Fox "News" Validates GOP Congressman's Lies About Anti-Christian Bias In USAF


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
In the alternate reality of the Christian right, the US military is biased against Christians. The reality is, however, very different. As documented by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and lawsuits that stem from this information, it's Christian conservatives who are trying to impose their brand of Christianity on the military. Only this week, an Army Lt. Col. was suspended for teaching that "a total war against Islam is necessary." But you won't hear about this kind of thing on Jesus' very own "news" network that has validated, on several occasions, the lies of the uber Christian head of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, GOP Rep. Randy Forbes. This morning, Forbes appeared on Jesus' own Fox morning show, Fox & Friends, where he continued to be validated by the same folks who had no problem with violent bible verses on Army rifles. Praise Jesus and Roger Ailes!

Steve Doocy Validates GOP Congressman's Fibs About Anti-Christian Bias In USAF - NewsHounds
Funny, cause the radical right wing Christians are "anti freedom".
During my almost 12 years on active duty in combat units, Christianity was always favored, and I am told by my friends on active duty now, nothing has change.

However, some of the evangelical and christian sects try to increase their influence at the expense of individuals' rights to be left alone.
In the alternate reality of the Christian right, the US military is biased against Christians. The reality is, however, very different. As documented by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and lawsuits that stem from this information, it's Christian conservatives who are trying to impose their brand of Christianity on the military. Only this week, an Army Lt. Col. was suspended for teaching that "a total war against Islam is necessary." But you won't hear about this kind of thing on Jesus' very own "news" network that has validated, on several occasions, the lies of the uber Christian head of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, GOP Rep. Randy Forbes. This morning, Forbes appeared on Jesus' own Fox morning show, Fox & Friends, where he continued to be validated by the same folks who had no problem with violent bible verses on Army rifles. Praise Jesus and Roger Ailes!

Steve Doocy Validates GOP Congressman's Fibs About Anti-Christian Bias In USAF - NewsHounds

First of all it's impossible to validate something that isn't true. It's clear that Soros Media Matters is working overtime to cherry pick words and sentences and turn them over to Huffington for an edit and rewrite so we are dealing with a lot of crap thrown up by the left that they hope sticks so people quit talking about real issues. Doesn't it occur to you that the example you cite indicate that conservative Christians are not allowed to impose their will on the Military? It must be another example of Alinsky upside down logic when the left worries about "Jesus own network" when we have been waiting for three freaking years for the Jihad Major to be tried for murdering 13 American Soldiers and wounding 30 others because he thought his Islamic teachings trumped his sworn oath to the United States.
whitehall, nothing you have written above challenges the thesis that evangelical Christians in the military try to impose their beliefs on their fellow service members.
whitehall, nothing you have written above challenges the thesis that evangelical Christians in the military try to impose their beliefs on their fellow service members.

The jihad major freaking shot 13 Soldiers because he thought his oath to Islam trumped his oath to the United states and you worry about evangelical Christian ministers? It's gotta be some sort of Alinsky reverse logic try.
I am not worried about evangelical pressure: I never permitted it when I was on active duy.

The jihad major should go to court-martial, I agree.

And my point remainst: yes, Christian evangelicals try to impose their belief system in the military.
whitehall, nothing you have written above challenges the thesis that evangelical Christians in the military try to impose their beliefs on their fellow service members.
In my 20 years of service, I was never ordered to go to church. Even in Basic Training, it was voluntary.

No one ever tried to impose their beliefs on me.
whitehall, nothing you have written above challenges the thesis that evangelical Christians in the military try to impose their beliefs on their fellow service members.
In my 20 years of service, I was never ordered to go to church. Even in Basic Training, it was voluntary.

No one ever tried to impose their beliefs on me.

Good for you. In my 12 years of service, I had to resist it three times and go to the Chief of Staff once about it.
whitehall, nothing you have written above challenges the thesis that evangelical Christians in the military try to impose their beliefs on their fellow service members.
In my 20 years of service, I was never ordered to go to church. Even in Basic Training, it was voluntary.

No one ever tried to impose their beliefs on me.

Good for you. In my 12 years of service, I had to resist it three times and go to the Chief of Staff once about it.
Uh huh.
That's right. On the other hand, one of the greatest Chaplains I served with was a Baptist on jump status. He was awesome, and the young troops loved him.
The jihad major freaking shot 13 Soldiers because he thought his oath to Islam trumped his oath to the United states and you worry about evangelical Christian ministers? It's gotta be some sort of Alinsky reverse logic try.

Does anyone find it odd how little play the media gave the Jihad Major story? I think it's because it's hard to find a more damning indictment of the Multi-Culti Society. I mean, on like eight different levels, it obliterates liberal/left theories about society, immigration, culture, religion, race, ethnicity and the military. No wonder the silence is deafening.
Obama goes back on his word, violates separation of church and state...
Obama Rejects ‘Ill-Advised’ Conscience Protections for Military Chaplains
January 3, 2013 – President Obama issued a statement Wednesday rejecting several provisions of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), including a conscience protection for military chaplains that he called “ill-advised”.
“Section 533 is an unnecessary and ill-advised provision, as the military already appropriately protects the freedom of conscience of chaplains and service members,” he said in his signing statement. Obama made clear that his administration would remain unmoved by the NDAA’s conscience provision, stating that the Department of Defense would continue to implement the repeal of the military’s ban on homosexual service members. “My Administration remains fully committed to continuing the successful implementation of the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and to protecting the rights of gay and lesbian service members; Section 533 will not alter that.”

The president said that the Secretary of Defense would ensure that no “discriminatory” actions result from Section 533’s conscience protections. “The Secretary of Defense will ensure that the implementing regulations do not permit or condone discriminatory actions that compromise good order and discipline or otherwise violate military codes of conduct.” Section 533 of the NDAA provides legal protections for military chaplains, barring the Defense Department from forcing them to perform services which violate their moral or religious beliefs.

“No member of the Armed Forces may -- (1) require a chaplain to perform any rite, ritual, or ceremony that is contrary to the conscience, moral principles, or religious beliefs of the chaplain; or (2) discriminate or take any adverse personnel action against a chaplain, including denial of promotion, schooling, training, or assignment, on the basis of the refusal by the chaplain to comply with a requirement prohibited by paragraph,” the section reads.

Advocates had feared that the military might begin forcing chaplains to perform marriage or civil commitment ceremonies for homosexual service members or civilians in states where such ceremonies are legal – ceremonies which could run afoul of the religious beliefs of those chaplains. President Obama signed the NDAA into law Wednesday, and while he does not have the power to veto particular sections of a bill – known as a line-item veto – he can issue such signing statements indicating how his administration will interpret its duty to enforce the laws he is signing.

I believe by revoking the conscience provision for chaplains that the President is preventing religion from encroaching on the state. The good order and need of the service, for instance, overcame the discrimination against race and sex, etc. This is sensible regulation.
Does anyone doubt if the killer was a white christian - not a crazy fanatic, just a regular churchgoer - that he would have had his face shaved by now, by force if necessary?
Not if he claimed that it was an integral part of his religion, no.

Does anyone doubt if the killer was a white christian - not a crazy fanatic, just a regular churchgoer - that he would have had his face shaved by now, by force if necessary?
Obama goes back on his word, violates separation of church and state...
Obama Rejects ‘Ill-Advised’ Conscience Protections for Military Chaplains
January 3, 2013 – President Obama issued a statement Wednesday rejecting several provisions of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), including a conscience protection for military chaplains that he called “ill-advised”.
“Section 533 is an unnecessary and ill-advised provision, as the military already appropriately protects the freedom of conscience of chaplains and service members,” he said in his signing statement. Obama made clear that his administration would remain unmoved by the NDAA’s conscience provision, stating that the Department of Defense would continue to implement the repeal of the military’s ban on homosexual service members. “My Administration remains fully committed to continuing the successful implementation of the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and to protecting the rights of gay and lesbian service members; Section 533 will not alter that.”

The president said that the Secretary of Defense would ensure that no “discriminatory” actions result from Section 533’s conscience protections. “The Secretary of Defense will ensure that the implementing regulations do not permit or condone discriminatory actions that compromise good order and discipline or otherwise violate military codes of conduct.” Section 533 of the NDAA provides legal protections for military chaplains, barring the Defense Department from forcing them to perform services which violate their moral or religious beliefs.

“No member of the Armed Forces may -- (1) require a chaplain to perform any rite, ritual, or ceremony that is contrary to the conscience, moral principles, or religious beliefs of the chaplain; or (2) discriminate or take any adverse personnel action against a chaplain, including denial of promotion, schooling, training, or assignment, on the basis of the refusal by the chaplain to comply with a requirement prohibited by paragraph,” the section reads.

Advocates had feared that the military might begin forcing chaplains to perform marriage or civil commitment ceremonies for homosexual service members or civilians in states where such ceremonies are legal – ceremonies which could run afoul of the religious beliefs of those chaplains. President Obama signed the NDAA into law Wednesday, and while he does not have the power to veto particular sections of a bill – known as a line-item veto – he can issue such signing statements indicating how his administration will interpret its duty to enforce the laws he is signing.

Oh, then Muslim servicemembers will have to eat the ham MREs they're issued, then.

Of course, that's different. Somehow. It just is.
That determination will be made by military judges. Be interesting to see what happens. Since the good order and discipline of the service must be maintained while recognizing service members rights where possible, I think the major will be forcibly shaved for court but not made to eat pork products.

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