Fox Settlement Is Inside Job....Fox Is Part Of The Deep State...Court Case Is Just An Attempt To Make Biden WH Legit

When is the NYT and WP going to be held accountable for three years of lies about Russia? And cooperating with government censorship. Let me know when that happens.

They should have been. What do you want me to do about the fact no one will hold them accountable?
Put on the dress too if you gonna be that big of a bitch about this....relax diva

Fox News will continue feeding you the lies you crave like they have always been...that has been their business model ever since Roger Ailes told Richard Nixon about his new idea.....

"In 1970, political consultant Roger Ailes and other Nixon aides came up with a plan to create a new TV network that would circumvent existing media and provide "pro-administration" coverage to millions."

I stopped going to Fox for news quite awhile ago.
Now you bitches are going to have to create another dead-horse to beat.
It's just another scam. Fox is in just as deep as CNN and MSNBC.

We know they're lying. Have known it for over 4 years.

But their court settlement proves something totally different from what you might think.

That the whole case was a Deep State orchestration....but the left thinks this vindicates the steal.

It doesn't.

Guess what.
There isn't really any "Deep State."
That was just a slogan thought up by that scruffy, alcoholic, wife abuser Steve Bannon for Trump's campaign in 2016.
Bannon may be pretty much good for nothing but he was smart enough to know how easy it would be to convince trailer trash, White Nationalist rednecks out in the sweaty armpits of America that all their self-imposed problems and personal failures were the fault of some imaginary "deep state" gub-ment."
Guess what.
There isn't really any "Deep State."
That was just a slogan thought up by that scruffy, alcoholic, wife abuser Steve Bannon for Trump's campaign in 2016.
Bannon may be pretty much good for nothing but he was smart enough to know how easy it would be to convince trailer trash, White Nationalist rednecks out in the sweaty armpits of America that all their self-imposed problems and personal failures were the fault of some imaginary "deep state" gub-ment."
Only problem with that is there's a ton of documented evidence that shows there is a deep state government running this country. Joe Biden being in the White House is proof of this. Then you have dead people being elected to office as well as vegetables like John Fetterman being installed.
Then we have all of the comments coming out of the UN and Davos that proves the great reset is a reality.

Try Googling "The Great Reset"

A slander lawsuit of this magnitude? No.
Any civil suit that involves discovery. You've already demonstrated your ignorance of the rules of civil procedure.

Dominion's lawyers would never offer evidence obtained in discovery to someone outside the case, and Smartmatic's lawyers would never ask for it. Both cases could result in sanctions for the attorneys.

Anything that is placed into evidence is an exhibit, and it's in the public record. No one needs anyone's permission to see that. You can go down to the courthouse and pull it up on the computer, or you can order a copy from the clerk's office. As I said, if there is confidential information (for example a bank account number) it will be redacted in the public record.
Put on the dress too if you gonna be that big of a bitch about this....relax diva

Fox News will continue feeding you the lies you crave like they have always been...that has been their business model ever since Roger Ailes told Richard Nixon about his new idea.....

"In 1970, political consultant Roger Ailes and other Nixon aides came up with a plan to create a new TV network that would circumvent existing media and provide "pro-administration" coverage to millions."

Wow, great argument, there, sport. A sexist insult, then an ad hominem. You people are truly without substance. You are why democracy is poison.
"if you don't lie, you never get anywhere" - Joseph Goebells

"Nixon is the most dishonest person i've ever seen. he lied to his wife, friends, staffers, colleagues in Congress, the American people, and the world" - Barry Goldwater

FOX continues in the same fascist tradition
"if you don't lie, you never get anywhere" - Joseph Goebells

"Nixon is the most dishonest person i've ever seen. he lied to his wife, friends, staffers, colleagues in Congress, the American people, and the world" - Barry Goldwater

FOX continues in the same fascist tradition
The fascists are running our government.

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