Fox News to move to front-row White House briefing room seat

and Shepard Smith has said he was a moderate, but i've read things before(that i cant find now) that showed he was more of a liberal
on Greta, that one is so widely known asking me to prove it is ignorant

oh, he's conservative all right... and very gay... you know, the closeted kind con that is usually so self-loathing that he agrees to work for a very anti-gay, conservative propaganda machine.

sorta like this guy:

thanks once again from showing yourself to be a complete fucking idiot and homophobic all in one post
thanks once again from showing yourself to be a complete fucking idiot and homophobic all in one post

LOL... Meds, Divecon-man... Meds.

Where in that post did I indicate I was "afraid" of homosexuals, dear straw man champion? The hypocrisy of closeted gay republicans is perpetually lost on people like you. Thanks for playing, though... Run along now.
thanks once again from showing yourself to be a complete fucking idiot and homophobic all in one post

LOL... Meds, Divecon-man... Meds.

Where in that post did I indicate I was "afraid" of homosexuals, dear straw man champion? The hypocrisy of closeted gay republicans is perpetually lost on people like you. Thanks for playing, though... Run along now.
you are a fucking idiot
you run along
you are a fucking idiot
you run along

So you can't allude to how I would be "homophobic." Noted.

You know, Con (aptly named), it's amazing how many countless hours you spend on this message board desperately trying to spread your partisan message of hate and division. ... Yet, whenever you get backed into a corner of trying to defend your circular logic, cognitive dissonance, or outright hypocrisy, we can always rest assured of when the debate is over when you give up and punt to this tired, Tarrets-laiden vitriol above.

White flag accepted. See you next time when you have another forum meltdown, and can no longer form coherent thought.
you are a fucking idiot
you run along

So you can't allude to how I would be "homophobic." Noted.

You know, Con (aptly named), it's amazing how many countless hours you spend on this message board desperately trying to spread your partisan message of hate and division. ... Yet, whenever you get backed into a corner of trying to defend your circular logic, cognitive dissonance, or outright hypocrisy, we can always rest assured of when the debate is over when you give up and punt to this tired, Tarrets-laiden vitriol above.

White flag accepted. See you next time when you have another forum meltdown, and can no longer form coherent thought.
LOL fuck off you pathetic moron
How many Yanks watch Fox? 4 million? 6? out of 300! Big fucking deal. Their ratings are in the margin of error, as with most cable news outlets.

the ratings are meaningless... Faux only wins the ratings war because they enjoy the consolidated viewership of the entire right... Meanwhile the other moderate news channels have their viewership divided up amongst themselves. ... It's simple pie-chart math here.

If I divide a pie into 5 equal slices for 4 people, and 1 of those people is a dyed-in-the-wool con man who gets 2 slices, and one each for the moderates, does that mean the conservative has the majority of the pie? Think.

Wake up, cons. Squawking "look at the ratings!!! look at the ratings!!! <bacaw!!!>" over and over again doesn't mean much of anything. It just means you all congregate to the one news outlet that feeds you the "news" just the way you like it. ... With a religio-paranoid, separatist, class dividing, privatize-everything, bomb-more-brown-people kind of slant. ...

Mmmm, delicious "Fair and Balanced" News, with hot, leggy blondes!!!

so in your opinion, all of the other news outlets are "moderate?" really? in your opinion, which is the most balanced network out there? i'll admit, i'm a fox guy, but i also flip back to msnbc quite a bit. it's funny watching rachel maddow, ed schulz, keith olbermann and dylan ratigan complaining about how one-sided fox is.
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so in your opinion, all of the other news outlets are "moderate?" really? in your opinion, which is the most balanced network out there? i'll admit, i'm a fox guy, but i also flip back to msnbc quite a bit. it's funny watching rachel maddow, ed schulz, keith olbermann and dylan ratigan complaining about how one-sided fox is.

How about CBS, NBC and ABC - you know, the channels that actually rate worth a damn....
You assume 0bama is carrying out the liberal agenda liberals want. They are making a point with 0bama.

Woah Woah.

View attachment 11044

Let's get something straight, I have been on here for months saying as a Liberal, Obama has been a disappointment to myself and many other Liberals. If you seriously think the so called Liberal media is stupid enough to "make a point" to Obama by giving validation to one of the most Conservative media outlets there then you are clearly grasping for straws.

My point throughout this entire thread has been this:

You and others therefore cannot hold these two simultaneous thoughts:

1.) The Media is full of a bunch of Liberals who are spreading propaganda for the Obama Administration or are willing to excuse the Administration because they are leftists.

2.) Fox News's peers all agree that Fox News is such a respected news source that deserves the front row seat for all their hard work.

So using your own logic, either the media is a bunch of Liberal elitists and your statement is false, or they aren't and your statement is true.

The media cannot be Liberal elitists pushing the Obama agenda and give Fox News the front row seat. It makes no sense.

Nice strawman you got there. Liberals, in my opinion more so than others, are a mass of contradictions. NPR excused itself from the vote. In itself, an interesting and honorable move. You are a classic contradiction, as you stated early on this makes no difference to you, yet here you are pages in and fighting tooth and nail over it.
FoxLies is moving to the front row?

Is that like Bob Uecker in that old commercial?
Nice strawman you got there. Liberals, in my opinion more so than others, are a mass of contradictions. NPR excused itself from the vote. In itself, an interesting and honorable move. You are a classic contradiction, as you stated early on this makes no difference to you, yet here you are pages in and fighting tooth and nail over it.

Classic contradiction? I'm arguing something different from what I said doesn't matter. It doesn't matter about the seating. However, to say their peers feel they deserve it and to say the same peers are pushing the Obama agenda makes no sense.

I don't know what got into you but that is a post full of some very vitriol statements there. I know you wouldn't appreciate it if I grouped all Conservatives together, yet you have no problem doing it yourself.

I'd recommend taking a step back from this thread. Maybe get rid of some of that hate.
Nice strawman you got there. Liberals, in my opinion more so than others, are a mass of contradictions. NPR excused itself from the vote. In itself, an interesting and honorable move. You are a classic contradiction, as you stated early on this makes no difference to you, yet here you are pages in and fighting tooth and nail over it.

Classic contradiction? I'm arguing something different from what I said doesn't matter. It doesn't matter about the seating. However, to say their peers feel they deserve it and to say the same peers are pushing the Obama agenda makes no sense.

I don't know what got into you but that is a post full of some very vitriol statements there. I know you wouldn't appreciate it if I grouped all Conservatives together, yet you have no problem doing it yourself.

I'd recommend taking a step back from this thread. Maybe get rid of some of that hate.
who is doing the hating here, bert?
Nice strawman you got there. Liberals, in my opinion more so than others, are a mass of contradictions. NPR excused itself from the vote. In itself, an interesting and honorable move. You are a classic contradiction, as you stated early on this makes no difference to you, yet here you are pages in and fighting tooth and nail over it.

Classic contradiction? I'm arguing something different from what I said doesn't matter. It doesn't matter about the seating. However, to say their peers feel they deserve it and to say the same peers are pushing the Obama agenda makes no sense.

I don't know what got into you but that is a post full of some very vitriol statements there. I know you wouldn't appreciate it if I grouped all Conservatives together, yet you have no problem doing it yourself.

I'd recommend taking a step back from this thread. Maybe get rid of some of that hate.

I explained how it was possible, you either don't get it or won't accept it. Vitriol? I threw an atta-boy NPR's way. I didn't group all Conservative together, I made a generalization about liberals. In general, liberals are more emotionally driven in their politics, which tends to make them more a contradiction frequently. Translating that into hate seems, well, an emotional reaction. Thanks for proving my point.
who is doing the hating here, bert?

You tell me. I haven't made one insult in this thread like Saveliberty just did. I haven't grouped a entire group together and labeled them. I haven't turned my posts into just eventually a bunch of insults like yours did.
I explained how it was possible, you either don't get it or won't accept it. Vitriol? I threw an atta-boy NPR's way. I didn't group all Conservative together, I made a generalization about liberals. In general, liberals are more emotionally driven in their politics, which tends to make them more a contradiction frequently. Translating that into hate seems, well, an emotional reaction. Thanks for proving my point.

You seem to not be able to read my posts. You wouldn't appreciate it if I made a generalization about Conservatives. However, you felt the need to not only make one about Liberals but take a pot shot at me.

You threw a atta-boy at NPR's way? Big deal.

You tell me that "Liberals are more emotionally driven in their politics". What is the evidence of that?
I explained how it was possible, you either don't get it or won't accept it. Vitriol? I threw an atta-boy NPR's way. I didn't group all Conservative together, I made a generalization about liberals. In general, liberals are more emotionally driven in their politics, which tends to make them more a contradiction frequently. Translating that into hate seems, well, an emotional reaction. Thanks for proving my point.

You seem to not be able to read my posts. You wouldn't appreciate it if I made a generalization about Conservatives. However, you felt the need to not only make one about Liberals but take a pot shot at me.

You threw a atta-boy at NPR's way? Big deal.

You tell me that "Liberals are more emotionally driven in their politics". What is the evidence of that?

Talk about needing a step back. This is a message board where people expression opinions. While I did not read every post in this thread, I did get the general flavor of the discusison and made a list of eight points. One was an attempt to add some humor to a situation that was becoming too personal. You included. I made two quotes from teh committee that made the decision. Did you do anything like that? No. You say pot shot because your too involved here. I used you as an example. Big difference. I think you need to rethink being a mod, if you can't separate a little more. Might just be me. Have a nice night.
Talk about needing a step back. This is a message board where people expression opinions. While I did not read every post in this thread, I did get the general flavor of the discusison and made a list of eight points. One was an attempt to add some humor to a situation that was becoming too personal. You included. I made two quotes from teh committee that made the decision. Did you do anything like that? No. You say pot shot because your too involved here. I used you as an example. Big difference. I think you need to rethink being a mod, if you can't separate a little more. Might just be me. Have a nice night.

This has nothing to do with me being a mod, learn that now. What I do as a poster is irrelevant to how I am as a mod. I am not terribly surprised you make yet another irrelevant personal attack right before you log off.

I never said this isn't a message board. I pointed out you made a generalization that I know you wouldn't appreciate me making, yet you have no problem with doing it yourself.

I saw the funny point you made, I laughed at the time. I don't see the point you're making since I've never gotten angry in this thread. Not once did I lash out or start insulting people on this board. One could make the argument that Dive was upset, but I'm not going to get into that.

This is not the first time dive and myself have gone back and forth. I doubt it will be the last.

I will just restate one very important thing, this has nothing to do with me as a mod.
Talk about needing a step back. This is a message board where people expression opinions. While I did not read every post in this thread, I did get the general flavor of the discusison and made a list of eight points. One was an attempt to add some humor to a situation that was becoming too personal. You included. I made two quotes from teh committee that made the decision. Did you do anything like that? No. You say pot shot because your too involved here. I used you as an example. Big difference. I think you need to rethink being a mod, if you can't separate a little more. Might just be me. Have a nice night.

This has nothing to do with me being a mod, learn that now. What I do as a poster is irrelevant to how I am as a mod. I am not terribly surprised you make yet another irrelevant personal attack right before you log off.

I never said this isn't a message board. I pointed out you made a generalization that I know you wouldn't appreciate me making, yet you have no problem with doing it yourself.

I saw the funny point you made, I laughed at the time. I don't see the point you're making since I've never gotten angry in this thread. Not once did I lash out or start insulting people on this board. One could make the argument that Dive was upset, but I'm not going to get into that.

This is not the first time dive and myself have gone back and forth. I doubt it will be the last.

I will just restate one very important thing, this has nothing to do with me as a mod.

I don't know about all the other things you said here, but I do know about one thing, and that is that Dive doesn't get upset over this junk. I talk with him off and on day and night, and I can honestly tell you he doesn't, and that he realizes it is just a message board.
I don't know about all the other things you said here, but I do know about one thing, and that is that Dive doesn't get upset over this junk. I talk with him off and on day and night, and I can honestly tell you he doesn't, and that he realizes it is just a message board.

I'd hope so. I've known Dive almost 2 years now. Heck, this thread is tame compared to some of our old ones. It's like I told Liberty, this isn't the first time me and him have gone back and forth and it probably won't be the last. :lol:

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