Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

Actually the video source is Fox Noise.
It was a bizarre question from a guy who looked like he was completely out of place, just fishing for something to say. It got the stunned silence it deserved, but the association with racism, that's equally bizarre.

I wasn't even aware Kool-Aid still existed. I thought that died with the Sixties.

Kool-Aid has been a favorite drink among poor blacks and poor white trash.
How about injuns? They rank right in there with poor white trash and negroes.

Interesting. Besides being a retarded racist - are you also a Christian?

I'd watch calling anyone a retarded racist if I were you

For once in his life Lakhota is correct. Iron Head is a vulgar, racist and ignorant punk.
I am no punk, fuck face!

Harris Faulkner appeared shocked by the seemingly racially-loaded question.

A "Fox & Friends" segment on peach cobbler appeared to get uncomfortably tense when anchor Brian Kilmeade asked co-host Harris Faulkner if she serves Kool-Aid with her meals.

The question was dished out as Faulkner, who is African-American, presented her recipe ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

After Faulkner mentioned that a summer version of her cobbler can be prepared as well, Kilmeade, who is white, asked, “Do you make Kool-Aid?”

As the video above shows, the lively chatter among the four hosts came to a brief halt as Faulkner reacted.

What Kilmeade may or may not know is that the popular mixed drink can be used to racially stereotype African-Americans, similarly to fried chicken or watermelon.

"Uh, do I do what?" she asked.

"Do you make Kool-Aid?" he repeated.

"Uh, no. No, I don’t make Kool-Aid,” Faulkner replied as fellow host Steve Doocy stared quizzically at Kilmeade before asking him, "What?"

"It reminds me of summer,” Kilmeade replied, getting the gang chatting once again as Faulkner pointed out that she did bring an “adult beverage.”

H/T Media Matters

Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

Brian Kilmeade does seem mentally impaired. Harris Faulkner is a pretty, intelligent black woman who is married to a white guy.





I grew up in a lilly white neighborhood and drank cherry Kool Aid every day

I must be a racist huh?

Seems to me this is just another pussy liberal looking for a reason to be butt hurt
This has to be somewhat of an obscure racial thing for blacks because I've never heard of it.

I haven't either. I never thought I'd see the day Kool Aid would be racist...which goes to prove the left can make anything a racial issue
Lefties probably look down on Koolaid as a beverage for poor folks . They are the food snobs after all.

I don't give it to our kids, I prefer juice drinks but I grew up drinking it.
The video is not that big of a deal. Kilmeade looks like he is on the back end of a cocaine fueled bender, so cut him some slack.
Can someone tell me how Kool-aid™ has anything to do with race?

And is this no longer a word acceptable to the PC Police?

I'm really trying to keep track here.

Today it seems Kool-Aid is now alongside watermellon and chicken when it comes to AA's.

Kool-Aid is a registered trademark of Kraft Foods
I really do wish the PC Police would provide alerts on this stuff.

Maybe some kind of bulletin text or email that issues new word prohibitions.

Not even the 24 hour media machine can keep up with the faux indignation machine....

Harris Faulkner appeared shocked by the seemingly racially-loaded question.

A "Fox & Friends" segment on peach cobbler appeared to get uncomfortably tense when anchor Brian Kilmeade asked co-host Harris Faulkner if she serves Kool-Aid with her meals.

The question was dished out as Faulkner, who is African-American, presented her recipe ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

After Faulkner mentioned that a summer version of her cobbler can be prepared as well, Kilmeade, who is white, asked, “Do you make Kool-Aid?”

As the video above shows, the lively chatter among the four hosts came to a brief halt as Faulkner reacted.

What Kilmeade may or may not know is that the popular mixed drink can be used to racially stereotype African-Americans, similarly to fried chicken or watermelon.

"Uh, do I do what?" she asked.

"Do you make Kool-Aid?" he repeated.

"Uh, no. No, I don’t make Kool-Aid,” Faulkner replied as fellow host Steve Doocy stared quizzically at Kilmeade before asking him, "What?"

"It reminds me of summer,” Kilmeade replied, getting the gang chatting once again as Faulkner pointed out that she did bring an “adult beverage.”

H/T Media Matters

Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

Brian Kilmeade does seem mentally impaired. Harris Faulkner is a pretty, intelligent black woman who is married to a white guy.



I grew up in a lilly white neighborhood and drank cherry Kool Aid every day

I must be a racist huh?

Seems to me this is just another pussy liberal looking for a reason to be butt hurt

I remember Kool Aid coming up while growing up in suburbia. We got some, it was this strange powder stuff, nobody really knew what to make of it. Don't think it was around more than one summer, then it disappeared and except for the internet metaphor of someone "drinking the Kool Aid", however that originated, I never heard of it again in any context. Until this story.
This is getting pretty complicated. Can white people get a list of words they are not allowed to use when addressing blacks? Actually, it's getting pretty silly.
This is getting pretty complicated. Can white people get a list of words they are not allowed to use when addressing blacks? Actually, it's getting pretty silly.
I have asked many times for either a website we can visit every morning, or some kind of email or text blast when new prohibited-word edicts are issued.

I suspect they won't do this because they want to be able to surprise us.
Kool-Aid has been a favorite drink among poor blacks and poor white trash.
How about injuns? They rank right in there with poor white trash and negroes.

Interesting. Besides being a retarded racist - are you also a Christian?

I'd watch calling anyone a retarded racist if I were you

For once in his life Lakhota is correct. Iron Head is a vulgar, racist and ignorant punk.
I am no punk, fuck face!

OK, you are not a punk.
You are a vulgar, racist and ignorant gentleman.
Is it not becoming obvious that it's the people who are offended by everything and anything that keep racism alive. Who knew that kool-aid was a racially charged term? Way to go Liberals letting us all know yet another way you can be offended.
How about injuns? They rank right in there with poor white trash and negroes.

Interesting. Besides being a retarded racist - are you also a Christian?

I'd watch calling anyone a retarded racist if I were you

For once in his life Lakhota is correct. Iron Head is a vulgar, racist and ignorant punk.
I am no punk, fuck face!

OK, you are not a punk.
You are a vulgar, racist and ignorant gentleman.
Whatever let's you sleep at night, shit head.
Why is Kool-Aid™ racist????


This completely baffles me too. Out of linguistic interest I started looking around for some historical example. Haven't found it yet but I did come across an explanation for the metaphor that we DO know from the internets....

>> Since Jim Jones brainwashed his followers into commiting suicide by drinking cyanide laced Kool-Aid, "drinking Kool-Aid" or being "Kool-Aid drinkers" has come to mean anyone who follows someone without question. <<​

Had no idea of that derivation (I didn't know Jim Jones employed Kool Aid). When the internet expression first came up I just scratched my head until I figured out the intent from the context. Actually I inferred it meant "crazy", so I didn't even have that part quite right.

Now this poster on Yahoo answers goes on to ruminate:

>> People refer to Obama's supporters as "Kool-Aid drinkers" because some of his supporters seem to be fanatics and believe eveything he says without question. And since Obama is part African-American his supporters say it's racist to call them that. But then they say everything and everyone who doesn't agree with or support him are racists. <<
Could this possibly be the reasoning? I dunno, seems a desperate stretch. In any case you can't really use a slur or stereotype unless it's common knowledge what it means. And judging by this thread it clearly isn't. If it has to be explained -- then clearly it's not a stereotype.

But that also leaves open the question of why Brian Kilmeade would bring up such a bizarre query in the first place. Was he trying to insinuate that his guest was a blind O'bama follower? I have no idea. :dunno:
Is it now becoming obvious that it's the people who are offended by everything and anything that keep racism alive..
I wonder about this quite a bit. There is simply NO WAY that the PC Police doesn't know that their behaviors and tactics are making things worse.

It seems therefore reasonable to wonder what their real intentions are.


My 6 year old nephew is white and his best friend is black. They play all the time and get along very well. I so look forward to the day when Liberals get to them and explain that due to skin color one of them is privileged and the other one should be angry. I'm convinced Liberals want racism to exist more than anyone.
Why is Kool-Aid™ racist????


This completely baffles me too. Out of linguistic interest I started looking around for some historical example. Haven't found it yet but I did come across an explanation for the metaphor that we DO know from the internets....

>> Since Jim Jones brainwashed his followers into commiting suicide by drinking cyanide laced Kool-Aid, "drinking Kool-Aid" or being "Kool-Aid drinkers" has come to mean anyone who follows someone without question. <<​

Had no idea of that derivation (I didn't know Jim Jones employed Kool Aid). When the internet expression first came up I just scratched my head until I figured out the intent from the context. Actually I inferred it meant "crazy", so I didn't even have that part quite right.

Now this poster on Yahoo answers goes on to ruminate:

>> People refer to Obama's supporters as "Kool-Aid drinkers" because some of his supporters seem to be fanatics and believe eveything he says without question. And since Obama is part African-American his supporters say it's racist to call them that. But then they say everything and everyone who doesn't agree with or support him are racists. <<
Could this possibly be the reasoning? I dunno, seems a desperate stretch. In any case you can't really use a slur or stereotype unless it's common knowledge what it means. And judging by this thread it clearly isn't. If it has to be explained -- then clearly it's not a stereotype.

But that also leaves open the question of why Brian Kilmeade would bring up such a bizarre query in the first place. Was he trying to insinuate that his guest was a blind O'bama follower? I have no idea. :dunno:
I appreciate your effort.

Since the OP won't tell us, all we can do is guess.

And giggle a little.
Is it now becoming obvious that it's the people who are offended by everything and anything that keep racism alive..
I wonder about this quite a bit. There is simply NO WAY that the PC Police doesn't know that their behaviors and tactics are making things worse.

It seems therefore reasonable to wonder what their real intentions are.


My 6 year old nephew is white and his best friend is black. They play all the time and get along very well. I so look forward to the day when Liberals get to them and explain that due to skin color one of them is privileged and the other one should be angry. I'm convinced Liberals want racism to exist more than anyone.
Well, remember how effective they have been at dividing people for political gain.

The answer is in there somewhere, and it's why they won't just be honest about it. Too much to lose.

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