France is the best country in the world and we are not grateful enough for their winning the revolutionary war for us. They know what socialism is too

France has by far the most visitors of any country, always the number one quality of life and the best small farms and food. We were never going to win the revolutionary war until they came to our aid at Yorktown. More French soldiers than American soldiers and there were also 26 French ships of the line stopping the British from being supplied, And it is a big secret here l O L. The Brits and English speakers are the Savage Capitalists and always have been, they have the advantage of being island fortresses but turn out to be pretty dingy for the average citizen.

The Brits got lucky after World War ii to get socialism, even if they don't know that's what it is. So we are the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure And vacations etcetera Etcetera. Socialism and every socialist party and socialist ever has been for fair capitalism and a good safety net. Not what Soviet Socialists and national socialist want for crying out loud. They only use the term socialism for propaganda purposes because people who know what it is want it.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The reason USA and France don’t get along is because both nations think they’re the best in the world and both get their panties in a bunch when the other says so
The reason USA and France don’t get along is because both nations think they’re the best in the world and both get their panties in a bunch when the other says so
BS, And after 40 years of gop giveaway to the rich, the Yanks are so obviously wrong...not to mention GOP shytteheads...
France is the EU centre for Cuckoos .

One wrote this OP .

Once it has destroyed itsef , Team GB will develop it into holday resorts and theme parks .
Any argument about the facts?
The reason USA and France don’t get along is because both nations think they’re the best in the world and both get their panties in a bunch when the other says so
And a thousand years of English bs...

Hossfly, l know you are a former military man, and l looked for you in the war campaigns section. To no avail. But l have a question.

I’m in a ‘convalescence’ in the Levant, and am amusing myself with Netflix WW2 in Colour. At present it is the Allied campaign in Italy, and breaking through the German front lines.

Q: what are your views on General Clark?
The French liberated their own city - Paris.

From within.
I mean, the fact that the Allies were landing on the beaches and most of the German soldiers had either fled the city or been moved east to fight the Red Army were contributing factors…
I mean, the fact that the Allies were landing on the beaches and most of the German soldiers had either fled the city or been moved east to fight the Red Army were contributing factors…

I mean, not really.

The Allies, fixated on Berlin, not interested in Paris, Hitler ordering the whole city to be obliterated, like he tried with Warsaw. Changing alliances. Running out of firepower.

Against all odds.
I mean, not really.

The Allies, fixated on Berlin, not interested in Paris, Hitler ordering the whole city to be obliterated, like he tried with Warsaw. Changing alliances. Running out of firepower.

Against all odds.
You have to give credit to the German officers who refused to follow hitlers order to destroy the city.

Had they wanted to the destruction would have been terrible.
You have to give credit to the German officers who refused to follow hitlers order to destroy the city.

Had they wanted to the destruction would have been terrible.

Yes l saw that.

What was his name……Dietrich Hugo Hermann von Choltitz?
Yes l saw that.

What was his name……Dietrich Hugo Hermann von Choltitz?

Yes, often referred to as the savior of Paris.

But it wasn't just him. There were many others of like mind.

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