Fox Should Pay Obama for Pitching It


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Fox Network's numbers speaks for themselves. In the first quarter Fox was the second-most-watched network in primetime. It bagged the top spot among nine out of ten cable shows. It made CNN and MSNBC look like amateurish high school student broadcast facilities. In the second quarter Fox did even better with an astonishing ratings jump more than thirty percent higher than the first quarter. Their runaway number one audience, ad, and ratings recruiter is President Obama. Yet, Obama keeps pitching Fox. First he publicty tried to shoo everyone away from the network. Then he blocked its request to interview so-called pay czar Kenneth Feinberg. This got the dander of even some moderate Democrats up. They recognize that he's making a cardinal blunder in propping up Fox through the backdoor with his attacks.

It also ticked off the major TV networks. Free Speech, First Amendment, the right to broadcast, and accessibility were the issues that made them see red about Obama's ham handed effort to punish Fox. Hey, it's Fox today it could be us tomorrow the president dumps on.
Obama just can't seem to help himself with his obsessive need to bash Fox and gorge its ratings binge. Fox, of course, giddily loves every swipe that he takes at it. It should. Having the president attack you is the best advertising in the world without having to spend a nickle on it.

The puzzle is not so much that Obama hasn't figured out that he's the best pitch man for Fox. But that he hasn't learned that bad mouthing the right side media gabbers only makes them bigger than life.
Take Limbaugh. In January, Obama took the ill-fated step and made him his momentary punching bag. The predictable happened. The Media Research Center found that Limbaugh's ratings soared through the roof. Radio affiliates that carried Limbaugh's syndicated show floated on Cloud Nine with the listener stampede to his show. Limbaugh quickly saw the goldmine, mined it for all it was worth, and hasn't missed a beat since.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Fox Should Pay Obama for Pitching It

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