FoxNews has full ISIS hostage burning video online

yep 'mrobama' is 'cic' or commander in chief so if anyone should be thanked for the last 6 year debacle in the middle east it is mrobamma .
and listening to the news the current execution video is working against mrobama . So , good thing that the video is on view , thankyou FOX news !!
the 'vietcong' was shot in the head and that was it , no where near comparable .
that's rationalizing
it's funny how decapitation "horrifies" people.
not too long ago thousands of people would flock to see public executions of every kind.
they were a big money maker..

Not too long ago there were lots of depraved people-----
even today there are depraved people still attracted to
public executions------the ISIS people are fully aware of
the fact that their executions are "money makers"
Thus FOX taps into that market.
I watched some FOX News today. They said Obama doesn't recognize ISIS as terrorist they and connected the Taliban to ISIS.

The video in question was made by our enemy as a propaganda video. FOX News is doing nothing less than facilitating, aiding and abetting our enemy. No way around it. At the same time they report on the video and make the horror inspired propaganda available, they lie about the President, claiming he will not call ISIS terrorist, when he has called them terrorist. He hasn't called them Islamist terrorist, but that wording, the word Islamist was left out of the report I saw and heard. See how it works. One word left out can change the entire meaning of a statement. Fox is telling it's viewers that the President refuse to call the horror they can see, a man being burned to death alive, is not considered an act of terror by the President.

Add their spin on the five Taliban released from GITMO. FOX has the people burning a live person to death as seen in the video just like the Taliban. The President is releasing ISIS terrorist is the spin FOX is promoting.

Meantime, ISIS gets a great boost from FOX News.
And FOX gets a lot of "viewers".
Seems Jordan has released a video with pilots going and hitting isis targets. Wish I could read the language of what was written on the jets.

Hey ISIS Jordan can make slick videos too Hot Air
“This is just the beginning and you shall know who the Jordanians are,” the armed forces said in a statement on state TV.

They claimed hits on ISIS training centers, arms and ammunition depots: “All targets were completely destroyed and all the planes returned to their bases safely.”

The air mission was named “Moath the Martyr.” State TV aired exclusive video footage of warplanes striking unspecified ISIS positions in Syria.

The pilot’s father, Safi al-Kasasbeh, told CNN that King Abdullah II had promised him that Jordan would avenge his son’s death and bombard ISIS’ de facto capital of Raqqa in Syria. On Thursday, he said that the King told him 30 Jordanian fighter jets participated in the strikes.
Fox has the full uncensored video online. I hadnt seen it until now. cant unsee it once you see it. Its worse than the beheading videos.

I dont know how I feel about Fox having it. One hand says dont give ISIS the exposure they want. The other says...give it. Show the true pure evil we are dealing with.

If anyone still thinks Islamic extremism is anything but pure evil and an aggressive social're insane.

We had better get serious. Glad to see Jordan's president just said he'll fight ISIS "until fuel and ammo runs out".
Thanks but I'll pass. Still sorting out american sniper...
I'm reading his book. Poorly written but sincere and I like his self-deprecating style. I decided it was best to go with the original story before watching a film made by a guy who talks to empty chairs at Republican conventions
good to see , I hear that the problem with Jordan is that they need resupply from the USA and resupply is up to mrobama I think .
the 'vietcong' was shot in the head and that was it , no where near comparable .
that's rationalizing
it's funny how decapitation "horrifies" people.
not too long ago thousands of people would flock to see public executions of every kind.
they were a big money maker..

Not too long ago there were lots of depraved people-----
even today there are depraved people still attracted to
public executions------the ISIS people are fully aware of
the fact that their executions are "money makers"
Thus FOX taps into that market.
Fox's ratings must be slipping if they aired the full video.
They did not air the video. The have a link to it on their website.
the 'vietcong' was shot in the head and that was it , no where near comparable .
that's rationalizing
it's funny how decapitation "horrifies" people.
not too long ago thousands of people would flock to see public executions of every kind.
they were a big money maker..

Not too long ago there were lots of depraved people-----
even today there are depraved people still attracted to
public executions------the ISIS people are fully aware of
the fact that their executions are "money makers"
Thus FOX taps into that market.
Fox's ratings must be slipping if they aired the full video.
the 'vietcong' was shot in the head and that was it , no where near comparable .
that's rationalizing
it's funny how decapitation "horrifies" people.
not too long ago thousands of people would flock to see public executions of every kind.
they were a big money maker..

Not too long ago there were lots of depraved people-----
even today there are depraved people still attracted to
public executions------the ISIS people are fully aware of
the fact that their executions are "money makers"
Thus FOX taps into that market.
Fox's ratings must be slipping if they aired the full video.
Then O'Reilly will just have to be satisfied with the $65 million a year salary, poor fellow.
Yeah, the Nazis killed children, too. So did the Khmer Rouge.

Again- why is this our problem?

Worse than children being buried alive?
Islamic State selling crucifying burying children alive in Iraq - UN

But let one thug get shot and you libs hit the roof. Funny how these Isis killings are no big deal or you down play the savagery that the world has not seen in modern times

You're kidding, right? World War II was a LOT more savage than what ISIS is doing. So were the killing fields in Cambodia.
unnecessary imo.

not the thread, but fox's action.

Things like this can't be hidden. They have to be available and shown to show people what these animals are actually capable of.

It's like suppressing the video of the "falling man" from 9/11. People need to be reminded of what happened, not protected from it.

Yes, we need to show terror porn all day to make sure you stay angry.

We wouldn't want to have a rational discussion like, "Why are we invading Iraq again?" Or "Is bombing women and children just making more angry terrorists instead of less."
When the fights evolve us, yes. These savages actively preach about killing Americans, and follow through when given the chance.

And if they had a navy, I'd worry about them. They might want to kill Americans, that doesn't mean we deliver Americans for them to kill.

Thankfully Thomas Jefferson and James Madison finished off what navy Islamists had. I agree we shouldn't deliver Americans for them to kill, that's what long range missiles are for.

Or we could just stop sticking our dicks into the hornets nest and wondering why we get stung.

the Nazi's did not advertise what they were doing, these savages are flaunting and taunting the entire world and you libs want to call it isolated incidents and the people decapitated or burned or killed should not have been there or it is some how their own fault.

You know, you make a good point. Isn't it terrible that this Jordanian Pilot (who was bombing targets in ISIL territory) was killed?

Except the Jordanians and Saudis and Turks were all fine with what ISIS was doing when they were killing Shi'ites.

Why is this our problem again?
When the fights evolve us, yes. These savages actively preach about killing Americans, and follow through when given the chance.

And if they had a navy, I'd worry about them. They might want to kill Americans, that doesn't mean we deliver Americans for them to kill.

Thankfully Thomas Jefferson and James Madison finished off what navy Islamists had. I agree we shouldn't deliver Americans for them to kill, that's what long range missiles are for.

Or we could just stop sticking our dicks into the hornets nest and wondering why we get stung.

They have been killing Hindus and Buddhists for as long as they have been anyone else. Their neighbors haven't initiated war against them, they had always been the ones to attack. The first crusade against them wasn't until long after the Islamists overtook the Mediterranean which killed western trade and started a new era of slave trade by the North African Muslims.

Their religion and false god give them "the right" to commit these acts of terror, which is why they have been doing just that since the days of the pedophile prophet himself.

To think that they will just leave everyone else alone if they are left alone is rediculous.
They have been killing Hindus and Buddhists for as long as they have been anyone else. Their neighbors haven't initiated war against them, they had always been the ones to attack. The first crusade against them wasn't until long after the Islamists overtook the Mediterranean which killed western trade and started a new era of slave trade by the North African Muslims.

So what Fundi-Tard Talking Snake school did you learn your history at?

Reality. the Islamic world was far in advance of Christian Europe in technology, math and science while the Europeans were doing the "Dark Ages"- or as I like to call them, "The First Faith-Based Initiative"

Their religion and false god give them "the right" to commit these acts of terror, which is why they have been doing just that since the days of the pedophile prophet himself.

And how many Christians killed other Christians over whether or not Jesus was made of bread or not? Claiming your Imaginary Sky Pixie is better than their Imaginary Sky Pixie is a little stupid.

To think that they will just leave everyone else alone if they are left alone is rediculous.

So did you learn how to spell at the same Talking Snake School you learned your faulty history at.

Okay, reality check. Since 1980, the US has invaded, occupied or bombed 14 Islamic countries. Maybe we should try leaving them alone and seeing if that works for us.
FOX is showing the complete ISIS propaganda video from beginning to end, word for word, uncut. It includes all the speeches and explanations in Arabic of the ISIS justification according to ISIS.
FOX is facilitating the distribution of ISIS propaganda to potential ISIS supporters all over the world. They are not just showing the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot. Some have defended FOX by voicing the opinion that people need to see the brutality of ISIS, as if what has been seen already is not enough. But, so be it. Now lets hear the excuse of why the entire uncut ISIS made propaganda video must be distributed for other than purely commercial profit motivation.
unnecessary imo.

not the thread, but fox's action.

Things like this can't be hidden. They have to be available and shown to show people what these animals are actually capable of.

It's like suppressing the video of the "falling man" from 9/11. People need to be reminded of what happened, not protected from it.

Yes, we need to show terror porn all day to make sure you stay angry.

We wouldn't want to have a rational discussion like, "Why are we invading Iraq again?" Or "Is bombing women and children just making more angry terrorists instead of less."

Typical Apologist douchebag.
unnecessary imo.

not the thread, but fox's action.

Things like this can't be hidden. They have to be available and shown to show people what these animals are actually capable of.

It's like suppressing the video of the "falling man" from 9/11. People need to be reminded of what happened, not protected from it.

Yes, we need to show terror porn all day to make sure you stay angry.

We wouldn't want to have a rational discussion like, "Why are we invading Iraq again?" Or "Is bombing women and children just making more angry terrorists instead of less."

Typical Apologist douchebag.

Yeah, I actually believe we should THINK about what we are doing before we do it for a change.

You know, like if we hadn't toppled Saddam to start with, there wouldn't have been a place for ISIL to fester and grow.

But, hey, maybe you just need to watch terror porn all day so you know what you are angry about and don't have to think about it too much. You'd just hurt your brain.
unnecessary imo.

not the thread, but fox's action.

Things like this can't be hidden. They have to be available and shown to show people what these animals are actually capable of.

It's like suppressing the video of the "falling man" from 9/11. People need to be reminded of what happened, not protected from it.

Yes, we need to show terror porn all day to make sure you stay angry.

We wouldn't want to have a rational discussion like, "Why are we invading Iraq again?" Or "Is bombing women and children just making more angry terrorists instead of less."

Typical Apologist douchebag.

Yeah, I actually believe we should THINK about what we are doing before we do it for a change.

You know, like if we hadn't toppled Saddam to start with, there wouldn't have been a place for ISIL to fester and grow.

But, hey, maybe you just need to watch terror porn all day so you know what you are angry about and don't have to think about it too much. You'd just hurt your brain.

Its not "terror porn." These things actually fucking happened. You idiots want to sweep it under the rug so you can continue ignoring the issues until its at your doorstep clawing at you.

If this involved Mormons you would be calling for their heads.

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