Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theories

I predict the parroting rubes of the bogus Uranium One conspiracy theory will avoid watching the OP video at all costs.
Btw - Jim Jordan is an assclown - Jefferson Beauregard Sessions may have Russia amnesia, but nice to see him stand up and say no to Jordan's wish of making America a Banana Republic.

This my friends is EPIC. Smith is a treasure beyond words and voice of reason over at Fox.

He's a gem. Too good for Fox. They will probably fire him and he'll end up with CNN.

He, Shep, is a gem. Until, he gave up honest reporting of the news and began analyzing it I watched him every night. I hadn't cared about his politics or his personal life. I loved the way he used to deliver the news. I also personally liked him and the good way he treated those co-workers on his set. I am sure the Murdochs want to keep him as long as they can. He represents their agenda which is attracting and retaining the LBGT community.
The Russians should be the focus. Not Clinton, Trump or the news station trying to take a story back from extremes.

trump has to be a focus when talking about the Russians given that everyone around him was associated with them and then lied about those associations.


His entire administration may be dishonest, and yet he is clean. Trump cannot be both "stupid" and a world class defrauder.

actually he can be. stupid is putting people around you who don't know anything. stupid is allowing our standing in the world to be destroyed. stupid is his embarrassing us on the world stage.

being stupid does not mean that he isn't arrogant and narcissistic and power hungry.... you can be cagey and not be smart in any way that matters for the running of the country.

Sure but Putin is a ogliarch, forgetting CRIMEA is not an option.
Btw - Jim Jordan is an assclown - Jefferson Beauregard Sessions may have Russia amnesia, but nice to see him stand up and say no to Jordan's wish of making America a Banana Republic.

This my friends is EPIC. Smith is a treasure beyond words and voice of reason over at Fox.

Fox Nation is enraged

How dare you deal in facts?
Btw - Jim Jordan is an assclown - Jefferson Beauregard Sessions may have Russia amnesia, but nice to see him stand up and say no to Jordan's wish of making America a Banana Republic.

This my friends is EPIC. Smith is a treasure beyond words and voice of reason over at Fox.

He's a gem. Too good for Fox. They will probably fire him and he'll end up with CNN.

He, Shep, is a gem. Until, he gave up honest reporting of the news and began analyzing it I watched him every night. I hadn't cared about his politics or his personal life. I loved the way he used to deliver the news. I also personally liked him and the good way he treated those co-workers on his set. I am sure the Murdochs want to keep him as long as they can. He represents their agenda which is attracting and retaining the LBGT community.

He, along with Chris Wallace are FoxNews' last gasp of legitimate news
It's always nice to see the left appreciate Fox for being fair and balanced but Shep didn't methodically debunk anything. The stated mission of the NRC is to insure the safety of nuclear reactors and the safe disposal of radioactive waste. The NRC has nothing to do with the sale of uranium sites, only the operation. Why is it surprising that a commission appointed by Obama would rubber stamp the sale of uranium deposits by the Obama administration? You almost gotta laugh that if it happened today the democrat party would call up their minions to riot in the streets and the MSM would scream treason. .
I predict the parroting rubes of the bogus Uranium One conspiracy theory will avoid watching the OP video at all costs.

You sir are correct - the video was 6 minutes and i had responses in 2.

A sampling of their dazzling intellect :)


Shep Smith is a left wing ideologue.

Shep Smith is a libtard douche.

Smith is a sperm gurgler and doesn't count as real news.
It's always nice to see the left appreciate Fox for being fair and balanced but Shep didn't methodically debunk anything. The stated mission of the NRC is to insure the safety of nuclear reactors and the safe disposal of radioactive waste. The NRC has nothing to do with the sale of uranium sites, only the operation. Why is it surprising that a commission appointed by Obama would rubber stamp the sale of uranium deposits? You almost gotta laugh that if it happened today the democrat party would call up their minions to riot in the streets and the MSM would scream treason. .
Today is quite different than 2010. That was pre messing up our elections and Crimea. In 2010 we hoped they would become a good democracy.
Clinton Foundation got $140,000,000 (plus probably other cash in a Swiss account) and Russia got 20% of our uranium.

Literally Fake News.

Complete coincidence that people connected with the Uranium gave Hillary probably a total of $150,000,000
$145 million.

$131 million of those donations were given by a single person to the Clinton Foundation WHILE GEORGE BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.

And that person left the company THREE YEARS BEFORE THE URANIUM ONE DEAL.

These are pertinent facts which your propaganda sources deliberately did not tell you, parrot.,
It's always nice to see the left appreciate Fox for being fair and balanced but Shep didn't methodically debunk anything. The stated mission of the NRC is to insure the safety of nuclear reactors and the safe disposal of radioactive waste. The NRC has nothing to do with the sale of uranium sites, only the operation. Why is it surprising that a commission appointed by Obama would rubber stamp the sale of uranium deposits? You almost gotta laugh that if it happened today the democrat party would call up their minions to riot in the streets and the MSM would scream treason. .
Today is quite different than 2010. That was pre messing up our elections and Crimea. In 2010 we hoped they would become a good democracy.

No evidence elections were messed with, but Putin sure did try. Russia is young 'free market' nation, US history shows us what the excesses were. Child labor, trusts, unsafe work conditions, NO protection for labor. Ruthless, cruel, profit as the only motive.
Clinton Foundation got $140,000,000 (plus probably other cash in a Swiss account) and Russia got 20% of our uranium.
Most of the $145 million in Clinton Foundation donations came from one person, a major Uranium One investor named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra has said that he sold all his shares in Uranium One about 1-1/2 years before Mrs. Clinton became secretary of State – and three years before Rosatom and its Russian cash came calling.

Frank Giustra had many investments in many different companies (though Uranium One wasn't one of them at the time Clinton was SoS)

Clintons Charity got him in the door for his big donations, he secured the deals. But there is no evidence that Clinton, as a Secretary of State went against American interests for any personal gain.

But insinuations that most of Clinton Foundation donations came form this one guy is false, Foundation has a long list of million-plus donors.
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He, Shep, is a gem. Until, he gave up honest reporting of the news and began analyzing it I watched him every night. I hadn't cared about his politics or his personal life. I loved the way he used to deliver the news. I also personally liked him and the good way he treated those co-workers on his set. I am sure the Murdochs want to keep him as long as they can. He represents their agenda which is attracting and retaining the LBGT community.

Actually, most of the time he still delivers straight news with some nice irony and humor. His relaxed and likable demeanor is pretty infectious. I too like it when he puts those young interns on the air to deliver a story.

You should give him another chance - he only goes off from time to time when his colleagues (like Hannity) are being ridiculous.
$145 million.

$131 million of those donations were given by a single person to the Clinton Foundation WHILE GEORGE BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.

And that person left the company THREE YEARS BEFORE THE URANIUM ONE DEAL.

These are pertinent facts which your propaganda sources deliberately did not tell you, parrot.,

Apparently they prefer the Breitbart version ;)
This "uranium deal" was six years ago

Now, once the Trump Russian investigation is heating up, Republicans need a diversion

What's the matter ? Tired of Benghazi?
Yep Jilly - 9 Trumplings with Russian spy meetings and somewhere around 207 combined lies.Purely coincidence I am certain :rolleyes-41:

Yet no evidence of non-existent Trump 'Collusion', as opposed to the real existing evidence against Democrats.

Hillary Clinton: Paid $100+ Million by the KGB Bank - the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One - through the Russian Uranium One Team Lead
- 'Nothing to see here'

Bill Clinton: Paid $500,000 a Speech by the KGB Bank' tried to meet with Russian Nuclear Commission Execs, met with Putin himself (I am sure to talk about his grandkids :p )
- 'Nothing to see here'

John Podesta: Hillary's Campaign Manager - Co-founder of the Podesta Group, a lobbying firm that was working with / for the Russians on 2 separate accounts; collected THOUSANDS of UN-REORTED shares of Russian stocks; 1/3rd of his company's board members were prominent Russian businessmen who had / have direct links to the Kremlin and Putin himself
- 'Nothing to see here'

'Fat Tony' Podesta: Brother of Hillary's Campaign Manager; CEO who ran the Podesta Group until news broke that his scandals / treason was FINALLY being looked into; worked for the KGB Bank as an un-registered foreign agent...and worked for the Russia SPY AGENCY - the same one that supposedly hacked into the DNC
- 'Nothing to see here'



Hillary Clinton:
- Secretary of State - evidence now shows she and her aides (like Huma Abedin) was using the State Department like a satellite office for the Clinton Foundation, selling access, favors, and influence, one of the 2 open investigations on Hillary in the last weeks before the 2016 election.

- Received over $100 Million in Clinton Foundation' 'donations' from the Lead Russian in charge of the team tasked with securing the purchase of Uranium One.

- Was a sitting member on the committee tasked with either granting or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians. 'Forgot' to mention that the Lead Russian in the deal had paid her / 'the Foundation' over $100 million.
- It was discovered later the money came from THE KGB BANK, again, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Robert Mueller:
- Obama Director of the FBI; was made aware by his agencies investigations and reporting of the Russian effort to corner the US uranium market by purchasing Uranium One and knew completely about how the Russians were engaged in wide-spread Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and 'buying' US politicians and officials.

- His agency did NOTHING about it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Eric Holder:
- Obama US AG; was made aware of the Russians' intent, scandal, and crimes. His DOJ did NOTHING to stop it.

- Holder also sat on the Committee responsible for either approving or denying the sale of Uranium One. Evidence released two weeks ago shows Holder withheld the information from the Committee.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

Barak Obama:
President of the United States; was aware of the Russian intent and crimes, but - much like in 2016 when he found out about Russian interference in our election / society, he did nothing. Despite knowing, once the Committee approved the sale of Uranium One, Barak Obama signed off on it.

* That's a lot of 'coincidences' and 'nothing to see here'...

And despite all of this, snowflakes will now pull the 'Russian' card, accusing the one who points all of the Democrats ACTUAL crimes, all supported by actual existing evidence, to be paid by the Russians. :p
- Evidence also shows the Russians easily manipulated the 'emotional snowflakes' and paid Liberal hate groups to organize marches for them, participate in those marches, and spread racial division and hate. Their rabid partisan hatred is their weakness, and the Russians preyed upon it, playing them like puppets.
Apparently they prefer the Breitbart version ;)
As opposed to how snowflakes / Liberals rely on white supremacist web cites and 'news' organizations that routinely retract fake news stories, fire reporters for 'fake news', and openly profess their partisan efforts live on the air....

Clinton Foundation got $140,000,000 (plus probably other cash in a Swiss account) and Russia got 20% of our uranium.

Literally Fake News.

Complete coincidence that people connected with the Uranium gave Hillary probably a total of $150,000,000
$145 million.

$131 million of those donations were given by a single person to the Clinton Foundation WHILE GEORGE BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.

And that person left the company THREE YEARS BEFORE THE URANIUM ONE DEAL.

These are pertinent facts which your propaganda sources deliberately did not tell you, parrot.,

While she was running for President, right?

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