France is the best country in the world and we are not grateful enough for their winning the revolutionary war for us. They know what socialism is too

France has by far the most visitors of any country, always the number one quality of life and the best small farms and food. We were never going to win the revolutionary war until they came to our aid at Yorktown. More French soldiers than American soldiers and there were also 26 French ships of the line stopping the British from being supplied, And it is a big secret here l O L. The Brits and English speakers are the Savage Capitalists and always have been, they have the advantage of being island fortresses but turn out to be pretty dingy for the average citizen.

The Brits got lucky after World War ii to get socialism, even if they don't know that's what it is. So we are the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure And vacations etcetera Etcetera. Socialism and every socialist party and socialist ever has been for fair capitalism and a good safety net. Not what Soviet Socialists and national socialist want for crying out loud. They only use the term socialism for propaganda purposes because people who know what it is want it.

Boy are you full of it. Cornwallis had just fled the Carolina’s and Washington had him trapped aa Yorktown. Even if the RN had tried to lift Cornwallis out by sea, he would have had to leave all his artillery, his trains and a large portion of his army behind. That would likely have finished the British in North America. Yes the French financed the revolution, but were using us as patsys against the British while they prepared for the oncoming war with Great Britain.
France has by far the most visitors of any country, always the number one quality of life and the best small farms and food. We were never going to win the revolutionary war until they came to our aid at Yorktown. More French soldiers than American soldiers and there were also 26 French ships of the line stopping the British from being supplied, And it is a big secret here l O L. The Brits and English speakers are the Savage Capitalists and always have been, they have the advantage of being island fortresses but turn out to be pretty dingy for the average citizen.

The Brits got lucky after World War ii to get socialism, even if they don't know that's what it is. So we are the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure And vacations etcetera Etcetera. Socialism and every socialist party and socialist ever has been for fair capitalism and a good safety net. Not what Soviet Socialists and national socialist want for crying out loud. They only use the term socialism for propaganda purposes because people who know what it is want it.

Drink much?
And I don't want to hear any baloney about surrender monkeys

I guess the truth hurts. Only reason why you are sitting there eating crumpets and guzzling swill right now telling yourself how great you are instead of speaking German is because of my parent's generation.
Boy are you full of it. Cornwallis had just fled the Carolina’s and Washington had him trapped aa Yorktown. Even if the RN had tried to lift Cornwallis out by sea, he would have had to leave all his artillery, his trains and a large portion of his army behind. That would likely have finished the British in North America. Yes the French financed the revolution, but were using us as patsys against the British while they prepared for the oncoming war with Great Britain.

For someone who claims to have a Masters in history this numbskull really is ignorant, ain't he.
I guess the truth hurts. Only reason why you are sitting there eating crumpets and guzzling swill right now telling yourself how great you are instead of speaking German is because of my parent's generation.


An American eating crumpets? :oops:
The French could be quite brutal.

This, from a French podcast site:

A longstanding and far less deadly conflict that occurred throughout the 17th century were the Beaver Wars. This on-and-off conflict was largely fought between Native Americans over control of the fur trade with Europeans. On the one side was the Iroquois League which was supported by England and the Dutch Republic. On the other side were a number of tribes allied with France. By the late 17th century French settlers took a more aggressive stance against their enemies, organizing raids with their Native American allies to massacre the English and Iroquois. The Treaty of Ryswick, which ended the Nine Years’ War in Europe, and the Great Peace of Montreal, which ended inter-Native American violence, brought an end to the wars. Ultimately, neither side could claim an outright victory. While French settlers killed many English the latter had far more settlers who replenished those numbers.​
The French could be quite brutal.

This, from a French podcast site:

A longstanding and far less deadly conflict that occurred throughout the 17th century were the Beaver Wars. This on-and-off conflict was largely fought between Native Americans over control of the fur trade with Europeans. On the one side was the Iroquois League which was supported by England and the Dutch Republic. On the other side were a number of tribes allied with France. By the late 17th century French settlers took a more aggressive stance against their enemies, organizing raids with their Native American allies to massacre the English and Iroquois. The Treaty of Ryswick, which ended the Nine Years’ War in Europe, and the Great Peace of Montreal, which ended inter-Native American violence, brought an end to the wars. Ultimately, neither side could claim an outright victory. While French settlers killed many English the latter had far more settlers who replenished those numbers.​
Indians preferred the French for good reason...fewer of them lol
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