France Tightens Security, Restricts Internet Access As Protests Continue Escalating

To be fair, the French have had a love affair with the Left now for a very long time.

In fact, I bet they were pleased as punch under the National Socialists.
Don't be ignorant. Ever heard of the French resistance?

While you're being smug and judgemental about the French we have police brutality and riots here in the US every week.
Now we're talking about birth rates?
I will take that as a no. You don't know a fucking thing about Lebanon.

Lebanon once had a Christian majority. Due to high levels of breeding and harassment of non-Muslims, Muslims now constitute nearly 70% of the population with that percentage rising steadily.

You are an utter fool if you do not believe this provides a template for what will happen in France, Belgium or Sweden if they allow things to continue the way they are headed.

You are an utter fool if you do not believe this provides a template for what will happen in France, Belgium or Sweden if they allow things to continue the way they are headed.
Europe's problems are of their own making.
How many Muslims do you know well? How many Muslim people have you ever gotten to know well? Well enough to have spoken for more than ten minutes, to have had a meal with their family? That sort of thing.
You forgot to answer this question. ^^^
Anecdotal fallacies certainly are your specialty, aren't they?
That's not an answer to the question. I can understand why you're so insecure about it. Maybe you need to get out and experience more of the world and less of the internet.
That's not an answer to the question. I can understand why you're so insecure about it. Maybe you need to get out and experience more of the world and less of the internet.
I am not insecure at all.

I simply know history, which you do not.
That's not an answer to the question. I can understand why you're so insecure about it. Maybe you need to get out and experience more of the world and less of the internet.

Well I'm not wasting entire PTO day off reading your spew. After you get your butt handed to you, you target others with an unprovable tangential task as a deflection.

Try a little common sense (logical thought process). I know you're not used to it (working in a GOVT job). Wake up just a little and you might become average?
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Nominal Muslims choosing not to follow the more aggressive aspects of Islam does not mean that Islam is not inherently aggressive.
Nominal Muslims may choose not to follow the more aggressive aspects of Islam right now. The Quoran specifically tells people to be peaceful and good citizens, friendly to all, while they increase their numbers. No Muslim chooses to live in Dar al-harb.
Nominal Muslims may choose not to follow the more aggressive aspects of Islam right now. The Quoran specifically tells people to be peaceful and good citizens, friendly to all, while they increase their numbers. No Muslim chooses to live in Dar al-harb.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

In unkotare's case, he is quite determined to remain completely ignorant just because he knows a couple of polite Muslims.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

In unkotare's case, he is quite determined to remain completely ignorant just because he knows a couple of polite Muslims.
I have lived among Muslims. I was involved with a very progressive Muslim man. It was serious enough for me to take instruction at his mosque. The friendliness of Muslims is directly attached to their numbers. And they can be very kind and friendly.

In unkotare's case, ... because he knows a couple of polite Muslims.

"A couple" = hundreds, from all over the world, for decades.

There must be a door or a window nearby you could use to get out into the real world. Give it a try.
Oh really? How long have you been a History teacher? I've been at it for almost 30 years now.
Yet you know nothing about the patterns of Islamic conquest and don't have a clue as to what has happened to Lebanon.

I will add an appeal to authority fallacy to your anecdotal fallacy.

This may be your time to add a tu quoque so you can hit the trifecta

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