FOX: trump is a pathological liar...George Conway

I see brain dead Jimmy and Deanny weinie are jumping all over this. What qualifications does Conoway have again that makes him such a great authority? Why aren't you two excited by something Jeffry Daumer says? He at least had real inside knowledge of a person.
Do angry lefties even realize how pathetic they have become? The DOW is around 26,000, unemployment is at a record low and instead of a logical political discussion all we get from the crazy left is grade school crap like "nah, nah Georgie says Donnie is a liar".
Do angry lefties even realize how pathetic they have become? The DOW is around 26,000, unemployment is at a record low and instead of a logical political discussion all we get from the crazy left is grade school crap like "nah, nah Georgie says Donnie is a liar".

ummmmm....the Dow has been around 26,000 for more than 400 days...that is what is known as "stagnation"
I’m watching Trump right now give a press conference. He was talking about Brexit. He said I don’t want to blame it on Obama but it’s Obama‘s fault.
And he says the world is laughing that we don’t have a wall.
Do angry lefties even realize how pathetic they have become? The DOW is around 26,000, unemployment is at a record low and instead of a logical political discussion all we get from the crazy left is grade school crap like "nah, nah Georgie says Donnie is a liar".

You are saying that it doesn't matter that our POTUS is pathological liar and possibly even a criminal....because unemployment is low?


Newsflash, unemployment can be low without an embarrassing clown as a president. We probably would have less shutdowns and trade wars too.

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