BLOCKBUSTER! Syrian Rebels Take Responsibility For Chemical Attack...

There is no doubt about who used the chemical weapons: the Assad regime.

Mint Press News is a reactionary agenda driven organization with a strong libertarian lean. Be wary,
Be even more wary of no doubt war whores:

"As reported in the Mint Press News by Associated Press reporter Dale Gavlak, Syrians from the town of Ghouta – the site of the chemical attack – tell a very different story from the one being told by the US government.

"Residents provide very credible testimony that 'certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack.'

"What makes such testimony even more compelling is that it comes from anti-Assad Syrians, many of whom have seen their children die fighting Assad’s forces."

Debunking Obama?s Chemical Weapons Case Against the Syrian Government » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Better let the UNSC sort it all out, right?
Yep, Ms. Dale has no corroboration for her story.
"Clarification: Dale Gavlak assisted in the research and writing process of this article, but was not on the ground in Syria. Reporter Yahya Ababneh, with whom the report was written in collaboration, was the correspondent on the ground in Ghouta who spoke directly with the rebels, their family members, victims of the chemical weapons attacks and local residents.

Gavlak is a MintPress News Middle East correspondent who has been freelancing for the AP as a Amman, Jordan correspondent for nearly a decade. This report is not an Associated Press article; rather it is exclusive to MintPress News."

What's Obama's corroboration?

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack
Yep, Ms. Dale has no corroboration for her story.
"Clarification: Dale Gavlak assisted in the research and writing process of this article, but was not on the ground in Syria. Reporter Yahya Ababneh, with whom the report was written in collaboration, was the correspondent on the ground in Ghouta who spoke directly with the rebels, their family members, victims of the chemical weapons attacks and local residents.

Gavlak is a MintPress News Middle East correspondent who has been freelancing for the AP as a Amman, Jordan correspondent for nearly a decade. This report is not an Associated Press article; rather it is exclusive to MintPress News."

What's Obama's corroboration?

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

Dale has talked to one "correspondent on the ground in Ghouta"?

Dale has talked to the French, to the Mossad, and to the US intelligence services?
Translation: No, I only repeat cliches and slogans that have been approved by Libertarian-Central.

Again, nothin. You want War, man-up and join the Rebels in Syria. Otherwise, quit whining like a bitch. Just be the tough guy you pretend to be on the Internets. Head on over and kill ya somes Syrians. Good luck and God Bless. :)

Translation: When presented with irrefutable evidence of my incompetence I deflect to a different topic.

:lol: You presented squat. You merely resorted to personal attacks after getting your ass handed to you repeatedly. Typical Message Board amateurism. But like i said, be the tough guy you pretend to be on the Internets. You want to kill Assad and some Syrians? Then get off your couch, put your chips down and join the Rebels in Syria. Have at it. Bon Voyage.
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Again, nothin. You want War, man-up and join the Rebels in Syria. Otherwise, quit whining like a bitch. Just be the tough guy you pretend to be on the Internets. Head on over and kill ya somes Syrians. Good luck and God Bless. :)

Translation: When presented with irrefutable evidence of my incompetence I deflect to a different topic.

:lol: You presented squat. You merely resorted to personal attacks after getting your ass handed to you repeatedly. Typical Message Board amateurism. But like i said, be the tough guy you pretend to be on the Internets. You want to kill Assad and some Syrians? Then get off your couch, put your chips down and join the Rebels in Syria. Have at it. Bon Voyage.

How do I get my ass handed to me by being the target of cliches, bumper sticker sentiments and slogans? You have an overly optimistic view of your abilities.
Translation: When presented with irrefutable evidence of my incompetence I deflect to a different topic.

:lol: You presented squat. You merely resorted to personal attacks after getting your ass handed to you repeatedly. Typical Message Board amateurism. But like i said, be the tough guy you pretend to be on the Internets. You want to kill Assad and some Syrians? Then get off your couch, put your chips down and join the Rebels in Syria. Have at it. Bon Voyage.

How do I get my ass handed to me by being the target of cliches, bumper sticker sentiments and slogans? You have an overly optimistic view of your abilities.

You ran out of material awhile back in the thread. That's why i dismissed you from it. You resorted to playing the ole personal insult card. It's proof you've lost and have nothing more to add. Look, it's real simple, you want blood but you're too much of a coward to head over there and do it yourself. So instead you play the tough-talking keyboard commando. You're not all that complex. So with that, you are once again dismissed from the thread. See ya.
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:lol: You presented squat. You merely resorted to personal attacks after getting your ass handed to you repeatedly. Typical Message Board amateurism. But like i said, be the tough guy you pretend to be on the Internets. You want to kill Assad and some Syrians? Then get off your couch, put your chips down and join the Rebels in Syria. Have at it. Bon Voyage.

How do I get my ass handed to me by being the target of cliches, bumper sticker sentiments and slogans? You have an overly optimistic view of your abilities.

You ran out of material awhile back in the thread. That's why i dismissed you from it. You resorted to playing the ole personal insult card. It's proof you've lost and have nothing more to add. Look, it's real simple, you want blood but you're too much of a coward to head over there and do it yourself. So instead you play the tough-talking keyboard commando. You're not all that complex. So with that, you are once again dismissed from the thread. See ya.

That's way above your paygrade, wookie boy.

You posted an article with uncorroborated evidence and then claimed that had to be the ultimate say in the matter. When pressed you resorted to the usual deflections you resort to.

Are you OK with everyone using chemical weapons? Because that's pretty much what this is about.
The libertarians continue to flail and wail.

Sorry, guys, you will have no influence in the upcoming decision between the Pres and Congress.
The libertarians continue to flail and wail.

Sorry, guys, you will have no influence in the upcoming decision between the Pres and Congress.

They have no influence anywhere because AMerican voters reject narco-libertarianism every time a candidate is on the ballot.
How do I get my ass handed to me by being the target of cliches, bumper sticker sentiments and slogans? You have an overly optimistic view of your abilities.

You ran out of material awhile back in the thread. That's why i dismissed you from it. You resorted to playing the ole personal insult card. It's proof you've lost and have nothing more to add. Look, it's real simple, you want blood but you're too much of a coward to head over there and do it yourself. So instead you play the tough-talking keyboard commando. You're not all that complex. So with that, you are once again dismissed from the thread. See ya.

That's way above your paygrade, wookie boy.

You posted an article with uncorroborated evidence and then claimed that had to be the ultimate say in the matter. When pressed you resorted to the usual deflections you resort to.

Are you OK with everyone using chemical weapons? Because that's pretty much what this is about.

This reporter has far more integrity & credibility than you'll ever have. All you're doing is sitting on your couch, munching cheetos, playing keyboard commando. You don't know anything and haven't presented anything of substance. And that's of course why you resorted to personal insults. You're frustrated with yourself. You have no valid argument for War with Syria. And that's clearly upsetting to you. Your bloodthirst for War is irrational. And that's that. Take care. Have a nice day. :)
The reporter had no corroborative evidence. It is merely her reporting what someone told someone.

That's the end of it.
Yep, Ms. Dale has no corroboration for her story.
"Clarification: Dale Gavlak assisted in the research and writing process of this article, but was not on the ground in Syria. Reporter Yahya Ababneh, with whom the report was written in collaboration, was the correspondent on the ground in Ghouta who spoke directly with the rebels, their family members, victims of the chemical weapons attacks and local residents.

Gavlak is a MintPress News Middle East correspondent who has been freelancing for the AP as a Amman, Jordan correspondent for nearly a decade. This report is not an Associated Press article; rather it is exclusive to MintPress News."

What's Obama's corroboration?

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

Dale has talked to one "correspondent on the ground in Ghouta"?

Dale has talked to the French, to the Mossad, and to the US intelligence services?
Obama's unconfirmed assessment makes more sense to you?

"'Our (US) high confidence assessment is the strongest position that the U.S. Intelligence Community can take short of confirmation [emphasis added].'

"So, the US is supposed to wage war on a country that has not attacked it or any of its allies based on admittedly unconfirmed evidence?"

Debunking Obama?s Chemical Weapons Case Against the Syrian Government » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
The libertarians continue to flail and wail.

Sorry, guys, you will have no influence in the upcoming decision between the Pres and Congress.

No problem. Still you have no evidence to provide showing the guilt of the Assad regime. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nathan. Nadda.

Thanks for admitting you're simply a boot licker and that you have no desire for proof positive on anyone's guilt.

You ran out of material awhile back in the thread. That's why i dismissed you from it. You resorted to playing the ole personal insult card. It's proof you've lost and have nothing more to add. Look, it's real simple, you want blood but you're too much of a coward to head over there and do it yourself. So instead you play the tough-talking keyboard commando. You're not all that complex. So with that, you are once again dismissed from the thread. See ya.

That's way above your paygrade, wookie boy.

You posted an article with uncorroborated evidence and then claimed that had to be the ultimate say in the matter. When pressed you resorted to the usual deflections you resort to.

Are you OK with everyone using chemical weapons? Because that's pretty much what this is about.

This reporter has far more integrity & credibility than you'll ever have. All you're doing is sitting on your couch, munching cheetos, playing keyboard commando. You don't know anything and haven't presented anything of substance. And that's of course why you resorted to personal insults. You're frustrated with yourself. You have no valid argument for War with Syria. And that's clearly upsetting to you. Your bloodthirst for War is irrational. And that's that. Take care. Have a nice day. :)

Your evidence for the reporter having integrity is that she reports things the way you believe they are. If she reported things contrary to your beliefs you wold be dismissing it as propaganda. Probably from Israel.
This is what marks you as having inferior intelligence and accounts for your clutching narco-libertarianism like a new Christianity.
the Pauliticians and the bigrebncs are on the same of Assad, the b'aathists, and the communists who support them.

No question now exists that the b'aathists gassed their own people.

I think BHO is going to make GWB look like a wuss in comparison.

Cruise missiles will be used, I think; the only question will be 'what targets?'

Wow, that's just absurd. Assad & Syria have done nothing to our Nation. Why do you personally want War and hate Assad so much? Just curious?

Narco-libertarians are clearly revealing that they could not govern in a modern world.
The reporter had no corroborative evidence. It is merely her reporting what someone told someone.

That's the end of it.

"Merely"? Why do you have this desperate need to completely downplay a plausible and substantial report calling into question who used CW? Half the rebels would give their right hand and some their firstborn to get the U.S. to strategically come to their defense, and what about those supplying them? Many lives and a major war is at stake.

[ame=]Syrian rebel 'eats the heart' of Syrian soldier - Truthloader - YouTube[/ame]

Nobody loses anything by questioning and continuing to question the only other report from western intelligence of who is guilty.
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