France Proves That Not Everyone Is Paying Attention


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Nicholas Sarcozy lost because the left has control of the media.

If a socialist is in charge they ignore events that cast their guy in a bad light, like they do in America, but if a Conservative wins they focus only on the bad.

Everyone has been hearing about Austerity. This means cutting back on government spending. The press pounces on any hardship this causes.

What socialists like Obama have been doing is flushing government with cash in the form of bail outs and stimulus. Problem is there's a finite supply of cash, so eventually the spigot goes dry. The uproar is loud when the sick and the crippled, special interests, and government sponsored beneficiaries see the benefits cut. They want to blame someone. Guess who gets blamed. The people that said we couldn't afford all of this Stimulus. The junkies need there fix and the left is there for them, they hope.

So if you wonder why Obama spent so much, this is why. He knows that even if he loses the left will still win....because not enough people are paying attention. It worked in France. Why can't it work here. His only solution is tax the rich. When the numbers proved this to be no solution he simply said it was a good start. Trust Obama.

Is America stupid enough to trust him again? France tells me yes.
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The conservatives of Europe are not the equivalent of our Republicans. They are more like our blue dog dems.... it always makes me laugh when US liberals in the US assume that conservative is the same here as it is there.
The conservatives of Europe are not the equivalent of our Republicans. They are more like our blue dog dems.... it always makes me laugh when US liberals in the US assume that conservative is the same here as it is there.

Don't I know, but my guess is their media painted them with a pretty broad brush as heartless haters of women, children, and fuzzy little animals.
Does anyone know that Hollande broke up his marriage and is now fucking the journalist Valerie from Paris Match? He specifically did this as a way to the top.

Anything for power. He fucked over his wife of three decades and four children.
There aer no "conservatives" in Europe. They are all social-democrats.
Sarkozy succeeded in raising the retirement age to 62 from 60 or whatever it was. That was it. He could not overcome the entrenched unions and bureaucrats and gave up on it.
The French were tired of Sarkozy. IMO, most of the difference will be settled when the choice needs to be made between reality and rhetoric.
my guess is their media painted them with a pretty broad brush as heartless haters of women, children, and fuzzy little animals.

I can't help but note that you claim the highest level of certainty ("proves") but offer the lowest standard of evidence ("guess").

I have no idea whether the French media is biased. It's hard enough agreeing on what constitutes media bias, and I don't know anything about the French media. It is true that Sarkozy is blaming the media, though.
The conservatives of Europe are not the equivalent of our Republicans. They are more like our blue dog dems.... it always makes me laugh when US liberals in the US assume that conservative is the same here as it is there.


Up here we had progressive conservatives and conservatives. The progressives are just liberals but not wanting to admit they back abortion and high taxes.

Quite strange. When Harper took over and made the Party conservative for true, we started to win federally.

Couple of provinces (including mine) need to get the progressive out of the party or they will never win if all they are dopplegangers of liberals.
The conservatives of Europe are not the equivalent of our Republicans. They are more like our blue dog dems.... it always makes me laugh when US liberals in the US assume that conservative is the same here as it is there.

It is true that we define Conservatism quite differently from the modern US variant. For the same reason Liberals are often considered Center-right in continental Europe because Liberal is also differently defined here.
The French were tired of Sarkozy. IMO, most of the difference will be settled when the choice needs to be made between reality and rhetoric.

I'm not defending him, but the left uses the press to get everyone tired of someone by bombarding the public with negative stories, constant bickering, irrational accusations, whatever frustrates everyone to the point it becomes confusing and unitelligable.

People form a superficial opinion and tune it out.
The Takers are now beginning to outnumber the Producers in France. More Socialism is the last thing France needed. Their Glory Days are long long gone. I just hope our Nation doesn't continue on the same path to destruction. How long before the Takers outnumber the Producers here? 'Generation Gimme' is now upon us. The Entitlement hounds now number in the several Millions. Unfortunately, the future doesn't look too bright for America either.
France Proves That Not Everyone Is Paying Attention

....And, Lil' Dumbya is.....

my guess is their media painted them with a pretty broad brush as heartless haters of women, children, and fuzzy little animals.

I can't help but note that you claim the highest level of certainty ("proves") but offer the lowest standard of evidence ("guess").

I have no idea whether the French media is biased. It's hard enough agreeing on what constitutes media bias, and I don't know anything about the French media. It is true that Sarkozy is blaming the media, though.

Try reading France 24. It's like the NYT on steroids.

Hollande's bitch is a major press person. She has orchestrated the campaign against Sarkozy.
my guess is their media painted them with a pretty broad brush as heartless haters of women, children, and fuzzy little animals.

I can't help but note that you claim the highest level of certainty ("proves") but offer the lowest standard of evidence ("guess").

I have no idea whether the French media is biased. It's hard enough agreeing on what constitutes media bias, and I don't know anything about the French media. It is true that Sarkozy is blaming the media, though.

Try reading France 24. It's like the NYT on steroids.

Hollande's bitch is a major press person. She has orchestrated the campaign against Sarkozy.

Why refer to her as "Hollande's bitch"? Whatever you may think of her politics and her journalism, she deserves minimal respect.
The French were tired of Sarkozy. IMO, most of the difference will be settled when the choice needs to be made between reality and rhetoric.

Hollande has promised a 75% tax rate.

So many promises. Let's see what kind of government he will appoint.

I'm going to predict that he will try to be smart and appoint a firm law and order Interior Minister to steal the right's thunder.
my guess is their media painted them with a pretty broad brush as heartless haters of women, children, and fuzzy little animals.

I can't help but note that you claim the highest level of certainty ("proves") but offer the lowest standard of evidence ("guess").

I have no idea whether the French media is biased. It's hard enough agreeing on what constitutes media bias, and I don't know anything about the French media. It is true that Sarkozy is blaming the media, though.

Try reading France 24. It's like the NYT on steroids.

Hollande's bitch is a major press person. She has orchestrated the campaign against Sarkozy.

Unsurprisingly, you and I seem to have differing opinions on the degree to which the NYT, regardless of its use of performance-enhancing drugs, is able or inclined to swing a national election. I would not find your reference to "Hollande's bitch", even if I knew who or what that was, to be particularly informative about putative media bias in the French elections.
my guess is their media painted them with a pretty broad brush as heartless haters of women, children, and fuzzy little animals.

I can't help but note that you claim the highest level of certainty ("proves") but offer the lowest standard of evidence ("guess").

I have no idea whether the French media is biased. It's hard enough agreeing on what constitutes media bias, and I don't know anything about the French media. It is true that Sarkozy is blaming the media, though.
So in effect, you don't know.

Duly noted.
I can't help bit think the " Maginot Line" mentality is alive and well in France, in that they be it Sarkozy or Hollende have put all their collective eggs in one basket so to speak. With Sarkozy you have a man who was like it or not associated with so called "austerity methods" that intended to fix the massive budget problems of that nation and was seen by it's citizens as going too far. So then along comes his opponent and runs in the other direction. Again, this " Maginot Line" if you will is a the theory that if they put all their eggs in one basket things will be ok, and one can see that lack of long term planning and a view of ALL aspect lead to failure. This is as much true with the EU as it is here, and frankly I don't see a run towards where France came from to where they are now, is a step forward ( no pun intended there). A big concern with this new Govt. and others across the EU is a move towards the other direction especially when it comes to Greece, and if that somehow falls apart again it will ripple across the world economies. It would be more prudent to apply some common sense in all these economic situations here , ours included, and do what's needed to fix them, without this need to see all Govt. programs as being a bad but rather see them as being run smartly for the benifit of us all, just a thought.

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