FoxNews: Full blown, anti-government hatred

[Fifty State Freedom Index:

The following is a list of the relative freedom assessments of the various and separate United States. Its interesting that the states closest to achieving the rank of the first American Cyprus, ie the citizens being forced to surrender part or all of their bank and savings accounts to repay the state's outstanding debts as well as those states that celebrate the ritual of anal fornication and muff diving the loudest and most often are the states ranked at the bottom of the index, the least free, California, New York, Illinois, Rhode Island where more state retirees draw pension checks than there are privately employed workers to derive funds from to pay them. The only puzzling aspect is the position of the State of Massachussetts, ranking somewhere near the middle. Wonder who Governor Deval Patrick had to perform fellatio on to pull that off? Or perhaps they used a bizaare measure of freedom ranking in Mass's case. Maybe one of the indexes used for Mass was a measure of how long one could remain a United States Senator from Massachussetts despite having the bodies of dead females wash up on your families' doorstep every baker's dozen months or so, or maybe they used an even more bizaare one, that of the ease of being able to become a student at and gain a teaching position in one of the nations premier universities and then succeed that now dead US Senator by claiming Native American heritage when the closest your family ever got was one or two great, great grandparents shooting an Indian to death, Maybe it was the blood spatter on great great grandpaw that gave Lizzie the genetic link? Wonder if she has the spots framed and hanging from the wall somewhere in her Senate office?]

"The index ranks states based on public policies affecting economic, social, and personal freedoms (e.g., bans on trans fats and the audio recording of police, licensing laws, taxes, mandated family leave, etc.). Ms. de Rugy points out that the site provides the ranking for each state as well as the methodology along with videos for every state and a tool to build your own rankings based on preferred freedoms.

It’s no surprise to find that California and New York come in at numbers 49 and 50. They’ve worked hard to earned their positions at the bottom. Minnesota comes in at number 34, down two from 2009, which seems about right. Superliberal Democrat Mark Dayton became governor in 2010 and Democrats retook the legislature in 2012. I would guess that Minnesota is number 34 with a bullet headed down, but we have a lot of competition. It will be difficult to keep up with the Cuomos and the Browns."

We?re number 34 | Power Line

Freedom in the 50 States 2013 | Overall Freedom | Mercatus Center
The government has become completely evil. It is only right and proper to point that out.
I used to be a die hard Fox viewer. But the last two years or so, I just cant ignore how nutty that channel has gotten.

It seems like almost every single sentence and story they utter has some sort of anti-government twist to it, some sort of message that makes the viewer hate the government. Right now Greta is running a "Victims of Government" segment. They spend all day ripping government, and twisting every story to make government appear evil.

Whatever. But they are fueling the sick minds of some very unstable people out there. Kinda scary.

I really do love America ---- as long as it remains One Nation Under God. I do not want one nation controlled by government, or many nationalities manipulated by Big Brother. The America I love seems to now only exist in history books and old family shows of the past. I am disgusted that government officials seem to concern themselves only with their own constituents, their own benefits and their own pay raises. Sorry, we need more than simply speeches that sound great but in fact tell us nothing. We need public servants and not dictators. We need an American government of the people, by the people and for the people. And that means one that really fears that GOD IS watching --- so that the elected don't take advantage of the people they are supposed to be serving.

There is no god.

and what you want will not happen.

i sugest you move.

This is a democracy and your right wing handlers have lied to you about what reality is.

There is a God. The amount of mistakes being made by those who do not believe that God exists is proof that they have left God out of their mix. What I want and what will happen are two different things. I do not enjoy the fact that we are living in a post modern era. We are a REPUBLIC. To say that we are a democracy and then throw majority values under the bus is the lie... I'm waiting for the rapture --- this place is not my home, so the future is very bright...
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