Fox Newser: "You should have no concerns about Ebola at all"


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Fox News' Shepard Smith railed against the media's Ebola hysteria on Wednesday.

"You should have no concerns about Ebola at all. None. I promise," stated Smith. He went on to tell viewers, "Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible."

He explained: "We do not have an outbreak of Ebola in the United States.

B-b-but Shep, what about Mike and Sean and Bill and George and... aren't they your colleagues at Fox? And what about Rush and Glenn and...

Well yeah, Republican pundits and Fox's job seems to be nothing, if not looking for ways to scare the shit (literally and figuratively) out of their fellow Republicans but-----but even Fox's mukety-mucks think the Fox fear mongers have gone to far...

Fox Media Critic Praises Shepard Smith, Knocks O'Reilly For Ebola Coverage

Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.

Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly,
Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.
Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly...


To funny, Foxers calling other Foxers irresponsible and hysterical.

FOX, CNN and MSNBC News: "You have nothing to fear but the fear of the Ebola you are going to get"

Fixed it for ya! me when the Ebola outbreak in the US goes over 1,000 people.

Until then? It's just a really scary illness that has a high fatality rate, but we seem to have done better than the people in countries that have almost zero hospital facilities.

There have been a couple of reported cases, and only one has been fatal thus far.

Remember..................there are over 300 MILLION people in this country.

Ebola isn't nearly as scary as the fear mongering that is being put out by the right wing pundits.
Americans have been put in real danger by the actions, or inactions, of the Obama administration. The CDC insists the Ebola situation is under control in the United States. We should be very careful.
It's odd that Duncan's family are all in the clear and showing no signs of Ebola, but somehow 2 nurses contracted it.

Might have dodged a bullet here, but can't help thinking it's a Warning
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Well unlike these people who are obsessed with some news station, I don't live my life around what they have to say.

poor Hufferpuffer post. has nothing more important to report on but what some news stations has to say. Keeps their rabid cult members riled up though me when the Ebola outbreak in the US goes over 1,000 people.

Until then? It's just a really scary illness that has a high fatality rate, but we seem to have done better than the people in countries that have almost zero hospital facilities.

There have been a couple of reported cases, and only one has been fatal thus far.

Remember..................there are over 300 MILLION people in this country.

Ebola isn't nearly as scary as the fear mongering that is being put out by the right wing pundits.
CNN doing a good job of spreading fear too; this is not a left/right issue.
Americans have been put in real danger by the actions, or inactions, of the Obama administration. The CDC insists the Ebola situation is under control in the United States. We should be very careful.
Come on man, Osama is dead, and GM is saved.

Nothing to worry about, AQ is on the run, Gitmo emptied, seas one foot shallower, all is well.
Good for him.

Americans just love to panic, and the media feeds it.
Well, a NEWSER appears to be a website as I cannot find a single entry for the word in the dictionary. The website newser is so far left even obama looks conservative. However, going through that website, I find no mention of Shep Smith being a contributor.

Howard Kurtz, however; is a well known hack. His amateurish attempts at holding the media to account for bias has most of the journalistic world holding their sides in laughter.

Smith is right about one thing though. Ebola is not the threat to us that ALL of the media outlets are making it out to be.
There was a time when the news was a service. There was some attempt to provide information.

Now the news is a business. The news media outlets want you to watch more news. When do you watch more news? When you are scared. If they can scare you they increase their business.
Maybe some people are so timid that they can be scared, but that's because they don't really bother to investigate things they hear and do their own fact checking on the Internet.

Remember......................a wise man once said "the thing you fear the most, is the thing you understand the least".

Educate yourself so you're not scared, and aren't frightened into some bullshit that some politician wants you to be in.
Democrats have decided it is okay for Americans to die of Ebola.

The reason it's okay, people died of the flu while Bush was in office.
Fox News' Shepard Smith railed against the media's Ebola hysteria on Wednesday.

"You should have no concerns about Ebola at all. None. I promise," stated Smith. He went on to tell viewers, "Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible."

He explained: "We do not have an outbreak of Ebola in the United States.

B-b-but Shep, what about Mike and Sean and Bill and George and... aren't they your colleagues at Fox? And what about Rush and Glenn and...

Well yeah, Republican pundits and Fox's job seems to be nothing, if not looking for ways to scare the shit (literally and figuratively) out of their fellow Republicans but-----but even Fox's mukety-mucks think the Fox fear mongers have gone to far...

Fox Media Critic Praises Shepard Smith, Knocks O'Reilly For Ebola Coverage

Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.

Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly,
Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.
Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly...


To funny, Foxers calling other Foxers irresponsible and hysterical.

It's nice to see Fox news finally get something right.

In the U.S., there have been more people married to Kim Kardashian than have died from Ebola.
Fox News' Shepard Smith railed against the media's Ebola hysteria on Wednesday.

"You should have no concerns about Ebola at all. None. I promise," stated Smith. He went on to tell viewers, "Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible."

He explained: "We do not have an outbreak of Ebola in the United States.

B-b-but Shep, what about Mike and Sean and Bill and George and... aren't they your colleagues at Fox? And what about Rush and Glenn and...

Well yeah, Republican pundits and Fox's job seems to be nothing, if not looking for ways to scare the shit (literally and figuratively) out of their fellow Republicans but-----but even Fox's mukety-mucks think the Fox fear mongers have gone to far...

Fox Media Critic Praises Shepard Smith, Knocks O'Reilly For Ebola Coverage

Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.

Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly,
Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.
Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly...


To funny, Foxers calling other Foxers irresponsible and hysterical.

It's nice to see Fox news finally get something right.

In the U.S., there have been more people married to Kim Kardashian than have died from Ebola.
It is not the disease that scares us, it's the fact that democrats purposely let Ebola in the country.

We see that Democrats are unwilling to protect the people.

It's the response, incompetence.
Fox News' Shepard Smith railed against the media's Ebola hysteria on Wednesday.

"You should have no concerns about Ebola at all. None. I promise," stated Smith. He went on to tell viewers, "Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible."

He explained: "We do not have an outbreak of Ebola in the United States.

B-b-but Shep, what about Mike and Sean and Bill and George and... aren't they your colleagues at Fox? And what about Rush and Glenn and...

Well yeah, Republican pundits and Fox's job seems to be nothing, if not looking for ways to scare the shit (literally and figuratively) out of their fellow Republicans but-----but even Fox's mukety-mucks think the Fox fear mongers have gone to far...

Fox Media Critic Praises Shepard Smith, Knocks O'Reilly For Ebola Coverage

Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.

Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly,
Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.
Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly...


To funny, Foxers calling other Foxers irresponsible and hysterical.

It's nice to see Fox news finally get something right.

In the U.S., there have been more people married to Kim Kardashian than have died from Ebola.
It is not the disease that scares us, it's the fact that democrats purposely let Ebola in the country.

We see that Democrats are unwilling to protect the people.

It's the response, incompetence.
You gotta be a "special" kind of stupid to think that was a problem. :cuckoo: Needless to say, it's not a shocker that rightwing loons believe that it is.
Americans have been put in real danger by the actions, or inactions, of the Obama administration. The CDC insists the Ebola situation is under control in the United States. We should be very careful.

President Obama has saved the country from the horrific Ebola epidemic

He has already save millions of Americans

Thanks President Obama
Yanno..................there's a lot of people who blame Obama for bringing Ebola to this country.

Quick of the mantras of the military is to leave no man behind.

Should we have left the doctors who went into a hot zone to die?

And...................fwiw............................the person who died here from Ebola had 2 strikes against him from the start.

Number one...................he lied to get into this country.

Number two....................he was given less than decent care.

Sorry, but the Dallas hospital that took care of them not only didn't have the facilities, but the staff was also woefully unprepared for what was going on because the administrators were too busy making money, so they cut back where they could.

Too bad their cutbacks resulted in two of their staff getting a deadly disease.
Fox News' Shepard Smith railed against the media's Ebola hysteria on Wednesday.

"You should have no concerns about Ebola at all. None. I promise," stated Smith. He went on to tell viewers, "Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible."

He explained: "We do not have an outbreak of Ebola in the United States.

B-b-but Shep, what about Mike and Sean and Bill and George and... aren't they your colleagues at Fox? And what about Rush and Glenn and...

Well yeah, Republican pundits and Fox's job seems to be nothing, if not looking for ways to scare the shit (literally and figuratively) out of their fellow Republicans but-----but even Fox's mukety-mucks think the Fox fear mongers have gone to far...

Fox Media Critic Praises Shepard Smith, Knocks O'Reilly For Ebola Coverage

Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.

Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly,
Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz echoed his colleague Shepard Smith's admonishment of media for irresponsible Ebola coverage, highlighting his own network's reporting failures.
Kurtz called out media figures like Fox host Bill O'Reilly...


To funny, Foxers calling other Foxers irresponsible and hysterical.

It's nice to see Fox news finally get something right.

In the U.S., there have been more people married to Kim Kardashian than have died from Ebola.
It is not the disease that scares us, it's the fact that democrats purposely let Ebola in the country.

We see that Democrats are unwilling to protect the people.

It's the response, incompetence.
The best way to beat Ebola is for the US military to depose Obama

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