Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theories

and just like that FOX News is a valid source to the left. amazing.
Whatever benefits them at the that white supremacist web site did for MSNBC. :p
tendency for both sides, but yea, funny as hell they spend a lifetime saying FOX NEWS LIES until they say what they want to hear, then suddenly "well they got that one right" for no other reason than they like it.
Who was Sheppard Smiths source? What qualifies Smith to make his assertion, and what makes it any more believable then Hannity’s?
Who was Sheppard Smiths source? What qualifies Smith to make his assertion, and what makes it any more believable then Hannity’s?

His source was the actual facts of the case

Something Hannity ignores
As a Russian troll farm worker, easy gets his talking points directly from Putin.
Starting to make sense .. I believe we have several Putin trolls around here.

....only because calling me a 'Russian Troll' is the only defense you snowflakes have for all the evidence against Hillary, Bill, Barry, John, 'Fat Tony', James. Loretta, Susan, etc...

Snowflakes be like...



Calling Russian trolls for what they are is good American common sense.

Obviously the billions of rubles Russia is spending on agitprop in America's online presence has a small share going to online message boards.

There are several Russian trolls here, imo.
Because you’re a Clinton obsessed Russian troll. There is no point in watching your bullshit propaganda.
Still got nothing but bitterness, hatred, and denial...sad.

Keep those eyes closed tight and your emotions running high, DL. The Russians aren't done manipulating you yet.

You're still too partisan and filled with hate to realize you and those like you are perpetuating Russia's gameplan - create division and hate.

The year-long witch hunt over a NON-crime and NON-existent Trump 'collusion' that has yielded ZERO evidence, the investigation that Democrats and snowflakes refuse to give up....



That’s some projection you’ve got going there Evgeny. Poor bitter, angry, butterhurt me! Whatever will I do?

I guess I’ll continue to point out how full of shit you and the other troll farm workers are and to keep reminding everyone that Putin has created an industry around serrupticious meddling in other countries affairs, giving hundreds of lazy miscreants such as yourself steady employment.

For a group of people who did not collude with the Russians, the “optics” don’t look good, as the Republicans are always saying about the Clintons. Everybody at the highest levels of the campaign met with Russians, telephoned Russians or contacted Russians, and then lied about it. It’s the lying about it that makes it look so bad.

During the campaign Trump claimed to know Putin. To have met him, to have done business in Russia. Don Jr. said they’ve sold a lot of Manhattan real estate to Russians. Now Donald claims he doesn’t know any Russians.

It’s the lies Evgeny. Hundreds of lies those closest to Trump have told about their contacts with Russians. People don’t lie unless they’ve done something improper. If this is a big nothing burger, why is Trump so scared of this investigation? If there’s nothing to find, why is Trump shitting his pants daily over this investigation?

Oh yeah, and the indictments.
As a Russian troll farm worker, easy gets his talking points directly from Putin.
Starting to make sense .. I believe we have several Putin trolls around here.

....only because calling me a 'Russian Troll' is the only defense you snowflakes have for all the evidence against Hillary, Bill, Barry, John, 'Fat Tony', James. Loretta, Susan, etc...

Snowflakes be like...

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You have it backwards, Evgeny. Calling Hillary a criminal over the completely debunked Uranium One deal is the only cover YOU have against the ongoing investigation of Trump’s ties to the Kremlin.

Every time there is something big happening with Mueller and the Investigation Trump goes on a Twitter rampage about Hillary. You post your lies and misdirections right on cue.

When the American businessman at the centre of the Magnitsky Act testified before the investigating committee we had the whole Anthony Scaramucci debacle to distract everyone from this man’s testimony. All the headlines were “Chaos in the White House” and stories about Priebus and Spicer leaving. The testimony became a back page item. When he was done testifying, Scaramucci was sent on his way with the thanks of his grateful President.

As Trump waited for the first indictments to come down, he went on a Twitter rampage accusing Hillary of all sorts of crimes and demanding Jeff Session “do SOMETHING”.

You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

Trumpanzees can be fooled all of the time. They don’t fact check or do research and they believe everything that Trump says or tweets, without question. Unfortunately for you, they only make up about 30% of the people who voted for Trump. 20 million people may seem like a lot but in a nation of over 300 million people, it’s not enough to keep you running these scams successfully.
Anyone calling anyone a criminal in the Uranium One deal is an agitprop Potemkin working for Russian interests, imo.
Congress has the right to waste the taxpayers' monies, for sure. But this is merely an agitprop by the Alt Right there to try to divert attention from the horrendous problems the GOP has in Congress and across the country.

Since no crime was committed, there will be no finding worth the expenditure.
For a group of people who did not collude with the Russians, the “optics” don’t look good...

Thank you for pointing out AGAIN how Democrats / Snowflakes have ZERO evidence against Trump.

After a YEAR of multiple investigations into a NON-CRIME - 'collusion' (not even a real crime), Democrats have no evidence.

Trump did not take over $100 million from the KGB Bank like Hillary did.

Trump did not take $500,000 a speech rom the KGB bank like bill did.

Trump did not take thousands of shares of Russian stocks like Hillary's campaign manager did.

Trump nor anyone he is associated worked as an un-registered foreign agent for the KGB Bank and worked for the Russian SPY Agency that hacked the DNC like fat Tony did.

IF Trump would have done any of those he would be Impeached by now and at risk of going to jail.

Snowflakes are ok with the Clinton crime syndicate doing these things, though.
You have it backwards, Evgeny. Calling Hillary a criminal over the completely debunked Uranium One deal is the only cover YOU have against the ongoing investigation of Trump’s ties to the Kremlin.

Every time there is something big happening with Mueller and the Investigation Trump goes on a Twitter rampage about Hillary. You post your lies and misdirections right on cue.

When the American businessman at the centre of the Magnitsky Act testified before the investigating committee we had the whole Anthony Scaramucci debacle to distract everyone from this man’s testimony. All the headlines were “Chaos in the White House” and stories about Priebus and Spicer leaving. The testimony became a back page item. When he was done testifying, Scaramucci was sent on his way with the thanks of his grateful President.

You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

Trumpanzees can be fooled all of the time. They don’t fact check or do research and they believe everything that Trump says or tweets, without question. Unfortunately for you, they only make up about 30% of the people who voted for Trump. 20 million people may seem like a lot but in a nation of over 300 million people, it’s not enough to keep you running these scams successfully.

You just won the thread


Great observation regarding The Mooch in particular. Donald has become a master of distraction, you can see them coming from miles away and his loving disciples lap 'em up like pablum. Idiots like Donald, Bannon, Miller, Moore (should i go on?) are absolutely killing the Republican brand. These are not conservatives, they are nuts who's primary objective is to sow division and chaos in the world.

The sad part is that congressional Rs are ignoring it - all they care about is their beloved tax cuts for Paris Hilton. Assuming we survive this POTUS, I'm afraid that his "base" is going to require deprogramming. Using abandoned Walmarts connected by secret underground tunnels for such may not be such a bad idea. :)
Crooked Hillary and her $2 billion dollar slush fund is finally going to be investigated, she's pissed.

Considering these matters have already been thoroughly investigated by numerous Committees, the IRS and the FBI, all of which found nothing, there’s little point in wasting further taxpayer dollars investigating her for the 18th time.

You idiots never learn that the Clintons KNOW they’ll be investigated at every turn so they dot all their i’s and cross their t’s and don’t do stupid shit that will get them into trouble. Bill’s blow job notwithstanding. 17 investigations and not a single indictment. Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals in the history of the world or they’re not doing anything illegal.

The Clinton Foundation is not a slush fund unlike the now defunct Trump Foundation which has been fined and shut down for any number of improper practices including illegal fundraising, using Foundation donations to settle business law suits, using donations to purchase sports memorabilia, and making illegal political “campaign contributions”.

Even Jeff Sessions, who was willing to settle that Russian lawyer’s money laundering case for 2 cents on the dollar, is smart enough to know there is no value and no basis for appointing a special prosecutor to go after Hillary. Sessions is old enough to remember what happened with the Ken Starr debacle.

You need a compelling reason to appoint a special prosecutor. Uranium One is not that reason. It’s to easily proven to be a nothing burger. Neither is the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary said the justice department shouldn’t be politicized,

Holy shit, that is rich. :badgrin::badgrin:

Does she say this shit just to fuck with us?
The 'DE-BUNKING' of Shepherd Smith's 'DE-BUNKING' continues, despite snowflake ignorant giddiness and using snippets of what Smith said, as if it were actual 'evidence' to dismiss ACTUAL evidence against Hillary and the Democrats:

1. Smith claims that Conservatives claim Hillary personally approved the Uranium One Deal.

Smith, in claiming this, is an idiot. No one I know has made such an idiotic claim. Hillary, then Secretary of State, sat on the Committee responsible for either approving or denying the sale of Uranium One. Being in that position - sitting on that Committee, Hillary Clinton took over $100 Million from the Leader of the Russian Team tasked with making the deal to purchase Uranium One. The money donated to Hillary was traced back not to this lone Russian but to the KGB BANK, the leading financier behind the Russian attempt to purchase Uranium One. Hillary did not make this public and did not recuse herself from the vote.

--- Had Donald Trump sat on this Committee and taken $100+ Million from the KGB Bank who was attempting to purchase Uranium One and the deal had gone through, Snowflakes and Democrats would be accusing HIM of treason and collusion. He would be Impeached by now, and if the snowflakes had their way he would be facing criminal charges. They are ok with Hillary doing it, though.

*** US AG Eric Holder also sat on this Committee. Holder did not personally approve the Uranium One deal, either. He did, however, have an obligation to inform the Committee that the Russians were engaged in wide-spread bribery, extortion, intimidation, and the buying of both politicians and government nuclear officials in an attempt to corner the US uranium market and take control of 20% of the US supply of Uranium. He, too, withheld information from the Committee, allowing the deal to go through.

*** President Obama also knew of the Russians' intent and crimes. He, too, said nothing. When the Committee had approved the sale, despite knowing what the Russians were doing, Obama signed off on the purchase.

2. The New York Times published a major piece about the Uranium One deal in 2015, noting that it helped fulfill Vladimir Putin's goal of amassing more control over the global uranium supply. The key excerpt from that story:

"At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One. Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well. And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock. At the time, both Rosatom and the United States government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. Those promises have been repeatedly broken, records show."

(3) The biggest piece of the Clinton puzzle as it relates to Uranium One is Bill Clinton, and the gobs of money he hauled in from interested parties over the years -- in exchange for the extraordinary access and political legitimatization that accompanies the blessing of a former US president. Back to the Times story:

The path to a Russian acquisition of American uranium deposits began in 2005 in Kazakhstan, where the Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra orchestrated his first big uranium deal, with Mr. Clinton at his side. The two men had flown aboard Mr. Giustra’s private jet to Almaty, Kazakhstan, where they dined with the authoritarian president, Nursultan A. Nazarbayev. Mr. Clinton handed the Kazakh president a propaganda coup when he expressed support for Mr. Nazarbayev’s bid to head an international elections monitoring group, undercutting American foreign policy and criticism of Kazakhstan’s poor human rights record by, among others, his wife, then a senator. Within days of the visit, Mr. Giustra’s fledgling company, UrAsia Energy Ltd., signed a preliminary deal giving it stakes in three uranium mines controlled by the state-run uranium agency Kazatomprom.

If the Kazakh deal was a major victory, UrAsia did not wait long before resuming the hunt. In 2007, it merged with Uranium One, a South African company with assets in Africa and Australia, in what was described as a $3.5 billion transaction. The new company, which kept the Uranium One name, was controlled by UrAsia investors including Ian Telfer, a Canadian who became chairman. Through a spokeswoman, Mr. Giustra, whose personal stake in the deal was estimated at about $45 million, said he sold his stake in 2007. Soon, Uranium One began to snap up companies with assets in the United States...several months [after the fruitful 2005 trip], Mr. Giustra had donated $31.3 million to Mr. Clinton’s foundation."

(4) The agreement “would give the Russian government control over a sizable portion of America’s uranium production capacity

Smith accurately tells viewers that the Uranium One deal "stipulated that no uranium produced may be exported." He added that without special permission, the company was required to sell "the uranium that it mines in the United States to civilian power reactors in the United States." These are important facts, but the top concern wasn't that the US would export its uranium to Russia, or that Russia would gain an upper hand on nuclear weapons. According to the Times, "the national security issue at stake in the Uranium One deal was not primarily about nuclear weapons proliferation...Instead, it concerned American dependence on foreign uranium sources. While the United States gets one-fifth of its electrical power from nuclear plants, it produces only around 20 percent of the uranium it needs, and most plants have only 18 to 36 months of reserves." The story quotes Republican Senator John Barrasso expressing the worry that the agreement “would give the Russian government control over a sizable portion of America’s uranium production capacity.” And so it did.

'In summary, Smith's segment clarified some important details about Uranium One that have too often been lost, overlooked, or intentionally ignored in the partisan shuffle. Facts and truth ought to matter....'

Smith INTENTIONALLY ... or inexcusably INCOMPETENTLY for a reporter ... left out a great number of facts, to include the most important pieces.

Smith should not feel bad for doing so, though - snowflakes - especially on this board - do it all the time.

Analysis: As Liberals Cheer Shepard Smith's 'Uranium One' Fact Check. Was That a Real Scandal, Or Not?
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You have it backwards, Evgeny. Calling Hillary a criminal over the completely debunked Uranium One deal is the only cover YOU have against the ongoing investigation of Trump’s ties to the Kremlin.

Every time there is something big happening with Mueller and the Investigation Trump goes on a Twitter rampage about Hillary. You post your lies and misdirections right on cue.

When the American businessman at the centre of the Magnitsky Act testified before the investigating committee we had the whole Anthony Scaramucci debacle to distract everyone from this man’s testimony. All the headlines were “Chaos in the White House” and stories about Priebus and Spicer leaving. The testimony became a back page item. When he was done testifying, Scaramucci was sent on his way with the thanks of his grateful President.

You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

Trumpanzees can be fooled all of the time. They don’t fact check or do research and they believe everything that Trump says or tweets, without question. Unfortunately for you, they only make up about 30% of the people who voted for Trump. 20 million people may seem like a lot but in a nation of over 300 million people, it’s not enough to keep you running these scams successfully.

You just won the thread


Great observation regarding The Mooch in particular. Donald has become a master of distraction, you can see them coming from miles away and his loving disciples lap 'em up like pablum. Idiots like Donald, Bannon, Miller, Moore (should i go on?) are absolutely killing the Republican brand. These are not conservatives, they are nuts who's primary objective is to sow division and chaos in the world.

The sad part is that congressional Rs are ignoring it - all they care about is their beloved tax cuts for Paris Hilton. Assuming we survive this POTUS, I'm afraid that his "base" is going to require deprogramming. Using abandoned Walmarts connected by secret underground tunnels for such may not be such a bad idea. :)

I have become convinced that Putin’s goal in all of this was always to get rid of Obama’s sanctions in general and the Magnitsky Act in particular. Hillary Clinton was never going to do that - ever.

Initially I thought Putin was trying to get the big oil deal that Rex Tillerson arranged back on the rails. There was some speculation that Putin was cutting Trump in for 5% which on $200 billion is a nice chunk of change, but as the facts have come out, it’s looking more and more like an effort to get rid of the Magnitsky Act which has really hamstrung the efforts of certain Russian oligarchs and Putin personally, to fleece the Russian people and launder the money they’re stealing.

Magnitsky Act - Wikipedia

Putin has stolen billions and some of it is stashed in US banks and banks in other foreign countries which have adopted Magnitsky sanctions. He stands to have those moneys seized under the Act.

While Junior’s meeting with the Russian lawyer claimed repealing Magnitsky would help Americans adopt Russian orphans, this was a smoke screen she used when lobbying for repeal of the Act. In retaliation for passage of Magnitsky, Putin banned Americans from adopting Russian orphans, but the Act itself is all about the theft of money’s from legitimate Russian businesses by government officials and their cronies, and the murder of whistle blower, Sergei Magnitsky.

Things that convinced me that Putin wanted Trump first and foremost to get rid of Magnitsky.

1. Junior’s Russian lawyer was hired by the Kremlin to get rid of Magnitsky and given an unlimited budget to get the job done.

2. The whole dog and pony show put on by the White House with Anthony Scaramucci while the American businessman whose money Putin stole, and whose lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky was murdered when he reported the theft, testified before Congress in open session. Instead of broadcasting his testimony to the American people, all of the MSM cable news stations broadcast The Mooch’s shenanigans. This, more than any other single item in this whole affair convinced me that we have a winner in the “motive” sweepstakes.

3. Jeff Sessions settled a $270 million lawsuit against the Russian lawyer’s client for money laundering quietly, for 2 cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt. The amount stolen from the American businessman in the Magnitsky Act case? $270 million. Coincidence? Perhaps.

4. Putin was said to be furious when Congress passed a bipartisan law saying that Trump could not lift any sanctions against Russia without Congressional approval. These are people who have heard all of the testimony and briefings we haven’t seen on the “Russia matter” and they voted almost unanimously for this legislation in both the House and Senate.

5. Trump’s body language around Russians. He’s relaxed, smiling and comfortable. Compare the stone faced, stiffness in his interactions around other world leaders.

If I can connect these dots, I’m pretty sure Mueller can too. If I were Jeff Sessions, I’d be shitting my pants over that money laundering settlement.
I have become convinced that Putin’s goal in all of this was always to get rid of Obama’s sanctions in general and the Magnitsky Act in particular. Hillary Clinton was never going to do that - ever.

Initially I thought Putin was trying to get the big oil deal that Rex Tillerson arranged back on the rails. There was some speculation that Putin was cutting Trump in for 5% which on $200 billion is a nice chunk of change, but as the facts have come out, it’s looking more and more like an effort to get rid of the Magnitsky Act which has really hamstrung the efforts of certain Russian oligarchs and Putin personally, to fleece the Russian people and launder the money they’re stealing.

Magnitsky Act - Wikipedia

Putin has stolen billions and some of it is stashed in US banks and banks in other foreign countries which have adopted Magnitsky sanctions. He stands to have those moneys seized under the Act.

While Junior’s meeting with the Russian lawyer claimed repealing Magnitsky would help Americans adopt Russian orphans, this was a smoke screen she used when lobbying for repeal of the Act. In retaliation for passage of Magnitsky, Putin banned Americans from adopting Russian orphans, but the Act itself is all about the theft of money’s from legitimate Russian businesses by government officials and their cronies, and the murder of whistle blower, Sergei Magnitsky.

Things that convinced me that Putin wanted Trump first and foremost to get rid of Magnitsky.

1. Junior’s Russian lawyer was hired by the Kremlin to get rid of Magnitsky and given an unlimited budget to get the job done.

2. The whole dog and pony show put on by the White House with Anthony Scaramucci while the American businessman whose money Putin stole, and whose lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky was murdered when he reported the theft, testified before Congress in open session. Instead of broadcasting his testimony to the American people, all of the MSM cable news stations broadcast The Mooch’s shenanigans. This, more than any other single item in this whole affair convinced me that we have a winner in the “motive” sweepstakes.

3. Jeff Sessions settled a $270 million lawsuit against the Russian lawyer’s client for money laundering quietly, for 2 cents on the dollar and no admission of guilt. The amount stolen from the American businessman in the Magnitsky Act case? $270 million. Coincidence? Perhaps.

4. Putin was said to be furious when Congress passed a bipartisan law saying that Trump could not lift any sanctions against Russia without Congressional approval. These are people who have heard all of the testimony and briefings we haven’t seen on the “Russia matter” and they voted almost unanimously for this legislation in both the House and Senate.

5. Trump’s body language around Russians. He’s relaxed, smiling and comfortable. Compare the stone faced, stiffness in his interactions around other world leaders.

If I can connect these dots, I’m pretty sure Mueller can too. If I were Jeff Sessions, I’d be shitting my pants over that money laundering settlement.

That's a great analysis. Yep, and remember Tillerson came out of nowhere - there are some crooked financial dealings going on involving that oil deal.

I think you're correct about Magnitsky being a major motivator for Das Poot. But beyond that, his objective would appear to be sowing discord and division in western democracies. He certainly succeeded in promoting tribalism wherever he's meddled. And he will continue to do so.

Things are about to get really interesting despite the "nothing-burger" claims to the contrary around these parts. And I hope you're right about Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. He's a crooked, crafty little weasel who would look great in an orange jumpsuit. :)

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