FOX Poll: 56% say Trump is tearing America apart

Fox News Poll: Voters' mood sours, 56 percent say Trump tearing country apart

i disagree. this is a nation divided. Always has been. Gotten much worse the past 8 years. That's why we got Trump. Grow up.
Not that Antifa and KKK are bringing US together. Both Socialists, but one far right socialist, the other far left socialist. This is what Socialism brings, time and again.

View attachment 146801
Wtf is "far right" socialism
The kkk is the new Nazi party which is Right wing socialism. Does it make you "angry"?

KKK = Nazi = Alt-Right = "Libertarian" = Teabag = Conservative = Republican

Same shit, different polish.
It figures a stupid fuck like you would jump into this argument totally clueless. I guess i have to put you back on ignore where you belong. What a fucking dumbass.

Nazi Party - Wikipedia
The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help·info), abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party (/ˈnɑːtsi/), was a far-right political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and practised the ideology of Nazism.

Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist Socialist

calling me a dumbfuck?.....unlike you jim i cant stand none of these people and dont have my head up their collective asses,there lies the difference.....
Only dumbfuck is you who have no clue about history.
Nazi Party (/ˈnɑːtsi/), was a far-right political party
Notice how FAR RIGHT is used to describe NAZI? Dumbass.
what does history have to do with what we were talking about jim? have your head up a parties ass,i dont....that has to do with today....dumbfuck....
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An ignorant racist misogynist tearing the country apart? Who could have called that one?

Other than all the people besides the ignorant racist misogynists that voted for him.
I am not scared of President Trump. Are you butt hurt Joe?

You're not.

Sensible Republicans are. Guys like Jeff Flake who know that they will be voted out of office because that's all folks can do about it on the midterms are. Business leaders who are quitting Trump's councils are because they don't want to be associated with him.

If you aren't scared, you aren't smart enough to see the problem. That's on you.
Fox News Poll: Voters' mood sours, 56 percent say Trump tearing country apart

i disagree. this is a nation divided. Always has been. Gotten much worse the past 8 years. That's why we got Trump. Grow up.

No, you have a nation that is fed up. They voted for Obama on the premise of "fixing" health care, only to find out it was all full of lies and a worse system than we had before. Then you got Trump voted in and the Pubes to repeal it cuz they said they would and voted to repeal it under Obama.

Then the Pubes get in there and refuse to repeal it again knowing that Obama is not there to veto it.

No, the American people are held hostage by Progressives in both parties. They are under siege and are in no way racist like the state controlled media indicates. If we were, Obama would not have won two terms.

No, this is a Progressive dictatorship
Fox News Poll: Voters' mood sours, 56 percent say Trump tearing country apart

i disagree. this is a nation divided. Always has been. Gotten much worse the past 8 years. That's why we got Trump. Grow up.

Trump is not helping anything. His constant twitter tantrums are not helping anyone. He can't call out white supremacists yet he can badger the press.
when did he not call them out? he did. but then it wasn't fast enough, it wasn't tough enough, it wasn't *whatever* enough cause quite honestly, it never will be *enough* for those who hate him.

the radical ass left who can't flaunt an obama victory (he won, get over it) but can't take a trump victory (hey, he won, ya know) and THEY are the ones making shit up and saying HE is destroying this country when HE is the one who won by going against the grain to begin with.

and the press needs to be called out.

as for trump twitter tantrums, why do you not care the left throws their own daily?

Trump's win: Top media meltdowns

Hillary Supporter GOES CRAZY After Trump Wins Wisconsin Electoral Votes

and my all time favorite:

Anti-Trump liberal protester cries and screams "Nooooo" at the Trump inauguration

so while you're calling people out for their "tantrums" - call 'em all and quit being a hypocrite.
No, you have a nation that is fed up. They voted for Obama on the premise of "fixing" health care, only to find out it was all full of lies and a worse system than we had before. Then you got Trump voted in and the Pubes to repeal it cuz they said they would and voted to repeal it under Obama.

Then the Pubes get in there and refuse to repeal it again knowing that Obama is not there to veto it.

No, the American people are held hostage by Progressives in both parties. They are under siege and are in no way racist like the state controlled media indicates. If we were, Obama would not have won two terms.

No, this is a Progressive dictatorship

Actually, given how badly Bush failed, that there is still a GOP at all.

Used to be, you failed that bad, you were consigned to the political wilderness for decades.

The fact that half the country is pretty racist and lost its shit when a black guy got elected is very telling...
An ignorant racist misogynist tearing the country apart? Who could have called that one?

Other than all the people besides the ignorant racist misogynists that voted for him.
Finally admitting that you liberals are racist misogynist that voted for the first bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving, community agitator who was fundamentally transforming America by tearing the country apart? About fucking time, you woke up and smelled the liberal shit, your side has been shoveling you.

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the radical ass left who can't flaunt an obama victory (he won, get over it) but can't take a trump victory (hey, he won, ya know)

Well, except he didn't "win", more people voted for the other person.

i'm sorry you don't seem able to grasp this. He won on a technicality, he didn't win a mandate for change.
If he didn't win Joe, why didn't the crooked, sickly, falling down, vagina, candidate get sworn in? Just checking with you butt hurt liberals on that one.

No, you have a nation that is fed up. They voted for Obama on the premise of "fixing" health care, only to find out it was all full of lies and a worse system than we had before. Then you got Trump voted in and the Pubes to repeal it cuz they said they would and voted to repeal it under Obama.

Then the Pubes get in there and refuse to repeal it again knowing that Obama is not there to veto it.

No, the American people are held hostage by Progressives in both parties. They are under siege and are in no way racist like the state controlled media indicates. If we were, Obama would not have won two terms.

No, this is a Progressive dictatorship

Actually, given how badly Bush failed, that there is still a GOP at all.

Used to be, you failed that bad, you were consigned to the political wilderness for decades.

The fact that half the country is pretty racist and lost its shit when a black guy got elected is very telling...

Finally admitting that you liberalw are racist misogynist that voted for the first bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving, community agitator who was fundamentally transforming America by tearing the country apart? About fucking time, you woke up and smelled the liberal shit, your side has been shoveling you.

So you went to the Pee-Wee Herman school of debate?


Hey you know what, I checked. It was still pretty awesome to be a white male when Obama was in charge.
No, you have a nation that is fed up. They voted for Obama on the premise of "fixing" health care, only to find out it was all full of lies and a worse system than we had before. Then you got Trump voted in and the Pubes to repeal it cuz they said they would and voted to repeal it under Obama.

Then the Pubes get in there and refuse to repeal it again knowing that Obama is not there to veto it.

No, the American people are held hostage by Progressives in both parties. They are under siege and are in no way racist like the state controlled media indicates. If we were, Obama would not have won two terms.

No, this is a Progressive dictatorship

Actually, given how badly Bush failed, that there is still a GOP at all.

Used to be, you failed that bad, you were consigned to the political wilderness for decades.

The fact that half the country is pretty racist and lost its shit when a black guy got elected is very telling...

View attachment 147010

Here's the thing, buddy.

Before 2008, I used to vote pretty consistently republican.

Then I got fucked over by my Romney-loving boss after I required medical treatment, I looked at my busted 401K, my underwater mortgage, and the 20% pay cut I ended up having to take, and I asked myself,

"Why the fuck am I still voting Republican?"

But you see, I don't hate the darkies or the gays, so I couldn't come up with a reason.

The rest of you obviously did.
If he didn't win Joe, why didn't the crooked, sickly, falling down, vagina, candidate get sworn in? Just checking with you butt hurt liberals on that one.

Because like Rome in 37 AD, or Germany in 1933, our system failed.

But do be aware, this is a failed presidency. Take any Republican aside and he'll tell you Trump is a disaster, but they can't do anything about him.
silly people.......any poll in 2017 is irrelevant. And oh.....memory fail............remember what ALL the polls said last November 5th!!:deal:

But hey.....if it makes you giddy, go........go!!

At the end of the day, if GDP is soaring and people are working, Trump gets reelected even if he builds a mammoth statue of David Duke in the middle of the mall in DC. Sorry but that's how it works s0ns!!:2up:
If he didn't win Joe, why didn't the crooked, sickly, falling down, vagina, candidate get sworn in? Just checking with you butt hurt liberals on that one.

Because like Rome in 37 AD, or Germany in 1933, our system failed.

But do be aware, this is a failed presidency. Take any Republican aside and he'll tell you Trump is a disaster, but they can't do anything about him.

dang s0n.......your shit is so fake, even fake news pales in comparison. Where do you get your sources from s0n? Consistently sophomoric posts........just wonderin'??

Spambot ftmfw!!:popcorn::rock::rock:

Oh......and the entire messageboard has you pegged as being the most prolific liar btw.........."I used to vote Republican..........":deal:. Only those who just moved over from take you seriously s0n......especially after they get a load of your post count total!!!:desk:
No, you have a nation that is fed up. They voted for Obama on the premise of "fixing" health care, only to find out it was all full of lies and a worse system than we had before. Then you got Trump voted in and the Pubes to repeal it cuz they said they would and voted to repeal it under Obama.

Then the Pubes get in there and refuse to repeal it again knowing that Obama is not there to veto it.

No, the American people are held hostage by Progressives in both parties. They are under siege and are in no way racist like the state controlled media indicates. If we were, Obama would not have won two terms.

No, this is a Progressive dictatorship

Actually, given how badly Bush failed, that there is still a GOP at all.

Used to be, you failed that bad, you were consigned to the political wilderness for decades.

The fact that half the country is pretty racist and lost its shit when a black guy got elected is very telling...

View attachment 147010

Here's the thing, buddy.

Before 2008, I used to vote pretty consistently republican.

Then I got fucked over by my Romney-loving boss after I required medical treatment, I looked at my busted 401K, my underwater mortgage, and the 20% pay cut I ended up having to take, and I asked myself,

"Why the fuck am I still voting Republican?"

But you see, I don't hate the darkies or the gays, so I couldn't come up with a reason.

The rest of you obviously did.
Here's the thing, buddy.

Before 2008, I used to vote pretty consistently republican.
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
Yeah sure you did, Joe. I believe you, just like I believed Obama when he said I would save $2,500 on healthcare.
Then I got fucked over by my Romney-loving boss after I required medical treatment, I looked at my busted 401K, my underwater mortgage, and the 20% pay cut I ended up having to take, and I asked myself,
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
That underwater mortgage that was created because Bill Clinton's bill and Maxine Waters(D), Chris Dodd(D), and Barney Frank(D) didn't bother to stop the fannnie mae Freddie mac debacle from happening when it was found out in 2004 trouble was brewing? Those (D)'s didn't even shed a tear for you , did they?
But you see, I don't hate the darkies or the gays, so I couldn't come up with a reason.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia

Darky / darkey / darkie
noun. a black person.[101] According to lexicographer Richard A. Spears, the word "darkie" used to be considered mild and polite, before it took on a derogatory and provocative meaning.[102]
The following is a list of ethnic slurs (ethnophaulisms) that are, or have been, used as insinuations or allegations about members of a given ethnicity, or to refer to them in a derogatory (that is, critical or disrespectful), pejorative (disapproving or contemptuous), or otherwise insulting manner.

Joe you just made the point that you and you liberals are confirmed racists. Thank you for participating, you fucking racist prick.
Trump isn't tearing us apart. The reaction to him is tearing us apart.

Yes, the reaction to his attitude of perpetual campaigning is tearing us apart.

You see, here's the thing. Obama never felt the need to continually bash McCain and his supporters after he won.

Bush never felt the need to bash Gore after he... well, he didn't win, but whatever. He was actually kind of gracious about it.

YOu see there's a point where you have to realize you are the president of the whole country and not just the half that voted for you. Trump doesn't seem to get this.

Obama blamed Bush for 7 of his 8 years. How soon you forget. Trump isn't tearing us apart. It's the butt hurt left.

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