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