BLOCKBUSTER! Syrian Rebels Take Responsibility For Chemical Attack...

It is very sad that our Government and so many others have conveniently ignored the fact the UN did find that Syrian Rebels likely used Chemical Weapons earlier in this War. So even if Assad did use them, why the sudden outrage and bloodthirst for War? Most Warmongers i've spoken to, can't even tell me why they hate Assad so much. All they seem to know is that they were told they had to. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?
It is very sad that our Government and so many others have conveniently ignored the fact the UN did find that Syrian Rebels likely used Chemical Weapons earlier in this War. So even if Assad did use them, why the sudden outrage and bloodthirst for War? Most Warmongers i've spoken to, can't even tell me why they hate Assad so much. All they seem to know is that they were told they had to. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?

There is a big difference between "not certain" and "very certain". The evidence for the attack earlier this year is very thin, and the UN has never officially stated they believe the rebels were the likely culprits.

The evidence for the attack two weeks ago, on the other hand, is much, much stronger and indicates it was perpetrated by Assad.

Not only that, there is a report a Syrian official has defected to Turkey and has documents proving the attack earlier this year was made by the Syrian government.

So your wishful thinking premise is collapsing.
It is very sad that our Government and so many others have conveniently ignored the fact the UN did find that Syrian Rebels likely used Chemical Weapons earlier in this War. So even if Assad did use them, why the sudden outrage and bloodthirst for War? Most Warmongers i've spoken to, can't even tell me why they hate Assad so much. All they seem to know is that they were told they had to. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?

There is a big difference between "not certain" and "very certain". The evidence for the attack earlier this year is very thin, and the UN has never officially stated they believe the rebels were the likely culprits.

The evidence for the attack two weeks ago, on the other hand, is much, much stronger and indicates it was perpetrated by Assad.

Not only that, there is a report a Syrian official has defected to Turkey and has documents proving the attack earlier this year was made by the Syrian government.

So your wishful thinking premise is collapsing.

Yes, i wish our Politicians would stop getting us involved with absurd useless Wars. Call me a Dreamer.
It is very sad that our Government and so many others have conveniently ignored the fact the UN did find that Syrian Rebels likely used Chemical Weapons earlier in this War. So even if Assad did use them, why the sudden outrage and bloodthirst for War? Most Warmongers i've spoken to, can't even tell me why they hate Assad so much. All they seem to know is that they were told they had to. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?

There is a big difference between "not certain" and "very certain". The evidence for the attack earlier this year is very thin, and the UN has never officially stated they believe the rebels were the likely culprits.

The evidence for the attack two weeks ago, on the other hand, is much, much stronger and indicates it was perpetrated by Assad.

Not only that, there is a report a Syrian official has defected to Turkey and has documents proving the attack earlier this year was made by the Syrian government.

So your wishful thinking premise is collapsing.

Show us the evidence then. Stop acting like every other talking head with all this "certainty" bullshit and show us. Is it going to amount to an intercepted email? Which is just as much "proof" as rebels claiming Saudi's handed them the weapons and they didnt know how to use them?

Furthermore, your report on Habib defecting and "leaving Syria" is all hearsay. Your double standard on this investigation for the truth is showing. You take the word of rebels when it suits you, and dismiss it when it doesn't fit the narrative you like. How quaint. :rolleyes:

Show this evidence.
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The evidence is quite clear and the libertarians don't get "just once more."

This is over.

There will be missile strikes.

Get used to it.
Wow, that's just absurd. Assad & Syria have done nothing to our Nation. Why do you personally want War and hate Assad so much? Just curious?

Narco-libertarians are clearly revealing that they could not govern in a modern world.

Fake Starkey's mental instability once again forces him to speak on behalf of (and now this is funny) "the modern world."

Award-winning Burn there. Pretty hilarious. :lol:
That's way above your paygrade, wookie boy.

You posted an article with uncorroborated evidence and then claimed that had to be the ultimate say in the matter. When pressed you resorted to the usual deflections you resort to.

Are you OK with everyone using chemical weapons? Because that's pretty much what this is about.

This reporter has far more integrity & credibility than you'll ever have. All you're doing is sitting on your couch, munching cheetos, playing keyboard commando. You don't know anything and haven't presented anything of substance. And that's of course why you resorted to personal insults. You're frustrated with yourself. You have no valid argument for War with Syria. And that's clearly upsetting to you. Your bloodthirst for War is irrational. And that's that. Take care. Have a nice day. :)

Your evidence for the reporter having integrity is that she reports things the way you believe they are. If she reported things contrary to your beliefs you wold be dismissing it as propaganda. Probably from Israel.
This is what marks you as having inferior intelligence and accounts for your clutching narco-libertarianism like a new Christianity.

I stand by my statement. Unlike you, this Reporter has actually been on the ground in Syria. So you just stay on your couch, munch those cheetos, and play some more Call of Duty. Stick to what you know. Because we all know you're way too cowardly to head over and kill some Syrians yourself. Leave the serious discussions of War to the adults.
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Courtesy of Wiki:

"The phrase petrodollar warfare refers to a hypothesis that one of the driving forces of United States foreign policy has been the status of the United States dollar as the world's dominant reserve currency and as the currency in which oil is priced."

If your currency demands the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent human beings, are you free?
The silly libertarians keep saying "this is so" without corroborating evidence.
The silly libertarians keep saying "this is so" without corroborating evidence.

This Reporter has presented far more evidence than you ever will. Have you ever even been to Syria? Have you ever even met a Syrian? Do you really know what you're talking about? Think about that for a bit.
No, the reporter repeated what someone was told by someones. There has been no empirical data what so ever. Yes, I have been to Syria, I have Syrian and Lebanese friends in the complex, and I know what I am talking about. You don't.
No, the reporter repeated what someone was told by someones. There has been no empirical data what so ever. Yes, I have been to Syria, I have Syrian and Lebanese friends in the complex, and I know what I am talking about. You don't.

Well then present your report. Till then, don't be so quick to condemn someone as a liar. You haven't presented a shred of evidence to counter this report. I'll give you some more time to present it though. I'm a patient person.
No one has called her a liar, only a reporter offering unconfirmed material. I don't have to refute what she can't offer as proof.
Still looking for that evidence of Assad's guilt, Fake?

Let's go ahead and have you provide. Until then, your mental instability isn't considered a serious debate tool on this subject. You and G5000 still remain in the corner of unconfirmed evidence and bias bolstering.
No one has called her a liar, only a reporter offering unconfirmed material. I don't have to refute what she can't offer as proof.

You implied this Reporter wasn't credible and was a liar. But it's ok if you want to backtrack on that. Perhaps you rushed to judgement. That being said, i'll await your report on this.
I "said" her material is not credible because she can't confirm the conclusions.

The backtracking is by you, and you are lying if you said I called her a "liar".
I "said" her material is not credible because she can't confirm the conclusions.

The backtracking is by you, and you are lying if you said I called her a "liar".

You still haven't proven her material is not credible. Do you refer to every report you see in the American MSM as 'not credible?'
I "said" her material is not credible because she can't confirm the conclusions.

The backtracking is by you, and you are lying if you said I called her a "liar".

You still haven't proven her material is not credible. Do you refer to every report you see in the American MSM as 'not credible?'

You can not seriously ask someone to prove a negative. That's nonsense, dude.

On the other hand, Fake has no evidence of Assad's guilt and therefore, his boot licker position to known liars remains irrelevant in this discourse.
I "said" her material is not credible because she can't confirm the conclusions.

The backtracking is by you, and you are lying if you said I called her a "liar".

You still haven't proven her material is not credible. Do you refer to every report you see in the American MSM as 'not credible?'

You can not seriously ask someone to prove a negative. That's nonsense, dude.

On the other hand, Fake has no evidence of Assad's guilt and therefore, his boot licker position to known liars remains irrelevant in this discourse.

Well, he is backtracking a bit. It's progress. His mind is very slowly opening on this.
Boot lickers like TASB and denial worlders like Paulitician are completely ignoring Israeli, French, German, and American evidence that empirically shows the Syrian regime is responsible.

That is why your "just once more" application is denied. This is over.

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