Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theories

As opposed to how snowflakes / Liberals rely on white supremacist web cites and 'news' organizations that routinely retract fake news stories, fire reporters for 'fake news', and openly profess their partisan efforts live on the air....

Liberals rely on white supremacist web sites?

Dude, you need help
actually he can be. stupid is putting people around you who don't know anything.

Yes, that may be the problem.
As opposed to how snowflakes / Liberals rely on white supremacist web cites and 'news' organizations that routinely retract fake news stories, fire reporters for 'fake news', and openly profess their partisan efforts live on the air....

Liberals rely on white supremacist web sites?

Dude, you need help

Psst: The Soviets used the word "socialist, as did the NSDAP. That may be the source of: "Nazis were liberals". So the KKK, and vaious NeoNazis get lumped in with Liberals. Not funny, yet.........

Ignore the 'Republic' in Peoples' Republic of......(NK, China) they are not Republicans(.)
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Wait a minute?

You mean Hillary didn't actually approve the deal?
And Russia did not actually get any uranium?

How strange is that?
Wait a minute?

You mean Hillary didn't actually approve the deal?
And Russia did not actually get any uranium?

How strange is that?

Normal, unless you hate Hilary Clinton for being a female, married to Bill Clinton, 'crooked' in your mind for unnamed crimes, then you REACHHHHHHHHHHHHHH particularly since she had the nerve to,

Get more votes, 2.9 million than Trump.
Shep Smith is gay. His mental illness obviously affects his performance. That's why I don't watch him. Too many politically correct lies.
Shep Smith is gay. His mental illness obviously affects his performance. That's why I don't watch him. Too many politically correct lies.

Anderson Cooper is gay also

Good thing you have straight men like Hannity to get your news from
Shep Smith is gay. His mental illness obviously affects his performance. That's why I don't watch him. Too many politically correct lies.

Nice, you know the slightly saner Republicans on here should consider what being on the same side as people like you and Steve McRacist means for their arguments.

Even Trump was happy to pose with the rainbow flag and proclaim himself. the most gay friendly candidate ever.
Clinton Foundation got $140,000,000 (plus probably other cash in a Swiss account) and Russia got 20% of our uranium.

And Hillary Clinton did not have the power to give it to them even if she wanted to. It took 9 different agencies or individuals to do it. Where is the evidence against them?
Imagine a piece of random journalism occurring at Fox and Trump cultists act like kamikazes. The only people I would watch at Fox is Shep Smith, Chris Wallace and maybe Bret Baier. Other than that it is propaganda.
The Russians should be the focus. Not Clinton, Trump or the news station trying to take a story back from extremes.

trump has to be a focus when talking about the Russians given that everyone around him was associated with them and then lied about those associations.


At this time, yes. Trying to fair is tough. Putin is still reptilian however.
I already destroyed the 'Smith debunks Uranium One' BS. Smith debunked nothing.

Very funny. If you look at the dates when this uranium bs came up. That was way way before the 2016 election.
Trump used every lying raping trick against Hillary. Yet Trump the lousy human being never used this uranium deal against Hillary.
Why is it suddenly coming up?
Did you ever ask yourself why?

Because there’s nothing there. Love.

This is the problem when you listen too much of Hannity and Tucker.
Btw - Jim Jordan is an assclown - Jefferson Beauregard Sessions may have Russia amnesia, but nice to see him stand up and say no to Jordan's wish of making America a Banana Republic.

This my friends is EPIC. Smith is a treasure beyond words and voice of reason over at Fox.

He's a gem. Too good for Fox. They will probably fire him and he'll end up with CNN.

He, Shep, is a gem. Until, he gave up honest reporting of the news and began analyzing it I watched him every night. I hadn't cared about his politics or his personal life. I loved the way he used to deliver the news. I also personally liked him and the good way he treated those co-workers on his set. I am sure the Murdochs want to keep him as long as they can. He represents their agenda which is attracting and retaining the LBGT community.

Or maybe they want to retain a real journalist or two at Fox. 90% of it is Trump propaganda yet the Murdochs are after LBGTs. If they were they would jettison 99% of the on-air talent at Fox.
I already destroyed the 'Smith debunks Uranium One' BS. Smith debunked nothing.

The only thing you destroyed is your credibility. If you had any except among weak minded Trumpists. Take your garbage and shove it.
Like all snowflakes, you talk crap but can't back it up. I did. The links and evidence I posted proves Smith and the liberal media have not and can not make this go away.
Very funny. If you look at the dates when this uranium bs came up. That was way way before the 2016 election.
You seriously have no clue that Uranium One has nothing to do with the election, do you? Talk about 'clueless wonders'.


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