France #1 health care system in the world

in some of those countries if a baby dies with in 3 days of birth, it's considered as if a natural abortion had occurred and not a death.

America considers any child death a death and only medical abortions count as abortions.

these list get debunked as bullshit year in and year out. Only liberals never learn, since they can't be taught. So until the government takes over completely we will keep seeing these list.
Funny how real life - actual experience can shut a thread down.

You shut the thread down with your totem pole posting.

People thought you were possessed.

One of your primary concerns when considering a move should be health care. Fortunately, you will find that, in general, health care in Mexico is very good…and in many places it is excellent. Most doctors and dentists in Mexico received at least part of their training in the U.S. (And many U.S. doctors have trained in Mexico, notably in Guadalajara.) Many of them continue to go to the U.S. or Europe for ongoing training.

Every medium to large city in Mexico has at least one first-rate hospital. And a big plus is that the cost of health care in Mexico is generally half or less what you might expect to pay in the U.S. The same goes for prescription drugs. Prescription drugs manufactured in Mexico cost, on average, about 50% less than the same drugs in the U.S. Plus, health insurance in Mexico costs much less than it does in the U.S.

What You Might Expect to Pay for Health Care in Mexico

Of course, the costs of medical care will vary by physician, hospital, and the gravity of your condition. On average, an office visit with a doctor—specialists included—will cost 350 to 500 pesos (about $30 to $43). A house call—yes, doctors in Mexico still make house calls—will cost about the same. Lab tests will cost about a third of what they cost in the U.S. A CAT scan often costs about 25% of what it does in the U.S. An overnight stay in a private hospital room generally costs less than $100. A visit to a dentist for teeth cleaning costs about $28.

Yes, in the major cities of Mexico, you can get good-quality medical care for serious medical conditions…including dialysis, major surgery…even live-in, 24-hour care…for a fraction of what you might pay in the U.S. But please, think twice about moving to Mexico if you have a serious medical condition that requires special equipment. The stress of being seriously ill in a foreign country can be difficult.

Judging the entire country because of a few unfortunate bad experiences is hardly a very fair barometer with which to gauge the entire system.

and yet people flee mexico in droves, risking death to get to America.

I've been to Mexico, the fraud there is insane, I wouldn't believe anything positive about that place w/o a triple check
and yet people flee mexico in droves, risking death to get to America.

I've been to Mexico, the fraud there is insane, I wouldn't believe anything positive about that place w/o a triple check

So, you've been to Mexico, eh? In what capacity?

Getting hammered and banging the local chicken heads counts, but isn't quite the same as speaking the language and working there.
in some of those countries if a baby dies with in 3 days of birth, it's considered as if a natural abortion had occurred and not a death.

America considers any child death a death and only medical abortions count as abortions.

these list get debunked as bullshit year in and year out. Only liberals never learn, since they can't be taught. So until the government takes over completely we will keep seeing these list.

Oh, knock it off. Everyone knows that republicans have a strict script from which to operate and straying from it is FORBODEN.

Everything OFF the list is socialist propaganda.

I know the drill ... gesh....
in some of those countries if a baby dies with in 3 days of birth, it's considered as if a natural abortion had occurred and not a death.

America considers any child death a death and only medical abortions count as abortions.

these list get debunked as bullshit year in and year out. Only liberals never learn, since they can't be taught. So until the government takes over completely we will keep seeing these list.

Oh, knock it off. Everyone knows that republicans have a strict script from which to operate and straying from it is FORBODEN.

Everything OFF the list is socialist propaganda.

I know the drill ... gesh....

I am not a Republican, but I certainly know that government run healthcare, like all things run exclusively by government, is a disaster for all but the elites.

Big government run by a small elite ALWAYS would think you would know this since history clearly exposes this fact.
Not that I read the whole page, but I didn't see a 75% tax rate.

Taxation in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The taxes are similar to the us as it is sliding scale based on income, except in France above $96.461.00 for one person is taxed at 40% ... $192,908.00 for two people.

This is more how the US was set up back in the 50's.

The rich paid the lions share of all taxes.

High earners income tax
For tax years 2013 & 2014 earnings above 1 million euros will be subject to a tax payable by the payer/employer. The tax introduced by Francois Hollande as the 75% tax is in fact a 50% tax which when social security charges are added reaches 75%.
The reason why former French President Sarkozy was debating moving to London to escape this ridiculously excessive socialist tax.
Judging the entire country because of a few unfortunate bad experiences is hardly a very fair barometer with which to gauge the entire system.

What few unfortunate circumstances?
I have been married since 1989. With exception to her brother and sister, my wifes entire family lives in Mexico, to be specific, most live in Aguascalientes and Torreon.
Mexicans flock to America to get healthcare if their condition is serious.
Spend a little time in the hospital in San any given time a good third of the patients are Mexican nationals.
You respond to my post with a copy and paste article. I can also paste all kinds of articles telling you how great medical care is in Venezuela. But we all know it is terrible.
The Mexican government is basically corrupt at all levels. Including healthcare. Any statistics they provide for articles like this - are provided by the same corrupt officials.
I can't tell you how may of my wifes relatives have come to America to get treatment, dozens and dozens. The Mexican government will even PAY FOR HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA if the condition is serious. Unless they lie their way out of it, which is often and in that case your tax dollars pays for their treatment.
in some of those countries if a baby dies with in 3 days of birth, it's considered as if a natural abortion had occurred and not a death.

America considers any child death a death and only medical abortions count as abortions.

these list get debunked as bullshit year in and year out. Only liberals never learn, since they can't be taught. So until the government takes over completely we will keep seeing these list.

Oh, knock it off. Everyone knows that republicans have a strict script from which to operate and straying from it is FORBODEN.

Everything OFF the list is socialist propaganda.

I know the drill ... gesh....

I'm not a rep

these list are bullshit, it's proven everytime.

seriously, check what is considered infant death in other countries, then give me shit or say sorry, cuz I'm right, since I actually did the checking last 2 times.
in some of those countries if a baby dies with in 3 days of birth, it's considered as if a natural abortion had occurred and not a death.

America considers any child death a death and only medical abortions count as abortions.

these list get debunked as bullshit year in and year out. Only liberals never learn, since they can't be taught. So until the government takes over completely we will keep seeing these list.

Oh, knock it off. Everyone knows that republicans have a strict script from which to operate and straying from it is FORBODEN.

Everything OFF the list is socialist propaganda.

I know the drill ... gesh....

I'm not a rep

these list are bullshit, it's proven everytime.

seriously, check what is considered infant death in other countries, then give me shit or say sorry, cuz I'm right, since I actually did the checking last 2 times.

Yes, you are correct. How stupid of me - republicans are ALWAYS right.

We are doomed.

Well? when are a lot of you moving to France?

you want to work so you can pay TAXES TO your government for others health care, France sounds like your Utopia
france is my favourite country, exactly in france #1 health care in the world

These 5 Countries Provide The Best Health Care In The World

02/20/2014’s annual Global Retirement Index reports that France, Uruguay and Malaysia provide the best and most affordable health care in the world.
The Health Care category in the Index considers the cost of care and the quality. Also considered are the number of people per doctor, the number of hospital beds per 1,000 people, the percentage of the population with access to safe water, the infant mortality rate, life expectancy, and public-health expenditure as a percentage of a country’s GDP.

France comes in first in this category as the best country in the world for health care.

1. France
According to the World Health Organization, France has the number one health care system in the world. The country also comes first in the health care category of the annual Global Retirement Index 2014. Despite their meat-and cream-rich diet augmented by alcohol and cigarettes, the French have been living much longer in recent years. Life expectancy now averages 85 years for women and 78 for men.

The rest of the article ☞ here.

2. Uruguay
3. Malaysia
4. Costa Rica
5. Mexico
I am not surprised that France is #1 medically speaking because of Louis Pasteur, aka the Father of Microbiology, who first identified the microbes responsible for making grape juice become wine, saving the wine industry in bad times; he noticed that milkmaids never got the chicken pox (aka chicken cholera), and deduced that their protection came from an attenuated microbe similar to chicken pox which he found, dubbed as cow pox, and extracted a cure of cow pox would protect others, not just milkmaids, and began to save lives by administering vaccinations for chicken pox therefore. He found a cure for rabies by attenuating that virus from those who recovered from the disease and was able to save the sons and daughters of his clients who were bitten by rabid animals by administering his inoculation soon after the disease was diagnosed. I could go on and on with his microbial discoveries but it would take more space than a message box can hold. This man was an average student, but when he discovered his interest in problematic or beneficial microbes, that just lit his intellectual fire, and he became the most important person in inspiring others to discover cures for other diseases using the science he laid down in his practice.

God bless France for their gift of Louis Pasteur to the improved health and well-being of the human race. He and scholars of his methodology have enabled mankind to prosper in numbers and quality of life in a world of opportunistic microbe species. France deserves to be #1 in Medicine. It must be a very great point of pride to every child in France to know one of them, a commoner, earned them humanitarian credits forever. Louis Pasteur was also known for one other thing: he was devoted to his religious beliefs and well knew the scripture of Christ's words, "Knock, and the door shall be opened." And knock deleterious microbes to a dismal end did he with his seek-and-find mission to improve mankind's lot in the face of numerous diseases.

Some references:
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Well? when are a lot of you moving to France?

you want to work so you can pay TAXES TO your government for others health care, France sounds like your Utopia

The next French election will be telling; as long as the majority of French feel like they are getting value for their taxes/social insurance programs, the majority of French citizens will continue to vote for more government services and the higher taxes that pay for them. The French separate their social safety net/insurance programs from income taxes but-----but even the French are beginning to feel squeezed...

The Economist explains: Why do the French tolerate such high taxes?

Sep 24th 2013


France now has a higher tax burden than any other country in the euro zone apart from Belgium. Germany’s overall tax take is fully six percentage points lower, and Britain’s over eight points behind. Even Sweden, emblem of the Scandinavian high-tax model, takes less in taxes than France. Historically, the French have tolerated high taxes as the price of decent public services and a proper universal safety-net. All those fast trains, first-rate hospitals and public crèches do not come for nothing, and the French are the first to defend a way of life subsidised by the public purse that can often only be bought privately in Britain or America. Moreover, the French make a firm distinction between taxes and social-insurance contributions. Only half of households have to pay income tax, but everybody pays social charges. If the French pay so much, goes the line, it is because of the insurance principle: generous unemployment benefits, for instance, are not a gesture of largesse by the French state but an insurance entitlement. Indeed, the longstanding tolerance for taxes has underpinned the solidity of French sovereign debt, since it is a fair bet that France’s government can efficiently collect the taxes it needs. When Gérard Depardieu, a film star, announced last year that he was leaving high-tax France, most of the French disapproved.

This social contract, however, could be on the verge of breaking down. Over the past year, as taxes on beer and cigarettes have risen, tax-free overtime abolished, tax deductions squeezed and tax-band thresholds frozen, even the French have started to grumble. Polls suggest that tax increases have become the top worry among voters, and chief reason for Mr Hollande’s calamitous popularity ratings. The sharp rise in taxes, which began under Nicolas Sarkozy, the previous president, as part of an effort to reduce the government’s budget deficit, is all the more resented at a time when the French are no longer convinced that their public services—underperforming state schools, overcrowded commuter trains—are so much better than those that cost less in other countries. What is the point of paying Swedish-style taxes (or more) if you do not receive Scandinavian-style public services in return?


So there ya go, the French are OK with paying for the government services they receive - just don't tax the important stuff like-----like beer :*) and cigarettes :-Q...

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