France to sue FOX news!

I just heard this too on the network news, wow. They said Fox has admitted getting it wrong and apologized but they are suing them. Maybe one day, Fox will learn to keep their big mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I don't have excuse. I have longtime WELL-DOCUMENTED TRUTH, which everyone, other than gullible fools, knows very well. And I've already given you some of that documentation, so YOU have no "excuse" for still repeating lies.
My post wasn't an invitation for you to continue regurgitating Fox lies. Go away, Moron.

They can't go away. They get paid good money to defend Murdoch and FOX.
I just heard this too on the network news, wow. They said Fox has admitted getting it wrong and apologized but they are suing them. Maybe one day, Fox will learn to keep their big mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I don't have excuse. I have longtime WELL-DOCUMENTED TRUTH, which everyone, other than gullible fools, knows very well. And I've already given you some of that documentation, so YOU have no "excuse" for still repeating lies.
My post wasn't an invitation for you to continue regurgitating Fox lies. Go away, Moron.

They can't go away. They get paid good money to defend Murdoch and FOX.
They don't pay the message board parrots.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I don't have excuse. I have longtime WELL-DOCUMENTED TRUTH, which everyone, other than gullible fools, knows very well. And I've already given you some of that documentation, so YOU have no "excuse" for still repeating lies.
My post wasn't an invitation for you to continue regurgitating Fox lies. Go away, Moron.

They can't go away. They get paid good money to defend Murdoch and FOX.
They don't pay the message board parrots.
They pay them with crackers
I just heard this too on the network news, wow. They said Fox has admitted getting it wrong and apologized but they are suing them. Maybe one day, Fox will learn to keep their big mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking about.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I don't have excuse. I have longtime WELL-DOCUMENTED TRUTH, which everyone, other than gullible fools, knows very well. And I've already given you some of that documentation, so YOU have no "excuse" for still repeating lies.
My post wasn't an invitation for you to continue regurgitating Fox lies. Go away, Moron.

They can't go away. They get paid good money to defend Murdoch and FOX.
I don't get paid a dime to defend anybody. Nice try.
No, it's just that Fox News talking points are about the most boring when it comes to talking points. Plus they lie a lot.
If they "lie a lot" then you shouldn't have any trouble coming up with a few examples, right ? Got any (3) ?
Lets hear it.

PS-please note I could come up with many ludicrous things said on MSNBC, in the space of a half hour.
Maybe YOU will learn to keep your big mouth shut, when YOU don't know what YOU're are talking about. Emerson's slip was a very slight one. It by no means, means that there are not no go zones in Paris, or in France. Of course there are . These are well-documented for years now. The French govt even has a printed map and list of these zones.

Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
Do you even know nobody cares about your excuses for Fox News liars? :lol:
I don't have excuse. I have longtime WELL-DOCUMENTED TRUTH, which everyone, other than gullible fools, knows very well. And I've already given you some of that documentation, so YOU have no "excuse" for still repeating lies.
My post wasn't an invitation for you to continue regurgitating Fox lies. Go away, Moron.

They can't go away. They get paid good money to defend Murdoch and FOX.
I don't get paid a dime to defend anybody. Nice try.

Which is what you deserve.
FOX s file PunditFact

FOX's file

This scorecard shows the ratings for statements made on air by Fox, Fox News and Fox Business personalities and their pundit guests. Rulings do not include statements made on air by politicians or paid spokespeople.

Statements made on FOX

Click on the ruling to see all of the statements made on FOX.

True 13 (10%)(13)
Mostly True 14 (11%)(14)
Half True 22 (18%)(22)
Mostly False 26 (21%)(26)
False 38 (31%)(38)
Pants on Fire 11 (9%)

In President Barack Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address, "the words ‘al-Qaida’ were never used, the first time those words have not been used in a State of the Union address since February 2001."
Let's go to the tape

"Supreme Court 15 times over the last 120 years has said marriage is a fundamental right" and never said "it had to be between a man and a woman."
The question never came up

"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Pants on fire!
Emerson blames sloppy research

Go to the site and you can click on the meters for questions.

They only tell the truth 18% of the time, ya parrot.
FOX s file PunditFact

FOX's file

This scorecard shows the ratings for statements made on air by Fox, Fox News and Fox Business personalities and their pundit guests. Rulings do not include statements made on air by politicians or paid spokespeople.

Statements made on FOX

Click on the ruling to see all of the statements made on FOX.

True 13 (10%)(13)
Mostly True 14 (11%)(14)
Half True 22 (18%)(22)
Mostly False 26 (21%)(26)
False 38 (31%)(38)
Pants on Fire 11 (9%)

In President Barack Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address, "the words ‘al-Qaida’ were never used, the first time those words have not been used in a State of the Union address since February 2001."
Let's go to the tape

"Supreme Court 15 times over the last 120 years has said marriage is a fundamental right" and never said "it had to be between a man and a woman."
The question never came up

"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Pants on fire!
Emerson blames sloppy research

Go to the site and you can click on the meters for questions.

They only tell the truth 18% of the time, ya parrot.
FOX s file PunditFact

FOX's file

This scorecard shows the ratings for statements made on air by Fox, Fox News and Fox Business personalities and their pundit guests. Rulings do not include statements made on air by politicians or paid spokespeople.

Statements made on FOX

Click on the ruling to see all of the statements made on FOX.

True 13 (10%)(13)
Mostly True 14 (11%)(14)
Half True 22 (18%)(22)
Mostly False 26 (21%)(26)
False 38 (31%)(38)
Pants on Fire 11 (9%)

In President Barack Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address, "the words ‘al-Qaida’ were never used, the first time those words have not been used in a State of the Union address since February 2001."
Let's go to the tape

"Supreme Court 15 times over the last 120 years has said marriage is a fundamental right" and never said "it had to be between a man and a woman."
The question never came up

"There are actual cities" like Birmingham, England, "that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in."
Pants on fire!
Emerson blames sloppy research

Go to the site and you can click on the meters for questions.

They only tell the truth 18% of the time, ya parrot.


First of all, Emerson and Olson are not Fox staffers. They are "paid spokespeople", like you just stated were not to be used in "rulings" (your words, not mine)

2. On the Bret Baier comment you offer no substantiation (what tape ?)

3. Emerson's comment is being blown way out of proportion. Emerson's statement was actually quite meaningful. Birmingham DOES have many no-go zones. Hardly matters if ALL of it is no go, or just parts of it. NONE of it should be no go zones.

As for Fox, they are just another media show apologizing for nothing, to avoid litigation. I could cite you a long list of these going back years. The reason you fall for this whole ploy, I suspect, is probably because you haven't done your homework on Islamization, and are not aware that this MO of Islamists has been used repeatedly, over the years. They threaten lawsuits$$$$$$ which cost the stations big bucks even if they win, and they might even lose due to the Islamists going "judge-shopping" before they file.

You and other dupes in this thread need to shore up on your Islamization reading. Try these >>

Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer

They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

Muslim Mafia by P. David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
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First, the mayor of Paris is not France. The title of this thread is a lie, though that is hardly surprising.

Second, it'll never happen and if it does, she'll lose.
<Smirk> Soooo many talking point excuses for shady Fox News, so little time....
Sadly, Fox Noise has already been given the green light in court in the Akre/Wilson case that said it's not illegal to fabricate the news. In the US anyway.

Which is lucky for them or they'd be out of business years ago.

FoxNoise argued in court that they were allowed to lie to their gullible viewers because they were classified as "entertainment" as opposed to factual news. They won the case so why anyone believes the codswallop they spew is beyond understanding. Then again look at the room temperature IQ's of those who are addicted to it in this forum. Not one of them is capable of critical thinking...make that not one of them capable of thinking, period!

And then there is about making shit up.

Yeah, like often has MSNBC had to go to court to get permission to make up shit, like Faux?

Lies and damn lies. I'm no fan of Fox News, but it would sure be nice if you folks would quit lying... Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie

Perhaps if you folks will take a few minutes and edumacate yourselves you'll stop spreading lies...
I have been hearing about FOX NEWS for years------sheeesh---if you don't like it ----don't watch it. There are many news stations
Has France filed the lawsuit yet?

What about the DOJ filing charges on Scott Walker, that is coming down any day now.

What about Zimmerman, have those charges been filed? That is coming any day now.

How are the charges against Wilson? That is coming any day now.
Sadly, Fox Noise has already been given the green light in court in the Akre/Wilson case that said it's not illegal to fabricate the news. In the US anyway.

Which is lucky for them or they'd be out of business years ago.

FoxNoise argued in court that they were allowed to lie to their gullible viewers because they were classified as "entertainment" as opposed to factual news. They won the case so why anyone believes the codswallop they spew is beyond understanding. Then again look at the room temperature IQ's of those who are addicted to it in this forum. Not one of them is capable of critical thinking...make that not one of them capable of thinking, period!

And then there is about making shit up.

Yeah, like often has MSNBC had to go to court to get permission to make up shit, like Faux?

Lies and damn lies. I'm no fan of Fox News, but it would sure be nice if you folks would quit lying... Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie

Perhaps if you folks will take a few minutes and edumacate yourselves you'll stop spreading lies...

This lie has been refuted so many times, the left just thinks if they ignore the truth, their lies will be accepted as truth?

I read online that Pogo, Mertex and Derideo, have all gone to court and got permission to make up lies. So they can say what ever they like and we have to believe it, because the court told us so.
Sadly, Fox Noise has already been given the green light in court in the Akre/Wilson case that said it's not illegal to fabricate the news. In the US anyway.

Which is lucky for them or they'd be out of business years ago.

FoxNoise argued in court that they were allowed to lie to their gullible viewers because they were classified as "entertainment" as opposed to factual news. They won the case so why anyone believes the codswallop they spew is beyond understanding. Then again look at the room temperature IQ's of those who are addicted to it in this forum. Not one of them is capable of critical thinking...make that not one of them capable of thinking, period!

And then there is about making shit up.

Yeah, like often has MSNBC had to go to court to get permission to make up shit, like Faux?

Lies and damn lies. I'm no fan of Fox News, but it would sure be nice if you folks would quit lying... Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie

Perhaps if you folks will take a few minutes and edumacate yourselves you'll stop spreading lies...

This lie has been refuted so many times, the left just thinks if they ignore the truth, their lies will be accepted as truth?

I read online that Pogo, Mertex and Derideo, have all gone to court and got permission to make up lies. So they can say what ever they like and we have to believe it, because the court told us so.

This is interesting -- Snopes is wrong here. Because the orders and correspondence came not from the Florida station's management (or not solely) but from Fox News headquarters -- in New York. And I can document it. I've been here before and I have images. Stay tuned...

Moreover -- the link title is a strawman. Nobody claimed "Fox sued for the right to lie". Fox appealed a suit that they had already lost -- a suit where they were the defendant. That suit charged that Fox retaliated on its own reporters for threatening to tell the FCC that they (the station) were forcing them (the reporters) to distort the news. The jury agreed that Fox did that;

Fox then appealed that judgment against them -- they didn't "sue". The poster made that up -- not even the Snopes page claims Fox "sued" for the right to lie. It's telling that a guy who tries to claim "I'm no fan of Fox News" nevertheless feels a need to make shit up on its behalf.
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Sadly, Fox Noise has already been given the green light in court in the Akre/Wilson case that said it's not illegal to fabricate the news. In the US anyway.

Which is lucky for them or they'd be out of business years ago.

FoxNoise argued in court that they were allowed to lie to their gullible viewers because they were classified as "entertainment" as opposed to factual news. They won the case so why anyone believes the codswallop they spew is beyond understanding. Then again look at the room temperature IQ's of those who are addicted to it in this forum. Not one of them is capable of critical thinking...make that not one of them capable of thinking, period!

And then there is about making shit up.

Yeah, like often has MSNBC had to go to court to get permission to make up shit, like Faux?

Lies and damn lies. I'm no fan of Fox News, but it would sure be nice if you folks would quit lying... Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie

Perhaps if you folks will take a few minutes and edumacate yourselves you'll stop spreading lies...

Don't be so quick to claim that it is a lie. Semantics can be used in a way to make it seem Fox News didn't lie, but there's more to it than what Snopes claims. And besides, it is a fact that Faux News has been caught in lies more than once.

Snopes also rejects this claim but its main reasons were that:

  1. The TV channel involved in the suit was not the main Fox News channel, but an affiliate . (IMO, this is a cop-out.)
  2. The issue at hand was not day-to-day programming, but a special episode involving Monsanto and bovine growth hormone (which seemed to be irrelevant to the question at hand.)
  3. Fox News did not invoke First Amendment for its right to lie (which was not asserted by the claims.)
However, it did not cover the issue on whether Fox News won the second lawsuit, or if it even involved "the right to lie". In an example of a poor answer from Snopes, their quotation was not relevant to their claim that Fox News did not win the second lawsuit on "the right to lie".

Snopes also links to the 2003 judgment, which reversed the 1998 award. However, I was unable to fully understand the legalese behind this judgment, nor was I able to find a source which clears this up properly.

Being uninitiated in American politics, which article(s) is/are more valid?

united states - Did Fox News win a court case for the right to lie - Skeptics Stack Exchange
I have been hearing about FOX NEWS for years------sheeesh---if you don't like it ----don't watch it. There are many news stations

I don't.....but those who do, think they are getting the truth when Faux is either only giving them what they want to hear or skewing the facts. And, though Snopes also makes a claim that it is false that Fox News is not being kept out of Canada because it lies....the fact is Canada has a regulation against false reporting and was considering changing that law, but the public outcry was so intense, the public were afraid of Fox News type reporting that Canada decided not to get rid of it's regulation.

Canadians are smart, they don't want news that tickle their ears, they want the truth, while so many Faux News viewers just are happy to hear what they like to hear.

The committee was concerned that the regulation violated a 1992 Supreme Court ruling in the case of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, which found that the Charter of Rights provision protecting freedom of expression meant a person could not be charged for spreading false information.

After ignoring the committee's letters for years, CRTC finally relented and said in December it would consider changing the regulation to apply only in cases when broadcasters know the information they are sharing is untrue and when it "endangers or is likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public."

But the CRTC's call for public input on the proposal resulted in a tidal wave of angry responses from Canadians who said they feared such a move would open the door to Fox TV-style news and reduce their ability to determine what is true and what is false.

CRTC ditches bid to allow fake news - The Globe and Mail
Sadly, Fox Noise has already been given the green light in court in the Akre/Wilson case that said it's not illegal to fabricate the news. In the US anyway.

Which is lucky for them or they'd be out of business years ago.

FoxNoise argued in court that they were allowed to lie to their gullible viewers because they were classified as "entertainment" as opposed to factual news. They won the case so why anyone believes the codswallop they spew is beyond understanding. Then again look at the room temperature IQ's of those who are addicted to it in this forum. Not one of them is capable of critical thinking...make that not one of them capable of thinking, period!

And then there is about making shit up.

Yeah, like often has MSNBC had to go to court to get permission to make up shit, like Faux?

Lies and damn lies. I'm no fan of Fox News, but it would sure be nice if you folks would quit lying... Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie

Perhaps if you folks will take a few minutes and edumacate yourselves you'll stop spreading lies...

This lie has been refuted so many times, the left just thinks if they ignore the truth, their lies will be accepted as truth?

I read online that Pogo, Mertex and Derideo, have all gone to court and got permission to make up lies. So they can say what ever they like and we have to believe it, because the court told us so.

Yeah sure, but where is your information to back up your lie? Oh, I forgot, you're a Faux News viewer, you think that their cover applies to you, too!......:D
Sadly, Fox Noise has already been given the green light in court in the Akre/Wilson case that said it's not illegal to fabricate the news. In the US anyway.

Which is lucky for them or they'd be out of business years ago.

FoxNoise argued in court that they were allowed to lie to their gullible viewers because they were classified as "entertainment" as opposed to factual news. They won the case so why anyone believes the codswallop they spew is beyond understanding. Then again look at the room temperature IQ's of those who are addicted to it in this forum. Not one of them is capable of critical thinking...make that not one of them capable of thinking, period!

And then there is about making shit up.

Yeah, like often has MSNBC had to go to court to get permission to make up shit, like Faux?

Lies and damn lies. I'm no fan of Fox News, but it would sure be nice if you folks would quit lying... Fox News Sued for the Right to Lie

Perhaps if you folks will take a few minutes and edumacate yourselves you'll stop spreading lies...

This lie has been refuted so many times, the left just thinks if they ignore the truth, their lies will be accepted as truth?

I read online that Pogo, Mertex and Derideo, have all gone to court and got permission to make up lies. So they can say what ever they like and we have to believe it, because the court told us so.

Yeah sure, but where is your information to back up your lie? Oh, I forgot, you're a Faux News viewer, you think that their cover applies to you, too!......:D

I see you got the memo from the DNC to change your avatar....Like all the other lefty sheep here.

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