FOX Poll: 56% say Trump is tearing America apart

Just proves that Socialists/Communists/Fascists/Nazis/Progressives/Liberals/Marxists lie all the time. Thank you for pointing that out.

No, it just means you don't know what you're talking about because you're either not bright, or you're a sophist. I am leaning toward the latter.
You've been conditioned well to not believe the "lying press"
Nazi Germany conditioned their citizens the same way. No new tactics here.
The media gets caught all the time lying. They even got caught on video saying they lie for ratings. You are just a pathetic sheep.
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?
omg lol
How this country won wars without the transgenders (and females) fighting alongside the men is beyond miraculous.

What wars did we win since WWII? Not Korea. Not Vietnam. Not Iraq. Not Afghanistan.

Trans folks have always been in the military, they just haven't served openly. But they've been there the entire time.
Like the first bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving, community agitator did with white people?

Huh? What did Obama do to white people? Nothing. Some white people felt under attack just by virtue of Obama being President because his election was a repudiation of the shit from 8 years of Bush you clowns all supported. That repudiation you took personally because you poured so much of your faith into Bush and Conservatism only to see it let you down. Rather than reconcile that, you blame others including Obama.

Obama did nothing to make you feel "under attack"...that's your conscience causing you to be defensive because admitting you bought into Bush's Conservative bullshit would mean you're not as clever as you think you are.

The guy who threw his own grandmother under the bus? Funny how we were supposed to shut the fuck up, or be called racist as that dickwa, tried to fundamentally transform America, yet now when We the people want to Make America Great again, you dumbfucks want to be able to play. Go fuck yourselves.

What a fucking whiner.

Flip side of your post:

What did Trump do to liberals? Nothing, except made them look stupid.

Trump's election was the repudiation of Obama's shit for 8 years.

You refuse to accept the fact that Trump got to where he is lawfully and legitimately. I understand that "make America great again" is not as magnificent as "fundamentally transform America" but basically both got the votes where and when it counted.

Liberals have attacked Trump from the get go, and now they have the colossal nerve to "feel under attack" from Trump.

Obama could not fulfill his pledge to close Gitmo in eight years, Yet, liberals whine that Trump has not done everything he promised in eight months.

If anything is tearing the country apart it is the Democrat Party and their willing lackeys in the press.
What did Trump do to liberals? Nothing, except made them look stupid.

What did Trump do? Cast his support in with Nazis/KKK/White supremacists and Conservatives have gone along with it very cynically because they want to advance their destructive agenda.

Trump's election was the repudiation of Obama's shit for 8 years.

You sure about that? HRC won the popular vote. So since the majority of people voted for HRC, how is that a repudiation of Obama?

You refuse to accept the fact that Trump got to where he is lawfully and legitimately.

Not so sure about either. It's looking like there was a lot of shadiness going on within the Trump campaign. Shadiness that includes ties -both financial and political- to Russia. We'll see what Mueller's probe uncovers.

I understand that "make America great again" is not as magnificent as "fundamentally transform America" but basically both got the votes where and when it counte

What does a "great America" mean? What does that look like? At what time was America "great"?

Liberals have attacked Trump from the get go, and now they have the colossal nerve to "feel under attack" from Trump.

Trump is wholly unfit for the office. He's passed no legislation despite a fully compliant GOP Congress. He's left thousands of positions unfilled. He's defended Nazis. Trump hasn't accomplished a thing and I seriously doubt he will last through the year.

Obama could not fulfill his pledge to close Gitmo in eight years, Yet, liberals whine that Trump has not done everything he promised in eight months.

Obama tried to close Gitmo, but you clowns prevented it by fear-mongering and lying. And yes, campaign promises often go unfulfilled, but the difference is that Trump isn't even trying. He doesn't even understand the things he talks about, like when he stumbled his way through health insurance by thinking it was the same thing as life insurance. And you clowns defended that ignorance.
No, obama's gone.

I never worried a nuclear war might break out when Obama was in charge.

Now, not so much.

ISIS, North Korea, Taliban, AlQaida, etc. etc. never had to worry about crossing any "red line" in the past 8 years.

Now, not so much.
And...speaking of "red lines"...what's the so-called president doing about North Korea's latest missile shot OVER Japan?
You've been conditioned well to not believe the "lying press"
Nazi Germany conditioned their citizens the same way. No new tactics here.
The media gets caught all the time lying. They even got caught on video saying they lie for ratings. You are just a pathetic sheep.
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?

I would expect the mainstream media to be more honest then politicians, yes.
Silly me, I expect honesty from our POTUS.... I mean we did impeach Bill because he lied about a bj.
The media gets caught all the time lying. They even got caught on video saying they lie for ratings. You are just a pathetic sheep.
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?

I would expect the mainstream media to be more honest then politicians, yes.
Silly me, I expect honesty from our POTUS.... I mean we did impeach Bill because he lied about a bj.
i do too but it never happens. Sadly. President slie and manipulate their little asses off. It is funny watching hacks act like its a new concept though :lol:
You've been conditioned well to not believe the "lying press"
Nazi Germany conditioned their citizens the same way. No new tactics here.
The media gets caught all the time lying. They even got caught on video saying they lie for ratings. You are just a pathetic sheep.
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?
omg lol
I'm just trying to figure out what standards, if any, you have for the potus.
The media gets caught all the time lying. They even got caught on video saying they lie for ratings. You are just a pathetic sheep.
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?
omg lol
I'm just trying to figure out what standards, if any, you have for the potus.
I dont like nor support trump as a president. You are arguing with yourself lol
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?

I would expect the mainstream media to be more honest then politicians, yes.
Silly me, I expect honesty from our POTUS.... I mean we did impeach Bill because he lied about a bj.
i do too but it never happens. Sadly. President slie and manipulate their little asses off. It is funny watching hacks act like its a new concept though :lol:
Accepting the lies is a new concept. Clinton was impeached over a lie ... about a blow job! And you're fine with Donnie lying about multi billion dollar business deals. Self destructive at best.
Fox News Poll: Voters' mood sours, 56 percent say Trump tearing country apart

i disagree. this is a nation divided. Always has been. Gotten much worse the past 8 years. That's why we got Trump. Grow up.

So is MSM BS as the sheep get dumber and dumber and believe FAKE ass poll..........................

Now what kind of brain can figure this out........................ What's wrong with this picture

yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?

I would expect the mainstream media to be more honest then politicians, yes.
Silly me, I expect honesty from our POTUS.... I mean we did impeach Bill because he lied about a bj.
i do too but it never happens. Sadly. President slie and manipulate their little asses off. It is funny watching hacks act like its a new concept though :lol:
Accepting the lies is a new concept. Clinton was impeached over a lie ... about a blow job! And you're fine with Donnie lying about multi billion dollar business deals. Self destructive at best.
Why do you make up shit for argument sake? How dishonest are you?
BTW, clinton lied UNDER OATH. There is a big difference.
Yes, the reaction to his attitude of perpetual campaigning is tearing us apart.

You see, here's the thing. Obama never felt the need to continually bash McCain and his supporters after he won.

Bush never felt the need to bash Gore after he... well, he didn't win, but whatever. He was actually kind of gracious about it.

YOu see there's a point where you have to realize you are the president of the whole country and not just the half that voted for you. Trump doesn't seem to get this.

O puhleese....Mr. "I won the Election" Obama... Mr. "The police acted stupidly" President, Mr. "He could have been my son" Obama...
Obama was without argument a great cause of divide in this country. Race relations nose dived after his stupid and bias response to matters of race including Michelle "I never loved this country".
You are so full of shit you need your own treatment plant to follow you around.
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?

I would expect the mainstream media to be more honest then politicians, yes.
Silly me, I expect honesty from our POTUS.... I mean we did impeach Bill because he lied about a bj.
i do too but it never happens. Sadly. President slie and manipulate their little asses off. It is funny watching hacks act like its a new concept though :lol:
Accepting the lies is a new concept. Clinton was impeached over a lie ... about a blow job! And you're fine with Donnie lying about multi billion dollar business deals. Self destructive at best.

There is proof and always was, problem is most of you are a little to stupid to realize what the word " COVER UP" means, you don't have the mentality to realize that your Mafia Government is more crooked than your fantasies about them allow you to believe.

MSM and your little school system taught you well............ awwww Governmental parents would never do you harm nor lie lmfao. Wake the hell up.
The media gets caught all the time lying. They even got caught on video saying they lie for ratings. You are just a pathetic sheep.
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?

I would expect the mainstream media to be more honest then politicians, yes.
Silly me, I expect honesty from our POTUS.... I mean we did impeach Bill because he lied about a bj.
Liar, Bill Clinton was not impeached. But he did have his law license revoked for 5 years. Martha Stewart who lied got 5 years in jail. Politicians get a slap on the hand, the rest of US do time. This is why Donald Trump got elected, to drain the fucking swamp.
The media gets caught all the time lying. They even got caught on video saying they lie for ratings. You are just a pathetic sheep.
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?

I would expect the mainstream media to be more honest then politicians, yes.
Silly me, I expect honesty from our POTUS.... I mean we did impeach Bill because he lied about a bj.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.
And Trump doesn't ???????
yes. Most politicians do.
So you hate the whole media because some have lied. But you are fine with all of trumps lies?

I would expect the mainstream media to be more honest then politicians, yes.
Silly me, I expect honesty from our POTUS.... I mean we did impeach Bill because he lied about a bj.
Liar, Bill Clinton was not impeached. But he did have his law license revoked for 5 years. Martha Stewart who lied got 5 years in jail. Politicians get a slap on the hand, the rest of US do time. This is why Donald Trump got elected, to drain the fucking swamp.

technically he WAS impeached, which is the name for the process of bringing charges. He was NOT removed from office, which is what the Senate Trial does.
Trump isn't tearing us apart. The reaction to him is tearing us apart.

Yes, the reaction to his attitude of perpetual campaigning is tearing us apart.

You see, here's the thing. Obama never felt the need to continually bash McCain and his supporters after he won.

Bush never felt the need to bash Gore after he... well, he didn't win, but whatever. He was actually kind of gracious about it.

YOu see there's a point where you have to realize you are the president of the whole country and not just the half that voted for you. Trump doesn't seem to get this.


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