Fox Republican Presidential Debate Interesting!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Fox News staff that ran this past Thursday's Presidential debate really deserve a commendation for the job they did the questions asked were excellent! When one considers all the candidates running for the nomination you have to think that this isn't good for the Republican Party and the nation. There should just be around a handful of candidates so Republican voters can really give them a good vetting and the candidates can really experience the rigors that the general election will bring because you know the Democrats are going to rake the Republican candidate through the coals like you can't believe because they will be fighting for their life because in all probability the Republicans will hold on to both chambers of Congress and if a Republican gets in the White House the Democrat policy agenda in America is going to be eviscerated!

This debate really underscored that many of the ten candidates on the stage have no chance of winning the Presidency they really don't belong in the race. Rand Paul demonstrated clearly that there is something different about his thinking and not in a good sense the radio talk show host, Jeff Bolton, really hit the nail on the head when he said Rand Paul acts like a jerk that is the problem with him. Instead of sticking to the merits of the issues he gets personal, he did it in his comment to Governor Christie referencing his hugging Obama when he visited New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. Rand Paul's campaign is all about libertarianism and the Federal Government should be limited to the express powers set forth in the constitution. These views have a popularity limit of around ten percent of the America population the American people know the world is a lot more complicated than it was in the late 1700's the world's experienced the industrial revolution and globalization these complications necessitate a greater role for government than our founders could have foreseen. why is this guy running with absolutely no chance of winning the presidency.

Watching Ted Cruz in the debate I thought I was watching Captain Queeg, the Humphrey Bogart role, in a scene from the movie "The Caine Mutiny" fumbling steel balls in his hands. Ted Cruz like Captain Queeg lives in his own world detached from the real world it would be too dangerous to put such a person in the White House. The moderator Chris Wallace asked an excellent question referencing Mr. Cruz's toxic relationship with members of his own caucus, in this writers fifty years of living he has never observed such a rejection by one's own caucus for a U.S. Senator, Mr. Cruz's response sums up the grave concern he said he doesn't care about getting along with his own Senators he is going to Washington to do what he said he would do which means in part if he said he will shut down the government over a non budgetary issue he will do just that if he said he won't lift the nation's debt ceiling he will do just that do the American people know the meaning of the phrase "self-inflicted wound that causes a Depression" they will under a Cruz presidency!

Governor Huckabee makes some excellent points in his campaign but the bottom line is he has no chance of winning the nomination, he is a left-over meal the Republican electorate has seen what he has to offer in a prior Presidential campaign and didn't buy it then and ain't buying it now! Mainstream Americans aren't comfortable with his candidacy his views of doing away with the income tax and just having a value added tax is foolishness it would never raise enough revenue to fund the government. His pronounced religious right make-up worries people one has to be concerned are these people going to turn extremists on us; it is one thing to be against abortion because you believe your religion teaches that human life, life that in essence is equal in value to the life of any person walking anywhere in America, begins at conception but it is another thing to view people that think otherwise on this issue as being from Mars! Mike will be in a real dither when scientists discover how to create unique DNA cells on their own, he'll have to start calling for police officers to be stationed at trash cans in labs across America to stop the discarding of petri dish size human beings.

Ben Carson needs to really and truly ask himself does he have the resume to be selected President of the United States. As he said Thursday night he has the brains where he can learn whatever he needs to for the job of President and one shouldn't doubt that for a minute but the issue is can the country afford to give the person selected that time, I submit the vast majority of the American people will say no. The person selected has to already know how to do such things as select good Department heads, how to manage big bureaucracies and how to negotiate with the opposite political party to get legislation passed through the legislature; the country is in a ditch, it is very costly to be in this ditch and we need a President who is going to be making progress on moving us out of this ditch on day one of his or her Presidency!

Donald Trump showed in the debate why he is doing so well in the race he is smart and he is focused, it is a shame science has not progressed enough to transplant a brain and heart from one person to another because America would have the ideal candidate if it was done in his case. Mr. Trump deserves to be in this race as long as he wishes because Mr. Trump offers the American people what they want a federal government actually solving the country's problems in a good manner! Nevertheless, Mr. Trump has profound shortcomings as a candidate. He has enormous baggage the moderator Ms. Kelly raised the issue in the debate when she asked Mr. Trump about a prior comment he made about a specific women belonged on her knees totally inappropriate and anyone that follows the news knows that such is the tip of the iceberg with Mr. Trump with his mouth he has insulted almost countless groups in America. The other thing about Mr. Trump is he never going to be able to strike a peace with the American media and a candidate for the Presidency of the United States has a big liability if they permanently have a bulls eye on their back from the American media; part of the problem is Mr. Trump doesn't accept the rules the American media plays by which is they can wound you if they do it fairly, Mr. Trump plays by the rules that if a media person wounds him he has to wound that person back and that just makes the media more aggressive toward Mr. Trump!

Scott Walker in the debate really underscored the character issue with respect to him. America needs and deserves better than a President that determines his position on the issue by determining which way the political winds are blowing at the time! His response to the question on why he changed his position on supporting a path to citizenship for people in the country illegally was unsatisfactory. A person would only hold such a view in the first place if they believed deeply in the issue of fairness some of these people illegally in this country have been in this country for twenty to thirty years the American people have had the power through their representatives to fix this problem over this time but in part haven't for selfish reasons resulting in the country having benefited from these people's labor for this enormous length of time, it is absolutely unfair to now toss these people out of the country because their presence is now problematic. Further in the first place, one would hold such a view for important practical reasons which are we cannot fix our broken deportation system with eleven million illegals in the country it is too many people to deport we have to get that number down to a number the system can handle so we have to legalize the vast majority of this group to we can fix the deportation system; the Romney solution is nonsense that this group will self-deport if we just enforce e-verify and immigration laws in the workplace because you'll be playing a big cat and mouse game that will never end so government regulators go into employer x and find illegals so they cause employer X to fire the illegals, remember the system does not have the capacity to hold these workers in custody until they are deported so these workers just go down the street and get a job with employer Y and the regulators come to employer y and the workers get fired and they go to employer z and the cycle just continues ad infinitum! Mr. Walkers explanation that he essentially just evolved on the issue is not persuasive one could say that about any issue. The other thing that was really odd about Scott Walker in the debate was his comment that he was elected Governor of Wisconsin three times by the people of Wisconsin, this writer is from Pennsylvania so my recollection could be wrong on this issue but is this guy counting a recall election as one of these elections if so that is wrong people voting no in recall elections could just be voting against the concept of recall elections, recall elections are very disruptive some people in our country are too quick to call for such elections the people of Wisconsin in this recall election probably were just saying that circumstances did not warrant a recall not that they approved of the Governor's performance.

Governor Kasich demonstrated in the debate that he is a really good human being and God bless him for it but Mr. Rodgers the host of the classic children's' show was a really good human being but no one why he was alive would have seriously considered him for the job of Presidency of the United States. Governor Kasich gives off the persona that he is just a hick a country boy that would be lost in the big city, an important role for the President of the United States is to represent America in the international community America needs a person as president that is going to engender respect from world leaders at their meetings not that he is the meal to be feasted on at these meetings! Marc Rubio demonstrated that he is a bright guy he had all the right answers to the questions, he is the smart kid in the class. America in its history had another bright guy run for President his name was Jimmy Carter and he was a lousy President because he did not know how to get things done, Mr. Rubio's lack of executive experience should be troubling the circumstances seem to call for the conclusion that he would be a gridlock President. Chris Christie demonstrated in the debate that he is a strong, smart and a trustworthy leader, being specific on important policy issues like how to reform entitlements is risky though but it demonstrates that the candidate really cares about the country because if elected he or she would than likely have a mandate to effectuate such policy which touches largely on a key part of the country's problems it cannot get solutions enacted into law. Jeb Bush during the debate had a lot of moments where he really shined he demonstrated that he is strong, smart and a good leader, especially on his initiative that solving the immigration problem would give a major boost to the economy; the thing about Jeb is that he gives off the impression that it is excruciatingly painful to be pursuing the Presidency that it is a hellish drudgery effort ones got to wonder if he isn't all in now where is he going to be midway into his term after dealing with the likes of a Nancy Pelosi for two years are we going to have a President that locks himself in the Oval Office that doesn't want to deal with any of the country's issues!
The Fox News staff that ran this past Thursday's Presidential debate really deserve a commendation for the job they did the questions asked were excellent!

There were no questions on the environment or climate change.

There were no questions (or answers) about how to put more people to work or boost the economy. There were a few meaningless comments about improving the economy. But no plans were mentioned.

Nothing came of that debate that would make anyone chose one of those people to lead the nation unless all you care about is building a border fence or abortion or going to war with Iran.

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