Franklin Foresaw Today's Liberals


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"

The left wing idea that the government exists to protect us from everything will be the downfall of the nation.

Curse those liberals that pushed for the Patriot Act and the massive expansion of surveillance in the name of security. lol
Curse the Senator who advocated the repeal of the P.A. when he was running for president, then requested an extension of it AFTER he was elected (and now uses it against American citizens).
Curse those liberals that pushed for the Patriot Act and the massive expansion of surveillance in the name of security. lol
Curse the Senator who advocated the repeal of the P.A. when he was running for president, then requested an extension of it AFTER he was elected (and now uses it against American citizens).

Yes, on this issue he is entirely wrong. If you think the NSA wasn't spying on Americans citizens before he got elected then I have some swamp land in Florida that I can sell you. You can blame liberals all you wish for this issue if you it makes you feel better. I remember when I raised these concerns many years ago and I was told "the Constitution isn't a suicide pact" and that I was a "terrorist sympathizer" for not blithely accepting the expansion of the surveillance state.
Curse those liberals that pushed for the Patriot Act and the massive expansion of surveillance in the name of security. lol
Curse the Senator who advocated the repeal of the P.A. when he was running for president, then requested an extension of it AFTER he was elected (and now uses it against American citizens).

Yes, on this issue he is entirely wrong. If you think the NSA wasn't spying on Americans citizens before he got elected then I have some swamp land in Florida that I can sell you. You can blame liberals all you wish for this issue if you it makes you feel better. I remember when I raised these concerns many years ago and I was told "the Constitution isn't a suicide pact" and that I was a "terrorist sympathizer" for not blithely accepting the expansion of the surveillance state.
I was against the P.A. when it was passed because I knew the Democrats would abuse it the first chance they got, and they did. They campaigned against it but when they had the chance to repeal it, they extended it and expanded on it.
Curse those liberals that pushed for the Patriot Act and the massive expansion of surveillance in the name of security. lol
Curse the Senator who advocated the repeal of the P.A. when he was running for president, then requested an extension of it AFTER he was elected (and now uses it against American citizens).

Yes, on this issue he is entirely wrong. If you think the NSA wasn't spying on Americans citizens before he got elected then I have some swamp land in Florida that I can sell you. You can blame liberals all you wish for this issue if you it makes you feel better. I remember when I raised these concerns many years ago and I was told "the Constitution isn't a suicide pact" and that I was a "terrorist sympathizer" for not blithely accepting the expansion of the surveillance state.
I was against the P.A. when it was passed because I knew the Democrats would abuse it the first chance they got, and they did. They campaigned against it but when they had the chance to repeal it, they extended it and expanded on it.

I was opposed to the PA because I knew it was going to be abused the second it passed and surprise, surprise it was. This terrifying expansion of the surveillance state is something we should all be fighting against and yet you only choose to hold one side responsible for this hot mess. Everyone that supported this nonsense is too blame. Sadly far too many folks came late to the party for it make a lick of difference.
The Patriot Act would be the closes thing to what the OP is contending.
The Patriot Act has a factual history of bi-partisan support.
"From broad concern felt among Americans from both the September 11 attacks and the 2001 anthrax attacks, Congress rushed to pass legislation to strengthen security controls. On October 23, 2001, Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 3162 incorporating provisions from a previously sponsored House bill and a Senate bill also introduced earlier in the month.[4] The next day on October 24, 2001, the Act passed the House 357 to 66,[5] with Democrats comprising the overwhelming portion of dissent. The following day, on October 25, 2001, the Act passed the Senate by 98 to 1" **
And then George W Bush signed off on it.
BUT then:
"On May 26, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011, a four-year extension of three key provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act:[2] roving wiretaps, searches of business records (the "library records provision"), and conducting surveillance of "lone wolves"—individuals suspected of terrorist-related activities not linked to terrorist groups." **
So what we have here is something both liberals and conservatives are certainly guilty of and that would be "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
It would seem the OP's opinion takes in only half the historical facts to form an opinion, Why is that? What's wrong with the rest of the facts?

** Patriot Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Curse those liberals that pushed for the Patriot Act and the massive expansion of surveillance in the name of security. lol
Curse the Senator who advocated the repeal of the P.A. when he was running for president, then requested an extension of it AFTER he was elected (and now uses it against American citizens).

Yes, on this issue he is entirely wrong. If you think the NSA wasn't spying on Americans citizens before he got elected then I have some swamp land in Florida that I can sell you. You can blame liberals all you wish for this issue if you it makes you feel better. I remember when I raised these concerns many years ago and I was told "the Constitution isn't a suicide pact" and that I was a "terrorist sympathizer" for not blithely accepting the expansion of the surveillance state.
I was against the P.A. when it was passed because I knew the Democrats would abuse it the first chance they got, and they did. They campaigned against it but when they had the chance to repeal it, they extended it and expanded on it.

I was opposed to the PA because I knew it was going to be abused the second it passed and surprise, surprise it was. This terrifying expansion of the surveillance state is something we should all be fighting against and yet you only choose to hold one side responsible for this hot mess. Everyone that supported this nonsense is too blame. Sadly far too many folks came late to the party for it make a lick of difference.
It was abused by law enforcement. Bush was not directing it's abuse, Obama is.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"

The left wing idea that the government exists to protect us from everything will be the downfall of the nation.


Funny thing is, the Republicans are the first to try and take liberty by having a common enemy to scare the plebs into doing what they want.

The Patriot Act is a fine example of a law passed to deal with a problem that was sought after by the Republicans, the new common enemy, Islam.

Military spending increases heavily under Republican presidents, they need to be tough on crime, tough on rogue nations, tough on terror and tough on all the other key words they use to get elected.
Well, the quote has multiple uses, even by Franklin himself. I put up the link. One was to raising money to buy military missions against native americans in the wake of the French and Indian War. Whatever. But damn, you could use the quote against the PA, to afghan, to ..... Vietnam. LOL
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"

The left wing idea that the government exists to protect us from everything will be the downfall of the nation.


Funny thing is, the Republicans are the first to try and take liberty by having a common enemy to scare the plebs into doing what they want.

The Patriot Act is a fine example of a law passed to deal with a problem that was sought after by the Republicans, the new common enemy, Islam.

Military spending increases heavily under Republican presidents, they need to be tough on crime, tough on rogue nations, tough on terror and tough on all the other key words they use to get elected.

The patriot act, if applied as intended, takes away no ones rights or liberty. Abusing it, as obama has done, is the exact danger that Franklin warned about.

There is nothing wrong with being tough on our enemies. Weakness encourages them. There is nothing wrong with being tough on crime, weakness encourages it.

And, for the record, both parties voted for the partiot act. AND, it may have saved YOUR life.

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