Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theories

Clinton Foundation got $140,000,000 (plus probably other cash in a Swiss account) and Russia got 20% of our uranium.

Literally Fake News.

Complete coincidence that people connected with the Uranium gave Hillary probably a total of $150,000,000
$145 million.

$131 million of those donations were given by a single person to the Clinton Foundation WHILE GEORGE BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.

And that person left the company THREE YEARS BEFORE THE URANIUM ONE DEAL.

These are pertinent facts which your propaganda sources deliberately did not tell you, parrot.,

Even if that were not true, look at other facts. It took 9 individuals or agencies to approve the deal. None of them named Clinton. If they were trying to bribe Clinton, it was dumb. If they did bribe her then why did they hack the DNC servers and even forged the letterhead of a Democrat Senator. In addition they used social media to run anti-Clinton messages.
Nothing you said changes the fact that Mueller, Holder, snd Obama withheld the Russian intent and crimes, that Hillary and Bill were paid millions by the Russians while she was Sect of State and on this Committee. If it had been Trump in that position instead of Hillary you partisan bedwetters would have Trump in jail by now.


The snowflake hypocrisy and partisanship is off the charts...
Yep Jilly - 9 Trumplings with Russian spy meetings and somewhere around 207 combined lies.Purely coincidence I am certain :rolleyes-41:

Yet no evidence of non-existent Trump 'Collusion', as opposed to the real existing evidence against Democrats.

Hillary Clinton: Paid $100+ Million by the KGB Bank - the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One - through the Russian Uranium One Team Lead
- 'Nothing to see here'

Bill Clinton: Paid $500,000 a Speech by the KGB Bank' tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Commission Execs, met with Putin himself (I am sure to talk about his grandkids :p )
- 'Nothing to see here'

John Podesta: Hillary's Campaign Manager - Co-founder of the Podesta Group, a lobbying firm that was working with / for the Russians on 2 separate accounts; collected THOUSANDS of UN-REORTED shares of Russian stocks; 1/3rd of his company's board members were prominent Russian businessmen who had / have direct links to the Kremlin and Putin himself
- 'Nothing to see here'

'Fat Tony' Podesta: Brother of Hillary's Campaign Manager; CEO who ran the Podesta Group until news broke that his scandals / treason was FINALLY being looked into; worked for the KGB Bank as an un-registered foreign agent...and worked for the Russia SPY AGENCY - the same one that supposedly hacked into the DNC
- 'Nothing to see here'



Hillary Clinton:
- Secretary of State - evidence now shows she and her aides (like Huma Abedin) was using the State Department like a satellite office for the Clinton Foundation, selling access, favors, and influence, one of the 2 open investigations on Hillary in the last weeks before the 2016 election.

- Received over $100 Million in Clinton Foundation' 'donations' from the Lead Russian in charge of the team tasked with securing the purchase of Uranium One.

- Was a sitting member on the committee tasked with either granting or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians. 'Forgot' to mention that the Lead Russian in the deal had paid her / 'the Foundation' over $100 million.
- It was discovered later the money came from THE KGB BANK, again, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Robert Mueller:
- Obama Director of the FBI; was made aware by his agencies investigations and reporting of the Russian effort to corner the US uranium market by purchasing Uranium One and knew completely about how the Russians were engaged in wide-spread Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and 'buying' US politicians and officials.

- His agency did NOTHING about it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Eric Holder:
- Obama US AG; was made aware of the Russians' intent, scandal, and crimes. His DOJ did NOTHING to stop it.

- Holder also sat on the Committee responsible for either approving or denying the sale of Uranium One. Evidence released two weeks ago shows Holder withheld the information from the Committee.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Barak Obama:
President of the United States; was aware of the Russian intent and crimes, but - much like in 2016 when he found out about Russian interference in our election / society, he did nothing. Despite knowing, once the Committee approved the sale of Uranium One, Barak Obama signed off on it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

And despite all of this, snowflakes will now pull the 'Russian' card, accusing the one who points all of the Democrats ACTUAL crimes, all supported by actual existing evidence, to be paid by the Russians. :p
- Evidence also shows the Russians easily manipulated the 'emotional snowflakes' and paid Liberal hate groups to organize marches for them, participate in those marches, and spread racial division and hate. Their rabid partisan hatred is their weakness, and the Russians preyed upon it, playing them like puppets.

Wonder where your sources came from. Infowars or Hannity?
Yep Jilly - 9 Trumplings with Russian spy meetings and somewhere around 207 combined lies.Purely coincidence I am certain :rolleyes-41:

Yet no evidence of non-existent Trump 'Collusion', as opposed to the real existing evidence against Democrats.

Hillary Clinton: Paid $100+ Million by the KGB Bank - the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One - through the Russian Uranium One Team Lead
- 'Nothing to see here'

Bill Clinton: Paid $500,000 a Speech by the KGB Bank' tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Commission Execs, met with Putin himself (I am sure to talk about his grandkids :p )
- 'Nothing to see here'

John Podesta: Hillary's Campaign Manager - Co-founder of the Podesta Group, a lobbying firm that was working with / for the Russians on 2 separate accounts; collected THOUSANDS of UN-REORTED shares of Russian stocks; 1/3rd of his company's board members were prominent Russian businessmen who had / have direct links to the Kremlin and Putin himself
- 'Nothing to see here'

'Fat Tony' Podesta: Brother of Hillary's Campaign Manager; CEO who ran the Podesta Group until news broke that his scandals / treason was FINALLY being looked into; worked for the KGB Bank as an un-registered foreign agent...and worked for the Russia SPY AGENCY - the same one that supposedly hacked into the DNC
- 'Nothing to see here'



Hillary Clinton:
- Secretary of State - evidence now shows she and her aides (like Huma Abedin) was using the State Department like a satellite office for the Clinton Foundation, selling access, favors, and influence, one of the 2 open investigations on Hillary in the last weeks before the 2016 election.

- Received over $100 Million in Clinton Foundation' 'donations' from the Lead Russian in charge of the team tasked with securing the purchase of Uranium One.

- Was a sitting member on the committee tasked with either granting or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians. 'Forgot' to mention that the Lead Russian in the deal had paid her / 'the Foundation' over $100 million.
- It was discovered later the money came from THE KGB BANK, again, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Robert Mueller:
- Obama Director of the FBI; was made aware by his agencies investigations and reporting of the Russian effort to corner the US uranium market by purchasing Uranium One and knew completely about how the Russians were engaged in wide-spread Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and 'buying' US politicians and officials.

- His agency did NOTHING about it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Eric Holder:
- Obama US AG; was made aware of the Russians' intent, scandal, and crimes. His DOJ did NOTHING to stop it.

- Holder also sat on the Committee responsible for either approving or denying the sale of Uranium One. Evidence released two weeks ago shows Holder withheld the information from the Committee.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Barak Obama:
President of the United States; was aware of the Russian intent and crimes, but - much like in 2016 when he found out about Russian interference in our election / society, he did nothing. Despite knowing, once the Committee approved the sale of Uranium One, Barak Obama signed off on it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

And despite all of this, snowflakes will now pull the 'Russian' card, accusing the one who points all of the Democrats ACTUAL crimes, all supported by actual existing evidence, to be paid by the Russians. :p
- Evidence also shows the Russians easily manipulated the 'emotional snowflakes' and paid Liberal hate groups to organize marches for them, participate in those marches, and spread racial division and hate. Their rabid partisan hatred is their weakness, and the Russians preyed upon it, playing them like puppets.

Wonder where your sources came from. Infowars or Hannity?
Why don't you check out my links instead of LYING, ignorant troll?
Yep Jilly - 9 Trumplings with Russian spy meetings and somewhere around 207 combined lies.Purely coincidence I am certain :rolleyes-41:

Yet no evidence of non-existent Trump 'Collusion', as opposed to the real existing evidence against Democrats.

Hillary Clinton: Paid $100+ Million by the KGB Bank - the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One - through the Russian Uranium One Team Lead
- 'Nothing to see here'

Bill Clinton: Paid $500,000 a Speech by the KGB Bank' tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Commission Execs, met with Putin himself (I am sure to talk about his grandkids :p )
- 'Nothing to see here'

John Podesta: Hillary's Campaign Manager - Co-founder of the Podesta Group, a lobbying firm that was working with / for the Russians on 2 separate accounts; collected THOUSANDS of UN-REORTED shares of Russian stocks; 1/3rd of his company's board members were prominent Russian businessmen who had / have direct links to the Kremlin and Putin himself
- 'Nothing to see here'

'Fat Tony' Podesta: Brother of Hillary's Campaign Manager; CEO who ran the Podesta Group until news broke that his scandals / treason was FINALLY being looked into; worked for the KGB Bank as an un-registered foreign agent...and worked for the Russia SPY AGENCY - the same one that supposedly hacked into the DNC
- 'Nothing to see here'



Hillary Clinton:
- Secretary of State - evidence now shows she and her aides (like Huma Abedin) was using the State Department like a satellite office for the Clinton Foundation, selling access, favors, and influence, one of the 2 open investigations on Hillary in the last weeks before the 2016 election.

- Received over $100 Million in Clinton Foundation' 'donations' from the Lead Russian in charge of the team tasked with securing the purchase of Uranium One.

- Was a sitting member on the committee tasked with either granting or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians. 'Forgot' to mention that the Lead Russian in the deal had paid her / 'the Foundation' over $100 million.
- It was discovered later the money came from THE KGB BANK, again, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Robert Mueller:
- Obama Director of the FBI; was made aware by his agencies investigations and reporting of the Russian effort to corner the US uranium market by purchasing Uranium One and knew completely about how the Russians were engaged in wide-spread Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and 'buying' US politicians and officials.

- His agency did NOTHING about it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Eric Holder:
- Obama US AG; was made aware of the Russians' intent, scandal, and crimes. His DOJ did NOTHING to stop it.

- Holder also sat on the Committee responsible for either approving or denying the sale of Uranium One. Evidence released two weeks ago shows Holder withheld the information from the Committee.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Barak Obama:
President of the United States; was aware of the Russian intent and crimes, but - much like in 2016 when he found out about Russian interference in our election / society, he did nothing. Despite knowing, once the Committee approved the sale of Uranium One, Barak Obama signed off on it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

And despite all of this, snowflakes will now pull the 'Russian' card, accusing the one who points all of the Democrats ACTUAL crimes, all supported by actual existing evidence, to be paid by the Russians. :p
- Evidence also shows the Russians easily manipulated the 'emotional snowflakes' and paid Liberal hate groups to organize marches for them, participate in those marches, and spread racial division and hate. Their rabid partisan hatred is their weakness, and the Russians preyed upon it, playing them like puppets.

Wonder where your sources came from. Infowars or Hannity?
Why don't you check out my links instead of LYING, ignorant troll?

Because you’re a Clinton obsessed Russian troll. There is no point in watching your bullshit propaganda.
Very funny. If you look at the dates when this uranium bs came up. That was way way before the 2016 election.
You seriously have no clue that Uranium One has nothing to do with the election, do you? Talk about 'clueless wonders'.


Prove to me that I’m clueless. Just because you sold your worthless soul to this lousy POTUS and keep listening to Hannity and Tucker that doesn’t mean you are credible poster or even know what you are talking about. I know you lie a lot.
I already destroyed the 'Smith debunks Uranium One' BS. Smith debunked nothing.

The only thing you destroyed is your credibility. If you had any except among weak minded Trumpists. Take your garbage and shove it.
Like all snowflakes, you talk crap but can't back it up. I did. The links and evidence I posted proves Smith and the liberal media have not and can not make this go away.

The facts don't back you up. It took 9 different agencies or individuals to approve the deal. Clinton was 1 of them. Even if she said no, that would not have stopped the deal. It would have gone to the President. In a interview with peter Schweitzer who made the charge, Chris Wallace pointed that out and he had no answer to it. That is because it is not true. Even a President has to have credible evidence that the sale could imperil national security before he can stop the sale.

There is no evidence that Clinton attended the CFIUS meeting in question. The representative on the committee was a State Department flunky. He has no memory of Clinton even discussing it with him.

There is zero evidence. I did not vote for Clinton but it is time to move on. Russian interference in our elections are a bigger issue not a peabrain attempt to drag Clinton through the mud.
Shep Smith is gay. His mental illness obviously affects his performance. That's why I don't watch him. Too many politically correct lies.

He is a solid journalist and his sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. You are the one who is mentally ill as is all members of the Trump cult.
Nothing you said changes the fact that Mueller, Holder, snd Obama withheld the Russian intent and crimes, that Hillary and Bill were paid millions by the Russians while she was Sect of State and on this Committee. If it had been Trump in that position instead of Hillary you partisan bedwetters would have Trump in jail by now.


The snowflake hypocrisy and partisanship is off the charts...

Another one of your crazy conspiracy theories. You don't know anything about what I do. The fact is that Trump should be in jail for the fraud that was Trump University. He also bribed Pam Bondi so she would not file a class action suit on behalf of Florida victims.
Nothing to see here...

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.
Nothing to see here...

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

Pure fantasy
Yep Jilly - 9 Trumplings with Russian spy meetings and somewhere around 207 combined lies.Purely coincidence I am certain :rolleyes-41:

Yet no evidence of non-existent Trump 'Collusion', as opposed to the real existing evidence against Democrats.

Hillary Clinton: Paid $100+ Million by the KGB Bank - the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One - through the Russian Uranium One Team Lead
- 'Nothing to see here'

Bill Clinton: Paid $500,000 a Speech by the KGB Bank' tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Commission Execs, met with Putin himself (I am sure to talk about his grandkids :p )
- 'Nothing to see here'

John Podesta: Hillary's Campaign Manager - Co-founder of the Podesta Group, a lobbying firm that was working with / for the Russians on 2 separate accounts; collected THOUSANDS of UN-REORTED shares of Russian stocks; 1/3rd of his company's board members were prominent Russian businessmen who had / have direct links to the Kremlin and Putin himself
- 'Nothing to see here'

'Fat Tony' Podesta: Brother of Hillary's Campaign Manager; CEO who ran the Podesta Group until news broke that his scandals / treason was FINALLY being looked into; worked for the KGB Bank as an un-registered foreign agent...and worked for the Russia SPY AGENCY - the same one that supposedly hacked into the DNC
- 'Nothing to see here'



Hillary Clinton:
- Secretary of State - evidence now shows she and her aides (like Huma Abedin) was using the State Department like a satellite office for the Clinton Foundation, selling access, favors, and influence, one of the 2 open investigations on Hillary in the last weeks before the 2016 election.

- Received over $100 Million in Clinton Foundation' 'donations' from the Lead Russian in charge of the team tasked with securing the purchase of Uranium One.

- Was a sitting member on the committee tasked with either granting or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians. 'Forgot' to mention that the Lead Russian in the deal had paid her / 'the Foundation' over $100 million.
- It was discovered later the money came from THE KGB BANK, again, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Robert Mueller:
- Obama Director of the FBI; was made aware by his agencies investigations and reporting of the Russian effort to corner the US uranium market by purchasing Uranium One and knew completely about how the Russians were engaged in wide-spread Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and 'buying' US politicians and officials.

- His agency did NOTHING about it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Eric Holder:
- Obama US AG; was made aware of the Russians' intent, scandal, and crimes. His DOJ did NOTHING to stop it.

- Holder also sat on the Committee responsible for either approving or denying the sale of Uranium One. Evidence released two weeks ago shows Holder withheld the information from the Committee.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Barak Obama:
President of the United States; was aware of the Russian intent and crimes, but - much like in 2016 when he found out about Russian interference in our election / society, he did nothing. Despite knowing, once the Committee approved the sale of Uranium One, Barak Obama signed off on it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

And despite all of this, snowflakes will now pull the 'Russian' card, accusing the one who points all of the Democrats ACTUAL crimes, all supported by actual existing evidence, to be paid by the Russians. :p
- Evidence also shows the Russians easily manipulated the 'emotional snowflakes' and paid Liberal hate groups to organize marches for them, participate in those marches, and spread racial division and hate. Their rabid partisan hatred is their weakness, and the Russians preyed upon it, playing them like puppets.

Wonder where your sources came from. Infowars or Hannity?

As a Russian troll farm worker, easy gets his talking points directly from Putin.
Having listened to him often enough, when it comes to things of this nature, facts are usually in short supply and spun heavily. And having read all the emails, factual articles with backup, etc, Uranium One was not a made up story.
Shep Smith is a left wing ideologue.
Does that make his reporting innacurate by default?

This shoot the messenger despite the message mantra is FUCKING RETARDED.

I have no idea if she did something wrong or not but your response is pointless & childish.
As a Russian troll farm worker, easy gets his talking points directly from Putin.
Bill, Hillary, john Podesta, and 'Fat Tony' Podesta took more than 'points'.

As proven, the Clintons were paid MILLIONS from the KGB Bank, John received THOUSANDS of shares of unreported Russian stocks, & Fat Tony got generously paid by BOTH the KGB BANK and the RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY as an UNregistered foreign agent (which none of you DNC 'TOOLS' show the slightest concern about).

Who knows what / how much the 3 Russian 'Stooges' (Mueller, Holder, and Barry) got for hiding Russia's crimes in 2009.

But lacking any evidence and being unable to debunk the real 'coincidental' evidence against these traitors, you laughably suggest I am a 'Russian Troll Farm Worker'. :p

DL, the only 'TOOLS' who got paid by the Russians, as proven, were LIBERAL HATE GROUPS - like The Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa - for inciting racial division and violence.

Easily manipulated by their 'emotions' - especially those of butt-hurt bitterness and hate, snowflakes eagerly organized protests and marches for the Russians, marching like good little braiwashed anti-Trump zombies as part of Russia's interference..

Nice job, Dupe.
Last edited:
Because you’re a Clinton obsessed Russian troll. There is no point in watching your bullshit propaganda.
Still got nothing but bitterness, hatred, and denial...sad.

Keep those eyes closed tight and your emotions running high, DL. The Russians aren't done manipulating you yet.

You're still too partisan and filled with hate to realize you and those like you are perpetuating Russia's gameplan - create division and hate.

The year-long witch hunt over a NON-crime and NON-existent Trump 'collusion' that has yielded ZERO evidence, the investigation that Democrats and snowflakes refuse to give up....


Very funny. If you look at the dates when this uranium bs came up. That was way way before the 2016 election.
You seriously have no clue that Uranium One has nothing to do with the election, do you? Talk about 'clueless wonders'.


What specifically does it have to do with Hillary?

What did she personally do regarding this deal?
and just like that FOX News is a valid source to the left.


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