Fragile, Easily Offended, TDS-Suffering Snowflakes - America Is NOT For You...But THIS Country Is!

Once Trump wins in 2020 and all the same Hollywood Socialists, Democratz, and snowflakes have vowed to leave the United States...AGAIN, I recommend the country they should consider moving to is CANADA...

'Donald Trump's cameo in "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" was cut from the film by the Canadian Broadcast Company this week'

CBC removes Donald Trump's scene from 'Home Alone 2' broadcast: report



It's incredible to what lengths the democrats will go to destroy this country.

But it doesn't matter, we will go further to stop the destruction.

"This country" eh? You're in Canada?
Dem butthurt is off the scale since Trump whooped their ass and mocked them the past 3 years.

Rump is sure not too happy lately. he acts like they really ARE out to get him. Maybe there is reason for that.

He has lost the support of almost all the Democrats (yes, some voted for him in 2016). He has lost much of the Independent Voters (many voted for him in 2016) and now he's slowly losing the support of the Evangelics and we all know they almost all voted for him in 2016. You can deny this all you want but that's just the way it is.

Funny, as much as you say that the impeachment is in Rumps favor, the behavior of the Party of the Rump finally tipped the scales for the Religious Right. While they probably won't vote for Mayor Pete over Rump they will vote for Biden over Rump. The rule of thumb is, Moderates will pick the next President and there is nothing Moderate about Rump, that ship sailed.

So you can be as boisterous as you want to be but it's not a slam dunk for Rump. He has to cater to the Moderates and I don't believe he is up to that challenge. Even if he tries, I don't think too many moderates will buy it.
I wonder if they have thought of removing OJ Simpson from the broadcast of any of the films he was in.
OJ was allowed to have a trail, face his accusers, and was found innocent. Democrats found Trump 'Guilty' already, as they did with our newest USSC Justice...

Rump was already found guilty of fraud in the whole Fraud University scandal. Had to dish out 25 million bucks.
Rump was also found guilty of falsely accusing the Central Park Five even after DNA exonerated them.
Guilty as well of fabricating "John Miller", "John Baron", "David Dennison", "Tim Apple", "Marilyn Lockheed" and a father born in "a very wonderful place in Germany", none of which he'll admit to. Then there's destroying the USFL.
And of course Rump has already confessed to a litany of improprieties from Stormy Daniels to Tic Tacs.

Besides all of which, as already noted repeatedly, TV stations routinely edit scenes from movies to make them fit a two-hour format for scheduling. An irrelevant cameo having nothing to do with the plot would be the first candidate for that.

To sum up, "Duh".
And btw what does a Canadian TV entity editing an irrelevant scene out of a movie have to do with "Politics", OP?
Once Trump wins in 2020 and all the same Hollywood Socialists, Democratz, and snowflakes have vowed to leave the United States...AGAIN, I recommend the country they should consider moving to is CANADA...

'Donald Trump's cameo in "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" was cut from the film by the Canadian Broadcast Company this week'

CBC removes Donald Trump's scene from 'Home Alone 2' broadcast: report


Good move from the canadians, why leave the biggest active asshole and bully on a family movie?
Dem butthurt is off the scale since Trump whooped their ass and mocked them the past 3 years.

Rump is sure not too happy lately. he acts like they really ARE out to get him. Maybe there is reason for that.

He has lost the support of almost all the Democrats (yes, some voted for him in 2016). He has lost much of the Independent Voters (many voted for him in 2016) and now he's slowly losing the support of the Evangelics and we all know they almost all voted for him in 2016. You can deny this all you want but that's just the way it is.

Funny, as much as you say that the impeachment is in Rumps favor, the behavior of the Party of the Rump finally tipped the scales for the Religious Right. While they probably won't vote for Mayor Pete over Rump they will vote for Biden over Rump. The rule of thumb is, Moderates will pick the next President and there is nothing Moderate about Rump, that ship sailed.

So you can be as boisterous as you want to be but it's not a slam dunk for Rump. He has to cater to the Moderates and I don't believe he is up to that challenge. Even if he tries, I don't think too many moderates will buy it.

Nobody with a brain believes your lies and nonsense. President Trump is kicking the crap out of all 2020 Dem candidates in battle ground states. Your party is toast.
Once Trump wins in 2020 and all the same Hollywood Socialists, Democratz, and snowflakes have vowed to leave the United States...AGAIN, I recommend the country they should consider moving to is CANADA...

'Donald Trump's cameo in "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" was cut from the film by the Canadian Broadcast Company this week'

CBC removes Donald Trump's scene from 'Home Alone 2' broadcast: report


The true snowflakes are republicans!!! They still have not accepted the illicitness of rumps presidency. The republicans are similar to brown shirt men in 1938 germany.
The true snowflakes are republicans!!! They still have not accepted the illicitness of rumps presidency. The republicans are similar to brown shirt men in 1938 germany.
Thank you for confirming through demonstration everything I have been saying.

'Illicitness of the Trump Presidency'?!

With these 5 words you just self-identified as a reality-denying, 2016 election results denier.

Snowflake, Hillary LOST!

She was only on the ballot and not in an orange jumpsuit with a number for a name on election day because the Obama administration protected her.

The DNC admitted they stacked the deck against Bernie, helped her cheat in debates, and in the end GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the DNC nomination.

She ran the worst campaign in US history, completely, arrogantly, and moronically ignored / totally skipped campaigning in several states she believed she would win even after ignoring them, and those were the states that made up the difference, that cost her the election.
- The Democrats and MSM's plan to wage psychological warfare by telling Conservatives there was no need for them to go to the polls because Hillary would win in a landslide completely backfired - Conservatives...and pissed off Bernie supporters...were motivated even more to turn out, & Hillary bought into the con, becoming so arrogant she id not even campaign in several states.

She didn't even know what the process was by which Presidents are selected in this country.

She paid thugs to beat and bloody US citizens attending Trump rallies....

She paid a foreign spy for Russian Counter-Intel propaganda to alter the US election in 2016

Snowflakes like you openly wept on election night because the fat career, self-serving, influence peddling criminal, the person FBI Director described as being too stupid to know she was breaking laws, lost the election.

Snowflakes like you actually went outside at the specified date and time you were told to do so and screamed up at the sky because Hillary lost.
- Jonathon Gruber must have been laughing so hard he was peeing himself watching videos of these 'stupid' snowflakes obeying....

You have not accepted the results of the 2016 election.
You did not accept the Weismann-Mueller report
You did not accept the US IG reports exposing Dem / FBI crimes

You don't even accept videotaped confessions made by Democrats, bragging about how they extorted former Ukraine PMs.

Moe times than once Gruber bragged, as seen on youtube videos today, how the stupidity of snowflakes is what allowed Barry and the Democrats to ram Obamacare through as law, down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, that only snowflakes were dumb enough ot to understand Obamacare made it impossible to keep your plan and doctor if you liked them. Gruber stated the Democrats COUNT ON the stupidity of their followers to get away with the crimes and schit they get away with.

'Illicitness' of the current - and most successful President in the last 50 years, in some cases 'EVER' - President of the United States?!

The true snowflakes are republicans!!! They still have not accepted the illicitness of rumps presidency. The republicans are similar to brown shirt men in 1938 germany.
Thank you for confirming through demonstration everything I have been saying.

'Illicitness of the Trump Presidency'?!

With these 5 words you just self-identified as a reality-denying, 2016 election results denier.

Snowflake, Hillary LOST!

She was only on the ballot and not in an orange jumpsuit with a number for a name on election day because the Obama administration protected her.

The DNC admitted they stacked the deck against Bernie, helped her cheat in debates, and in the end GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the DNC nomination.

She ran the worst campaign in US history, completely, arrogantly, and moronically ignored / totally skipped campaigning in several states she believed she would win even after ignoring them, and those were the states that made up the difference, that cost her the election.
- The Democrats and MSM's plan to wage psychological warfare by telling Conservatives there was no need for them to go to the polls because Hillary would win in a landslide completely backfired - Conservatives...and pissed off Bernie supporters...were motivated even more to turn out, & Hillary bought into the con, becoming so arrogant she id not even campaign in several states.

She didn't even know what the process was by which Presidents are selected in this country.

She paid thugs to beat and bloody US citizens attending Trump rallies....

She paid a foreign spy for Russian Counter-Intel propaganda to alter the US election in 2016

Snowflakes like you openly wept on election night because the fat career, self-serving, influence peddling criminal, the person FBI Director described as being too stupid to know she was breaking laws, lost the election.

Snowflakes like you actually went outside at the specified date and time you were told to do so and screamed up at the sky because Hillary lost.
- Jonathon Gruber must have been laughing so hard he was peeing himself watching videos of these 'stupid' snowflakes obeying....

You have not accepted the results of the 2016 election.
You did not accept the Weismann-Mueller report
You did not accept the US IG reports exposing Dem / FBI crimes

You don't even accept videotaped confessions made by Democrats, bragging about how they extorted former Ukraine PMs.

Moe times than once Gruber bragged, as seen on youtube videos today, how the stupidity of snowflakes is what allowed Barry and the Democrats to ram Obamacare through as law, down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, that only snowflakes were dumb enough ot to understand Obamacare made it impossible to keep your plan and doctor if you liked them. Gruber stated the Democrats COUNT ON the stupidity of their followers to get away with the crimes and schit they get away with.

'Illicitness' of the current - and most successful President in the last 50 years, in some cases 'EVER' - President of the United States?!



Trump will never be a legitimate President. He only won with a LOT of help from Russia, and even then he lost the popular vote.

And all this fuss over the CBC cutting his cameo. What a whiner!!! Trump blamed Trudeau.

The CBC cut that cameo in 2014 when they first ran the film, for time constraints. Trudeau wasn’t Prime Minister and Trump wasn’t President.

But Snowflake Donnie and his whole family are pitching a fit over it.

No wonder the whole world is laughing at Trump.
The true snowflakes are republicans!!! They still have not accepted the illicitness of rumps presidency. The republicans are similar to brown shirt men in 1938 germany.
Thank you for confirming through demonstration everything I have been saying.

'Illicitness of the Trump Presidency'?!

With these 5 words you just self-identified as a reality-denying, 2016 election results denier.

Snowflake, Hillary LOST!

She was only on the ballot and not in an orange jumpsuit with a number for a name on election day because the Obama administration protected her.

The DNC admitted they stacked the deck against Bernie, helped her cheat in debates, and in the end GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the DNC nomination.

She ran the worst campaign in US history, completely, arrogantly, and moronically ignored / totally skipped campaigning in several states she believed she would win even after ignoring them, and those were the states that made up the difference, that cost her the election.
- The Democrats and MSM's plan to wage psychological warfare by telling Conservatives there was no need for them to go to the polls because Hillary would win in a landslide completely backfired - Conservatives...and pissed off Bernie supporters...were motivated even more to turn out, & Hillary bought into the con, becoming so arrogant she id not even campaign in several states.

She didn't even know what the process was by which Presidents are selected in this country.

She paid thugs to beat and bloody US citizens attending Trump rallies....

She paid a foreign spy for Russian Counter-Intel propaganda to alter the US election in 2016

Snowflakes like you openly wept on election night because the fat career, self-serving, influence peddling criminal, the person FBI Director described as being too stupid to know she was breaking laws, lost the election.

Snowflakes like you actually went outside at the specified date and time you were told to do so and screamed up at the sky because Hillary lost.
- Jonathon Gruber must have been laughing so hard he was peeing himself watching videos of these 'stupid' snowflakes obeying....

You have not accepted the results of the 2016 election.
You did not accept the Weismann-Mueller report
You did not accept the US IG reports exposing Dem / FBI crimes

You don't even accept videotaped confessions made by Democrats, bragging about how they extorted former Ukraine PMs.

Moe times than once Gruber bragged, as seen on youtube videos today, how the stupidity of snowflakes is what allowed Barry and the Democrats to ram Obamacare through as law, down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, that only snowflakes were dumb enough ot to understand Obamacare made it impossible to keep your plan and doctor if you liked them. Gruber stated the Democrats COUNT ON the stupidity of their followers to get away with the crimes and schit they get away with.

'Illicitness' of the current - and most successful President in the last 50 years, in some cases 'EVER' - President of the United States?!



Trump will never be a legitimate President. He only won with a LOT of help from Russia, and even then he lost the popular vote.

And all this fuss over the CBC cutting his cameo. What a whiner!!! Trump blamed Trudeau.

The CBC cut that cameo in 2014 when they first ran the film, for time constraints. Trudeau wasn’t Prime Minister and Trump wasn’t President.

But Snowflake Donnie and his whole family are pitching a fit over it.

No wonder the whole world is laughing at Trump.
Still no link to prove you didn't lie, ay?

The true snowflakes are republicans!!! They still have not accepted the illicitness of rumps presidency. The republicans are similar to brown shirt men in 1938 germany.
Thank you for confirming through demonstration everything I have been saying.

'Illicitness of the Trump Presidency'?!

With these 5 words you just self-identified as a reality-denying, 2016 election results denier.

Snowflake, Hillary LOST!

She was only on the ballot and not in an orange jumpsuit with a number for a name on election day because the Obama administration protected her.

The DNC admitted they stacked the deck against Bernie, helped her cheat in debates, and in the end GAVE Hillary what she could not win herself - the DNC nomination.

She ran the worst campaign in US history, completely, arrogantly, and moronically ignored / totally skipped campaigning in several states she believed she would win even after ignoring them, and those were the states that made up the difference, that cost her the election.
- The Democrats and MSM's plan to wage psychological warfare by telling Conservatives there was no need for them to go to the polls because Hillary would win in a landslide completely backfired - Conservatives...and pissed off Bernie supporters...were motivated even more to turn out, & Hillary bought into the con, becoming so arrogant she id not even campaign in several states.

She didn't even know what the process was by which Presidents are selected in this country.

She paid thugs to beat and bloody US citizens attending Trump rallies....

She paid a foreign spy for Russian Counter-Intel propaganda to alter the US election in 2016

Snowflakes like you openly wept on election night because the fat career, self-serving, influence peddling criminal, the person FBI Director described as being too stupid to know she was breaking laws, lost the election.

Snowflakes like you actually went outside at the specified date and time you were told to do so and screamed up at the sky because Hillary lost.
- Jonathon Gruber must have been laughing so hard he was peeing himself watching videos of these 'stupid' snowflakes obeying....

You have not accepted the results of the 2016 election.
You did not accept the Weismann-Mueller report
You did not accept the US IG reports exposing Dem / FBI crimes

You don't even accept videotaped confessions made by Democrats, bragging about how they extorted former Ukraine PMs.

Moe times than once Gruber bragged, as seen on youtube videos today, how the stupidity of snowflakes is what allowed Barry and the Democrats to ram Obamacare through as law, down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it, that only snowflakes were dumb enough ot to understand Obamacare made it impossible to keep your plan and doctor if you liked them. Gruber stated the Democrats COUNT ON the stupidity of their followers to get away with the crimes and schit they get away with.

'Illicitness' of the current - and most successful President in the last 50 years, in some cases 'EVER' - President of the United States?!



Trump will never be a legitimate President. He only won with a LOT of help from Russia, and even then he lost the popular vote.

And all this fuss over the CBC cutting his cameo. What a whiner!!! Trump blamed Trudeau.

The CBC cut that cameo in 2014 when they first ran the film, for time constraints. Trudeau wasn’t Prime Minister and Trump wasn’t President.

But Snowflake Donnie and his whole family are pitching a fit over it.

No wonder the whole world is laughing at Trump.
Still no link to prove you didn't lie, ay?


You could google it yourself Evgeny.
Once Trump wins in 2020 and all the same Hollywood Socialists, Democratz, and snowflakes have vowed to leave the United States...AGAIN, I recommend the country they should consider moving to is CANADA...

'Donald Trump's cameo in "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" was cut from the film by the Canadian Broadcast Company this week'

CBC removes Donald Trump's scene from 'Home Alone 2' broadcast: report


Ahhh...they never keep their promises to move to Canadia. And I never hear Canadians complain about it either.
You could google it yourself Evgeny.

I did Google it, lil' lying snowflake, something you probably tried to do and then gave up on after realizing that your claim that Whistle Blowers are afforded the protections of 'Anonymity' and 'Immunity' was a LIE, just like Schiff's.

Since the only link you could come up with to try to back your LIE was a link to Google search engine. allow me to spoon-feed you...AGAIN, lil' lying snowflake:

Whistleblower protection in the United States - Wikipedia

Here's another good link for you to educate yourself on - It's the 'Confrontation Clause' from the United States Constitution, which provides the right of those accused of crimes to confront their accusers. Feel free to send the link to your fellow LIAR, D-Adam Schiff!

'Anonymity' and 'Immunity' are NOT afforded to actual Whistle Blowers.


Your credibility is 'shot'! You've wasted enough of our time - Go away!
You could google it yourself Evgeny.

For someone who accuses anyone who does not share her Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat ideology of being a 'Russian Agent', you sure do throw out a lot of Russian words, lil' lying snowflake.

Speaking of Google, I had to look this one up - I don't think YOU had to. Since you are already very aware of this information, I will provide it for everyone else so they will know it, too:

'Evgeny as a name for boys is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Evgeny is "noble aristocrat". Evgeny is a version of Eugene (Greek).'

Thanks, lil' lying snowflake. Keep impressing us with your knowledge of all things Russian while trying to convince everyone else that everyone who does not agree with your proven false propaganda is the 'Russian Agent'.

You could google it yourself Evgeny.

For someone who accuses anyone who does not share her Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat ideology of being a 'Russian Agent', you sure do throw out a lot of Russian words, lil' lying snowflake.

Speaking of Google, I had to look this one up - I don't think YOU had to. Since you are already very aware of this information, I will provide it for everyone else so they will know it, too:

'Evgeny as a name for boys is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Evgeny is "noble aristocrat". Evgeny is a version of Eugene (Greek).'

Thanks, lil' lying snowflake. Keep impressing us with your knowledge of all things Russian while trying to convince everyone else that everyone who does not agree with your proven false propaganda is the 'Russian Agent'.


I’m a figure skating fan, and can actually pronounce Russian names like Evgeny Plushenko, and Alexi Yagudin. Yagudin is one of my all-time favourite skaters. Plushenko is one my least favourite skaters.

That’s how I know how dishonest Russians are - all that cheating and block judging at the Olympics after the Soviet Union broke up. Shameful.
I’m a figure skating fan, and can actually pronounce Russian names like Evgeny Plushenko, and Alexi Yagudin. Yagudin is one of my all-time favourite skaters. Plushenko is one my least favourite skaters. That’s how I know how dishonest Russians are - all that cheating and block judging at the Olympics after the Soviet Union broke up. Shameful.

A 'figure skating fan'...makes you an 'expert' at Russian names, Russian language, and telling others who the 'Russian Agents' are.....


...yet you can't operate 'Google' and find out what D-Schiff declared in front of approx. 400 other Lawyers - some of whom immediately challenged him to prove what he claimed, which he could not do - and the American people was a flat-out, undeniable lie because you somehow could not pull up a copy of the Whistle Blower Acts....

Next you're going to pi$$ on us and try to convince us it's raining....



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