Francois Hollande making Obama look like a fool

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I'm not seeing this "Islamic State" quote from Hollande either in the link or in this video

Hollande Blames Islamic State

And they aren't a state. they're terrorists .. who need to be killed. Not that Obama has done jack shite about it.
So the bombs we've been dropping for a couple of years, even killing hostages with, were filled with Happy Meals? Good to know.

Must have been the Jack Shit that killed her, and that's not easy to do eh...
I'm not seeing this "Islamic State" quote from Hollande either in the link or in this video

Hollande Blames Islamic State

And they aren't a state. they're terrorists .. who need to be killed. Not that Obama has done jack shite about it.
So the bombs we've been dropping for a couple of years, even killing hostages with, were filled with Happy Meals? Good to know.
they haven't done Jack Shite to destroy Isis
What exactly has France done to fight ISIS for the last two years while US forces have carried the fight alone?
What proof do you have that the US has carried the fight alone?

Who else has been carrying out hundreds of drone strikes against terrorists for the last seven years? Who else killed bin Laden? Who killed Jihad Johnny last week

Gotta love conservatives ignoring the role their own country is playing in fighting terrorism for the last 7 years while they celebrate Johnny come latelies like Putin and Hollande
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