Fragile accord raises hope for residents trapped in Syrian camp


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Imagine having to live in circumstances like this. So tragic!!!

Fragile accord raises hope for residents trapped in Syrian camp

Some residents have begun leaving and some aid is trickling into the long-besieged Yarmouk camp in Damascus.

By Patrick J. McDonnell
February 4, 2014, 6:44 p.m.

YARMOUK, Syria — They emerged from a dim alley called Rama Street, some carried on stretchers or pushed in wheelchairs, others dragging bulging suitcases as they looked for loved ones waiting beyond the clutch of gunmen and aid staffers.

"I'm so happy: I can finally feed my children properly," said a gaunt but exhilarated 21-year-old named Ruba, clutching an infant son and a 3-year-old daughter as she strode down the muddy street to freedom Tuesday.

The Syrian woman and others had finally escaped the war-ravaged confines of the Yarmouk camp, where about 18,000 people remain trapped without food, running water, electricity or other necessities in what was once home to more than 200,000.

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