Fox News Reports on Collapse of Building 7 Before It Happens

wtf are you talking about ?? are you even speaking English...the only conjecture is the belief I form from these facts..confirmed and not disputed by fox or the bbc

The problem Eots is how your brain functions (or doesn't function I guess). You are so hell bent in your conspiracy beliefs that you are void of objectivity. People who are objective take into account ALL explanations for evidence provided.

That is you start with what is known. Let's assume it is true that two news organizations reported the collapse before it happened. Before you can even begin to lean toward the notion that this information is evidence of a conspiracy, a lot of questions need to be addressed. First and for most taking into what the possible explanations for this are. I won't delineate all of these things that need to get cleared up, because it really isn't the point.

The point is that you are biased toward a specific explanation of the events of 9/11. Evidenced by the fact that given two equally plausible explanations for a piece of evidence you, without fail, always, ALWAYS favor the one that is rooted in conspiracy.
The problem Eots is how your brain functions (or doesn't function I guess). You are so hell bent in your conspiracy beliefs that you are void of objectivity. People who are objective take into account ALL explanations for evidence provided.
yes then examine there probability..where do you get off speaking of objectivity never present any information of any relevance you have looked at very little of the 911 information but yet some how your convinced of the whitehouse version of events

That is you start with what is known. Let's assume it is true

there is no assumption necessary

that two news organizations reported the collapse before it happened. Before you can even begin to lean toward the notion that this information is evidence of a conspiracy, a lot of questions need to be addressed. First and for most taking into what the possible explanations for this are. I won't delineate all of these things that need to get cleared up, because it really isn't the point.

or its because you don't have any...

The point is that you are biased toward a specific explanation of the events of 9/11. Evidenced by the fact that given two equally plausible explanations for a piece of evidence you, without fail, always, ALWAYS favor the one that is rooted in conspiracy.]

yet you can not provide even one for this..
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yes then examine there probability..where do you get off speaking of objectivity never present any information of any relevance you have looked at very little of the 911 information but yet some how your convinced of the whitehouse version of events

Where did I say I believed the White House version of events? That is the problem with you and over half the people on this board. You assume the position of others for the convenience of your own argument.

or its because you don't have any...

The short list? WHO told the news stations prematurely the building had collapsed? Semantics would be important in something like this. Did the individual tell the news outlets the building were going to collapse or did they tell them the building had already collapsed? Because of your bias you always jump from A to Z without ever looking into the other 25 or so steps you need to go through to plausibly prove Z.

yet you can not provide even one for this..

Again because it isn't the point. We can play the game and proves my point just perfectly. You took as evidence of a conspiracy two news agencies that reported an event before it happened without first determining WHY this happened which is a fairly critical component to lending any credibility to your conspiracy theory.

The other issue is with you concluding the your 'evidence' validates a conpsiracy, all your testimonials, all the people that it would require to pull off this conspiracy, which at this point would be several hundred, you have yet to provide a single person, not one, that has admitted any involvment in a conspiracy. MEANWHILE, a terrorist organization HAS claimed responsibility for the events and their IS evidence that they indeed did do it.
The short list? WHO told the news stations prematurely the building had collapsed? Semantics would be important in something like this. Did the individual tell the news outlets the building were going to collapse or did they tell them the building had already collapsed? Because of your bias you always jump from A to Z without ever looking into the other 25 or so steps you need to go through to plausibly prove Z.

That is exactly what eots and 9/11 inside job are doing in the other thread. They're clearly jumping to conclusions. For example, they will post a poll that shows X amount of people believe that our govt let 9/11 happen. Then they will assume that these people believe that our govt made it happen. Meanwhile, I have posted the true poll and they ignore it. Another example is when 9/11 inside job said that Ron Paul wants the 9/11 investigation reopened and therefore he believes that Paul must think that it was a hoax. Meanwhile, he has never said this and actually has claimed the opposite.
The problem Eots is how your brain functions (or doesn't function I guess). You are so hell bent in your conspiracy beliefs that you are void of objectivity. People who are objective take into account ALL explanations for evidence provided.

That is you start with what is known. Let's assume it is true that two news organizations reported the collapse before it happened. Before you can even begin to lean toward the notion that this information is evidence of a conspiracy, a lot of questions need to be addressed. First and for most taking into what the possible explanations for this are. I won't delineate all of these things that need to get cleared up, because it really isn't the point.

The point is that you are biased toward a specific explanation of the events of 9/11. Evidenced by the fact that given two equally plausible explanations for a piece of evidence you, without fail, always, ALWAYS favor the one that is rooted in conspiracy.
exactly, Occams Razor
That is exactly what eots and 9/11 inside job are doing in the other thread. They're clearly jumping to conclusions. For example, they will post a poll that shows X amount of people believe that our govt let 9/11 happen. Then they will assume that these people believe that our govt made it happen. Meanwhile, I have posted the true poll and they ignore it. Another example is when 9/11 inside job said that Ron Paul wants the 9/11 investigation reopened and therefore he believes that Paul must think that it was a hoax. Meanwhile, he has never said this and actually has claimed the opposite.

as always you twist our didnt type in like I told you to on that google search,to look at those links I showed you that show over 40% believe it was an inside job.not jumping to conclusions at all,just going by what the polls proved.Not ignoring it,you hoever have ignored those posts i made on that thread of yours.thanks again for proving you only selectively read PARTS of my posts.I told you years ago he WAS on alex jones saying it new investigation needed to be reopened.People who listen to the alex jones raido show all know that.seriously if your only going to selectively read PARTS of my posts then that shows you dont want to see the other side of the coin.SO stop saying he has never said this.sounds like you never even listen to his show.if you do,its very seldom at all.
The problem Eots is how your brain functions (or doesn't function I guess). You are so hell bent in your conspiracy beliefs that you are void of objectivity. People who are objective take into account ALL explanations for evidence provided.

That is you start with what is known. Let's assume it is true that two news organizations reported the collapse before it happened. Before you can even begin to lean toward the notion that this information is evidence of a conspiracy, a lot of questions need to be addressed. First and for most taking into what the possible explanations for this are. I won't delineate all of these things that need to get cleared up, because it really isn't the point.

The point is that you are biased toward a specific explanation of the events of 9/11. Evidenced by the fact that given two equally plausible explanations for a piece of evidence you, without fail, always, ALWAYS favor the one that is rooted in conspiracy.

Just because he posts facts that you guys always ignore doesnt mean he isnt objective.sheesh.He HAS taken in all and they have been debunked by the experts as he has proved to you all MANY times.No you guys are BIASED in your beliefs.If you ever bothered to read the 9/11 books out there that criticise the 9/11 investigation and watch the videos out there,you would see that the evidence is overwhelming that its a coverup.
Just because he posts facts that you guys always ignore doesnt mean he isnt objective.sheesh.He HAS taken in all and they have been debunked by the experts as he has proved to you all MANY times.No you guys are BIASED in your beliefs.If you ever bothered to read the 9/11 books out there that criticise the 9/11 investigation and watch the videos out there,you would see that the evidence is overwhelming that its a coverup.
no, he doesnt post facts, he posts bullshit
just like you

if you morons would actually look and understand, you would see that the facts back the official story
there is NO cover up

now, is there info that hasnt been released, no fucking doubt, you wont get to see everything
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in most cases that would be true. This will fly over your head since you are void of objectivity, but the FACT is no explanation would satisfy you short of one that proved not only a conspiracy, but a Bush conspiracy. Your objectivityy void heart of hearts could you honestly say that you would be such a fruit cake about this issue had happened under Gore?

I'm essentially calling you out on your bullshit conpsiracy crap for what it really is. Because if we really want to get into remotely plausible conspiracies it is far more likely that the whole thing was orchestrated by Clinton.

The only ones that are not objective are you guys.He always addresses the issue of the other side and when you guys cant counter it-you all engage in chiidish name calling.ESPECIALLY Diva con.I have noticed since I been on here that anytime ANYBODY comes on here and doesnt accept the official bullshit conspiracy crap that Muslims were behind it all and they post evidence refuting it in their opening posts,they get called a bunch of names.Obviously the truth hurts you guys.

oh and about Clinton? Clinton is long time buddies with the Bush's.He was involved as well but not to the extent that Bush was.Clinton knew about it happening as well only he didnt profit from it like Bush and Chenedy far as we know anyways.He really didnt need to.

absolutely gores no better than bush...fruitcake

there is no separation between.. Bush.. Clinton .Obama..AND ITS ALWAYS THE SAME... CIA.. and the same Fed you know those organizations this man spoke of eliminating

YouTube - The speech that got John F. Kennedy Killed

exactly.well done again.You should also have added in MCcain up there as well on how there is no separation in those men.Bush and Clinton for sure knew it was going to happen and wanted it to_Obama dont think he did at the time but he knows now and is lying his ass off about it as well.
You make an excellent point. I'm sure there are also other reasons why people believe in these, though.
Going back over the years it seems that for every major event that has happened in or about this country that there is at least one conspiracy to it.
1) Saddam Hussein captured- people believe that we have taken the wrong person or this was solely a publicity stunt the real Saddam is out there.
2) 9/11 attacks- Our govt did it for different reasons.
3) Moon Landing - America faked it to scare the Russians.
4) JFK Assisgnation - Either the American govt or the Russians did it for one reason or another.
5) Mystery on the Monongahela- This is a local conspiracy from the Pittsburgh area. In the 50's there was a B-25 bomber left Nevada and was headed somewhere in the northeast when it suddenly crashed in the Monongahela River outside of Pittsburgh. People believe that it was to be carrying an escaped Anastasia Romanov, that the Russians themselves brought it down, or it was taken over by Aliens.
6) Other countless plane crashes have been planned out for numerous reasons.
7) Oklahoma City bombing - There was supposedly more than Timothy McVeigh who did it or it was done by another group entirely.
8) Pearl Harbor attacks- FDR either knew of the planned attack beforehand or it was planned by him.
9) Celebrity deaths of countless people
10) Indian Ocean tsunami- The American govt caused it w/ nuclear experiments.
Please correct me if I am missing any.
If someone can believe in the 9/11 attacks are a hoax then what is stopping them from believing any other ones are fake? Seriously, where do we stop?

okay Im only going to address part of this for now.more in the next couple of days.
1.Havent heard about this one so cant comment on it.
2.any person with logic and common sense knows that to be a fact.
3.THIS one for a long time I thought it was faked until recently when someone on another site I post at made a thread saying that if they DID fake it,then the Russians would have found out and exposed them so I now think they were telling the truth about this one.They got to tell the truth sometimes or they would never fool people like you.this I think was one of those times.more on the others in a couple of days.
okay Im only going to address part of this for now.more in the next couple of days.
1.Havent heard about this one so cant comment on it.
2.any person with logic and common sense knows that to be a fact.
3.THIS one for a long time I thought it was faked until recently when someone on another site I post at made a thread saying that if they DID fake it,then the Russians would have found out and exposed them so I now think they were telling the truth about this one.They got to tell the truth sometimes or they would never fool people like you.this I think was one of those times.more on the others in a couple of days.
on #2, only people devoid of logic and common sense believe the nonsense you believe
as always you twist our didnt type in like I told you to on that google search,to look at those links I showed you that show over 40% believe it was an inside job.not jumping to conclusions at all,just going by what the polls proved.Not ignoring it,you hoever have ignored those posts i made on that thread of yours.thanks again for proving you only selectively read PARTS of my posts.
I am twisting nothing around. As I said in the obama/clinton thread I did search for it and couldnt find it at that point in time. Since then I DID find a zogby poll that said that 43% of Americans believe the govt LET it happen. I would assume this is the one you are talking about. As I have said NUMEROUS times letting something happen is not the same as making it happen. I have PROVEN that only 4.7% of Americans believe this and you cannot admit it to be correct.

I told you years ago he WAS on alex jones saying it new investigation needed to be reopened.People who listen to the alex jones raido show all know that.seriously if your only going to selectively read PARTS of my posts then that shows you dont want to see the other side of the coin.SO stop saying he has never said this.sounds like you never even listen to his show.if you do,its very seldom at all.
I understand everything you are saying. Ron Paul says he wants the investigation reopened. He doesnt believe it was done by the govt. You make it seem that he agrees with everything you are saying, when in fact he agrees with me. Again, Ron Paul agrees with ME not YOU.
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okay Im only going to address part of this for now.more in the next couple of days.
1.Havent heard about this one so cant comment on it.
2.any person with logic and common sense knows that to be a fact.
3.THIS one for a long time I thought it was faked until recently when someone on another site I post at made a thread saying that if they DID fake it,then the Russians would have found out and exposed them so I now think they were telling the truth about this one.They got to tell the truth sometimes or they would never fool people like you.this I think was one of those times.more on the others in a couple of days.

You dont have to take the time to address them all. I was simply making the point that most of the conspiracy theories are crazy so to take one seriously you would have to take them all seriously and that there is no line where to stop. Wouldn't you admit that some of these are silly?
some of them ??..your mixing apples and oranges comparing a crime that was committed and a search for a mythical creature as all falling into this category of conspiracy theory... as you have been programmed to father was a murder homicide detective..everyday he would go to work and investigate a crime..he would determine who may of conspired to commit this crime .he would examine evidence ...he would form a theory..then pursue a investigation...
some of them ??..your mixing apples and oranges comparing a crime that was committed and a search for a mythical creature as all falling into this category of conspiracy theory... as you have been programmed to do..

In your opinion they are apples and oranges. To some others they cannot believe any of the theories. If say God told me that one of these conspiracy theories were true then I could have just as easily have chosen the JFK assassination, FDR knew of the impending Pearl Harbor attacks, Oklahoma City bombing was done by our govt, Our govt caused the Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, the real Saddam Hussein is still at large, or the death of Tupac Shakur just as easily as I chose the 9/11 attacks. In my opinion, they are all nonsense.

my father was a murder homicide detective..everyday he would go to work and investigate a crime..he would determine who may of conspired to commit this crime .he would examine evidence ...he would form a theory..then pursue a investigation...

That is what I did. I have been in this debate before and nothing has convinced me that it was an inside job. If I do come across conclusive evidence that show otherwise then I will change my opinion. But I don't believe that will ever happen.
In your opinion they are apples and oranges. To some others they cannot believe any of the theories. If say God told me that one of these conspiracy theories were true then I could have just as easily have chosen the JFK assassination

the official story of jfk is false and i am sure the extent of your research is a best A@E

FDR knew of the impending Pearl Harbor attacks,

[there was clearly prior knowledge of pearl harbor]

Oklahoma City bombing was done by our govt,

oklahoma city..was an inside job the atf had prior warning

Our govt caused the Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, the real Saddam Hussein is still at large, or the death of Tupac Shakur just as easily as I chose the 9/11 attacks. In my opinion, they are all nonsense.

the above is all clearly nonsense

and you forgot the uss liberty and the bay of tonkin

and the overthrow of mosadec

there is along history of false flag ops without question

That is what I did. I have been in this debate before and nothing has convinced me that it was an inside job. If I do come across conclusive evidence that show otherwise then I will change my opinion. But I don't believe that will ever happen.

I grew up with detectives you sir are no detective
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some of them ??..your mixing apples and oranges comparing a crime that was committed and a search for a mythical creature as all falling into this category of conspiracy theory... as you have been programmed to father was a murder homicide detective..everyday he would go to work and investigate a crime..he would determine who may of conspired to commit this crime .he would examine evidence ...he would form a theory..then pursue a investigation...

maybe you need to take a few more notes from him then on how to compile evidence that proves an action. Two news agencies reporting something before it happened is not proof of anything. As i said before there are several questions that requiring answering before you can even start, considering a conspiracy.
I grew up with detectives you sir are no detective

Lloyd Bentson called he wants his line back. I am no detective, but I have let you and numerous other people about your opinion on the subject and NOBODY has provided any evidence to convince me. I have listened to what you and 9/11 inside job said and have went on the Alex Jones website. I have not seen enough evidence to convince me what you are saying. Most of America must agree with me as more than 95% of this county has my opinion. Your opening post in this thread is a great example how you jump to conclusions without adequate evidence. Because someone is given word of an event before their visual feed shows it is in no way proof of a hoax.
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95% of Americans belive a lot of things..hell according to you 25% belive in big foot

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