France warned prior to attacks


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Iraq Passed Intelligence To France About Paris Attacks...

Iraq Warned of Attacks Before Paris Assault
Nov 16, 2015 -- Senior Iraqi intelligence officials warned members of the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group of imminent assaults by the militant organization just one day before last week's deadly attacks in Paris killed 129 people, The Associated Press has learned.
Iraqi intelligence sent a dispatch saying the group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had ordered an attack on coalition countries fighting against them in Iraq and Syria, as well as on Iran and Russia, through bombings or other attacks in the days ahead. The dispatch said the Iraqis had no specific details on when or where the attack would take place, and a senior French security official told the AP that French intelligence gets this kind of communication "all the time" and "every day." Without commenting specifically on the Iraqi warning, a senior U.S. intelligence official said he was not aware of any threat information sent to Western governments that was specific enough to have thwarted the Paris attacks. Officials from the U.S., French and other Western governments have expressed worries for months about Islamic State-inspired attacks by militants who fought in Syria, the official noted. In recent weeks, the sense of danger had spiked.

Six senior Iraqi officials confirmed the information in the dispatch, a copy of which was obtained by the AP, and four of these intelligence officials said they also warned France specifically of a potential attack. Two officials told the AP that France was warned beforehand of details that French authorities have yet to make public. "We have recovered information from our direct sources in the Islamic State terrorist organization about the orders issued by terrorist 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' directing all members of the organization to implement an international attack that includes all coalition countries, in addition to Iran and the Russian Federation, through bombings or assassinations or hostage taking in the coming days. We do not have information on the date and place for implementing these terrorist operations at this time," the Iraqi dispatch read in part.


Soldiers of Iraq anti-terrorism forces watch movements during a military operation to regain control of the western suburbs of Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's Anbar province, 70 miles west of Baghdad​

Among the other warnings cited by Iraqi officials: that the Paris attacks appear to have been planned in Raqqa, Syria — the Islamic State's de-facto capital — where the attackers were trained specifically for this operation and with the intention of sending them to France. The officials also said a sleeper cell in France then met with the attackers after their training and helped them to execute the plan. There were 24 people involved in the operation, they said: 19 attackers and five others in charge of logistics and planning. The officials all spoke anonymously because they are not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility on Saturday for the gun and bomb attacks on a stadium, a concert hall and Paris cafes that also wounded 350 people, 99 of them seriously. Seven of the attackers blew themselves up. Police have been searching intensively for accomplices. Iraq's Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, also told journalists in Vienna on Sunday that Iraqi intelligence agencies had obtained information that some countries would be targeted, including France, the United States and Iran, and had shared the intelligence with those countries. Officials in the French presidential palace would not comment, and U.S. officials didn't immediately comment when contacted by The AP.


See also:

Netanyahu Says Israel Passed Intel to France About Paris Attacks
November 15, 2015 - At a situation assessment at the Foreign Ministry, the PM reveals that Israel had information relating to those involved in Friday's attacks on the French capital.
A non-specific warning isn't a warning you can act on. "They're gonna attack France tomorrow." That's not a warning. Can't close down France because of that.
A non-specific warning isn't a warning you can act on. "They're gonna attack France tomorrow." That's not a warning. Can't close down France because of that.
Exactly, just like a non-specific warning was given to George W Bush before 9-11. But he still gets blamed for not shutting down the US.
A non-specific warning isn't a warning you can act on. "They're gonna attack France tomorrow." That's not a warning. Can't close down France because of that.
Exactly, just like a non-specific warning was given to George W Bush before 9-11. But he still gets blamed for not shutting down the US.

Yep, most of these are CYA memos written by the countries Intelligence groups, distributed, and promptly forgotten about.

Then after something happens someone goes through the pile and says "A-HA!!! TOLD YOU SO!!!!"
The French are generally too weak on national security and they cannot handle Islamic extremists even when there is a prior warning on an impending attack. Putin prevented expected terror attacks by the Chechens during the Sochi Olympics but France does not have any expertise in this area, which is why so many potential terrorists are still at large in France. The best way to deal with this situation for France is to get out of Syria and stop bombing ISIS targets as part of the US coalition. The French have never been good at war making and it's a grave mistake to act like a great power rivalling Britain and the US, thus instigating ISIS terrorists to attack French interests.
The French are generally too weak on national security and they cannot handle Islamic extremists even when there is a prior warning on an impending attack. Putin prevented expected terror attacks by the Chechens during the Sochi Olympics but France does not have any expertise in this area, which is why so many potential terrorists are still at large in France. The best way to deal with this situation for France is to get out of Syria and stop bombing ISIS targets as part of the US coalition. The French have never been good at war making and it's a grave mistake to act like a great power rivalling Britain and the US, thus instigating ISIS terrorists to attack French interests.


Battle of Tours (732 A.D.)

Napoleon's Great Army - La Grande Armée de Napoleon

Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown - Oct 19, 1781 -
Delta4Embassy, et al,

This is absolutely correct.

A non-specific warning isn't a warning you can act on. "They're gonna attack France tomorrow." That's not a warning. Can't close down France because of that.

In the Intelligence Community, there is a big difference between "Actionable Intelligence" and raw information of a generalized threat.

Actionable Intelligence — Intelligence information that is directly useful to customers for immediate exploitation without having to go through the full intelligence production process. (JP 2-01.2)

Counterterrorism (CT) Resources generally use the F3EAD (find, fix, finish, exploit, analyze, and disseminate) process to layout, articulate objectives, plan the specifics, and execute ALL special asymmetric targets, against terrorists and terrorist organizations, networks and cells. Both state actors and non-state actors.

It is sufficient to say (for the purpose of this discussion) that the “fix” phase includes the potential to accurately predict the location of a target with sufficient specificity that tactical operational elements can detect, exploit and neutralize (DEN) the terrorist or asymmetric/irregular threat.

When the when the by-product of some resource phase culminates in sufficient intelligence, that allows the analysts the "fix" the target --- that is "actionable
intelligence." By the same token, when the by-product of some resource phase culminates in sufficient intelligence, that allows the analysts to "fix" the target of a terrorist, terrorist organization, network or cells --- such that the CT Resource can mount a countermeasures or defense operation to protect the target and neutralize the threat, that becomes "actionable intelligence."

If the information is not of the character that the CT Resource can DEN the threat, it is not "actionable intelligence."

Most Respectfully,

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