France vows to build new nuclear reactors to meet climate goals. Will USA Follow France Lead ?

Never understood the enviro whackos against nukes. They'd rather cover hundreds of thousands of acres of land with heavy metal laden solar panels than put up a few clean safe nukes. Just more idiocy from that mob.
Nuclear power is extremely efficient and very clean. Obviously we should take extreme measures to protect them, but there really aren’t many negatives provided they are contained.
I don't think you go the memo on Nuclear Waste....
People so worried about Spent Nuclear Fuel

Why? There has never been one accident, sickness, illness, or death involving spent nuclear fuel from our 100 and some Nuclear reactors.

What is the problem with something that has never been a problem nor had a problem?
running out of room for nuclear waste? france recycles it's nuclear waste, which like our nuclear waste, will fit inside one football field. I guess france only has one small cave, the size of one football field and will not be recycling nuclear waste?

Fuel reprocessing i.e. your recycling creates a lot of high level radioactive waste. France, unlike the US, doesn't allow radioactive waste to be stored above ground on the site of the nuclear reactors in dry storage casks. Once underground HLW builds up heat. They can only put so much in one location before it becomes an oven.
we never stored the "waste", at yucca mountain.

I dont understand why people call it a problem, spent fuel can be burnt up in a breeder reactor which will turn it into new fuel for another cycle. Sounds like we can reuse the "waste" at least twice. Three cycles of of one fuel bundle. Sounds great.

As far as disposal, we simply need to design a reactor that consumes 100% of the fuel, and we have.

Long term storage? Leave it one site, what does that hurt?

Thank you! I was waiting for someone to mention that modern breeder reactors recycle nuclear waste as fuel. We could operate our entire electric grid for 100 years using existing nuclear "waste."

The anti-nuclear energy people just want to keep repeating the waste argument while ignoring the fact that it's largely been solved.
Fuel reprocessing i.e. your recycling creates a lot of high level radioactive waste. France, unlike the US, doesn't allow radioactive waste to be stored above ground on the site of the nuclear reactors in dry storage casks. Once underground HLW builds up heat. They can only put so much in one location before it becomes an oven.
France recycles the waste. Waste is not a problem. Dry storage, heat is not a problem. Above or below ground.
There is no reason to build more light water reactors that run on uranium.

Uranium is expensive because it is about as rare as platinum and no one would burn platinum for fuel.

LWRs need huge concrete and steel containment domes because they have to run at high pressure and they need huge volumes of water for cooling.

Molten salt reactors run at atmosphere and don't need containment domes, they use Thorium salts with are dirt cheap, they don't need huge volumes of water for cooling, can't melt down and can waste from old LWRs in the fuel mix.
France has vowed to build more nuclear reactors in order to be carbon neutral by 2050.

President Emmanuel Macron, making the announcement in a nationwide address on Tuesday, said it would also help the country achieve "energy independence".

Unlike many of its European neighbours, which are moving away from nuclear, France will build its first new reactors in decades....France already has 56 operational reactors and derives about 70% of its electricity from nuclear energy,

Putin pushes gas prices.

Great News for our Liberal order , the terrible news for oriental despots ! Will USA Follow France Lead ?


The left, not the Right, has made energy political.

Conservatives don't care about wind or solar if they work...they don't work. Nuclear works, which is why we support it.

If you can show that wind and solar can work the exact same, or better than coal, gas, or nuclear, we would have no problem using it.....but then the left lies....and then uses the force of government to shut down coal, gas and nuclear...while solar and wind fail over and over again.....
running out of room for nuclear waste? france recycles it's nuclear waste, which like our nuclear waste, will fit inside one football field. I guess france only has one small cave, the size of one football field and will not be recycling nuclear waste?
France reprocesses the waste...huge difference.
Small reactors that are used to power submarines and aircraft carriers are usually the "breeder" type reactors that enrich the uranium as it has its fusion reaction. These types of reactors become unstable after a while and become more difficult to control the they are then sent to France for reprocessing to remove the plutonium from the uranium and restore the uranium cores on to the selenium rods.

Depleted uranium is a form of lead with low radioactivity...and is being currently used for ammunition. It's great at armor piercing.

Just to toss that out there.
I must admit that I don't know a whole lot about nuclear in today's terms and what advancments have been made. But, it sounds like a lot of the waste issues are either solved, or well on their way to being solved....

I would be absolutely more happy with more nuclear than seeing wind, and solar farms everywhere....
All out new navy reactors operate 30 years without refueling.

Many advances have been made.
I must admit that I don't know a whole lot about nuclear in today's terms and what advancments have been made. But, it sounds like a lot of the waste issues are either solved, or well on their way to being solved....

I would be absolutely more happy with more nuclear than seeing wind, and solar farms everywhere....
The issues aren't exactly as clear cut as they once were.
The mining of uranium is problematic...requiring boric acid....hundreds of thousands of gallons of the stuff that often gets left as unrecovered and waste.
Then there's the economic issues...a lot of uranium is in locations where human rights violation and wars are common. Most of the money is used from mining uranium to promote these things.
I don't think you go the memo on Nuclear Waste....
Or you didn't.

Nuclear waste is a trivial problem when compared to the waste coal creates and is reliable 100 percent of the time unlike renewable sources. It is a key element if the goal is to actually reduce carbon emissions.
The issues aren't exactly as clear cut as they once were.
The mining of uranium is problematic...requiring boric acid....hundreds of thousands of gallons of the stuff that often gets left as unrecovered and waste.
Then there's the economic issues...a lot of uranium is in locations where human rights violation and wars are common. Most of the money is used from mining uranium to promote these things.
On the economic point, that would be a huge difference compared to oil. Oh, wait.

Certainly other renewable sources are not subject to this problem, wind and sunlight are everywhere, but if we want to move the entire grid to something that is more environmentally friendly wind and solar are not going to get the job done. Nuclear seems to be the best alternative as the backbone of the grid.
On the economic point, that would be a huge difference compared to oil. Oh, wait.

Certainly other renewable sources are not subject to this problem, wind and sunlight are everywhere, but if we want to move the entire grid to something that is more environmentally friendly wind and solar are not going to get the job done. Nuclear seems to be the best alternative as the backbone of the grid.

Wind and solar are failures.......ask the British.......

Nuclear is the way to go, or the next tech that achieves the same or better quality for less cost......
Wind and solar are failures.......ask the British.......

Nuclear is the way to go, or the next tech that achieves the same or better quality for less cost......
Nuclear power is one of the most expensive means of generating energy...granted our government is always trying to reinvent the wheel every time we build one which makes it even moreso. But it isn't exactly inexpensive and is subject to being used as a weapon of mass destruction even from weather incidents or natural disasters. (Fukushima)

Petroleum products are 100% utilized...crude oil doesn't have waste. There exists a product for every form of petroleum pumped out of the ground.
The great state of Illinois is the only one in the nation that truly uses nuclear

Get fucked hippies we've got water for millenia and cheap power
Nuclear power is one of the most expensive means of generating energy...granted our government is always trying to reinvent the wheel every time we build one which makes it even moreso. But it isn't exactly inexpensive and is subject to being used as a weapon of mass destruction even from weather incidents or natural disasters. (Fukushima)

Petroleum products are 100% utilized...crude oil doesn't have waste. There exists a product for every form of petroleum pumped out of the ground.

Yep...I support anything that gives power that is cheap, and works when you you need it.....If solar and wind worked the same as gas, coal and nuclear I would support them....they don't, so I don't...........

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