Fox not showing hearings ?

No, they're not scared. They're embarrassed. A couple of their hosts are likely to be named for public record as planning, dispensing advice on, or aiding in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election results.
Not a good look for a network with the word "News" in it. Even if these entertainers are not considered journalists.
People want to know what Pelosi's house will do to lower gas prices not some trumped up charge by TDSers....
I hope that bitch can't get her favorite $30 a qt ice cream....
FOX already hemorrhaged viewers with their election gaslighting.
They know if they show these Banana Republic political show hearings, they will lose even more.
Real people don't GAS about your continuous Jan 6 bed wetting
Good point....
FOX already hemorrhaged viewers with their election gaslighting.
They know if they show these Banana Republic political show hearings, they will lose even more.
Real people don't GAS about your continuous Jan 6 bed wetting
Lol! You're truly brainwashed. Real people will be watching the hearing.
Scared, or smart enough to realize that it's all a farce with no implications on peoples daily lives?

Scared. Those will be Republicans, and Fox News hosts testifying, and there won't be any counter narratives for them to wiggle their way out of. Trying to overthrow the government of the people, by throwing out their votes, in a violent and seditious way, effects every Americans daily life.

No where to run. No where to hide.
Lol! You're truly brainwashed. Real people will be watching the hearing.
A proggy telling someone they are brainwashed!
That's just precious!
I bet you're wearing a mask while you said it.
That's Academy Award level projection there.

You are truly one of a kind UR2
If it were a legitimate committee, instead of a STAR CHAMBER? Maybe folks would take it seriously.

Seven Democrats and two Republicans all appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. And even the Republicans are hostile and prejudiced to the accused, from the outset .. . . total bullshit.

They won't ask questions of the Capitol Police, or the D.C. mayor, or Nancy Pelosi. Nor will they be showing the public the hundreds of hours of unreleased Capitol film footage. It is a political sham, a partisan hit job, with a predetermined conclusion. . . they are just looking for evidence to fit a predetermined narrative. It isn't a REAL search for truth.

In the olden days? They used to call these STAR CHAMBERS. A person would have to be dope to waste their time watching any of it.


". . . The Star Chamber was originally established to ensure the fair enforcement of laws against socially and politically prominent people sufficiently powerful that ordinary courts might hesitate to convict them of their crimes. However, it became synonymous with social and political oppression through the arbitrary use and abuse of the power it wielded.

In modern times, legal or administrative bodies with strict, arbitrary rulings, no "due process" rights to those accused, and secretive proceedings are sometimes called "star chambers" as a metaphor."

Scared. Those will be Republicans, and Fox News hosts testifying, and there won't be any counter narratives for them to wiggle their way out of. Trying to overthrow the government of the people, by throwing out their votes, in a violent and seditious way, effects every Americans daily life.

No where to run. No where to hide.
Hide from what? An illegitimate committee inside an illegitimate govt having show hearings for low info morons?
Ya'll gonna send the twink brigade after us?
Make sure to put your groomer buddies out front

The Democrats are chickenshit to put the goddamn BLM Negroes that spent six months destroying, looting, burning, murdering and rioting in jail.

That is a lot worse than Fox not showing the Democrat filth trying to deflect from their disastrous economic policies that are destroying this country.
Enemy democrats have got a CBS production crew promising that it will be exciting and entertaining. Fox will be streaming it on their website with the paywall down and showing it on Fox Business. That doesn't sound very much like fear. I'll wait for a highlight reel.

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