France is the best country in the world and we are not grateful enough for their winning the revolutionary war for us. They know what socialism is too

Ile de la Cite, my wife's family owns a flat there. Has for over 400 years.

That's one of the most beautiful historical places in Paris island in the river Seine....totally gorgeous! :thup:
That's one of the most beautiful historical places in Paris island in the river Seine....totally gorgeous! :thup:
It's the medieval city of Paris. When you read about the Vikings raiding Paris, that's where they were headed.
As a tourist, France is still a spectacular country, In Paris, the invasion of WOGS is not all that evident, unless you inadvertently stumble into one of the wrong neighborhoods.

The common people in France retain a serious distrust of aristocrats and powerful plutocrats. They are not embarrassed to push socialist initiatives, even when it seems self-defeating.

They are different from we 'murricans, but vive le difference...or whatever they say over there.
It's the medieval city of Paris. When you read about the Vikings raiding Paris, that's where they were headed.

Aerial view of Ile de la Cite .....Notre Dame is there of!

As a tourist, France is still a spectacular country, In Paris, the invasion of WOGS is not all that evident, unless you inadvertently stumble into one of the wrong neighborhoods.

The common people in France retain a serious distrust of aristocrats and powerful plutocrats. They are not embarrassed to push socialist initiatives, even when it seems self-defeating.

They are different from we 'murricans, but vive le difference...or whatever they say over there.

They are everywhere. You literally can't swing a dead cat without hitting one.
Every other modern country can afford to have cheap or free college and training, why the hell can't we, Super Duper?
Other Modern countries know that you need a well educated workforce to prosper...

In Europe they educated there brightest who work hard and get the scores, it is their right. Poor kids are supported to be trained in the best colleges if they get the grades. It is not because you have the funds...

As a tourist, France is still a spectacular country, In Paris, the invasion of WOGS is not all that evident, unless you inadvertently stumble into one of the wrong neighborhoods.

The common people in France retain a serious distrust of aristocrats and powerful plutocrats. They are not embarrassed to push socialist initiatives, even when it seems self-defeating.

They are different from we 'murricans, but vive le difference...or whatever they say over there.
La diff...non UK US are like that...socialists won long ago...
As a tourist, France is still a spectacular country, In Paris, the invasion of WOGS is not all that evident, unless you inadvertently stumble into one of the wrong neighborhoods.

The common people in France retain a serious distrust of aristocrats and powerful plutocrats. They are not embarrassed to push socialist initiatives, even when it seems self-defeating.

They are different from we 'murricans, but vive le difference...or whatever they say over there.
Self defeating? Not socialist
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Colonies happen.Remain calm...
Calm has nothing to do with it asshole.
When those fuckers shot up the theater district we had people there who fortunately survived.

You fucking retards have no idea what it's like to not know if your family is dead for hours.
Calm has nothing to do with it asshole.
When those fuckers shot up the theater district we had people there who fortunately survived.

You fucking retards have no idea what it's like to not know if your family is dead for hours.
Why such drama? My cousins also survived....Belgian a holes.
A flat there¿? How can you be such a rw dupe? My aunt there was monarchist. Uncle was CBE lawyer on Champs Elysees

Do you know how rare it is to have a family STILL own property in Paris for that long?

Fuck you are ignorant. That property is worth millions because it actually has a garage.

The government taxes the ever loving shit out of us. If it weren't for me and my income they would have had to sell years ago.
Do you know how rare it is to have a family STILL own property in Paris for that long?

Fuck you are ignorant. That property is worth millions because it actually has a garage.

The government taxes the ever loving shit out of us. If it weren't for me and my income they would have had to sell years ago.
My uncle had rent control apt. Great deal. And a house in Normndie, then a castle in the Dordogne... Aristos have it tough.
Do you know how rare it is to have a family STILL own property in Paris for that long?

Fuck you are ignorant. That property is worth millions because it actually has a garage.

The government taxes the ever loving shit out of us. If it weren't for me and my income they would have had to sell years ago.
Not at all a surprise. Tres cher..

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