Fracking's collusion w/ corrupt officials

A liberal state, run by liberals, who have cronies friends in these companies...

Liberal morons!!!

Thanks for the laugh..
“there has never been a bona vide claim or evidence presented that the paperwork confusion resulted in any contamination of drinking supplies near the disputed injection wells.”

“We are still comparing the testing of what was the injection water to what is the tested water that came out of these wells to find out if they were background levels or whether that’s the result of oil and gas operation, but so far it’s looking like it’s background,” said James Marshall from the California Department of Conservation.

You fucking morans. :fu:
Nobody cares about California in 2014.........a total shithole state becoming more of a shithole every day.
see what happens when you elect people who are amenable to being industry puppets? :eusa_doh:

3 Billion Gallons of Highly-Toxic Fracking Waste Dumped Into California Drinking Water Supply Washington s Blog

Environmentalists did more damage to the California water supply in 10 years with their MTBE bullshit, than all of Big Oil has done since it was first drilled. You lose.
link w/ data proving your assertion

As long as we're on the subject, why do Righty hacks always have to be asked to source their zany assertions. Too lazy to do it at the outset or their sourcing is too zany to be taken seriously?
see what happens when you elect people who are amenable to being industry puppets? :eusa_doh:

3 Billion Gallons of Highly-Toxic Fracking Waste Dumped Into California Drinking Water Supply Washington s Blog

Environmentalists did more damage to the California water supply in 10 years with their MTBE bullshit, than all of Big Oil has done since it was first drilled. You lose.
link w/ data proving your assertion

As long as we're on the subject, why do Righty hacks always have to be asked to source their zany assertions. Too lazy to do it at the outset or their sourcing is too zany to be taken seriously?
Check out the zany assertions in post #7. Or ignore them as you are wont to do.
I was referring to the environmental sub-forum troll who posted above me Mr. Fracking Industry shill :thup: He made the assertion.
I was referring to the environmental sub-forum troll who posted above me Mr. Fracking Industry shill :thup: He made the assertion.

s0n.........what a waste of time. You can talk about fracking until the cows come home..........its BOOMING, not only here but in the EU as well. Because its cheap energy relative to renewables. You k00k progressives always forget that most of the world DOES answer the question, "As compared to what?". Having to face that question blows ALL of the k00k progressive idea's into the stratosphere.

Hey.....just ask Mashimoto what he thinks about the prospects of natural gas going away by progressive decree..........

How can we get people into office who won't take bribes from the extraction industry?
see what happens when you elect people who are amenable to being industry puppets? :eusa_doh:

3 Billion Gallons of Highly-Toxic Fracking Waste Dumped Into California Drinking Water Supply Washington s Blog

Environmentalists did more damage to the California water supply in 10 years with their MTBE bullshit, than all of Big Oil has done since it was first drilled. You lose.
link w/ data proving your assertion

As long as we're on the subject, why do Righty hacks always have to be asked to source their zany assertions. Too lazy to do it at the outset or their sourcing is too zany to be taken seriously?

Dottie, you're such a useless piece of humanity. Here you go. Dig in...

Additive In Gasoline Polluting Water Wells - Hartford Courant

MTBE Threatens Thousands Of Public Drinking Wells -- ScienceDaily

Drinking Water Contaminants - The gasoline additive MTBE

Toxic Plume Taints Town s Ground Water - Los Angeles Times

You progs are alike, your memory ends at Obamas election. Here's a clue sweetie, the world has been turning for a long time, far longer than you brainless types have been around, and it will be around far after you have departed this mortal coil. I suggest you learn something while you're here.
see what happens when you elect people who are amenable to being industry puppets? :eusa_doh:

3 Billion Gallons of Highly-Toxic Fracking Waste Dumped Into California Drinking Water Supply Washington s Blog

Environmentalists did more damage to the California water supply in 10 years with their MTBE bullshit, than all of Big Oil has done since it was first drilled. You lose.
link w/ data proving your assertion

As long as we're on the subject, why do Righty hacks always have to be asked to source their zany assertions. Too lazy to do it at the outset or their sourcing is too zany to be taken seriously?

Dottie, you're such a useless piece of humanity. Here you go. Dig in...

Additive In Gasoline Polluting Water Wells - Hartford Courant

MTBE Threatens Thousands Of Public Drinking Wells -- ScienceDaily

Drinking Water Contaminants - The gasoline additive MTBE

Toxic Plume Taints Town s Ground Water - Los Angeles Times

You progs are alike, your memory ends at Obamas election. Here's a clue sweetie, the world has been turning for a long time, far longer than you brainless types have been around, and it will be around far after you have departed this mortal coil. I suggest you learn something while you're here.
:blahblah: says the guy who has to be asked to source his opinions. Lazy much? I though cons were supposed to be boot-strappers? Guess I was mistaken.
So DotCom is a feminist bulldog??:dunno: Shit....always wondered about that.......those mofu's are the most miserable people on the planet.
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Was reading Carl Hiaasen's book-
Dance of the Reptiles: Rampaging Tourists, Marauding Pythons, Larcenous Legislators, Crazed Celebrities, and Tar-Balled Beaches: Selected Columns
last night & it illustrates PERFECTLY the scumbags in government w/ a price (The last V.P. for instance- Dick [remember who wrote his energy policy? :deal: ]) and their extraction industry masters

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