France Tightens Security, Restricts Internet Access As Protests Continue Escalating


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
When an "immigrant" stabbed several a few weeks ago, including four very young children, where were the protesters?

Now, some young adult career criminal resists arrest and attempts to flee lawful authority and gets shot, France is aflame.

This is what allowing third world immigrants, and particularly Mohammedans, looks like.

In response to the recent riots that have affected a number of districts in France, the French Ministry of Interior has announced passing exceptional measures to guarantee public safety and tranquility.
In a statement, the ministry announced that the measures aim to address the escalating violence and to maintain order and stability in the affected regions.
The measures, designed to prevent further acts of violence and disturbance, will come into effect on July 3rd for a limited period, the statement explains.
To combat “misuse of social media and online platforms for coordinating illegal activities and inciting violence,” the interior ministry will restrict internet access for specific neighborhoods during nighttime hours.
The restrictions will be put in place to curb the abusive use of online platforms and prevent the coordination of unlawful actions.
The news comes hours after a car ramming attack targeted the house of the mayor of L’Hay-les-Roses Vincent Jeanbrun.
Watching the person get charged and likely spend the rest of their life in prison. Why do you expect people to protest when the right actions are taken?
grammar check-----"....the rest of HIS life in prison...." come off it-----the muzzie pig is a
great hero of the UMMAH-----no matter what happens to him-----protest against the
umman pigs is warranted
The same thing happens here.
The annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is 2:1. *DOJ
And the Police kill twice as many White suspects annually. *DOJ
But there are never any riots when a White person is murdered by a Black person or when a White suspect is killed.

And using the West's laws to do so.

In America, they eagerly use the First Amendment, because even smart people like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito refuse to acknowledge that freedom of religion was intended for Christians only. Not for Wiccans, not for devil worshipers, not for a religion that will kill anyone who leaves it as with Mohammedanism.
There is no "Bill of Rights" Constitutional protection anywhere outside the United States. Be aware of it and don't go trying to declare your 5th Amendment or 1st Amendment rights outside the U.S. Countries like France are free to crack down on information and declare what amounts to martial law.
The same thing happens here.
The annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is 2:1. *DOJ
And the Police kill twice as many White suspects annually. *DOJ
But there are never any riots when a White person is murdered by a Black person or when a White suspect is killed.

Yes; that how we know they're frauds and liars, and hoping to legalize any crime some lack thug commits.
grammar check-----"....the rest of HIS life in prison...." come off it-----the muzzie pig is a
great hero of the UMMAH-----no matter what happens to him-----protest against the
umman pigs is warranted

Jews like Netanyahu are busy sucking up to muzzies now.
And once the Democrat party succeeds in establishing the Great Reset once and for all, these will be a thing of the past here , too.
You don't have to be a Constitutional scholar to know that only congress can authorize the gigantic expense of forgiving college loans but it seems that the mainstream left is completely ignorant of the concept based on the United States Constitution. Thank you fifty years of government education.

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