France is the best country in the world and we are not grateful enough for their winning the revolutionary war for us. They know what socialism is too

France is the best country in the world​

I respectfully disagree ...

When was the last time you were in France?
Over four years ago.

It had gotten worse since the first time I went ten years ago.

They had to erect a security fence around the base of the Eiffel Tower because of all the Muslim terror attacks. Algerians are constantly harassing tourists with their silly African souvenirs. There were frequent “youth” riots, which was their media code word for young Muslims, which usually had at least one burnt down cop car.

The area around Gare du Nord train station is practically Africa.
Not one of minorities....wogs as an Aristo would say. I can't believe west wall is a French aristocrat/redneck GOP base dupe...

I’m a France fan. A land of the senses.

An hour from the border, l used to go over for Tarte aux Pommes at the salon de thé.
My uncle had rent control apt. Great deal. And a house in Normndie, then a castle in the Dordogne... Aristos have it tough.
Yeah, he's a PEASANT! He pays an overlord for a place to live. As for the rest, sure he does.
Do you know how rare it is to have a family STILL own property in Paris for that long?

Fuck you are ignorant. That property is worth millions because it actually has a garage.

The government taxes the ever loving shit out of us. If it weren't for me and my income they would have had to sell years ago.
Meritocracies are tough. My Paris friend married the Cointreau heiress...
Yeah, he's a PEASANT! He pays an overlord for a place to live. As for the rest, sure he does.
France is a meritocracy, can't inherit forever like here.....Paid 1957 rent next to Champs. Died 10 years ago. CBE, chump.
Meritocracies are tough. My Paris friend married the Cointreau heiress...

France is a meritocracy, can't inherit forever like here.....Paid 1957 rent next to Champs. Died 10 years ago. CBE, chump.

So, your " meritocracy" is marrying into money.

You truly ARE a retard.
France has by far the most visitors of any country, always the number one quality of life and the best small farms and food. We were never going to win the revolutionary war until they came to our aid at Yorktown. More French soldiers than American soldiers and there were also 26 French ships of the line stopping the British from being supplied, And it is a big secret here l O L. The Brits and English speakers are the Savage Capitalists and always have been, they have the advantage of being island fortresses but turn out to be pretty dingy for the average citizen.

The Brits got lucky after World War ii to get socialism, even if they don't know that's what it is. So we are the only modern country without a living wage cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure And vacations etcetera Etcetera. Socialism and every socialist party and socialist ever has been for fair capitalism and a good safety net. Not what Soviet Socialists and national socialist want for crying out loud. They only use the term socialism for propaganda purposes because people who know what it is want it.


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