BLOCKBUSTER! Syrian Rebels Take Responsibility For Chemical Attack...

Yes, many on this thread have chosen to go the old 'Shoot the Messenger' route. They've attempted to discredit this very well-respected reporter. If you don't buy into the American Government/Media Complex story, you're a bad person only worthy of endless ridicule and scorn. I'm very disappointed in Americans these days. Most have lost their critical thinking ability.

You do realise they have paid gov dis-info trolls to do such a thing?

Oh yeah. I know. You spot em here every now & then. Yep, if you don't fall right in line, you're a very bad person and certainly not a real American. ;)
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911 was an inside job.
It's blowback, baby.

You hang onto all that anger and aggressive skepticism. But now, just start directing it towards Big Brother and his Media Whores. They lie to you everyday. And that should piss you off. Time for you to re-direct your bitter hostility.

Why is it you can't express yourself in any way that is not a slogan or a bumper sticker?

:lol: You got nothin. Just bow out gracefully. Yer dismissed from the thread now. See ya.
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Where is the evidence that it was Assad's regime? The White House say-so? Is that your "evidence", Fake?
Where is the evidence that it was Assad's regime? The White House say-so? Is that your "evidence", Fake?

They've been planning War with Syria for a long time. So it doesn't matter what the truth is. They're going ahead with the plans regardless.
You hang onto all that anger and aggressive skepticism. But now, just start directing it towards Big Brother and his Media Whores. They lie to you everyday. And that should piss you off. Time for you to re-direct your bitter hostility.

Why is it you can't express yourself in any way that is not a slogan or a bumper sticker?

:lol: You got nothin. Just bow out gracefully. Yer dismissed from the thread now. See ya.

Translation: No, I only repeat cliches and slogans that have been approved by Libertarian-Central.
The MSM should report this story and indicate that the source is a single (but respected) ME reporter. That they don't just goes to show they are completely aligned with the administration and can't be trusted, and MSM doesn't even trust the American public to judge this important evidence correctly. I am grateful that it was presented here.
Where is the evidence that it was Assad's regime? The White House say-so? Is that your "evidence", Fake?

You don't get "just once more." The evidence is clear that it was the regime and that you are wrong.

Starkiev-Webster Unabridged Orwellian Dictionary

ev·i·dence (v-dns)
1. A thing or things not helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.
2. Something concealing;
3. Law The documentary or oral statements and the material objects inadmissible as testimony in a court of law.

Of all people, Contumacious, you need to take those definitions, embrace them and hold them close forever, and evaluate reality.

The libertarian ability to ignore clear, conclusive evidence in this situation puts us all at risk.
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Why is it you can't express yourself in any way that is not a slogan or a bumper sticker?

:lol: You got nothin. Just bow out gracefully. Yer dismissed from the thread now. See ya.

Translation: No, I only repeat cliches and slogans that have been approved by Libertarian-Central.

Again, nothin. You want War, man-up and join the Rebels in Syria. Otherwise, quit whining like a bitch. Just be the tough guy you pretend to be on the Internets. Head on over and kill ya somes Syrians. Good luck and God Bless. :)
The MSM should report this story and indicate that the source is a single (but respected) ME reporter. That they don't just goes to show they are completely aligned with the administration and can't be trusted, and MSM doesn't even trust the American public to judge this important evidence correctly. I am grateful that it was presented here.

It's a Government/Media Complex now. The American MSM is infested with CIA/Government operatives. You can't believe much of anything they say at this point. That's just the sad reality.
You post nothing but slogans and talking points, Paulitician.

Can you think on your own? I am being straight here: you sound like a goof track.

You know the French now say the regime is at fault, don't you?

A French intelligence report said Monday that forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad carried out a "massive" chemical attack last month, as the Syrian leader warned that military strikes against him would risk igniting a regional war.
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You post nothing but slogans and talking points, Paulitician.

Can you think on your own?

Have you ever posted anything of significant value or interest here? Be honest. I can honestly say i have. And that's not ego talking. So come up with some of your own material and start your own thread. And lets see what people think. Lets see if you're interesting or not.
You post nothing but slogans and talking points, Paulitician.

Can you think on your own? I am being straight here: you sound like a goof track.

You know the French now say the regime is at fault, don't you?

French intel blames Syria's Assad for 'massive' chemical attack | Bangkok Post: news

A French intelligence report said Monday that forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad carried out a "massive" chemical attack last month, as the Syrian leader warned that military strikes against him would risk igniting a regional war.

Cool, when you joining the French Military or the Rebels? What are you waiting for? Go kills ya somes Syrians. I'm completely cool with that. Good luck and God Bless.
:lol: You got nothin. Just bow out gracefully. Yer dismissed from the thread now. See ya.

Translation: No, I only repeat cliches and slogans that have been approved by Libertarian-Central.

Again, nothin. You want War, man-up and join the Rebels in Syria. Otherwise, quit whining like a bitch. Just be the tough guy you pretend to be on the Internets. Head on over and kill ya somes Syrians. Good luck and God Bless. :)

Translation: When presented with irrefutable evidence of my incompetence I deflect to a different topic.
He can't deflect. Paulitician is a mere bot with slogans and talking points.
"Peter Oborne, writing in the Daily Telegraph on Thursday, has issued a word of caution about Washington’s rush to punish the Assad regime with so-called ‘limited’ strikes not meant to overthrow the Syrian leader but diminish his capacity to use chemical weapons:

"Consider this: the only beneficiaries from the atrocity were the rebels, previously losing the war, who now have Britain and America ready to intervene on their side. While there seems to be little doubt that chemical weapons were used, there is doubt about who deployed them.

"It is important to remember that Assad has been accused of using poison gas against civilians before. But on that occasion, Carla del Ponte, a U.N. commissioner on Syria, concluded that the rebels, not Assad, were probably responsible."

Let the UNSC decide if Bandar Bush has struck again, and, more importantly, if both sides in the Syrian civil war have resorted to chemical weapons.

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack
There is no doubt about who used the chemical weapons: the Assad regime.

Mint Press News is a reactionary agenda driven organization with a strong libertarian lean. Be wary,

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