France to sue FOX news!

Still slandering FOX NEWS and you haven't got the COURAGE to stand by your words.... Where is YOUR PROOF they LIE everyday?..... CLUCK, CLUCK, CLUCK!

sterb105.gif long as Faux lies only every other day....Vaginal is happy..........:cheers2:

This is TOO EASY....OK MERT. PROOF that Fox lies every other day, or you're as dumb a bitch as Muttley, ....a lying, slanderous bitch... PUT UP, or STFU :ahole-1:

I already posted one site that tracks their lies and there are many more.

Why do you care though? Its not like you would read them.


YOU said every day, pond scum, PROVE IT, or you are doing EXACTLY what you say FOX did, you bitch HYPOCRITE!!!

Google that they have been proven to tell the truth 18% of their stories..


Liberal lies documented, MSNBC lies more than FOX
Liberal Liars at MSNBC aka Pmsnbc lie all the time and they trash talk as if they have no conscious nor a soul. Why does MSNBC lie all the time and it goes unchecked by honest liberals? This I know because MSNBC is fact checked daily by honest media observers.

MSNBC lies for democrats and they lie for other liberal scumbags who appear on the evening shows.

MSNBC is ranked 28th for a reason with Fox ranked continuously in the top ten of tv channels!!!

MSNBC liberals project hate and they sucker watchers while hoping no one will fact check them. Anyone care to defend them or at least pretend too? MSNBC lies far more often than Fox.

MSNBC is the media arm of the Democratic Party and MSNBC in cahoots with Obama because liberals can't seem to tell the truth. Pass this around the and lets all call MSNBC the media arm of the democratic party because they are!!!

I'll start off with Rachel MadCow.
"President Bush never did one interview with the New York Times during his entire presidency."
Fox News "said the New Black Panther Party decided the election for Barack Obama."
"President Bush never did one interview with the New York Times during his entire presidency."
MSNBC Lies about Warrentless Wiretapping
MSNBC Admits: ‘Unable to Verify’ False Limbaugh Quote; No Retraction or Apology

Read more:
Under changes being debated, state employees in Wisconsin "who earn $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 a year might have 20 percent of their income just disappear overnight."
With his decision on whether to fire Gen. Stanley McChrystal, President Obama "has to fix yet another problem he inherited from the Bush administration."
"Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu received almost $1.8 million from BP over the last decade."
"Despite what you may have heard about Wisconsin’s finances, Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year."

Msnbc lies about white gunman at obama speech…

Keith Olbermann lies about SIOA freedom rally against Islamic mega-mosque…

Keith Olbermann lies, says Sarah Palin is a socialist and described Alaska that way…

Rachel Maddow lies: Fox had absolutely nothing to do with the Shirley Sherrod story…

In Exposing ACORN ‘Lies,’ Maddow Leaves Truth On the Cutting Room Floor…

Keith Olbermann Lies About Kenneth Gladney Attack…
^^ Exactly what I mean by emotional relationship with a TV channel. More than one channel in this case.

Perhaps a message board psychiatrist is not only a good idea -- it oughta be mandatory.


Stay tuned for a followup on the same scale. He can't help himself.
If we can sue a lesser entity like Fox news for misrepresentation, why not be able to sue a religion like islam for hate crimes? Doesn't Islam exist legally? There has to be some legal basis here , islam does commit major hate crimes, Fox news, didn't hurt anyone, they are a media outlet with an agenda. It's rather petty to attack them after Carlie Hebdo.

So, you think slandering a city, a country is okay.....and Faux has the right to do it, cause it doesn't hurt anyone? Is that conservative logic or what?

What slandering a city, FOX posted a news story that wasn't correct, apologized and withdrew it... NOW same question to you, what about Obuma's YOU CAN KEEP YOUR HEALTHCARE LIE?... Come on Mert, you have the cojones to admit he LIED?

You've got the order of events wrong.

Try again.

I'm done with you, watching the SOTU so you'll just have to go on with your pitiful and GULLIBLE bleating all by yourself.

And bleating he will.....the big Sheeple....:D
Let me know when the lawsuit gets filed, I'm still waiting for the indictments on Walker, Zimmerman and Wilson, when do we think these will be? Before or after the lawsuit is filed?
Maybe the French should concentrate on the Muslims in their country.

Muslims have been in France since forever. When I lived in France 35 years ago that's who I hung with. They knew all the ropes about where to eat and stay for cheap. They were actually more legal than I was.

They're gonna sue Fox News for their own inability to enforce the law in their own city/country?

European No-Go Zones Fact or Fiction

"A 120-page research paper entitled "No-Go Zones in the French Republic: Myth or Reality?" documented dozens of French neighborhoods "where police and gendarmerie cannot enforce the Republican order or even enter without risking confrontation, projectiles, or even fatal shootings."

In October 2011, a 2,200-page report, "Banlieue de la République" (Suburbs of the Republic) found that Seine-Saint-Denis and other Parisian suburbs are becoming "separate Islamic societies" cut off from the French state and where Islamic Sharia law is rapidly displacing French civil law.

The report also showed how the problem is being exacerbated by radical Muslim preachers who are promoting the social marginalization of Muslim immigrants in order to create a parallel Muslim society in France that is ruled by Sharia law."
England sure knew what they were doing when they shut Murdoch's "news" agency down.
I hope the world finds a way to deal with these Fox News assholes. America hasn't been able to do anything, heck, half of the voters support them.

Hard to believe our freedoms have allowed them to fuel the hatred and even promote it every fucking day.
I just heard this too on the network news, wow. They said Fox has admitted getting it wrong and apologized but they are suing them. Maybe one day, Fox will learn to keep their big mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
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I hope the world finds a way to deal with these Fox News assholes. America hasn't been able to do anything, heck, half of the voters support them.

Hard to believe our freedoms have allowed them to fuel the hatred and even promote it every fucking day.
Shut up fool. You're making an ass out of yourself.
I just heard this too on the network news, wow. They said Fox has admitted getting it wrong and apologized but they are suing them. Maybe one day, Fox will learn to keep their big mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I just heard this too on the network news, wow. They said Fox has admitted getting it wrong and apologized but they are suing them. Maybe one day, Fox will learn to keep their big mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I don't have excuse. I have longtime WELL-DOCUMENTED TRUTH, which everyone, other than gullible fools, knows very well. And I've already given you some of that documentation, so YOU have no "excuse" for still repeating lies.
I just heard this too on the network news, wow. They said Fox has admitted getting it wrong and apologized but they are suing them. Maybe one day, Fox will learn to keep their big mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I don't have excuse. I have longtime WELL-DOCUMENTED TRUTH, which everyone, other than gullible fools, knows very well. And I've already given you some of that documentation, so YOU have no "excuse" for still repeating lies.
My post wasn't an invitation for you to continue regurgitating Fox lies. Go away, Moron.
Maybe the French should concentrate on the Muslims in their country.

Muslims have been in France since forever. When I lived in France 35 years ago that's who I hung with. They knew all the ropes about where to eat and stay for cheap. They were actually more legal than I was.
But they are not legal in the USA (US Constitution Article 6, Section 2)
I just heard this too on the network news, wow. They said Fox has admitted getting it wrong and apologized but they are suing them. Maybe one day, Fox will learn to keep their big mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I don't have excuse. I have longtime WELL-DOCUMENTED TRUTH, which everyone, other than gullible fools, knows very well. And I've already given you some of that documentation, so YOU have no "excuse" for still repeating lies.
My post wasn't an invitation for you to continue regurgitating Fox lies. Go away, Moron.
Why ? You don't like being exposed as a fool who got duped ? And you don't know about the longtime history of Islamists threatening media with lawsuits, and then that media caving in to avoid the litigation ? This is an old story. I could cite you numerous cases of this in the past. It the Islamists favorite tactic. Silence the critics with threats of lawsuits (after going judge-shopping). The pathetic thing here is you actually think this is an issue.
No, it's just that Fox News talking points are about the most boring when it comes to talking points. Plus they lie a lot.

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