Fox News: Video of Syrian Rebels admitting they did Chemical attack


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Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
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UN report still not in...
EU: All info on Syria gas attack points to Assad
7 Sept.`13 — The European Union agreed on Saturday that the Aug. 21 chemical attack outside Damascus appears to have been the work of Syria's regime, but that any potential military attack against it should wait for a U.N. inspectors' report.
After meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, the EU ministers ended days of division on the issue with a statement saying the available intelligence "seems to indicate strong evidence that the Syrian regime is responsible for these attacks." Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius, who hosted the meeting, put it more bluntly in targeting Syrian President Bashar Assad, speaking of "more and more evidence that the Assad regime is behind all these crimes. We can't just ignore this." The EU nations, most of which have been skeptical of a quick retaliatory strike against the regime, underscored "the need to move forward with addressing the Syrian crisis through the U.N. process." The ministers said they hope a "preliminary report of this first (U.N.) investigation can be released as soon as possible."

Kerry welcomed the stand of the 28 EU nations, calling it "a strong statement" backing all "the efforts to hold the Assad regime accountable for what it has done." The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung reported Saturday that the U.N. chemical weapons inspectors could submit initial findings from their tests of samples collected in Syria by the end of next week. The respected weekly said the interim report to U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon will likely contain details on the gas, ammunition and delivery systems used in the attack that killed hundreds of people in a suburb of Damascus.

Instrumental in bringing the EU together around a common viewpoint was the decision on Friday by French President Francois Hollande to wait for the U.N. report before deciding to intervene militarily, even though France had said the report would only show a chemical attack had taken place, not apportion blame. The EU ministers welcomed "President Hollande's statement to wait for this report before any further action." German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said the U.S. should follow France's example. "We jointly welcomed the fact that France has decided to wait for the presentation of the United Nations report," Westerwelle told reporters. "We have also made clear our expectation toward our American partners that one should follow the example of France before capitals decide on taking further measures."

The EU ministers also stressed that perpetrators for such chemical attacks should face possible prosecution by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Germany joined in on blaming the attack on the Syrian government. It had been the only European member of the Group of 20 not to co-sign a joint statement issued Friday at the end of the group's meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, blaming the regime. That G-20 statement calls for a strong international response against Assad's regime but stops short of explicitly calling for military action against the Syrian government. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said Saturday in Vilnius that his country wanted to wait for EU foreign ministers to agree on a common position before backing the statement.

More EU: All info on Syria gas attack points to Assad

See also:

Russia: Strike on Syria could mean nuke disaster
September 5, 2013 — Russia is warning that a U.S. strike on Syria's atomic facilities might result in a nuclear catastrophe and is urging the U.N. to present a risk analysis of such a scenario.
The warning comes from Russia's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Alexander Lukashevich. He said in a statement Wednesday that a strike on a miniature reactor near Damascus or other nuclear installations could contaminate the region with radioactivity, adding: "The consequences could be catastrophic."

IAEA spokeswoman Gill Tudor told the AP in an email Thursday that her agency is ready to "consider the questions raised" by Lukashevich if it receives a formal request to do so from Moscow.

Russia's Interfax news agency says that Moscow intends to bring up the issue at next week's 35-nation IAEA board meeting.

Russia: Strike on Syria could mean nuke disaster | CNS News


Iran may be planning to retaliate if U.S. strikes Syria, official says
September 7th, 2013 ~ The United States has obtained intelligence indicating that Iran "may be planning" a retaliatory strike against the American Embassy in Baghdad if the United States launches a military strike against Syria, a senior U.S. official told CNN.
He said that Iran has "a lot of Shi'a friends" in Iraq that would be willing to carry out an attack.

The official was responding to a Wall Street Journal report that the United States intercepted an order from Iran to militants in Iraq to attack the embassy "and other American interests in Baghdad," if the United States struck Syria militarily for alleged chemical weapons use.

The State Department had no comment on the report, but added it had not taken any action in terms of security at U.S. diplomatic posts in Iraq.

Of course it was the rebels.

Assad invites in the UN Inspectors and the same freaking day whoa geeze a chemical weapon attack occurs.

Like give me a break. This is so AQ and FSA are radical islamists as well.
It doesn't matter------the gas is a cover anyway----. Trying to argue about who did it only serves to divert us from the real reason that we're going in.
obama's friends are losing. If Assad degrades the rebels too much, they won't be strong enough to move into Jordan and begin destabilization there.

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