FOX: trump is a pathological liar...George Conway

Do angry lefties even realize how pathetic they have become? The DOW is around 26,000, unemployment is at a record low and instead of a logical political discussion all we get from the crazy left is grade school crap like "nah, nah Georgie says Donnie is a liar".

The left's shitposting is even worse that all that online trolling I did when Obama was president. I never really believed the birther stories, the claims that he was a "secret Muslim", or the story about his mommie posing for porn pictures. Those were just fun to post because the leftists would never fail to screech autistically and throw their poop at the bars of their cages.

But the idiotic left truly believes the moronic stories they keep coming up with. They have truly become one big lot of unhinged and deranged people.

Seth Myers slams Lying trump

He really has a mental issue....

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